HELD IN SHUOTING oosevelt Williams, ’ ’ of O >iv V a is ushered into a .nil r! 1 following a skn.iliu ■> On-.ilia tuft', m which on< ni:iM w.is killed and mn »■. .-ms • -i I 1 Cun battle rlimavd ill a .innnit ai>;i;-r< ns:-. )<>• ,n s r, a. r an strpoed on n woman’s !op .liurr? I>. Sia*ks 21~. v •'*' a 41111) ju±a j -* **.i a.. j *■.>.. •’.< Ns 2 h f Vj in £ pvo vrd cos 11 v {o r K'.vmond v/iikma 34 ot '-R vVi^hinv'fon Ten ac€ who ws- re portedly .v,pot b,v an uniden 5 in'd mr«.n T>~ l?v r;:;hf nr the ply Yj*i-M n 31 "5 Hooplt,!! that Wilkes ' hi Pvob ? h\v bp pi m 1 ?7ed fr \m fb#* «a(s.t rto’vp for the re* rn:j* of hb« life His f »n ’ n *p •v.*-* fb >r* iiied as -j " .■>> Mtf n<. TuesrJa v j p f if*monn of i h is week. A ,22 ] r\f\e s!jr s’r-rk hi* spinal fiord' - ; s! S | I A/'4 4 np c T ;jul* iVj I/ IW/ J I ltd ; RALEIGH— ('‘'r..v ■? *-uh a request made bv Secrenn of State j Thad Eure in Novenjjger. 1955, the J NAA CP last. Thursday filed ae a i corporation doirigl husino: i In this , state in compli-.ncc with toe state’s i fovtign corporation statutes. The organuation filed a list of its . national officers and directors and j named as “procr -"!■:! -- -■ t covet a $•". fthng fee and S4O in After Eure rcouested such action i t r . J 955. the NAACP re* only de- ' muvred but w ens in f o court for g i declaratory judgment asking lilt- j ftalion of the Association's rights j and asserting that if mytrl. not be ; eon->dered *n b>- dome ' c-iness jp i North Cecil The suit still pend’r.; tr. Wake ' Superior Court smu THEN | Hfrs f n niys FAVF.TTFVIT..TF.',- After helping j fmir other persona to • tenpe. Mrs. : Victoria Smith Dawsoi atmit fii i re-entered her blazing home Sun day night and never fame out. The building rollai ;ed as she v ■ nt barl; inside Mrs. n.rvwn had srnufecl h'T h';>h,->nd WilJjairt A i Dawson. Fo -rod thi. prandchi.! i ’-en. aged 4-lS' and u i them out I ACAIAST i )ISMISSEO NAA CP leader, agair.st a Frank- ; Union nchcp officer in the death ' ot Perry's mn was db missed by a j Superior Court jury last \vc k Perry was assessed the court | costs H' 1 sued Os fie r C. P. Ciirisuii [ for $”'1,000 f -ii th< "'vrongful 1 t’frith 1 of Jam ■ Perry arid $2.0,000 ! punitive damages Perry, 20 was killed hv Gibson on the Right I.f M,: d: 3, !');•)«, J i'hlle the office*- vns allem.pting j to arrest the .youth rn a disorderly 1 conduct chru ?s Perry, a,-cording to evidence 1 given in com!, sti-ckod the of j the head and knocked him down after I'shieh Oibsoß shot Perry . , three times. j, VV. . :. nv . H i left; the hospil-i and to havn driven j oil in a cream colored truck. He | through Longview Gardens, Per j sons who save him also failed to I get the I icons-' mimo-r of the tuck ; said that Herbert Fort, a com frONTINcED OS r.AGf P HERIOC RESCUE When fire hrnl r out in the Omden. N. J„ home of Marvin Gilmore. :W, !.,st v-ev k. his four rhilttrcn were res i rued. Gilmore is shown dropping (he youngest, Belinda, nine months old. into the waiting bunds of on lookers. After dropping all of the children to safety, he slid to safety, (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). Prisoner Hangs Himself With Own Belt N. G. VOTING SUIT HITS LITERACY TEST THE CAROLINIAN ||jl „ 10c \ —l f 12c | in N. C l =*■ T»sd_i, Elsewhere j VOLUME ip RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 2, 1957 NUMBER V. I' Washington Terrace Men Shot j + 4* 4- + + + + + -d --n f* Rsading Test Unuer Attack l.r CJpprT leS •.. *.• 'Ll* ayfii rI.; - Mi: Louis? Las , u.“t. a rfioi<:l o nt of Nwi hi.ainplon Cosp-it c 1 -•!•■■ .w i.h?>. her vot ■ .'ih’-d a mi;:, or. Monday in U. &. i .:, rt Ci-..’ri a:;.-*in:if a Norsbi-.ampt.on Cotmly vegtstrar i .*■••-' fun., which named Mrs. ifelrn H. T.-.vlo/ of Se-Hooai'd prt i.me; r deif.-Kioiv. asks that a r -.-tion oi licials from •I •••:.•: •'.. • U . ! till ~H y U*;.:.-. in dc • imi-. :A voting qua’ifications at :■■!.■■ tihuiA-cd alf.o that both the '< ( -shna constitution and *’ . North C.’rrlir.a general st.ai ajc utuo.n.MituUonal in giv < . j IKI f.r> ON PAGE 3) CdKOUNIAN’S 818 BOHUS MONEY! IM3TION BEGINS THIS WEEK ! The Bis Bonus Money Promo-, tion, ,: I .Hi’.u red in the CAROLIN-j IAN last v.-eek. gets underway j •„ h this edition and will net $100: to lucky shopper every month | n t!u Raieish-Wakf County Vi- : \ family or person buying i il,e gr, a, st total in dollars | rid cents of merchandise from merchants whose adver iis -.--t-niS appear in The CAR OLINIAN, from week to week, j i Slats News j ! I PRORE I AIL BRE AK cAILoBURY - Fletcher Wad-; d<=ll Lilly is being heid here on I i ■ < of a.vaul* and robbery: wohe Rowan County officers in-j his escape from the; Nor h Kannapolis Jail. Lilly was I oi ought, to Salisbury from Fort,] . iiiatiu Saturday by Sheriff Arthur] ihupmu. Shuping reported that ... mar*, b absent without officiai b'-avc. fr...n the military cum; . uilly turned himseif in to authori- j ties at Foa Bragg early Saturday.; He was arrested in North Kan-j : • ;jv :.. last Wednesday by Police. 1 : thief A. J Hurkley, who suspect- j ■ d him of driving a car with a 1 •!01--:i license plate As he was be .ns placed in jail. Lillv scuffled i CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i during g one month period, i will receive the bonus men tioned above. At the end of ttiis month (March 311 a CAROLINIAN check for SIOO . will be issued to the first I bonus money receiver and his or her picture and name will j be printed in our columns the ] following week. Here’s what you do: Save your I purchase slips each week in an: envelope and bring them to our | office, 518 E l .. Martin Street, prop-! erlv dated, at. the end of the I month, with your name and ad-; dress. Keep the slips separated by i the week in your envelope and! place the total value of the pur- j chase, slips on the outside of the \ envelope No one purchase should ex trOVTIM ED ON PAGE 2i Listing Os Advertisers In Bonus Money Program The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonusj l Money Stores. Patronize these advertisers and secure receipts for whatever merchandise you purchase The CAROLINIAN will carry a list of its advertisers each week. PAGE 3 Poole Pie Shop Mother and Daughter Stores Edwards Shoe Store Wayside furniture House PAGE 5 famous Bakery Hudson.Beik t ompanv Hunt General Tire Company Wertz's Southern furniture Company PAGE fi n. K Quinn furniture Company Sureflt Seat Cover Center Joy re and Hailey Furniture Compaa* O K. clothing Company Tip Top Food Stores (ioodina ns PAGE 7 Conn.Gower Pontiac Company Carolina Buick Company D. and s Motors Sir Walter Chevrolet Company Sanders Motor Company PAGE 8 Ambassador theatre f'ii-l Citizens Hank and trust Co firestone Stores Carte' s !nr. Washington Terrace Apartment* Police Seek Dad Os 6 in Wife’s Death SELMA—Search cintinurd here Wednesday for a 10-year-old fa-1 ther of six who slashed his wife's! 'read almost off her body and! then fled without, taking time to] dress, Monday Andrew Edwards, a former town! employee, is the man sought. A| telephoned pica from one of the! man’s daughters to ‘come quick.! Faddy is killing mama.’ brought! officers to the Edwards residence j about 5:45 a.m. Bin when Patrolman Albert Braswell and Roger Strickland got there, it was too late. Mrs. Annie Lewis Edwards, 37. was gasping her last breaths. The : officers said that her jugular ! vein had been severed and her j iCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) - | I Hail Marian’s! loner Beauty j NEW YORK— Actress Marlene j Dietrich Tuesday named Marian ] Anderson. Betsy Cushing Whitney, j Edith Piaf and the late F.leanora ' Duse as the most beautiful women j she ever had seen Miss Dietrich explained in an ar- | tide iri McCall’s magazine that she j chose the four on the basis of in-j ner beauty of goodness and hap- , piness. She said there was too much j fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j I —— PAGE 9 i A. and P Super Markets | Raleigh Savings and Loan Association j j The Capital Coca-Cola Bottling Co ; 1 red Mitchell (Heater Cnali j Southern Bell Telephone Company PAGE in Dunn's Esso Service Carolina Builders C orp j Caveness Insurance Compan, Watson's Sevlond and Poultry C 0., Inc Mechanics and Farmen Bank Umstead's Transfer Company Dillon Motor Finance Company ; Ridgeway's Opticians ; Bloodwortli Street Tonrlsl Home j Heater Well Co. ! Pepsi-Cola Bottlim Co. of Raleigh j Warner Memorials j Deluxe Hotel PAGE 1# N. C. Produts Centra) Drug Store CT. S. Turker and P.ros. Furmiure Co. Acme Realty Company " M Young Hardware , firm Watch Shop The Hood System Industrial Bank ] Interest paid to hanks counts I VICTIM OE RACE FIGHT Edward hi»r ,’ifi, who was fatally j beaten In Boston last week after having been goaded into a fighl with four while ni<-n who had called his v.hitc wo map companion. Mrs. Dolores t.’oria, 26, insulting names. Two of the men are being held in connection with the slaying, iUNITED PRESS PHOTO). Teenager Says Man Raped Her CHAPEL HlLL—Faced with chan ges of rape brought by a *e»-n.- : g< girl, Willie Lesley, local laborer, is being held here in jail without bond Police answering a call made by a neighbor of the girl, say that, they found the girl outside the house and Lesley lying on a couch in the living room According to the girl’s report, Lesley knocked on the door of the home, a bottle of wine in one hand, and asked her to let, him in. When she refused, be reportedly drew a pistol and said he would shoot if she didn't Police sa;d that the victim told them that Lesley then came into the house and look TEA AND REPARTEE A member of the “official family” of New York’* “First f.adv,” Mr*. Aireref ftarriman (wife of Ihe governor). Mrs. Joyce Phillip*. Austin (second from rlghti provides tea. and repartc during the weekly "socials’ 1 at ihe governor's mansion in Albany. Mrs. Austin, executive secretary of th* New York Women’s Council, is joined (left to right! by Mrs. Sheridan Norton,' moiher of (he. governor!, Mrs. Hardman, and Mrs. Rudolph Puma iright) of the Siena Women's Club Some, SOA women leg!*. Istor-s, organization leaders and state officials attended the Tuesday afternoon teas, (New,press Photo), . j™ 1 LOCKE AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was ' I the on bearing the tag num-! ! her *BD-322, If the owner of j tuai ear took H in Dunr s r,sso Service, corner Cabarrus and Blood worth Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease job. This will nappen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows U»e asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num j her will be taken from any car ■ ! bearing a N- C. license. j The numbers this week arc: i BK-877; UP-952; BR-387. AVT- I ", j 125: Al 1 -691; and 1852-T. I her in the back room where he at j tacked her. i She escaped and gave the. alarm >*o a neighbor Patrolman Charles ! Byrd noted that Lesley had a pis tol, which hr described as a "toy'. but that Lesley denied threatening the girl with it FUNDS NEEDED Because the Lassiter case and ntlicr similar to it, repre sent “class action," funds are | urgently needed, f unds mav be sent, to the Rev. X. K. Dunn, I Weldon: Herbert Brown. Garys-' ; burg; or A <’. t’orfield, Weldon.! | Succeeds On Third Try At EnJing Life CHAPEL KlLL—After t,ro pr«- : vious attempts had failed. Frank Weaver. 39. of South Merritt Mill Road, committed suicide by hang ing in the Chapel Hill jail Satur day, after being arrested in Carr boro for public drunkenness, Carrboro Patrolman Albert L. Pendergrass, who slid that he ar rested Weaver about 5.20 p ru., I discovered him dead about 6.50 I pm The officer said that he took two sandwiches for Weaver down to the pul cell about 6;50 and found the man slumped, facing i the bars. He said that h« called j Chapel Hill Patrolmen Amos j Horne and Howard Pendergraph | to the scene immediately. According to the. patrolman. Weaver apparently hanged him , seif with his belt by suspending it from a horizontal bar of the ; cell. Dr. William Joyner, called ' (o the scene, said that Hie man had been dead about an hour. The county coroner ruled fix* drain a suicide Integration Federal and state action in ra cial violence cases in the South this week formed a backdrop to protests of southern leaders in Washington against President Eisenhower's proposed civil rights legislation. Federal authorities at Knox ville. Tenn., sought to re-arrest, segregationist John Kasper on contempt charges in connection with school integration violence laid. November in Clinton, Tenn Kasper 27, already under a 12- [ month prison sentence for the earlier Clinton riots, was cited with John Cates a Clinton case ov.ner who was arrested Monday night and freed under $5,000 bond. In Miami Fred B Rockett of Clinton describing himself as j Kasper's right hand man. and I three Miami men went on trial in city court for frying to erect a kerosene cross in front, of a. Ne ; gro s home A Florida, legislative hearing in ; Miami %y-u. stalled meanwhile h . finding that, slate rocerd,. cf fjy. 'NAACF have been shipped to York, Investigator* demanded their return Washington A . Georgia congressman said members of his state delegation ! decided againr.t trying to impeach ■six U, s. Supreme Court justices, (CONTINUED ON r IGE Z) ODDS-ENDS J By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ! ‘'SATISFACTION OF THE REG , ISTRAR" It i- a good thing that | some one has at lasi attacked this 1 state's arbitrary and despotic liter ; acy test for voting applicants. This ; week, a Negro woman, Mrs. Louise Lassiter, filed suit in U. S. East ern District Court charging that 'her constitutional rights to vote ) had been denied her when a regis ; Mar in Northampton County had : lefused to allow her to register on j the grounds that stw mispronounc i rd some words while reading the I constitution The foundation of all laws is I common sense The reason lor I ail laws is fustier. There ts neither romnson ser>»* nor ju? tire In giving to one person the authority to deny the right to vote of hundreds of free and sovereign rifizens simply he rausr that one person, ih* reg istrar. has not been '-satisfied” with the reading of those, eiti z.ens. The persons taking the test mar : bo. and in several proven eases, 1 are qualified, to pass college ex- I animations but if the registrar be ! fore whom those persons must ap ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ,