WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19.57 GOLDSBORO NEWS BY HENRY O. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO - The Nu Chap ter of the Tau Gamma Delta Sor-1 ority of Goldsboro met at the home of Soror Dorothy A. Barnes i during which time it made ar- j rangements and plans for many; activities and the Regional which! convenes in Aiken,;, South Caro-1 iina in April. At the close of the ; meeting, the Society surprised its Basileus, Soror Nannie J. Fred-! crick. with a birthday party in her honor. She received many useful! and beautiful gifts from her So-j rors. Soror Baines was a, most! gracious hostess, serving spiced i ham, pickles, tomato salad, pom- j to chips, ritz ci ackers and col fee . v Hh cream. A two-tiered birthday cate randies and flowers made a very 1 festive decoration, Kurort present • were: Virginia J. Button, Edna ; ■Sasser. CherSe F. Art:.'. Arabia K. Bunn, Sadie Grantham, Nannie J. Frederick and Dorothy A. Barnet. | Mrs. M. L. Lipse.v. wire of Dr. E. B. Lipr.ey, pastor of St.. James A. ME. Zion Church. Goldsboro. ij improvin'' after having bc< n •»cry iii for more than a week. Sunday. Janum-y d!. she was visited by relatives from High Point, Mr and Ml':;. J.,. B Bade;, a sister and l-.n husband: Mrs. Roth oil Archie, a ru icc. ?. nephew, Mr. L. Bailey Jr. and his wife and two chilflj riii which brought much sunshine to her sick room. They were aiso guests in the mci rur,:, icrvice at St, -James A. j M F,. Zion Church. Dr. fib Q. Lipse.v bronchi a soul-: «mans; gospel message to a full: house, from the Subject: "An Op- j cn Door ’, Three persons joined ! the church. Pvt. BeniamJfi H B nvwr-.i son of Mrs Emma B Lyons of Golds-; boro. R: 3. recently participated ; ii; a '. id training exercise with; th: I man try Divisions 86ih. Re- n Germany. a :i iii the regiment’s j comp:-. !k- entered the Army ’ last May suni received basic train.-, mg at Port Ore). California. He arrived in Europe last November, : Barnes graduated from North Car olina A&T College In Greensboro m 1955. PPC Jamo- C. Rime, son ol Mrs Mamie Rhoe 827-A Hugh St. has; qualified as a paratrooper at Port: Bragg aft vi graduating from thei 82nd Airborne Division's Jump ! School. Rhoe has been in the Army since February, 1953 and was stationed at i<• 1 x Hood, Texas Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Bender- J son wore entertained at a party or.! the occasion, of their marriage i Monday, Jan. 3.4, a: Hit home of ills .-later, Mr-. Margaret H. Brown, of N. Center St. Mrs. Hen- j derson is the former Miss Eva Mae McLaughlin of Durham. He us the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hen dersou of Goldsboro. Dr. Arthur Chesson, Wayne, County health officer, last week • asked parents of children who i Wave received first and second ) polio shots to begin bringing them 1 back to the health department j for third and final shot. He .-.1110: the third shot is due six mouths after the second shot which means that many children are now eligible for their third shot 1 but only a .small percentage have rec.-ived them. ’We are falling short on the third snots.’ Dr. Chesson said : "and I hope parents will help ur> complete the> i shoi.-- bi ft ; > a■ n> weather and thereby reduce the chances ol .Polio cases m Wayne ’ County ” Mr. Roscoe Applewhite, 1013 Devereaux St. died at his home l&st week aftei a long illness. Funeral service- were held Wed nesday from Goldsboro chapel; with the Hamilton Funeral Home ol Goldsboro in charge of the ar rangements. Mr. Applewhite is survived by his wife, Mrs. Millie A. Apple white; one daughter. Mrs. Jose phine Hamm ol Goldsboro; one son. Albert Applewhite of Golds boro: two sisters. Mrs. Donnie By-. num of Goldsboro and Mrs. Sarah Hank of Richmond, Va.; one bro ther, Mr. Weaker Applewhite of Richmond. Va. Burial was in Old Will Ceme tery. Mr. Charlie Rodgers. 907-B Carver Dr., died at his home last week. Funeral services were held Pri-, day, Jan, 18, from Atkinson Chap el. He is survived bv his wife. Mrs.; Adeil Rodgers; one daughter, Ed-i n« Faye of the home; his father, ; Charlie Rodgers, Sr., Goldsboro:; live sisters, five brothers, two! uncles, four aunts, and grand- 1 mother. Burial was in the church ceme tery, Hebron Barnes of Rt, 2. Golds- j boro, died at his home last week.’ Funeral services were held Wed- j nesuay from Beat Grove Church! with Rev. J. S. Freeman olficiat- • ing. Surviving are his wife. Mr:-,.! Nancy Barnes, one daughter, Beu-: Isih A. Barnes, one son, James C. i Barnes of Goldsboro, two sisters, 1 Mrs. Call if- Barnes Jackson of Goldsboro and Mrs liln ora 'l'hornp.ton of Philadelphia; on. foster sister, Mrs. Lenora Hu,- • gins; two brothers. Ben It-union and Leslie Barnes, both of Golds- i boro: one aunt, Mrs. Abbie Howell; of Goldsboro: two uncles. John Woodard of Goldsboro and IsiaVt Woodard of New York City. Burial was in the family cense- j tery. Mrs. Annie Simmons and her j son and his wife, Mr, and Mrs. i Joseph Simmons, all of Creech j Street, have returned from New I York City where they spent two j weeks vidting friends and rela tives. Miss Bertha Davis, 317 Scott Street, left Sunday, Jan. 27th for j Manhasset, N. Y . where she will i spend the vest of the winter. James H. Rouse, Seaman USN, of 511 W. Pmo Street, In Golds- ' boro, left Norfolk, Va,, recently aboard the Attack Transport !JSK j Freemcnt to join the 6th Fleet in | . Mediterranean, His group, will 1 1 join the amphibious detachment of tlie Fleet for live months. Mrs. W. D, Smith’S Exotic Dan cers of East End School, Golds boro, has featured their Vigorous Talent at several schools during the year. Among those were: At kin High School, Kinston; Pikes ; ville Training School, Fikesville; Woodington School, Kinston; Johnston County Trahiin--. -School. Smithfield. '1 he group is scheduled to make its third appearance on Kiddie Korner TV channel nine. On en ville, March 9. at 10.30 A M. Mrs. Linda Faye Melton, dough ! ter of Mi. and Mrs. James Melton, 1418 Miller Street celebrated her .seventh birthday Jan. 23. ! The Goldsboro Quetfes met re- Icenily at the home oi Mrs. ii. B. Lucas Mrs. A. B Packer was co hosted. Reports on the activities of the Grand Conclave, which, was held in Baltimore, were given by Mrs. H B. Lucas. Mrs. A. P. Cox. Mr. F. L, I.,ark in, and Mrs. L. O Robinson. At the Conclave the Goldsboro Queues were highly praised for the work they had done during the year. The pro ject s for the year aio composing a Queue song, packing fruit and candy for the- Empty Stocking Fund party, and codec,mg cloth ing for needy families. The Quet tes collected enough clothing to supply fifteen families, consist ing of sixty-one persons. After the business session re freshments were served and games played The prizes were won by Mrs. E. H Brown and Mm M. E. Dußiselte. The Queries were happy to wel come Mrs W. P Siler as a new member. T e members of the group surprised Mrs. Siler with a Kitchen Shower. She received many lovely gifts. Members pre sent at the meeting were Mes dainex A. B. Parker, E. H. Brown. J. H Wooten, A. P, Cox, H. L. Jones. F. L. Larkins, M. E. Du Bi n-tie. \Y P. Siler, and E. O. Rob in,son G . 1 reeuaiu rs, their parents and members of the Lea Treziern me Femmes met on Monday, Jan. ; 14. at School Street School to for i mui.it;; plans for She organization of a Teen-Age Club. The realization of this club is j a long-range civic project of the Les Treziemme Femmes, whose purpose is to provide supervised, wholesome recreation for teen ; agevs of this city. Teenagers and their parents at ' lending were; Melba Holmes, Ma ; ara Hi Ernestine Howell, Marie Moore, Margaret Braswell, Hilda > Howell. ; Beatrice Arrington. Marion Isler. Sara F. Coley, Velma Lewis, Faye Simmons. Nonna Coley, Sara Catherine Coley, Geraldine Ed wards, Bettoy Howell. Bettye Barnes. Frances Bryant. Rosolind Wooten, Jacquelyn Boscman and Vivienne Tate. At the second meeting of the club held at East End School, the teenagers elected the following officers: president. Jacquelyn Ht cum .an: vice-president. Melba ! Holme-., secretary, Barbara Ho well-' ass't secretary, Marie Moore: financial secretary. Barbara | Clark: treasurer. Marie Moore. Mis W. D. Smith, 2nd grade ■ - ic Dunce Group nt. East End School, taught the group a lovely : folk dance. An unscramble gam" was play ed by all members. A prize was given to the person unscrambling the verse first and correctly, This prize wax won by Marion Islet Mrs. Thom a sin a Solomau is jsecretary BY MBS BERTHA ROGERS IS BURY Rev, J. D. Tread :w- Ii d< iivered a vonderfui sermon ! i i.-t Sunday morning at I.incoin v'i'o Churches. AH members pre sent enjoyed the services. On February 3, regular commun ion .service will be hold at Lincoln v.bc Church. Ail members pre well w.ll official-:-, and all mem bers arid friends are invited to at tend. Each second Sunday in the i month is regular pastoral day ai Lincoln vile. Plan to attend and be -espn-ori by the wonderful services. Music is rendered by the Senior Choir, including members of the Famous Co-Op Choir. Rev. J. I). Treadwell is pastor. Visitors are always welcome. Personals Mi. Andrew Shaw of Durham was the weekend guest of his aunt, Miss EJmui da Lowe. Mr, and Mrs. Walker A Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Covington, Mrs. C D. Cain, and Mrs. Bertha Rogers motored to Fayetteville last. Sunday to attend the -funeral services of Mr William T Gra ham. Sick Mrs. lvi)a Hooker is indisposed at her home Mi. Janie,- Pennington is romp-! ernlilig at her home. Mr. Nathaniel Ev ns, Jr., is in lb- hospital in Chapel Hill. ;.i*r. Wilbert Hooker has return d homo after being -a St. Agnesi hospital lot several days. Also Lit- R r Roy Clemmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Clemmons. Mi. Sflunuui Johnson is indiitpos*' > d at his home, Members of Pack 192 enjoyed a ’rain trip to Goldsboro lasi Satur day. along with other scouts of the Occotu i-ehce Council. Boys who made the trip were Benjamin Hooker, Johnny Evans, Richard Evans, Larry and Bruce Rogers, along with their Den Mother, Miss flatlyi.’ M. Hooker, U. S. Farmer;, who now lose a bout Dill million dollars worth of i property by fire each year, are i taking out more fire, insurance ; than ever before, report officials . in the U. S. Department of Ag- ! riculture. I RING MUSIC —■ Ck-v eland’s Mimic Hall rang with vibrations of a different kind recent!?, a concert of leather between middleweight, s ’Tiger" Jones-and "BezooKa'* Smallwood. The experi ment was an anistir success, lor Jones (w ho won) and the promoters who chose the unique set ting. (Newspress Photo). Handling In Chatham GOLDSTON PITTSBORO SILER CITY By O. W, Header} -P. O. Bos 5 5 —•—- Goldston, North Caroline GOLDSTON -- Iloilo, readers ,l everywhere. 1 hope you are feeling , | fine. Yes, another week bus passed ,I by and it’s time to > to pn-ss [I with a bit more jottings from , j Chatham County, i hope you will . i enjoy reading them. However, be- J fore giving you the digest of the . j news, please permit mo to take - i time out to express my deepest ap ■ I preciation to all my co-reporter:; l arid ail who. helped to make the j! Rambling In Chatham column as •; good ;-.s other nous for so many . who enjoy reading it, -j These persons have- dose a won ii disrtut job in assisting me in act j ling the news to the press and 1 ■: do trust that in 1037 irun-e and : | greater service will be accornplish ?! ed thiough the support of the , CAROLINIAN. Th.-y arc Aiirs •! Dasy Taylor of Taylor’s Chapel: J Mias LticiF- Martin of Cumnock* ■;Gu!f; Misses Remonia Tyson, Dc -! lois Wicker arid Hubert Mclntosh ,j for J. S. Waters High School: Miss • ! Christ.ecn Paige of Siler City: •| Miss Guytanna Horton ami Mrs •! L. F. Rogers of Pittsb&fo: Carl 1.. Heacien of Union Grove Commnn ’ ity; Mr. Bryant of Moncut e; Mr. l Price off, er s Grove; and re ar: v : | others throughout. Chatham Coun • . ty working together v oh the , 1 1 operation of Mrs M. B. Payton, j County Home Demonstration .Sue,- • ! ervisor and J A. Tnrnci Ce-miy Farrn Agent. They are wonder .’ill : 1 people to work with. This ami That *5 Rid you forget that the March .1 of Dimes campaign is n-uv ; Over 80,000 men, women and rhii ki dren of Ammca are a,n sufferina disabilities from Polio, Jem the '{March of Dimes Contribuie {! through your le-eal sehooi or Post ; Mrs R. T French chairman of local charity comiriittee. is asknu J -'<«• ns little as just $2.00 pt-v faniL 'I ly- ‘ f'-'fl sure that the good people U"f Chatham Countv. always known ’ to get things done, will' make a .; liberal donation for the Polio Fund. I They’ll do it every time.” Now so much for that and now ! what do we talk about? Oh, b\ ; tile 'a ay. Robert Thompson of j Gulf, a student at Waters High ; School and one of those “Rock ’N i Red fans, recently observed rus 1 birthday. Ai J S. Waters School, when hospital ty is a'reality, the Stork Club will entertain you ar a cub | aret Party. Be sure to appear in j your party outfit. The time will be j Friday, February Ist. at 8:00 p { M - Remember. Good minor, a floor • j show and guest artists. This will | be one of pur best events, ai the I new J. S. Waters High School of j Goldsotn. , I Horton High School. Pittsbnrr, | the largest high .school in the coun ty. wdl be the scene of the Rhythm Vets Combo on Frida: owning of this week at h;00 P, M. 7he event is being sponsored by ihe loth grade class, under the leadership of Mrs N.'C. Saunders A largo crowd is expected to at tend p vt. Harry Stanley Übbi, of 511 E Btb Street, Siler Citv. who i now stationed ai Ft Bragg, was in town over the weekend, fie will soon sail for Korea. Pvt. Ronald Glove of Ft jt spent the weekend in Siler City visiting his parents and other rela tives. Mrs. Harrie D Lee and children | of. East Goldston left recently foi j New York City. J Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Wicker ol j Goldston recently became- the par | entsf of a daughter. Mrs. Ollie Tor i her has returned home after a j ki’ief visit with daughters In New j Jersey, CORRIB HON This reporter is very sorry that [ there was an error in the news u • J port of January 13 is.iuc, i: ■ “AI .S'j’ON-PRICE VOWS SPOK i EIV." It was stated that Mr. and I Mrs Cap Price of Siler City re- i ! cently announced the man-j age or I { their daughter, El lie-1 Mm -, to Mon-; roe iTimmys Alston of Sanford. My error, it was Cleveland I-*nc< I and not Cap Price. A Thought To Remember "Success doesn't come from ly- ! ing awake at night, but from keep-! ing awake in thf daytime ” -- Tin ! Old Timer. PITTSBORO NOTES BY OL'YTANNA HORTON | PITTSBORO ■- The Mitcheii ! - Chapel Male Chorus journeyccl to j ! Jordan Grove Church, Siler City, j I to render music recently. j •’ [ The third Sunday in February, j : | the Alston Chapel Glover Grove j I ; and Staunton Choi uses will ten* i i der a prog rain at Mt. Sinai A. M ! i j E. Church. This program us soon- j l j sored by Mrs. Mattie Alston. Rev. i •j C. W Parker, pastor. ’ ; Rev. Lynn Baldwin, delivered! ■ ! the Sunday night message, Jamt- | : ;u-y 27th, at Mit< hell Chapnl Church | i j for the Youth Council of the i > I church. H The sixth * grades of Horton j ■ i School nia-serJod ihiS Chanel nrn. : i gram last Thursday. I,arc-, ua. Scur- { efi;;? '.is.aT- afe : SSfegPSi?" . ■ . •' j: ..:!'KA. 'ii- : v s*■*', Alicia tv is stricken with polio June 4, 1356. Although suf fering considerable paralysis she is confident that she will return to school and kara to use her hands and tegs again. Your 1957 March of Diti-es contribution will in-.ure the care of trained pro fcsxionals to care lor Alicia. January is March of Dimes month. - COOKING HINTS ' n, /7/ bv //k<' WCJU/Ml; Servie* Director V ‘ 'v, and her staff - -.... -K: R i es* No Washington's Birthday dinner would be complete without a cherry pie. This one combines rich, whipped Carnation Evaporated Milk with dark, sweet cherries ‘ for a pio that is deliciously different, Be prepared—the family is sure to ask for “seconds.” i SUNG CHIRRY CHiFfON Pli <Makes 9-inch pic) - *'• It 103 tan) Bing cherrie* 1 cup undiluted CARNATION i packag* (3 our.coi) iemon fVAPORATEO Milk fiovorod gelotin V 4 cup lemon juice \\ cup rusar 1 9-incK crumb crutt* ! tOR situ NO: Drain Bing cherries thozcuijhiy and save t cup of syrup. Pit and dice cherries. Heat syrup. Dissolve gelatin and sugar in hot syrup. Cool un til gelatin is consistency of un boat'ui cjpi Whites. Add diced Gierrics. Ciiii! Carnation in re tro,-'. ■ tr.iy until soft, ice crystals form thiough milk 1 15 to 20 iniimten 1 Whip until stiiT Drive Safely!! THE CAROLINIAN • lock introduced the play. Here Beck Hollar."' fur the program. This anti That Students home for the weekend ■a ere. Mi vs Ella Mae Alston of I.V-Shaznr's Beauty School, Dur ham; Misses Shirley Degraffen ii'idt, Willie Mae Evans and Gene :\ a Baldwin, Bennett College : Greensboro; Miss Ernestine Horton of die Durham Business School, ■ '-.lrisan;. Miss Ethel Headen, A&T i Colli ge, Greensboro; Mr. I. E. Sonny'' Taylor, Jr., Shaw Univer- I Kity, Raleigh. (about 1 minute). Add lemon juice and whip very stifT < about 2 minutes longer). Fold whipped Carnation into chilled cherry mixture. Spoon into crumb crust. Chill about 2 hours or until firm. *FOR CRUMB CRUST: Combine I >/, < ups graham cracker crumbs. 2 tablespoons sugar with *4 cup melted butter. Line sides and bottom of 8-inch pie plate. WARNER LOOKS ’EM OVER Oakiawn Center Youth Week Program Stated CHARLOTTE Youth Week is being observed this week at the Oakiawn Community Center. Jan uary 27 is Youth Sunday; Febru ary 3 is Community Youth Sun day. ‘'Consider Your Call” is the theme for the week. The Senior Girl Scouts. Inter mediate Scouts and Brownie Scouts will begin the vesper ser vices on Sunday at 4:3$ P.M. Closing vesper services on Febr uary 3 will be conducted by the Youth Fellowship. The Reverend H. L. Counts of Johnson C. Smith University will deliver the closing message. The Sunday School and Bible Story Hour will participate on programs during the week. Mrs. Edna M. Russell ana Mrs. Thomasenin Caldwell will direct the youth activities at Oakiawn ! Center for the week. Bethlehem Center The new- Charlotte Center, which is located at 2705 Balti more Ave.. held its dedication cer emony last Sunday at 3 P.M. The Center, formerly located on ■South Caldwell St. is resigned to meet community needs In edu cation, social groups and leisure, time, activities. The Center is operated bv the Methodist Church under the di rection of Miss Margaret Hod- 1 kins and her staSf. “Y” Observance At the McCrorev Branch of the: j YMCA national “Y” Week is be-i ing observed. The programs, be- j ■ I ginning last Sunday at 4 P.M.. in-! j cludt outstanding speakers. The 1 main address was given by Dr. I Robert P, Daniel, president of Vir- ■ f ginia. State College. Others on! - program were; C. I. Blake and the - Rev Thomas A. Jenkins. SPRING HEIGHTS NEWS Joined in wedlock were Miss i Zora Reid and Mr. Ulyssess Smith. 1 , The ceremony was held at the ' I Ben Salem Presbyterian Church | recently. Sick And Shut-Ins In the Spring Heights Commute j ity the sick and shut-ins are: Mrs. j Edna Jones, Mrs. Betty Foster, i Mrs. Nola Wells, Mrs. Moggie i j Davis, an dMr. Walter Richmond j Bynum Speaks For "March of Dimes ; Mr. Charles H Bynum, dtrec : tor of interracial activities of the National Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis, spoke last Thurs- : day at the St. Paul Baptist! Church. '‘The Negro has given ex-, j cellent support to “March of j Dimes’’, Mr. Bvnum said. Mr. By : nurn went on to say that the Ne ! gro knows that care is provided! ! for the polio-stricken, regardless I of race, creed or color. He challenged Negroes to “out | do yourselves in the campaign.' i because of the continuing needs of j 80,000 polio paralytics and the | estimated 16.000 victims, we will have this year.” Mr. Bynum a iso ! spoke at Carver College and J. C. Smith University. Mr. Bynum was presented by ‘'Genial'' Gene Potts, chairman of the Negro division of the “March of Dimes". Mr. Potts is a disc jockey at radio station WGIV, Charles A. Weaver Mr Charles A. Weaver, was ap pointed as head of the recreation i staff last Tuesday. Mr. Weaver .succeded the Rev. Raymond Wor-: j sley. who was appointed to the' j Johnson C. Smith University Sem ! inary. Mrs. Julia Wilson will head the . Third Ward Center with Bob i Meachom as assistant, and Rob ert Byrd will head the Double ; Oaks Center with Miss Doris j Lowery as assistant. Second Calvary Baptist Church i Last Sunday morning the Rev. ! R. O. Lucas brought the message | in the absence of the pastor who! is still away on vacation. Rev. Lu leas spoke from this subject: “A House Dedicated to God." His j j text was taken from Joshua, | 24:15. j Music was furnished by the; ! Youth Choir, under the direction; l of Mrs Evelyn Harmon, j During the evening worship \ ! hour the Rev. Lucas brought us j another soul-stirring message. His; 1 text was taken from Amos, 4:32.! j He used as a subject: “Prepare! ] Today For Tomorrow." Music was! | again furnished by the Youth i j Choir. j On Sunday afternoon. Febru-j ary 3, at 3 o’clock, the Rev. J. E.: Fidemont, Jr. and congregation! 1 will render service here at the: church. Rev. Fidemont is the pas-1 tor of the Greater ML Sinai Bap-; tist Church. We are expecting our pastor, Rev. J. m. Kennedy, to be back with us next Sunday. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Sunday services were enjoyed by members and friends at Mt Olive Baptist Churlh, 630 N, Bre vard Street. Sunday School opened at 9:30 a, M. wdth Superintendent N. W. Dixon in charge. Morning worship was held at! ill A.M. Music was rendered by : i the Hymn Choir, Senior Choir and Tiny Tots Choir The message was delivered by Rev. L. J. Shipman, pastor He delivered a wonderful message on the theme, "When the Brook Runs Dry.” The following persons joined tiie church, Mrs. Annie Richard son, 1912 Edwin St.; Mr. Wesley ’ Byrum, 524 E. 9th Street: Miss 1 Ruby Chapman, 410 E. 10th j Street; Bobby Frazier, 1809 Edwin! j Street; Mr Ariee Leak, 412 S. [ ! Alexander Street; Miss Betty .lean ' | Akin, 2823 Ross Avenue; and Mrs. ‘ Cora Etta Brice, 425 Schwartz Lane. Baptist Training Union wesj conducted at 8 P.M Evening wor ship at 6:45. A cordial welcome is extended '■ to visitors and friends tv worship ’ at Mt. Olivet. in. with Superintendent N. W Zion Church Last Sunday morning in* * pastor. Rev, I„ C. Clark, da- j livered the morning message. By Laroy Warner The text was taken from John. 10:9. He spoke from the subject, “Christ the Door of (he Sheepfold’’. Everyone pre sent enjoyed the inspiring sermon. Youth Week Slated The annual celebration of Na tional Youth Week will be had at Little Rock A.M E. Zion Church, Seventh and Myery St. on Sunday. February 3rd. at 3 P M. The theme for the celebration will be “Consider Your Call." Special music will be rendered by the Northwest Junior High School Glee Club, under the direction of Miss Gwendolyn Jenkins. The Youth Choir of the church, under the direction of Mrs. Rachel By ers, will also sing. Mr. E V. Rus ssell. cashier. Fan-view Homes Housing Project, will be the m v <i speaker. Mr. Russell, a graduate oi Johnson C. Smith University, is at present the chairman of Ad vancement for the Divisional Committee of the Mecklenburg County Boy Scouts of America His training and experience as sure us that he will bri»g to this audience. valuable information and food for thought . A fellow ship dinner will be sponsored by the Board of Christian Education of the church immediately after tire morning service j Several months ago wt wrote | an article in our column about a | new organization which was or j Kanized by our good friend M; | Ned Davis Many of you who read i our column weekly can recap | when we headlined our column i with the North Carolina State ; Association of Negro Gospel Sina ! ers, Inc., with mam office- in ; Charlotte. At that time we felt that this j Particular organization would : never be surpassed because the 1 purpose was to help churches to ! raise needed funds, to train radio | personalities, to train voice.-, and to make contact over these United j States. j This organization was to place ’ different pastors of various ■ churches on the air each Sunday The organization was to tram ! : Rush Memorial News BV MRS. ANNIE H THOR PE Despite the very inclement i weather last Sunday morning our j services were graced by the pre i sence of quite a few new bums. I The Processional began at ID ; o’clock sharp with members of: both choirs sinning “We’re March j ing to Zion, pausing at the altar i for our prayer of consecration. On ascending the choir loft the ! Doxology was sung, followed by J the Pastoral prayer and choral; i BURLINGTON NEWS BURLINGTON —■ Tim Jordan i Sellars High Schol Alumni Asso- ! : eiation will hold its regular moct ’ ing Tuesday evening at 7:30 P M | in the Recreation Centi i ; The president. Miss: Marie K>-n j dricks, requests all members so t>: ! present j Mrs. Walter Bonne will be ho.-s --j less to missionary group 6 of the First Baptist (.'hutch, at Ivr : home on Maple Avenue Monday j ! evening at 8 P M Group 2 will be the guest o! Mrs. Salihs E Noble at her home on Shepherd Street. Tuesday «-ve- j ning at 8 with Mrs. Evelyn Flower as president. The Jordan Sellars P. T. A. hied its regular monthly meeting last j week and presented Mr. W. i. Mor ris. NEA and NOT A fluid represen tative, as guest speaker. Theme: “Preparation for Integration." The address was enjoyed A question and answer period fol lowed Miss Virginia D Trollingei of Ram burl. Street spent the weekend j in Gastonia N. C., with Mr. and j Mrs King Linde 11 and friends Miss Annie Mac Flowers, also of Ramburt Street, has returned from ; Chicago. 111 . where she spent tw<> ; weeks visiting with relatives and friends. A-3c Lewis F. Seilers of l.act land Air Force Base. San Antonio, i Texas, spent a few days hon e with ! his mother Mrs Verge Sellars end family, before being transfer red to Oregon where he will re- 1 r.ume his air force training Mrs. M. M. Brown and Mt II F. j Mclntyre attended the exeeutivi ! meeting of the District PTA at i AAtT College. Greensboro. Satur . I aay Milk Producers Meet Negro Grade A milk producers and producers of milk for manu facturing purposes of eight coun ties met m Graham, on the agri cultural Building recently. Co i j ntie s re p resell ted: A1 run ane e, Caswell, Chatham, Orange, Dur ham, Rockingham, Guilford and Randolph. Extension Dairy Specialists of State College were present and gave important Information to farmers relative to changes and improvements that small dairymen must make in order to continue competing with the more efficient dairymen in the industry. Dinner was served in the audi torium. sponsored by !od*l nnik distributors. A barn was held in the afternoon on the farm of Lucian and Brooks Kenodie of Eion College. Pies Corbett is County Agent. Local Churches Rev. W. C. Malloy pastor of A. M. E Churches of Burlington and Springdale, used for his theme this week "Accountability" from Ist j , Peter. 4th chapter and sth vet-te i Rev. H. J. Cobb, First Baptist, j; Theme, "Capitalizing on our Dis-1 i ficultics’’ from 118 Psalms, Ist j j verse. i i i: fg good foi m« that have 1 PAGE THIRTEEN persons in how to use a micra ! phone. For this reason we felt, tha.t, no other organization would ever be born that would be as helpful as ih:s one to our race. Os course this is only our opinion. May l say to you that after this N. c. State Association of Negro Gospel Singers, Inc., noticed that . j there were many other things ; | that needed to be done, it set a ’ i a group of thinking men and • women, who felt that it would be i | well not to add anything to the r above organization, but instead ■ ’ have a project which would be • • organized from the above organi ■l zat.ion. M. C. Club - 1 We are very happy to say that the M. C. Club was organized -ts ■ a project of the North Carolina 1 ; State of Negro Gospel Singers, ■; Inc. and the purposes of the club are: To provide an office in each county in the Mate with the fol ! lowing equipment• typewriter, fij ■ I ins cabinets, stationery, stamps, • i beat hot water, and a u tophobr.' Other purposes are to employ a clerk and pay ail necessary ex ’ ’ ponses to carry on the follow ins : i work; cooperate with the local ! and state law enforcement offi cers in every way possible to dis ■ courage crime among the Negro .: race. The clubs purpose i-~ in fu-n --.' ish minis! ers of the ao-nci to vis* i it prison camps and jails. Officers • The 'off icers are: James Max ■ well president: Willie Rene, • erst vice-president- f.u. 'pr Hnr : ton end vice-]);.; si ! n;: Eugene Walls, third vice-president: j, a. Bradford, secretary: Greeley Rich ! ardson. treasurer and Ned Davis, ■ general manager. ! Board Members The members of the Board are. I Frances Grifiiu. Miße i becca Berry, Mrs. Mildred Davis, Mr-- Alma Davis Mm\ Julia Brad ’ ford. Mine, Mollie Daren. Mr ’ Doii; Walker. Mr. Junes Mason. ah .Janies Miller. Mr, Porter Con : nor. and Leßoy Warnr i. , response Hvmr. No. "God moves m A Mysterious Way" was rung lined by our onjor. Rev W. D. Carson The responsive reading was for - the fourth Sunday. Scripture les son was then read by our pastor, : from the 19th Psalms. The soul si ir: no prayer was offered by the • Dev. Womack. Our 2nd hymn. No. 208, “Amazing Grace." was sung, lined also by our pastor. After the sermonette to tie 1 Junior Church and the singing: of the Spiritual. "X Need Thee. J i The pastor introduced and pm - Med the Rev. John Hiram Be *. ■ ; F'r. who gave us a very fine nii-.s ssge. It was both educational a id inspirational. Rev Buti-r has it.id j quite an experience in Fore gn i countries. He chose his text Lam ; Romans, 8:38-39 Those of you v in; haven't as yet. | heard Rev Butler, have mi used ’ one of the treats of a lifetime. At the 7 o’clock lionr oiu pas tor chose his discourse from St. Marks gospel the Ist chapter and the 40th verse. “And there > amc ! a leper to him beseeching Him. and kneeling down to Him and ; say mg unto Him. if thou will, j thou oaiLst be clean." The following points were : brought out. I. Christ a'ml the I multitude. < They were impressed with Jesus». The |ppr*»ach of jibe leper (He had an approach •it humility’ 3 The belief and faith We i me in Jesus 4. Jesus j accepted his plea saying (If thou ; wilst. thou const be clean). This was a gospel message as is always customary for Rev. Car son to deliver. We were happy to | see our Presiding Elder, Rev. T. .1 i Young-, and his wife grace our services, too alone with many i others. We invite you to visit one j of our services. ■ | been affixed, or in trouble Story i of patriots who mastered their i !rials and itmibk-s thru faith in ! God Youth i eliowshh) Rally I The third Youth Fellowship Ral : h of the Convention of the South i Conip-egaiions} Christian Churches ■ '.vas held at Kbeneva ■ Cungrefi.i --: tional Church on Sunday, January ; at 4P. M. Devotion v. as led by : iviomtiorr of Asheboro Church with | Itev Clyde Cartel' as pastor. Rt". P. O Alston. Director of i Chi is!i:i;i Ed'u niion. Convention of I the South, served as leader. SERIOUS BUSINESS Raymond knows receiving his LaSk i'oho vaccine Is serious business. He was among the firs?, to receive the inslio vac cine last spring when polio raged in Chicago. March of h'-MC 1 ' Hinds will support the scientists in ihclr efforts to Ini prove the vaccine and a variety of techniques and procedures used to help handicapped polio patients. Blcasc give generous, ly to tlie March of Dimes.

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