PARENTS OF POISON VICTIMS FACE TRIAL Ron-Sypport, LITTLETON - Trial for the estranged parents of three of the j four children who filed last week ■ ;ter eating home cr 111 -est kiack barrier and fish roe has been set i j [r. v February 12 m Recorder's j Court. M . and Mrs Cleveland Fauicon i u-ne :■-oared Monday under £300; i bond, me mother is charged with | manner me the children and the i f'.uhrv is accused of abandon- 1 j ip.or.t and non-ruppoi t. , ] Away l or Three T ears ‘i he y were arrested on warrants sworn out by Police Clue! M. L Pinaell who said that Faulcon has ,■ y a y home fni three . vears At the time of the death-' "ihe mother. Maxine, war in New Vo: k whin? employment, the of ficer said. Tire fniee Panl'.on ehihltf-.n had bt or," left with Mrs. Faulcon’s sis !,- ''h Katherine Taylor, mo ther r> 12 illegitimate bhth-. po- • je i iO. 'I'ONTtSTKP ftV PAOF V ft Happened In G a NAACP Out For 25,000 pv f B BARREN chaPLOTTE Eight'' mwn* , r „. j-.-.,: prate and local units: ~.p No-sh Carolina NAACP; rr c inhered here - r.p Alexander Hotel and '' r n initiate a drive for: new me.ifWis m the state, • ■.ai-.ri to raise SlO.oOOi ■n, Fiphtmc F urri For Free Pehiosw Expected Hie meeting, which r i•. opened with invocation by (he Rpv. 1.1 Shipmon. it wh* rescaled that plans ar>" a toot to brine Mir popular ex base V-H >»ai .Jackie Robinson to Tar heel ia 'o address ■» Rigan < !r 4-F rally on Mother s Dav Ma.v 12) in Raleigh, •th r- annt':=l event has become a spectacular affair in the state | during ixcf'nt y£9T&» ' in 1356. NAACP chief counsel; Thureood Marshall was the- speak* j pv: qnd in the previous year. Roy! Wilkins. NAACP secretary, thrill* irn-' 1 1 * n\ page •», 3 Colleges Ordered Open NEW ORLEANS < ANP > - De- ; segregation forces here won an other victory Monday, when Fed eral fudges issued new orders di- j reding three Louisiana colleges r,o admit Negro students without i 'eligibility certificates’ required by state law passed in 1936. 'That urn crow legislation was, a two-headed monster. One law re quires white and Negro students! to produce certificates of "nil gibiiity and good moral character"! firm high school official?, m order: to register for each new term j The other law permits the fir ing of any school official fdgning such certificate' for Negroes en tering white colleges, on grounds they would bp advocating into *ucsUoft Schools Affected AM v A P Tinea ud former chief counsel in Louisiana, for i.he (rONTINI-vn ON PAGE ?! Shot Fells Mad Gunman NORFOLK, Va A wounded gunman this week was being held under police guard at a hospital here following a wold shooting spree Sunday In which he shot a. policeman. Police >aid Eugene Grant,, 34. has been charged with felonious shotinjr at a police officer and disc mu sing a firearm in the city. Police officer T. M Millirons said he heard the sound of shoot ing while walking his beat Sun nay. He said he stalked Grant through an alley and came upon the gunman walking along the street with a gun in his hand. Millirons said he told Grant to drop his gun but the mars re plied by opening fire. The two swapped shots. Then Grant broke into p, run find Millirons chased him for about a block where the (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + LUCKY ALIO OWNER The lucky ear last week wan' i (be on brarinir the tag nun n'j -VVT-U5. If Use owner r j that ear took is to Dunn n E ; Service, corner Cabarrus and j Blond worth Streets in Ralei, n j be receivin'. a free grease job This will nappen every week 1 i Watch for your tag number. it follows the asterisk, -ou o ) j get the grease job. The mu i her will he taken from any e. | hearing a N. C. license. The numbers this v; ck pi XB-421; x-i'l'F Y.f-TV XI 1 !>•. . C\ R 23; and CX -35?. ; y. j.. -f* f 4 4 4 4 f 4 ■ Y' i ' 1 ■ df* ..Fojk ; j 1m i | ■ ■■ -F-h i whi- -0 \ K] '■ T*j, f. lA*|\ i * ■ - — i NAVY .TAYA FOR ROYALTY The sole absolute monarch m j ihp entire world. King baud Ihn \boul of Saudi Arabia quaffs a rup l of coffee aboard itie I NS Willis \ Lee, the deMrnyer on which he lontpleied b>s journey to the United States last week, after tram shipment from the S S' Constitution. The controversial king is holding his six rear-old son. Prince Ma-hmir. ho will undergo treatment for partial paralysis of ice and arm during the royal visit here as guest of the State Dept, and President Eisenhower. Ncwspress Photo!. Judge Outlines Way p-g-x r*N I 1 o 1 est DCaioo! Laws DURHAM -- A fedcMi juds p . attornev's irnuest f,n delay trial of • i r*peak'ing to a group of Negro law-, ccregation involving schools i vers here Monday declared that ui person Countv and in Chape! j the school nuts now pending in Hill ur.iil after the O R. Supreme j i federal courts do not make a fine Court, rules on a McDowell case ! test of North Carolina's sagrega in which Negro -students seek to : | t.ion laws. en*rr a white school. Judge Johnson J Hayes made the statement tus he cranted the (('ONTIVCED ON PAGE 2) i ROY-JAC'KIK 'Fl'.ro' K\-Brooklyn Dodger star, Jackie Robinson (center) is shown in Los An gelng at a luncheon recently given in tils honor. At lets is Johnny Lindell, former New York Yankee • star, and at rich), former Dodger manager. Charlie Dressen. Robinson remarked that he perfers to drop I his latest “feud" with former teammate iioy Campmella. The Dodger catcher is doing a slow burn over Jackie's alleged remarks that repeated injuries to Campanella's arm has ended hla usefulness to the team. Despite bt> pew civilian job. Robinson indicat'd that h« would return to baseball f*i a manager's I spot. (Newsprrss Photo.), THE CAROLINIAN t ,„ drink. ■ i a nurse reported that >hr wo- ! • ! roan was an "attempted sui- ; i j ! cide.'' i i But police d:.s- ! • covered that t.he woman had no j ! intention of taking her life. She | ; ! .just wanted a mixed drink. 1 ! The ingrcdicnfs” Wine, mixed i j ; with paint remover. Miss Green, j j i who was released after treat- i i I' j { ] j ment, vows that, she won i try ; j j this combination again. ■ —fN— CROSS BURNER. FINED ; "HILTiSBORO William Polk! ; Cheshire paid a $lO fine Monday ; | foi burning n kerosene-drenched ; ! cross near a local residence where j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i';r. o ; .'; •v. .vj;..,. v.:' :jy i ’ . i when the driver of their ear lost ! j control on a rain-slick highway. i causing the car to plunge down an i embankment and smash into n clump of trees. Only one of the five occupants of the car survived the crash which took place some six miles east of here on Highway 90. The dead were identified as- HASTY HOWARD SMITH. 2fi. the driver HA 'LEY WAYNE SMITH. 2*5, s ik i n brother CiPIFFIN- Or, ,- Frjlu'r hr ' Tucvday pieced ioirdin a < st.orv front « forruci white lawtnar, ! who maimed his atira'iive 31- year-oid wife and killed a H>- : year-old Negro buy with tw«.j ! blasts from » shoLun win o he : if ONIINEED ON PM,! "l Shaw’s Business Manager Quits; Sssond In Three Years BY » ?» VfsEES ii. .IO.NES RALEIGH - - Donu'k W. Wcav !cr business manage at, Bhaw ; University since 1954, re-, nod ins ! position last week to accept a job! |as business manager of Flanner i .House, Indianapolis, (iid licttirns In Old Job Heaver will speei ilixe in a lirocr.ini nf Adult i.due .s-.'in ami manage the affair* of a housing projeet, both of which are under Hie dirertion of Planner House. He was em ployed by (his firm before coming to Shaw . Dr. W. R Strassner. Shew pres- j i ident, said Tuesday that Mr j Weaver would receive a substan- : ; t.ial increase in salary in the new, j post. No other reason was giver, i for lus. resignation. “Mr. Weaver did a very excel lent job at .Shaw University ' the president said He set ur> an ac ; countins system heir t.liat, meet.?. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 iis! Ssßassili s..’a, }&k r> " ifltjMm f|;y. pjj| v jjjj^ ' ( Qtw '4**x**fr*x**#> .i*!!*>#> *** WA « v •? , '**••’*' Cl ' J PLAN ZETA-SIGMA MEET Members of Omlcron Zeta chapter of Zcta Phi Beta, sorority in ! Raleigh, hold sessions to plan for regional meeting of their sorority and members of Phi EL ta, Sigma I fraternity to be livid here on May 3-5. Committee members seated, left to right: Sows Vivian Brown, 1 treasurer; Anna Hairston, social committee; Evelyn Pope, general chairman. Mo/eile Lane, housing | committee; Basiled* Mpr> Carnage; Nora K. Lockhart, regional director; Alice Thomas, social commit - i tee; Dot Baker, chairman banquet .committee; Justine Davis, secretary and Sornr Rivers, ha nonet com , suit lee. Brother W-. A. Bingham, general chairman at Sigma planning committee was called out of iwtn. The Eastern Region of the Eeta, Phi Beia. Sorority includes tin District ot Columbia, West Virginia, Virginia a-nri NarU» Gtraluu. jl ■ - ■ " • *>•• •• HI STONY-MAKING SCOUTS —These three vouihs will make history for Raleigh Runday when ihey pin on their Easie Seoul badge- At that time they will become the iasyesi, number ! of Scotifs in this rify’s recent ST 1 A I Cl « ? r* O (CT k a £3* /_ A 'SAT *& Frf Q I T #■>r? aL-ACa- A*W 4%t 9 L -s-.l fcw of Miu, He Stark? i n*r9 E Brays Street William J Hollow p. rhcHrmciii \Vuke Division iidvancoinr-tif (tin- , . mi! ice. said tnaf tit- thrci I would receive Hie svard >S\mdoy f Mim” ~ iv' '-’’' f 0r _., \&&&&?$ '' i .»t. L-L * rFi I V ‘ 'L S 5 ■ ' t °“:-W- " Fg'iF-'rE, , 'a-;-, ..V-' ' ■>v-.TP r ' ii 5 A? tU '.yt.. 'Zf. ■ -- •iSiiUyA j D YV. WEAVER . . . leaves Shaw history to receive the Eagle a ward Tils’ ceremony will lake :■! kt in iv at fhf Firs!. Ban tisi Church. Kneeling is David •Tit!; • Robert 1 Howard, Cen ter. ;nui 5 duiird Thn *p e SI \R- PHOTO BY OH AS R j I ONESi. I* N H«wji -1 s ik 1. Dr i inti 1 .rru'i'. p ')/■ thit rtmiv otliei ehur< h e r * and srhools 1 hir.ii;‘ire Or rone''■'hr'* .-oun'-i! ■ .it ha re special tit •• ";oir> , this in t <■ irtti .rOr; U»; Gib IV oi SCO!.''- i;t3 in America- Boy Scout.' w til lt s' r complete :iavr.f of the inonniv; s>i ic-.- a* or oberlin Bspost Church. D- Grady D r>n 1. o&stor annour-' ed. Homer Ec-m-rs vv,