PAGE TEN RALEIGH PERSONALS . CLUBS . CHURCHES I ' MRS (iSS'.I lil'lJ BROWN VISITING BIRTHS CLUB NEWS SICK and and ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHDAYS NOTES Items for this column must be in the office not later than Tuesday noon, to insure publication. Mail copy to P. O. Box 628 or phone TEmple 4-5558 or TErnple 3-9007. HHIo Readers, \ Did ycr have a birthday lately, or know of someone who did? May be you took a trip or are planning to do so, Perhaps some club you I belong to had a meeting and is making plans for some occasion. If you have any information about any of these things, why not share it with me and hundreds of others Just drop a card or note to the ad dress given above Remember it must' be in rnv hands by NOON TUESDAY. Now for this week's bit of news: CLUB NEWS Mrs. Eleanor Mitchell v ■ host ess to the Victorians last Friday evening at her home on South State Street. After a short busin ess session, the members enjoyed a delicious repast. The interest of the group was pleasingly divided in that they watched with much en thusiasm the Michigan State - UNC iPJdPi §i RESERVE ftlooi ! 3- Hr JF pi —it ! * pint i 86 PHOOF j isJj • it. t ntowin sea to., uwiKNtauas, nt sumoWMisrrr k noot W? »% 6H«N N£BTB*t ISISITI I ■ 111 i■mu iMnwi ! >— ■" ' " ■ ■ I . "■ —.—, It’s Easy Once You’ve Learn d the secret of REGULAR Saving! REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNTS We fumiah without char ije a personalized check book of 20 checks with your name and address on each check, SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS You can purchase a book of 20 checks for $1.95 and you pay NO SERVICE CHARGE on your account. Mechanics & Farmers Bank RALEIGH - DURHAM | Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh | *705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 3-1071 I game. Following this activity, the members and friends of the dyb played two rounds of pinochle and canasta. Mrs. Pauline Parker was guest of the evening. Members present were as follows: Mrs dames Sara Thompson, Phyllis Haywood, Lillie H. Hodge. Bertha Terry, Mary Carter, Grace Hayes and E leanor Mitchell. The guest prize was awarded to Mrs. Parker. High score prize in pinochle was won by Mrs. Thompson. Pinochle booby prize went to Mrs Carter. The Canasta high score prize went to I Mrs. Haywood. The booby was won by Mrs. Terry. The Fi-Ddi-Te-Social Club’s Annual Cocktail Fiesta really rocked Raleigh, Friday night, j March 15th with an estimated 100 guests at the Elks Lounge- Cocktails and delicious h'or d’orvos were serried to all the guests and everyone enjoyed. Mrs. .T. Marianetta Minter ser ved as hostess to the club Tuesday night. Members pre sent were Mesdames Edna Po well, president; Elizabeth Faulk. Madeline Keith. Ephi genia Jones, llallouise Sanders, Esiher Bright. Willie Boylan, Charlotte Coleman, Marie Ere van and Vivian Matthews. Mrs. Elizabeth Pridgeon was hostess to the Idle-A-While Social Club last Thursday at her lovely home on Rock Quarry Road. After ? short business session the mem bers and guests enjoyed pinochle and pokena. They were served de licious courses carrying out the motifs of Easter. High pinochle score was won by Mrs. Phyllis Haywood. Low pinochle prize was won by Mrs, Hazel Williams. High pokena went to Mrs. Vivian Smith and low pokena went to Mrs. Jen nie Charles. Members present were: Mes dames Lillie Taylor, Louise Nunn, Esther Haywood. Phyllis Haywood. Hazel Williams. Vivian Smith, Ca therine Holden, Louise Walker, Rosetta Rand, Chloe Chupp, Doro thy Jeffers, Jennie Charles, Doro thy Powell and Elizabeth Pxid geon. Guests were Mrs. Inez Peebles, Mrs. Bessie Anderson and Miss Mamie Shephard. Everyone had an evening filled with fun. The Jack and Jill Club of A merica, Inc. met on Monday even ing at 8 P. M. at, the home of Mrs. Minetta Eaton, with Mesdames Ea ton, Virginia Neal, and Ethel Lytle serving as hostess. Reports from the ago groups were heard and j plans made for the Easter egg hunt ! to be held Easter Monday. The 10- 12 year old group were guests at a charm session this month at tin horn e of Faye Eaton. Mrs. MoztTle Merritt talked with the girls and Mr. William Hurdle talked with the hoys. On March 18th a kite party was held for this group on Ihe campus of the Lucille Hunter School. Plans were also made for the Annual Celebration of Jack and Jill Day. A delightful repast was served by the hostesses. The Nine and Five Club met recently at the home of Mrs. Bertha Wilcox on Quarry St. After the regular business ses sion. the members and guests played Pokena. They also cele brated the birthday of Mrs. Sara Sharper After singing “Happy Birthday” the members presented her with beautiful gifts. In pokena. the high score prize was awarded to Mrs. Nan Robinson and the consolation prize to Mrs. Sara Sharper. Members present were: Cath erine Williams, Helen Mitchell, Mary Marahte. Ruth M. Law rence, Alma Harrison, Corne lia Cobb, Geneva Brown, Nan Robinson, Bessie Wesley, I.ovie Ellis, Bertha Wilcox, Sava Sharper. Guests present: Sadie Copeland. Maggie Jones, Rctha Starks and Naomi Swails. \ delicious repast was served by the hostess. VISITING Captain and Mrs. Collins Whit aker and son are visiting parents and friends prior to his departure for Germany Captain Whitaker is ! the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Whitaker and was formerly sint- I ioned at Fort Campbell, Kentucky ] Mr. L. C. Chavis is here from j New York visiting his friends and j relatives. DRIVE SAFELY i7ETftgrm VA BENEFIT PAYMENTS ARE EXCLUDED FROM FEDERAL i INCOME TAXES AND THEREFORE I NEED NOT BE- REPORTED ON ! INCOME TAX REPORTS FOR 1956 §g|P I Ha l For f*fl tnfonvatiorf ro»r xitt* VETERANS ADMINISTRATION ortwe DELUXE HOTEL Member of N. H. A. Clean, Comfortable Rooms’ Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop. 220 E. Cat arras St. Raleigh Phone TE 3-6800 MONUMENTS Sine* 1902 —Marble-Granite Our o»t« *t*rt in* mm« \nfl ' 7r r. . Mem,,: irffi *Btiy blrtctl * WARNER MEMORI ALS 3019 Hillsboro, Raleigh. N. C. (Acrou Railroad—Front of Method) THE CAROLINIAN : mmrm r ll i k jgPfe r k m H. -iC 1 WbsßbT.< % Jjmßk k SsinH WjKk • NRg|pPW grafts. . • WHEELS At 1 ARM BUREAU MEET Officials of the North Carolina farm Bureau Federa-! lion check details at the annual meeting of the Negro membership held last week at A&T College-! They are from left to right: It. Flake Shaw, Greensboro, executive vice president; U. S. Hart, Edge- I eensbe County, chairman of the State Steering Committee; and A. W. Solomon, Greensboro, field representative. More than :>OO farmers from 38 counties attended the meet, 30 Women Join Forces To Set Up Negro Rei iefFund LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. • A group of thirty young women j banded together this week for the express purpose of setting up a Negro Relief Fund. This Fund will be available for ail Negroes who suffer reprisals i which result in loss of income tae : cause of their fight for Civil ! Rights. ! The name of the organization is ! the Committee for United Negro j Relief. The Fund will be known : as the United Negro Relief Fund. For a long time it has been felt that a fund of this type should be in existence, but, the case of Mrs. E. Gordon of Wheatcroft, Ken-! , lucky, brought the urgency of the 1 need more to the forefront. Mrs. Daisy C Hicks was instru | mental in getting Ihe Vivants, e i social club, to lend aid through so- [ | liciting funds from friends to help i j ihe Gordons. The following prominent eiti- ! zens have been asked to serve I on the board of the Committee for United Negro Relief. Mrs. | Elizabeth Waring. wife of Judge Wales Waring; Mrs. Al- j II Gth Birthday |Observed By Men's Council ( HAMPTON. VA. The Men’s , Council of Hampton Institute will | hold its Tenth Anniversary Cele bration on April 5-7, 1957. Organ ized in 1947 by Thomas E. Haw kins, HI Dean of Men, and several male students, the Council's mem bership consists of all male stu dents at the college. Activities for the weekend will begin with a semi-formal banquet in Hi's Cleveland Dining Hall on Saturday, April 6, at 5:30 p. m. Mr. H. Gordon Pinkett, Business Man ager of Delaware State College, will be the principal speaker. A 1950 graduate of HI, Pinkett was Men's Council president in 1949-50. The banquet will be followed by a semi-formal dance in the Old Gym | nasium, On Sunday, April 7, Dr Vernon ! P- Bode in. College Chaplain, will | conduct, special Men's Day Ser j vices in Hi’s Memorial Church at ill a. m He will speak on the sub ! jeeb “Wanted A Man”. On Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. ! the celebration will conclude with i a program of “Musioai Interludes”, i featuring male musical groups j from on and off campus, i The public is invited to attend all | Men's Week activities. SHEER LOOK 4 ® Here’s tne new “sheer look” in fashions for the home. Girl is wearing Oleg Cassini crea tion, a sheath dress of imported Irish linen with white silk satin trim, and bolero effect created *by button and bow treatment. StvJish Frigidaire refrigerator has popular now square corners and is finished hi sophisticated charcoal gray which will provide smart ac cent in i roy Rivers, wife of Judge Fran- I cis Rivers; Dr. Mamie Clark, Mrs. Betty {.ranger, Amster dam News Columnist and radio commentator; Mrs. Bessie Bu chanan, New York State As semblywoman; Mrs. Ruth Whitehead Whaley, Secretary for the Board of Estimates. N. Y. City; Mrs. C. B. Powell, wife of Amsterdam News Publisher. The Committee for United Ne- The Feminine Front I. By Rosalie Williams j * The inferiority complex In me i often real's its ugly head as I ! listen to some of those quiz, j champions display their remark i able memory feats But during the | past few days, I’ve read several | articles which offer quite a bit of i consolation to those of us whose j memories just can't seem to hang i on to various and sundry i'acts and figures. In one of those articles, the quiz A champion is call tjSa&T-y ed a Knuekle head who excites ( attention by his Ip i said to be of no § worth at all. The • I “Consolers” tell »>% t- f>- ' J 113 that absorp / ' a tion, not verbal 0 j memory. forms Mrs. Williams ludgement, and judgement has shared our world. t is consoling to know that Vol taire could not recall the name of the mayor of his town. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, our two greatest philosophers, made a particular point of not cluttering up their minds with stuff that could i»e looked up at a moment’s notice, when, as, and if needed. On and on Ihe articles go to point out specific instances of our greatest minds whose memories are just ordinary, average ones. Even so, in these days of diminishing returns from the dollar. It would be good to be a knucklehead for just a few moments on one of those big paying quiz programs The Silhouettes of Raleigh, wives and sweethearts of Kappa men, were hostesses recently to pretty luncheon at Popular Lodge. The Saint Patrick’s Day motif was used in decorations with white chrysanthemums, sladiola, and fern In attractive floral ar rangements. The luncheon menu consisted of chicken, potato salad, relishes, hot rolls, coffee, nuts and mints. Guests were treated to orgen mus ic by Harry Gil-Smythe of Shaw University and twj solos by Misses Evangeline Forbes and Iris Har riston Paul Crump, director of the Women's Choir of Shaw, also sang. Twenty-two Sihouettes from Durham motored over In a cara van of eight cars Their new spring finery, especially the ex citing hats, were topics of conver sation A lighted fire in the rustic fire place enhanced the cozy atmo sphere and added to a memorable afternoon Hostesses from the Raleigh Chapter were the following: Mrs. Ruby Stroud, president; Mrs. Ber nice Rainbow, secretary; Mrs. G. Watts, treasurer; Mesdames Viv ian Brown, Doris McAdams, G, G. Wade. Vivian Staggers, and Cor nolia Hardy. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McAdams greeted at the door. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Mildred Taylor was hostess to the Capital City Bridge Club 1 last Saturday at a dinner mooting at her home on Smltlifield Street. ! Foui progressions of bridge were ! played During the lust one, bridge had basketball as a major com petitor for the ladies’ attention. Guests had some exciting mo ments vying for seats which i would afford them good views at 1 the television set so that they j could watch the Carolina-Kansas I game from, the beginning. Prize winners amowi non-club j members were Mrs Phyllis Mann 1 I ; gro Relief will welcome groups in ' | other areas interested in contri- j ; buting to the fund, or forming sub- i | committees with the aim of rais- j j mg money for the United Negro ; i Relief Fund. j Inquiries concerning the aims j and functions of the Fund may be i directed to the Committee chair- i man, Mrs. Daisy Hicks, 21-15 34th [ Ave., Long Island City, 8, N. Y. j I and Mrs. Lizzie Constant. Club j 1 j members who won prizes were I 5 1 Mrs Mozeile Lane and Mrs. Nan \ " | nborden. '! Other guests present were Mes-1 dames N E. Lockhart, Alma Wil-j ! llams, Dora Otey, Willie Kay, Mar- j | garet Bugg, Mamie Flagg, Chloe J ; Laws, Tumpsie Towns, Maude! Bass, Catherine Winters, Garnell I | Watts, Mary Curtis, .Catherinsi Turner and Sadye Love • j Tire evening was the usual en* j ' | joyable one. But one feature j " I which made the evening especial -5! ly memorable was the cute and' 5 colorful beriboned miniature | 5 1 chairs which were attached to the | > j individual tallies and wer given to | '; the guests as souvenirs. 5 REMINDERS ; The big Membership Drive for 1 the Y.W.C.A. is now well under : way. Don't forget to get your ; membership dues in to your cap ! tain. Plan now to attend the big j CAROLINIAN Food Show along ‘ j with the Annual Delta Jabber- . i wock, April 5. This double show } • will be staged in Raleigh Me- J | moriai Auditorium . Principal Is ij Fayetteville '] State Speaker i r FAYETTEVILLE Margaret | Walker, principal of the loco! ? • North Street Elementary School, I | was (he assembly speaker at the t ; Fayetteville State Teachers College f I Monday, March 18. Addressing her- T j soli to the topic, “Problems Inci- I | dent to the Beginning Teachers’". j ! Mrs. Walker suggested that one j j might srt out to prevent as many f I problems as possible and to concen- T j irate upon those that are always t i likely to occur. j She recommended to beginning | teachers that they preserve their j vitality for the actual work in the j classroom; that they strive to be- 1 come emotionally mature: that they develop social competance; and that they become thorough in the i preparation and presentation of their subject matter. Mrs. Walker concluded her lec ture with the statement: “Social tact, good judgment, taste, a plea santly-pitched voice, an optimistic appreciation of life, courage to face situations, rind above nil. sense of humor arc Important essentials in preventing and in solving classroom problems” i I; Sequent!enable Quality Fntdr&C Prices J p Htdjfiuiiji'fl I OPTICIANS, las. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 30, 1957 At Hampton: Photo Contest Held HAMPTON, VA. A photo graphy contest, open to all Hamp ton Institute students, staff mem bers and their families (except the judges), is now in progress. A!l types anil subjects will be accepted, with a limit of eight entries per person. En tries are to be submitted by A pri! 23. Three prizes will be awarded to the winners, who will be announc ed on May 6 by a five-member jury composed of two students, two staff members, and one off campus person. Submitted photographs wilt be exhibited in Bomis Gallery and the student dormitories. Is y»iu Fire Insurance sdeqsate on your home? Was it bought to cover your home ten years : ago or five years ago when the i vain© was half what it is now/ Th© value of your home is worth protecting. Let Carcness Insurance Agency give you fall protection on your home and furnishings. CALL 3-3563 BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVEMESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3563 HOY CAVENESS, Jr ROY CAVENESS, Sr. prlnunq tt COMMERCIAL © SOCIAL Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt -fc Service Phone TE 4-5558 ——-THE—— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SS 8 E« Martin Street Saleigh, N„ C, j— —— ——.» j wgpi . I i OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD j (Ash For Watson s Fryers It B At Your Favorite Store fcj |f j WATSON’S | Seafood & Poultry Company, Ine. 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept. P Cameron Village Rock Q uarry Road j Raleigh, N. C. UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY o GR®CERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY FULL LINE OF uSZong CXOCEMS DISTANCE Your l ationage Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficient o ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street * Tnrboro & Martin Street* DIAL TE 2-9478 TE 2-92 32 | Finance or Borrow ] On Your Car Through The H | Dillon Motor Finance Co. 126 £. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 | The annual cost of grain eater. ; or contaminated by one rat is es | Unrated at 20 dollars. The annual ! room and board cost of four rats : is about equal to what most farm in the past, grinding and mixing ingredients in the right proportions to provide a balanced ration has calf get some grain, he adds Telephone TE 2-8773 Bloodworth STRFJIT TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms . | Radio and Television 424 S. Bloodworth St. Raleigh !i For A Belter Well | CALL !j HEATER WELL CO. 1 1 RALEIGH, N. C, j j Phone TE 2-1675 Box 11.28 j | INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE I —• Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT, BANKERS ! FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. - COMPLETE Sommer change « # OIL CHANGED © GREASING © RADIATOR DRAINED Anti-Freexe Applied Qi © Washing © Polishing H Dunn’s Esso Service 502 8. Bloodworth St, P PHONE TE 2-9496 | V Everything for . . * BUILDING REMOOEUNG REPAIRING ! • LUMBEB * MILLWORK \ * ATHEY'S PAINTS SI * BUILDING MATERIALS | * ROSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF, 217-219 N. Dawson St. | RALEIGH. N. C.

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