PAGE EIGHTEEN ;'l j PEACE IS THEIR GOAL Gan. E. L. M. Earns (left), commander or the United Nations Emer gency Forces in Egypt, and Egyptian Erigadier Amin Helmi, greet Dr. Ralph Bunche upon his arrival in Egypt. Tire UN assistant secretary general has been mentioned to iiii tile post of civilian head oi the UNEF when Gen. bums 13 relieved. (Newspress Photo). ‘THE LION’ SOFTENS Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie is shewn as he received vies pres* kirn! Richard Nixon at his Addis Ababa palace, shortly after the veep's arrival on his recent g: i v.’ill tour. They discussed the U. S. government’s desire to establish Air Force communica tions base on Ethiopian soil. (Newspress Photo). TRUCKS AT _ TRAD *m ß^S ’sl ( hev., 1-Ton Pickup (rood ’56 ( hev. 1 2-Ton Pickup Like New j ’sl Ford La-Ton Pickup Clean ’53 Chev. 1-Ton Pickup Clean *52 Chev. 1 2-Ton Pickup Clean ’sl Chev. I*4-Ton Long Wheel Base ’SO Chev. V 2 -Ton Pickup Clean TRADERS CHEVROLET COMPANY OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P. M. PHONE DR 2-2146 GREENSBORO. N. C. License No. 806 $$ Need CASH $$ f SEE US $50.00 TO $500.00 Cash Is Our Business ypg WE TAKE PRIDE IN GIVING . . . friendly, confidential and courteous service' . . . the nice part is that PAYMENTS can be ARRANGED to fit your budget—So why wait. SEE US TODAY! DOMESTIC LOANS, INC. 119 EAST MARKET STREET Greensboro. N C. Phone BR 4-2647 | i—inmiiii»iiii»iiiii i mr i whiwii ■ »»i Mini—w>ihii«ii «w miwwiiri—ii—uriwumnitim-|'nrn run- Presbysterian Speaker: Rev. Hollins Urges Group To Militancy 15V J. 15, HARREN 11 CHARLOTTE Some 200 mem a j bers of the Council of Prosby- F | Men of the Synod of Ca- F < Prcsbv(.cries of Cape Fear. 11 Catawba, Yadkin and Southern Compliments Os ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT I rmnmiinMii» www—>■iiihiiihiw'iwt ■ imumrm j VirginiaL gathered here in the ■ University Church on the camp us of J. C. Smith University Sun day morning heard the Rev. J. ' : Metz Rollins of Tallahassee, Flor • Ida declaic: "The great enemies 1 of America today are noi the I Communists, but a home grown 1 product” of jrrgregationists who are « eking to deny citizens their | freedom and liberty. Mr. Rollins, a Smith grad i uate and son of a minister, is j pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church Cl'. S.) in Tallahas see; where, because of Isis ad | vocaey of nvlitancy on the part of Floridians in connec ; tion with the recent bus boy cott there, has been labeled a troublemaker and a demand from his sponsoring white church wasy reportedly made 1 for his dismissal or ins re fraining from such civil rights advocacy, Rollins charged that the church itself was responsible for the thirst of the Negro for freedom which he contended God meant for all mankind without regard to race. He added that “the churches are, too often, too much concerned about r, program rath er than the releasing of men's minds from bondage,” He said, ’ "Men must be free, not only be cause they prefer it, but because God has decreed it,” and con cluded that ‘‘Negro preachers can not be any where else but in the forefront leading the people toward freedom and equality.” Saturday night saw the Sy nod Council open with a din ner meeting in the college din ing room attended by 55 dele gates, which number Included a few women of the church. Israel Garrison of Charlotte. Council president presided and opening remarks were by Brown’s Funeral Directors I Serving This Community Faithfully Since 188(1 Dial BR 2-6109 Perry I. Brown i -- - - —— INCOME TAX PREPARED ’ wiwwiiMawiv-. ■ 'Uiwmmu* vom*... rium Tax Consultant ' Flo ~ Enterprise I! 900 F MARKET ST. Ph. 5-1697 FRANK HENDERSON Manager » ____ i HE CAROLINIAN 250 Expected A t Language Confab PINE BLUFF, ARK. Some 2.10 J teachers o' modern languages and | literature are expected to attend the 57th annual meeting of the Col- Jeagc Language Associataion here at. Arkansas A and M College, Fri day and Saturday April 5 and 6. Mrs. Billie Geter Thomas, chair man of the Department of French at Spelman College, Atlanta, Ga., is president of the organization. "The Americanization of the Ne gro College” is the theme of this year's session. Among the partici pants are Alan Anoff, editor of the New York University Press; Stan ley Burnshaw, president of the Drvden Press, New York City; A lan Hubbell, treasurer cf the Mo dern Language Association: and Herman Long, director of the Race Relations Institute, Fisk Univer sity Nashville Tennessee. Two days of discussions, lectures, business meetings, and social af fairs are scheduled for the meet ing of the nation's language and literature teachers from predom inantly Negro institutions. In addition to Mrs Thomas, other CLA officers are Dr. Biyden Jack son. vice president. Southern Uni versity. Baton Rouge. La . Dr. Hel en Coulborn. Atlanta University secretary; Prof, John F. Matbcus, Dillard University, New Orleans, ! La., treasurer; Prof Bessie Dick erson, assistant treasurer, Gramb ling College. Grambling, La.; Charles A Ray. corresponding secretary and editor of the CLA Bulletin, North Carolina College, Durham. N. C ; Dr. Oliver E. Jack son. Parliamentarian. Arkansas A and M College. Pine Bluff, Ark.; Dr Hugh M. Gioster, member-at large. Hampton Institute, Hamp ton, Va.; and Dr. Thurman O'Dan iel. An early release on program plans indicated a "Salon with I April 1-7 Proclaimed “National HFA Week” GREENSBORO The national president of the New Farmers of America has proclaimed April 1-7, as National NFA Week. Marvin Rountree, Eim City, a freshman student in Agri cultural Engineering at A&T College, issued the announce ment early this week. Notice was also given that Friday, A pril 5 has been set aside as Na tional NFA Day. Young Rountree, who was elect ! ( d to the high post last sumpner. following graduation from high school, stated that the New Far mers of America, an organization j for boys studying Vocational Agri | culfjre in many of the public ' schools, affords its members op (Racist Dies Awaiting (Court Contempt Action COURT CONTEMPT ACTION J KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (ANP) s ! A 41 -year-old pro-segregationist 1 here, awaiting court action on i federal charges of interfering with j racial integration at Clinton high j. school, died here last week cheat ing the court before it could try him. He is John Gates, owner of a case where White Citizens Coun cils allegedly held meetings and a sidekick of race baiter John Kasper. Gates was one of 18 whites ar- Elwood Hardware, D«r h a m and Eihvood Downing, Roa noke, Va. Also the Rev. J. W. Smith, Sr. Charlotte. Sunday morning at nine o’clock discussion groups were conducted in the old Biddle Chapel with the r Revs. J. W. Barnette. J. H. Co.-,tin, e Elo L. Henderson, H. W. Givens, i and laymen J. M Miller, John A. t Spaulding, and George P, Law i rence as leaders. Subject was: e "The Nature of the Church”. Dr. i A. H. Prince, Synod Evangelist, - led the devotion. Dr. A. H. George, s University Church, pastor, presid i, ed at Sunday morning worship - and the college choir sang e MODERATOR SPEAKS Featured speaker for lh e r closing session Sunday aftcr- R noon was David W. Proffitt, e Maryville, Tenn., chain store operator, who is Moderator of the General Assembly, Presby terian C hurch, USA. He spoke on the need of Christians be ing more positive in their liv ing and witnessing for Christ. Said he, "Our lives should be of such that when we go out in business or social life that people will know that we are „ Christians. Jo h n Spaulding, Whitevllle, j was elected as the new president jof the Council. John M. Miller, i Wilson, vice prexy; N. T. Wil ! hams. Danville, treasurer; John j Brooks. Charlotte, secretary: El- I wood Boulwavo, Durham, execu tive secretary; and James K. Ma lone, Burlington, reporter. Rev. S 7 J. McLean, Synod moderator, in- j stalled the new officers and Ar-; thur Spears introduced Mr. Prof fitt. Pullets should be vaccinated for chicken pox with fowl pox vaccine j between the ages of eight and 14 ' weeks, or when placed on the range, say T B. Morris, Extension poultry specialist at State College, Vaccinate with live vaccines at least one month before produc tion starts, he warns. Between 1 DAO unci 1332. the nnm- j ber of cigarette amok tk increased i fmm 40 million to 60 million J Youth and Poetry” for Thursday ; night, an opening event intended to bring together mature teachers of poetry, poets, and youth inter ested in poetry and the arts. Five items are on tap for Fri day, beginning with a coffee hour from eight to 10 a. m. Host chair man Oliver Jackson, chairman of the French Department at A and M, is listed as presiding officer for the first session of scholarly pa pers in the foreign languages from 10 to 12 noon. CLA Treasurer J. F. Matheus of Dillard University, New Orleans, has been invited to steer the lun cheon Friday when the theme "Food with a Foreign Language Flavor" has been suggested President Thomas delivers the annual presidential address at 3 p. m. in a session that will feature Vice President Jackson in the chairman’s role. Dr. Lawrence A. Davis, A and M president, will ad dress the group and extend wel come at the annua) banquet at 8 p m. Friday. A full program is planned for closing day's activities Saturday. Dr. Kenneth Miller of Southern University will preside at an open ing symposium of teachers who will hear a discussion ‘A Bit of the j American Scene, 19A6”. Dr. Hugh M, Gioster, CLA four.d --e: now of Hampton Institute, will chair a luncheon session devoted to ‘‘Accent on Americanism.” An innovation :n this year's pro gram is the new session on "Reach ing Your Public: Advice and Counsel for Scholars who would be heard.” Charles A Ray of N. C. College will preside at this ses sion. Speakers will include repre sentatives from the learned jour nals, the university presses, and commercial publishers. portunities for leadership and training essential to wholesome and productive living, especially in rural areas. Ho staled further that the organization boasts a mem bership of more than 45.000 farm youths in 16-southern states. “These young people", he said, ‘‘will take time out of their busy schedules to pay tribute to the late Dr. Booker T. Washington, regarded by many as one of the greatest proponents of Vocational Ag riculture for youth”. He stated that many of thr principles and ideals of the NFA have been taken from the life of Washington. rested on federal warrants under charges of criminal contempt of court for the alleged violation of an injunction prohibiting inter ference with the peaceful integra tion of the Clinton high school. Gates was free under $3,000 bond at the time of his death. Garden Time BY M. F,. GARDNER The jobs to be done in the fruit, vegetable and flower garden are so numerous that it is difficult to de cide what to emphasize. Perhaps some general suggestions of a sea sonal nature will be in order. Spring flowering shrubs should be pruned after the season of bloom. Only necessary pruning is recommended. If evergreens, such as ligustrums, need heavy pruning, now i* a good time to do it be cause the plants are beginning ac tive growth and will recover rather quickly. Be real careful with the berry producing evergreen* such as holly. The berries are produced on shoots that grew last year so any heavy pruning out of this one year growth will reduce the berry crop for this fall and winter. I have seen so many Pfitzer juni per plants get completely out of hand. A little judicious pruning each year, if needed, will prevent the plants from out-growing then usefulness in the landscape plan. fertilize shrubs and trees Apply fertilizer to the lawn. Use about 20 pounds of an $-8-8 mixture for each 1000 square feet of area. If this treatment is followed with light top dressings of quickly available nitrogen, your lawn will be p-'etty and green during the summer - if rainfall is sufficient. For a real nice lawn, you should be prepared to irrigate. Nothing takes the place of water for growing plants Strawberries should be mulched. I The mulch will keep the berries clean. You’ll be glad yon did Dew berry canes should be tied to stakes without delay. Save 8 to 10 canes of red raspberry plants rind tie them loosely to a 6 foot stake. Cut | the canes off at the top of the j stake. Prune the side branches of black raspberry plants back to a bout 8 to 8 inches. Prune grapes. They may bleed some, but don't worry about t his. Prune roses, Get ready for insects and dis ease. You can pu chase corn bin n- j lion Insecticide and fungicide nia- j | terials for apple* and peaches. Use \ i according in instruction* on the j • package. 1 HIGH POINT Highlights Os High Point : BY MRS. ODESSA S. TYSON RHONE 5-7465 SCHOOL NEWS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF LIBRARY CLUB HIGH POINT Miss Patricia .Tones, a student at William Penn High School, was chosen presi dent of the North Carolina Assoc iation of High School Library Club at its annual meeting last Satur day. Miss Jones won in a landslide vote of 300 delegates in attend ance at the James E. Sheppard Memorial Library, North Carolina College, Durham. Miss Jones is an honor student at William Penn High School and President of the local Library Club. The officers elected to assist Miss Jones in the conducting of the affairs of the association for the 1957-58 school year are: Bar bara Forbes, Vice President. Wash ington Junior High School. Raleigh; Velma Lawrence, recording secre tary, Merrick-Moore High School Durham: Eleanor Nunn, I.igon Junior High School, Raleigh: Ju lia Costan. treasurer, C. F. Pope High School, Burgaw; Shade I ittlo parliamentarian. P. S. Jones High School. Washington, N.C. FAIR VIEW ST. SCHOOL Mrs, Kings first graders at Fair- ! view St. School gave a very in- I teresting program on Friday in the j school auditorium The theme of this program was I “Fun At Home” and “Fun At ! School". The program opened with ! the singing of the “State Song”. I Highlights of the program were i Chora! readings by the class, and ! Story Telling of "Chicken Little | Counts to Ten’’ by Gwendolyn ! Scatton. C’orluena Steed did an ex- j reliant job of turning the color- ! ful pages as Gwendolyn told the [ story. Earlier in the month Mrs. Hart's j 2-3 grade classes gave a colorful : program about “Seeds” with em- I phusis on flower seeds. ,To prepare for this program the pupils had made a trip to a local florist shop, and later they con structed a huge hot house which was the background of the stage. Their program was in the form of a quiz show entitled “Win A Pack of Seeds”. Each child was asked to select a eatagory, then if h»> answered his question correctly he was given a pack of seeds. Since the program was given on St. Patrick’s Day they conciliat ed the show with a gay Irish dance. The girls were costumed in bouffant white dresses with hugh shamrocks pinned at the shoulders. The eighth graders of William Penn Hi were glad to welcome Mrs. Alice McLeod back to her class after a brief illness which kept her from school. The Griffin P. T. A met on Tues day evening in the school eafetor ium. The P. T. A. president open ed with the devotions followed by a film depicting modern day tea ching entitled “Skippy and the Three "R’s". Mrs. Katie McAdoo. 3rd grade teacher won the attendance ban ner for the Primary Department j and Mr, J. P. Dennis, 6th grade 1 teacher was the winner of the ban , nor for the grammar grades. At the conclusion of the meeting j Mr. Bell the band instructor for ; all the City Schools, displayed the recently purchased instruments | that were bought by the P T. A of | Griffin School. GIRL SCOUT WEEK CON CUT) El> The Girl Scouts and Brownies < njoyed a glorious theater party to conclude festivities of Girl Scout Week. Four chartered buses left the William Penn campus loaded with excited girls and their leaders. Mrs, J. K. Williams and Miss M. C. Robinson accompanied the troops from Fairview St. School. Mrs. Sarah Davis - St, Mark’s Methodist Church: Mrs. Dorothy Moore - Presbyterian Church Troop; Mrs. Fannie Parker - Wil liam Penn Senior Scouts; Mrs. Ha- j z.iT Garlington - Leonard St. j School and Mrs. Ocie Smitherman Griffin Elementary School: Mrs. Lessie Flowe was the over-all chairman WILLIAM PENN SCIENCE FAIR Friday will be the opening day for the Science Fair at William Penn Hi School. It is a competitive exhibition of scientific work developed and dis played by students under the dir ection of teachers and other in terested persons It provides an opportunity for students with imagination or ini tiative to display their ideas, re n eh and handiwork in science and mathematics. Numbered a thong the things that the children have made arc: mo dels, electric motors, scale models, ! collections and many others from their science and math classes. In carrying out the general aim of science fairs i. e. to encourage Interest end understanding, appre ciation in science and math, the committee has been very fortunate in securm;; five excellent scien tists to participate in the fair this j year. They are: Dr. Marjorie | Browne, Math Department, N. C ! College, Durham, N C Dr. D A, Edwards, Chairman Physics De partment, A & T. College, Greens | boro: Dr S. E. Duncan State Su- j j pervisor of High Schools: Dr. ' ! Thomas Malone. Biology Dept.. N. J (' College at Durham; Dr. Hollis j J. Rodgers, Chairman N. C. Science ! Fairs, N. C. Academy of Science, j Womans College, Greensboro. | These consultants will spend Fri- ; day with the students and tea- 1 | chert; exploring the dynamic role i J t science in our society. ! The Science Fair Committee is j: eomoosed of the following: Mrs. - j R P Bi ll Miss n E Clark. T W ’„ WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 195/ Hughes, Miss A. L. Jones, Mrs. V. B, Kendall, N. S. Morehead, C E. Morris, E. A Mosely, A F. Mc- Adoo, Mrs, A. P. McLeod, D. C. Neely, Mrs. A. B. Speight and Mrs. C. H. Echols, Chairman. Y. W. €. A. NEWS, MEMBERSHIP TEA The Public Relations, and Mem bership Committees of the Mary j McLeod Bethune Y W. C. A. spon- ! sored a kick-off tea Sunday after- | noon from 4 to 6. The entertainment was composed j of local talent from the various j churches and schools. 1 The Flute group, from Leonard St. School, accompanied by Mrs. J 1. Hall, played 3 appropriate numbers. From Brooks Memorial Church were: Mr. Fred Dixon, Baritone, and the trio with Mes dames Minnie Bell Gilmore, Annie I. Dixon and Mrs. Emma Trues dale, St. Stephen A. M E. Zion Church I was represented by Mrs. Hattie Cooke, soprano, Mr. Harold Davis, tenor, Miss Edna E. Phifer, soprano and the Zion Trio with Mes-dames: i Louise McCloud. Odessa Tyson and Mrs. Sarah Lawson Second Presbyterian Church war ably represented by Mr. Charles Morris, baritone. Miss Joyce Thomas, and Mrs. Helen Cole were the aceompan i ists. The theme for this year is “Here is your cue to a happier you” and (gain the membership drive will have at the “helm" the very en ] ergetic Mrs. ,T K. Williams, who last year was inspirational in bringing in more new members to the Y. W. than had ever been brought in before * Refreshments of Frappe and j cookies were served by the mom- I hers of the social committee Y TEEN POTATO CHIP SALE The annual Y-Teen Potato Chip ! | sale began Friday with a kick-off i i party for all Y-Teens who are sell- | I ing potato- chips, advisers and com- I mittee members at the Y. W. C. A The girls are really working hard to raise money to help send delegates to the South astern Y-j Teen summer conference to be held j in June at Blue Ridge ,N C„ and also to buy a movie projector for ‘ the Y. W. C. A. Each girl who sells 100 bags or - more of potato chips will receive | a gold compact or ceramic jewelry | box from Gordon’s Potato Chip; Company. The club that sells the j highest'number of bags of potato chips will be guest at a cook-out and win also receive an eo*,avd plaque and the girl who sells the highest number of bags of potato chips in all of the clubs will re ceive a prize CLUB MEETINGS Christain Stewardship Club The Christain Stewardship Club ol Mt. Vernon Baptist Church met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Elsie Medley, on Ashburn St. with Mrs Mary H. Forbes, co- 1 hostess. The meeting was opened by Mrs ; Helen Hogue, in charge of devo tional service. Business projects ; v ere discussed by the president ! Mrs Helen Leach. Mrs. Cordelia Gains, club advi ser, spoke to the club commend- j ing them on the fine work they are doing and gave the highlights j of “Stewardship and working to- : gather." During the .social period the ; members honored Mrs Ruth Simp son and Mrs. Bernice Mathis on their birthdays. The hostesses served dainties to the other members present: Mcs dames Catherine Strickland, Dessie M. Dye, Virginia Baldwin, Louise Coleman. Marion Bass, Esther Baldwin. Gertrude Johnson Ber tha Martin, Dorothy Deberry, and Mrs. Beatrice Simpson. Miss Georgia Dunlap was the club's guest for the evening. Las Soeors Club. Mrs. Connie Jefferson was host ess Saturday evening to the mem bers of Les Soeurs Club Mrs. Anne Johnson, vice-presi- I dent of the club presided over the brief business meeting. Afterwards the members and guests were served buffet style. The St. Patrick's motif was car ried out in the setting, adding so much to the attractiveness of the house. Following the serving the social hour was held Mrs. Josephine Harris and Mrs. Anne Johnson won first, and second prizes respectively for their skill in pinochle. The hostess then presented the guest gift to Mrs. Beulah Boyd Others enjoying the evening wore Mesdames: Betty Brown. Juanita Dunavpnt. Edith A. Jackson, Mar ion McElrath, Mary F. Myers Ann Man gum, Ida M. McConnell, Misses Lois Haizlip, Christine Harrell Ru i bye More, and Miss Edna F,. Phifer, j ENTIRE NOUS GARDEN CLUB Spring flowers were a of 1 beauty in the entertaining rooms at the home of Mrs. Hattie Boul ware on Moon Street when the Entre Nous Garden Club met there i ■*<«»fpnr».'-wn^i.,.. ■ ■ «%i,»p»,'iwww l -»i!i«»^»w-»»<;nih g»»nrr i-v'iwwv«iw«wnwnvw»g«i'?*"w*w >iw»«——— " on Tuesday. Mrs. Lola Hart made the ar rangement for the evening using pansies and daffodils. She stressed the importance of simplicity and balances in flower arranging. The hostess served delicious re freshments to the members at the conclusion of the meeting. DEATHS AND FUNERALS Funeral services for Mrs. Mamie Bruton Legrand were held on Thursday at the Bethlehem Bap tist Church. She was survived by her hus band, Lee Junto" Legrand three daughters. Mrs. Margie Armstrong, Mrs. Fattie Dockery and Miss Mar garet J.egrand; one son, Rodger Legrand, four sisters, five broth ers, seven grandchildren, and her step-mother, Mrs, Sailie Bruton. Interment followed a! Greenhill Cemetery. BIRTHS Born t.o Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, Jr, a son, Broderick Devon Allen. Mrs. Allen is the farmer Peggy By num (March 14th). Born to Mr. and Mrs John Lee Sims, a son, Charles Napoleon Sims Mrs Sims is the former Mar garet Lumpkins (March 20th! Born to Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Gregory, a daughter, Marcia Ear line. Mrs. Gregory •, as formerly, Earlinn Davis, (March 21sO. Happy Birthday to: Orlando Hudson, Jr, 208 Underhill (4 yrs. old), Clarence Stafford of Wen ded St. 18 vrs. old!. PERSONALS Dr and Mrs P. Lillie of Gordon St have returned from Pensacola Fla , after a short vacation. Christened Louis Nathaniel Kerr, 111 at Si Stephen A M. E. /.ion Church Ify the pastor the Rev. S Alexander Speight. At Lincoln U.: Farmers And Homemakers so Convene JEFFERSON CITY, MO., Ap i proximalely 150 persons repusein ing farmers and homemakers from all areas of Missouri gathered at Lincoln University (Mo.) last week for the annual Farmers and Home makers Conference which vns ; held on the campus Tlie theme of the conference j was “Securing and Managing Fin ; ances for Better Rural Living.” Speakers at the conference were j O.- R. Johnson, chairman, depart ment of agricultural economics, ! University of Missouri: Probate ; Judge William C. Blair of Jeffer | son City; Herbert C. Hunter of the j Missouri Credit Union League: ; John M Goodin, a local attorney I President Fail L. Dawson, as well j as mombi rs of the faculty at Lm ! coin, ; In addition to group meetings the | conferees were taken on a tour of the state capital building which al jso included other governmental i Scenic spots in the city. The coo* trrenc” culminated with a han fju: t in the University cafeteria • which featured an address by Pres ident Dawson. Mrs Ella B. Stack house, County Home Agent at Pe miscot! and Dunklin Counties was mistress of ceremonies. The program, which was spon sored by the departments of agri* (ulture and home economics at the University, was under the general supervision of Dr. James N. Free man and Mrs Marcia M. Ham mons. Turkey breeder hens on North Carolina farms as of January L 1957 were estimated at 42.0000 birds, compared with 41.000 a year earlier, an increase of two per cent. Be sure and cut this Ad out and bring it with you . ~ SAVE $2.00 Toward the Purchase of Any Suit in the House. Spring & Easter SUITS s 9 ,s To s l4“ P.SH JEWELRY ! & LOAN CO. 127 N. MAIN ST. HIGH POINT. N. C. # /Vns/i Saves You Cash/