CONGRESSMEN WANT JIM CROW HOPITALS *4" “}" “f"" "f” “I" + -J- I THE CAROLINIAN jQ r , £&&&£&/> J - InN * c * * 24 PAGES * v \ El#ewhere i >,.. VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. T I «»j™r W *|“‘ >! S?’!**' - ' |x*.'« :-'-il .£§&|[ .fwS , Rev. Yarborough Delivers Stirring Sermon, Succumbs, RV CHARLES R. JONES The Rev, Arthur Clifton Yar-1 .In REV A, C. YARBOROUGH . . . dies in pulpit Man Shot, Escapes Death I Again As Car Overturns CRIPPLED BOY 1 ROOTS ATTACKER DVERSBURG, Tenn.—A 30-year- j old hoy used his crutch to beat off! a man who police charged was try- j Ing e tom* situation in tlio*Ossaflu '* ’• **% TNia- r«r,inlander Major E. 1.. M. Burns. (UNITED PRESS I'HO.- : -y NUMBER 25 'Dish Tower I Murder Laid j To Three Men! i LENOIR Police or Monday I held three Caldwell County men i in connection with the "Dish Tow el! Death” Saturday night of a 36-year -old Lenoir woman Th* •.•oman, who was found in ‘ter ted 4»j.h a rush towel! t •.. lod around her neck, was Bernice s Hayes Berry. ! Police were called to her resi dence at about 1 p.m. Saturday to investigate a. reported '‘distur bance”. When they arrived, they found only the body of the worn j an in her bed. (CONTINUED ON PAGE J> Ligon Paper | Wins Award The Columbia University Scho lastic Press Association awarded the Ligon Junior-Senior High School Tatler a certificate for . ournaiistic excellence at its 33rd Annual Convention in New York City on March 14 The school paper received a prize. There were more than 1 400 entries from all over the United j States. ' (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) LUCKY AUTO OWNER | The lucky car last week was j the on bearing the tag num- j her “BR-38". If the owner of j that car took it to Dunn s Esso ! Sevyice corner Cabarrus and j Blood worth Streets in Raleigh I he received a free grease job. i This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, yon will j get She grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: BD-522: BK 276; 1852 T -BH -21; A5J691; and BK-877. DINAH’S NARROW ESCAPE Blues singer Dinah Wwh igtoii looks at box of chocolates that could have proven fatal had she eaten them. The camlv that she thought was from an admirer, rr | reived in the mail, was filled w ith ground glass She is and Harry! j P Byrd (D-Va.) expressed grave! j concern this week lest Congress j pass civil rights leg:station des-; pite their opposition to it The House Judiciary Commit tee on Monday approved a civil; rights bill that conforms close!:, to what President Eisenhower j asked. It is expected that the leg- j islation will be sent to the House ’ floor for a vote. Meanwhile, at Roxhoro, speak- i ing at the rural progress awards ceremony to Person Count:., Sen. | Scott warned that enactment oi proposed federal civil rights leg islation would take away “basic rights” of both whites and. Ne groes. Admitting that the job of men (CONTINUED ON PAGE '■ > Southern toak a ’ •■rack at the Veterans Admins ! ‘ration be re Tuesday when they i delivered a letter, purported to have been signed by 58 members { of the lower house, which asked i that segregation be reinstated in! hospitals administered by the Ve- ’ i era ns Administration. Nine of North Carolina solnns • • igned it and three refused Graham A Barden Herbert j C. Bonner. L, 11 Fountain, \ Pan! Kitchen, \!!on L.emiop, Ralph ,1. Sct'M. George A. Shu ford, and Basil L. Whifcncr signed. Those who failed to sign were j Reps. Harold D Cooley, Carl T i Durham and Charles R. Jonas. | A delegation of :ix Congress-! men, headed by Rep, Overton! Brooks (D-La.) called on Veter- j ans Administrator, H V. Higley: to present a petition bearing the | signatures of the 56 southern Con- \ gressrnen. Later. Rep John Bell Williams •D-MissA said Kigley told the! group that, the integration order inmed from a directive from] '’resident Eisenhower and that he] as powerless to change it. Wil liams added, however, that Hig (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Creek-Letter \ Groups To Vie For Top Prizes The 17th annual Jabberwock nf the Alpha Sigma chapter of Della : Sigma Theta Sorority will be held I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) This Week s Advertisers Thr merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus , Money Stores. ! PAGE 2 j Tip Top Food S'ores O, K. Clothing Com pan Li uis Radio-TV Clinti PACiE 3 Public Stiv|i» Co. of N ' 1 Firestone Sion - Uctty Gay PAGE 5 Bndson-Bclk Compin' PAGE 6 Hiiol General Tim Compan- Wayside Vurnlrlire Compan' N. C. Mutual Life Insurance i n Edward* Shoe Stim Good son’s Grocery A Mfia Mai Wertz’* PAGE 7 Sir Walter Chevrolet Crimpin' PAGE 8 Tire Sales A- Service Ktrit-Clllreiis Bank \ Tru-t Is ! Poole’s Pie Shop ! Fisher Wholesale Company Longview Plumbing & Heating c PAGE 3 A * p Super Market* H. I?, Quinn Furniture t*ompah\ PAGE in Dunn's Esso Service State News -IN err *v| I lUS ? KjO.V CAGES S DEE FATED DURHAM Atkins High School 1 of Winston-Salem, Emery High of • Try cat and Olive Hill High of Mor | canton copped state Negro basket i ball tournament titles in champion - j ship final games played at North I Carolina College s gymnasium Sat ! urday nsgltl Alkins took the class AAA ciown with a 71-18 victory ! over Raleigh’s Ligon High School. Emery won the Class A title by turning back Southern Pines, 46-45. i and Olive Hill downed Jones High (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) IIgwURGH” FUNDS I | m OLO FORT ! I SCHOOL FIGHT 1 Churches in Raleigh on Sunday began a concerted drive for SSOO to aid the citizens of Old For! in carrying on their fight for educa tional rights. The campaign will extend through the first Sunday in April. Initial reports include $53 from | Fayetteville Street, Baptist Church, the Rev. J. W. Jones, pastor; and i $50.77 from Saint Paul A. M E. j Church, the Rev. L S. Penn pastor. Old Fori. high m the hills «f (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Baby Dies In I ire RALEIGH —Left by its mother for a few minutes, a 22-month-old girl was believed to have burned to death in a small frame house (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Carolina Builders Cotp. I Cavincss Insurance Company j Watson’s Seafood A Poultry Co Inc. Mechanics A Farmer* Bank llm.stead's Transfer Company Billon Motor Finance Company Ridgeway's Opticians Woodworth Street. Tourist Home Heater Well Company Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Ralclsh Warner Memorials' 1 Hotel 1 PAGE ! 1 Klmbrells Furniture f.o Ambassador Theatre James H Watson ! Joseph W inters (Fam Domim" Famous Bakery PA( • I Sureflt : •< cover Cent'i Stcphn nil,nice Co. Who: icririe Supply, Inc. P\< t arn rr A Light Company I Tin i S -tern Industrial Bank Joyce c a.ley I nrniture Company | S. M 1 'ling Hardware Co Anne ft city Company ! Gem V s.tch .shop i Pi. C. Product*