PAGE TWENTY | -fi ! M,§t 4 INTEGRATED HEALTH MT-d-T --TNGS’ PARTICIPANTS A I:2th Stealth Educators’ e mem ?, sponsored jointly by departments * If V ft 'fltUß ) TUBERCULOSIS PATIENT SENTENCED TO ;d’>-1 ;« & wheel chair, Wai.o ; Roper, who i>. in. the adv,• a tuberculosis, ■■■ «■..; s a . mi! »>.; k as he IKS?ns to . t-olopy (second from rl •;••) sentence him ‘dr •« i . >■ jenti.ay for the it . ~: r of hh wife, tin umi.- -»;•.! •• • ;- oaw. _____ ’*' /--■ -.. V ' -'V-J') My . ,■: J ‘C<'-' % ’ ■ *f: !*;» mj- - ’ »■.£■• ■ : |, || |v : ' ’ | X ?-iji|| • hJiiSli'JS sslKiSii^ CSREKK WEEK PRINCT PALS AT NCC Trim'S* t in North Carolina Collect-';. “Greek Vl’»■ k obser vance** that started last Sun day «ith keynoted address by Second from right) Clare.nee |.' “ 1 g# crt-musi n--.e«CMif'r. ; rov ■ atM'.-s. o;.k*r. ; esN, • i I \ ; t (KniS: S irccii?’ gtAg.Vfcvv >•• 4. -1 7: ■« i , v ’•■.■■■ ■ ■ •.*» tv { 1 ■* . I\ \ ! #:: * AtfOtO \ . IvfO-iferu u-'-t-. ic-Hi #!■•, «t '*-■■.,// & / VS L . &?■ -v," •:? -...-•-■ ‘ K .*:.-• V : • . ■ -sv , j ■ f —«!£§£&.'• ' '* ■.'.” I .V'*•’!$.«&&;; xvC.r, ' | , «A?t N«at.i coa chinos v ' . i-i-'s - ■»<- ; , tMifo **«• StA* AM! SWAY l'» .' I • tnaiSiH. so '.OV; cs* or '.cavity ' <>.£ iatchs; j L., gp; : - o / 4 - s'<*»'" ‘‘ r if* JTANOAftP SAW/ ••(AT'.'-* §|| The tremendous strides made by the auta in olive Industry in building safety into the mo dern automebiir in the low price field at no ex ten cost to the buyer are indicated by the 18 safety features shown on this .195 V Studebaker Presi dent Classic which have become standard equip tm»t within the past five years. Safety features of imbSk health t Cl ’-vir-l , If 111, and NO CoH'ge, Deri sm, . i brought together the above nottc- i j Sties in Durham last wee'... Left j j MHchell, d;rc't«vr of the j | Washington Bureau »f the j NAAt’.P are shown here, i -.ft [ to right J. 5 c Vomie ( b.amb ers, Mtt. Giicnd; Mixs Sh right are Dr. May hew Derry* berry; Mrs. Anne Haynes; NCC ' ( Alfonso Elder; Dr. Ira j )' •• •; k. and B. T. McMUlan. N.- C. <\ Ur, Derry berry is chief t id r Edwin C. Shaw Sanitorium, March 22nd. Looking on are | ;•'!!•!•!>*••. (. Lipgts (right;; guard Anthony Kaneas (masked,} , Koju brother, Ernes!: and court reporter Hubert Milbura iforeground). (UNITED PRESS TELEPHOTO). '■■/ ./t ) | «heil: and Floyd B. MrKis- J -i-k Vice president ot thu i/ioijam N SALT’. Forums, so < J r ■<•-■■. i>’i■’;(•,sets, dance were other events in a week j lb's d wih NCf Greek aefivi ‘ tlm. • i public health specialist, 1 S. p. ; H. S., Washing ten. Miss Haynes a j is chief health educator; Dr llis - ; cock is chairman department at f ! Vale. • | Dramatise Home Os 11 You've probably often wondered why the beauty and practicality of theatrical lighting techniques could siot be converted to home une 1 It rnay have occurred to you how much the varying intensities of Sighting mean to the success of a stage or movie production and how wonderful it.would be to enjoy these beautiful lighting effects at 'home. With I lie recent, development, of light dimmers or controls your home can now be made to look as glamorous as a Broadway stage set just, as well known TV and radio personalities Boa Wain and Andre Baruch (Mr. & Mrs in private life) are doing in the lux urious living room of their coun try homo. Not unlike the average Ameri can couple they spend a great deal of time in their home and find Luxtrol one of the most con venient of appliances they own. Ben as the mistress of the house f est Is it offers exciting possibiii t.h-3 in interior decorating and is most helpful in creating “mood atmosphere” for candlelight sup pers and cocktail parties. She is also aware of its value in the sick j room where soft lights arc a "must” and in the nursery where a dim reassuring glow is often important to a child. r-JkOldlimeb “In journalism as in other i things, Mondays nuiaterpkio# i! iwraps TmtadajfM iMu” j PICTHER Fy Rftl»ivkß»nnrt-Ar Nnw Wi'flt "I JELiX“O. 4 | ▼¥ ?¥ lILO. i tci A a ,—rL.. - UPC* \J*JUr% 9 £»&£ y \J A CttOil .Gi_ t DURHAM Leir.u 1 1C C. .. Jr.. former Haielgli newsman and St. Augustine'-. College alumnus, was speaker during a forum pro gram at North Carolina Colic-, e last Tuesday. The speech was part its «he college's annuai observance of the anniversary of Freedom Journal, first paper edited and published fcy T . S. Negroes, This year marks the publico • tion’s 130th anniversary. Speaking on the topic, “Foreign i Policy Is Everybody's Business”. | Graves challenged youth to pre-1 pare for several roles in today’s f v He Gave Women Romance And Scanty bince time began, the pearl has been a svmnei oi -'...ire e .-■,i riches, the most prized adornment of n;:u> and y. At least this was the case until about fifty veers ago, when Kol ■ 1 : ! Mikimoto, a peddler of noodles, succeeded i-i culrh a ting : :\. ’• v ’ |an oyster. Thus he confounded the cxnerts who s,;, ! it •, id. . done, and wrested from nature a secred !-.c-k< d a" ..->• stie-e tin, Pound naturally in fewer then one in iud,(hi i'„ v ~'.r , • i is new the birthright of every American, women th-ic.’.-i to t’ •• ». ] nuity and tenacity of this once obscure pear! lover ;,f Cultured pearls an real pearls, and the most examples are as rare and precious as natural | pearls of old. Today, fwie r-earU ’Are synonotr.ous with Japan, iwhore this new pear! industry fiuui i.s-ics at which i 00,00’ ! peo ple woik and live. A representative of the Japan f’eari Industry at the Janen Trade Center, m Fifth Avw.ue, New York, describes a perfect pea’d as round, with luster and no spots. "The bigger the (setter, hud:, irregular pearls with many spots on them are undesirable. Jt is essential that pearls, being precious gems, have beaut' - .” He cautions against imperfect pearis. “ The pear! should not be sold casually. For this reason, 1 welcome Japan’s steps to forbid I export of low-grade pearls ” Pearls come in colors for every taste; pink is preferred by Amer leans. with cream much in de mand. The color varies with the water in which the oyster! it im mersed. For this reason, and be cause a variety of colors give a subtle shading to pearls, pearl growers draw the movable oyster beds from one place to another, j often to throe or four placer a 1 year. The natural life of an oyster is about eight years By careful nurture, Mikimoto increased the life of oysters to ten yaer;—long enough to produce a first-class pearl. The nucleus for a cultured pearl is injected into the oyster when it is two or three years old. The oyste r covers the pearl inside I it with a complete layer of nacre ♦•very twenty-four hours. Thou sands of layer? go into making :each pearl. So Mikimoto was not only the first ‘'farin'* pearls; he made a i Maize Mlitfins ' -i £* n- wd i 4 '^ | ■ >? " ' / How often have you been caught "in the middle of the .stream’' with only an hour’s notice that guests arc coming for lunch? Fr. > *i«d thoughts run through your nmui r.s to what to feature on ;n« menu. You suddenly wish you hod on “emergency reference' ole. Why not start ono right away—and here’:; « No. 1 ititu for y. I such & flic—*Maiae Muffins. These pretty little muffins take just a ji-’Ty to ran.l »*. V -e A * age of your favorite corn muffin mix phis some ‘’extras” and you are well on the way to preparing a treat beyond compare. '; 1 ■ ■ i cheese that Is in the recipe gives the Maize Muffins an added umffi-r melt-in-ycur-toouth flavor, while the sesame #t-cd that aac-rns via* top gives each one an extra gourmet touch, i We suggest serving your favorite mc-a’-in-one salad with t>-c muffins plus steaming cups of tea. Add a twining ivy for il.e o n!., r picce and your “last minute” luncheon table will bo truly picture pretty!—And you’ll have awe minutes to spare before your guests arrive! J MAIZE MUFFIN’S Muffins i One 12-02. package corn 2/S cup milk mu’.fm mix 1/2 cup grated sharp chc e ■ 1 egg Topping.’ 1 teaspoon sesame seed Empty contents of package into bowl; add err. pi ilk and cheer. ! Blend until dry ingredients arc well moistened ; taitci will be j lumpy, Half fill greased muffin cups; sprinkle each muffin v iUi ! ame seed.' Bake its a hot oven <4oo* F.) 16 to 20 minutes. Makes ik ; ptsdttDHflsed mafijr.S,/ t 1 ' Th~E CAROLINIAN • foreign policy. Graves, former, . i chief of the EC A anti USI pro- i . policy officer wjtli GSI in \V>«.-n-; 1 “At cue level”, lm said, ‘youl |rn«y hem shun* fo.e%n policy by! j reading the most toforinative lit-1 i eraturo of this country and for-1 ! eigh periodicalt- to get proper per ; | speetive for tntelliaent |ih'!'{* I “At another level", he add j cd, “you way bra.-.• » n.nv m ■ your triktr u'" ;i -c- f,> t-ikc i that kind of courses that «iii enable >,»u ?,> he <*) service ( n J -* * 1 ! i FMII wmfiareßgs£- ■ i j S '•* I " ' ' lonian a birthright / v 1 scientific study of »he ovX-r an I I >■ 1 | formation of a cultured pearl, | met mi, was the peiu 1 sac formed I j ironi an epidermis, and not from i | any foreign substance. So far, f fl.fjl V.- »* ;. f. ~« on maintaining superior ouoYt w j He buried aeeosxd-rate pear!?, f “IVopje at me fry not B” ? th*%l ! j for their quality." ( Scientific research in revert j years has produced remarkable j p'ear!» C that add' io the h:"m-as ! theciin < ur>s,‘ 1U ' IJj ’" h '° V cHeery's cosiv j Graves' and Kay attended & ; n& S ,i ~ £| S$ | M '2* g* C& b" \L« %gs g%i 9 8 *•• 7! gMI 9* ,* to -■-« u-j 1%i9 18 »1 & f i?.V B. V. STURDIVANT j of Phylliians and the Courts of j Lord". Prayer by Bov. E. D Baker. I j v-uf-ic \.'wH spo.nscred bv thv• nL>r > ■• r i-y trarp '• ! •• < 1 • i: '■•'' ’■ r '''. wn [ *.... j, •. j-■ •, i ... j t . ( ( ./ ~ | The annual sermon we- deliver- | | rd hy the pastor, Kcv. T. C. Ha- \ | , rv , r ., TJp r’O-Vlj ;• n 1 (ho loVO 01 ' ! hira, and gnvr it to David, and his j | oven to his sword, and | h?a -served in the dininy room of j Holly Springs I BV ROY LEE WOMBLE HFT.LY SPRINGS ■-- Sunday,'! 'Viaj-f'h ]?th was rc;. cbr pastoral 1 ( \ny mi the* Christian" Church. The j v . ■>'■ gyri.-rfiiily and the Junior j ul were at then- places. Re l .'. Albright church pastor. | iron general supervisor, brought to j . : ; i ■ ,i most outstanding J ,< r, ir. ■(•( "A A! ii v/i’i'o present. And the offering i Su)i:‘.v, Moreh 24fh. was regii- i la** •-•i-vi’oe d«v at the Baptist j Church The senior choir wmciefc | piano."mV. William'' A.yoncs. Mr. i vice, hy givim; their service on i lor of the dv.trc’n, brought to the age. J-j -?xt it e» fr< >m Kxo SO;IB, using as his subject ; ‘Thov; ShaH’ Not Bear Folse WU* i ness AiMinsd Anyone” But when! hp vva- thou A. I’m sure he had j Su St, the «gular 1 meeting of Uio Wake Baptist Sun j dny School Singing Union will be i hold, it, will bo hold with the First j Baptist Chun'h of Fuguny Springs, j i,vjU he the rtionker from the Bap- I list Church o f ;tolly Springs. There J will bo speakers from all Sunday ! schools represented, and lots of : singing. SCHOOL NOTES Tw -day night, March JO V. TA. J meeting was held at the Holly j Springs School. Air. .T. .1 13*-tts acted a ,T president, due to the ab* ! mice of our pr< aider,!:, Mr. CardeU j Ada car The* mooting went along as | usual. At the dorr* of the business | part of the meming, the group was ! fiivored by a very intt resting talk ! l-.y Professor P A. Wiilimret of the ! Apex school. On Friday righi. April V the men of the Holly Spring’ School com- i HOME T'ONOaIICS f’AXE | 1 !STS AT NT COLLF-tIK • The -us p.ii’cjis'.s at North Carolina t •<’" Cllli'; i«.| -**<■>, J> ;| y observance last week are shown her. j*i rlchi arc Nits. R;u- Yiiiiiumc, NCU eounsdor; Mrs. Geneva Junts Puryra., intcr i n»r decoraler *>f VViriston-Sulcin; Mrs Liie.v I'. James, NOC itincr ant teacher trainer in home eco nnniirs; Mrs. Ma'di 1 Tvans, me trHionist for the tVhcat Flour ■nsi-tute of O uayo; Miss Vii! hclmtna 't.aivs, l>! triet J’ninc V gout. Greensboro; and Mrs fdoria Sanders, chief dietitian, T-dneedn Hospital, Durlaun, ( -OMMI *n rrr nuws i OVv ' ri'imnK fvctn li or job, so l--t j I; ' v s ’oow nor that we? re oily did ap j jjj^jjj BY MRS. It VUY KAMSEY MACON The Lovely Hill Br.p- I tit;? church held ;:s monthly sor ! vino on Sunday, March 17, at P.T ! noon. Rev Foster delivered an jn i spi: mg flu yv;; :on/the topic "Sri*d i Me". The Seventh Annual session of j the Warren County Ushers’ Con j vention met at the Lovely Hill j Church on Sunday. March i 24. Rev. Andrew Taylor of Wonder | son, delivered an inspiring me - | sage on the topic, “Your service is ’ important.” The winner ,-,f fj rs ( p r j Ze f n the Oratorical contest was Mira Nancy I Thornton of Warren Coun tv Train j School Mr. and Mrs. Mck P. Hunt m | tvrtained oc; -of-h-.-wn guests on I Sunday. March 24 T|« r dinnm | guests were Hi v. and Mrs. J. V j Burchett ;, oft;,* 1 *■ v y. N C . Mrs. I ! Juki Alston and Mrs. Vera C I Watts of Kind ins. N. C. ; Airman Second dims Marvin 1. i Hunt is hem, ’■ i .-o L j rig his fiunily. j Mr. and Mis, Nick 1 Hunt. He re j Conti;, re tier ed :>] evn Korea, j Mr. and Mm. Alfred Miller, Mrs ; Mat.d Muck WiFiarux. Mr. David f ’ WilHam-i ■ d F *■ Tocrarn of i Brooklyn N. Y, w* re recent gno*ts ! of Mm. Lucinda Willinns. Mr. rind 1VT’ Cler’cs Somerville rt.vijgiie-r. Civryt of St. Al j Rons. N. Y.. tver*-* guests of M>\ Mr. Wiibe 'Spruill of Baliimore. 1 Mil was home visitShg his famtiy i ct copfly. PUKCHFD-CARO Nonces : LOU G£t ‘-ROM VA TOP VOOR6I INSURANCE PftfMlUMtb’—UNTiJ, | YOUR £i>m.Y ARRiVPS, CONTiNI % l TO U«£ YOUR OLD PREMIUM r» NOYICS& , -v 'J r \ for full infArmßll«» rnntlft ronr jw’Rtf** \ KTIjKANS* AI;MIMSTRATIOS o&ca*