PAGE TWENTY-TWO KINSTON | BagWfiOCTf—lnrmnitti in i mii,Jiii.afor: ».• wjiauMßwwfc*imnr»? BY YF.TTA E. TH'-NN 538 Lincoln St„ Tel, 32511 KINSTON Mi- - Gera Lime jAwhorn, deaf and blind, »« ;> r, • ami pianist of New York, pr: •••' L'. attractively a Hired Music Lovers" Thr perform -.nn was concitided with iv-'*"-, piano selections Preiud-- in C . Pathetique Opu i.-i i • ■ ; . Ears”, ••Clair Drl.une -m 'tv* Music Lovers”. The p< • fn- • > was witnessed by a dience who *>,*■• and most definitely irnn - - -i. A biographical -etc 1 -T La whom may or in week's “Tidbits By Belli 1 < The Adwin Hiah .School - i held It-- monthly -v ■•-, day, March in at 5 r>. < ■ president,, Frar.i. Boi After the b*.*- :,-- was presented or- t "What More C -n i •< F T A. Work To H-; i; Developing (>;r Go Our Child: er. Mr Marshall n ■ :.. Esther B Phillip. l ler and Theon Cord,,: a., panelists with Mrs ■ ■ All is ter presiding ■ b the P.T.A. cc:opei in school library organ group on children'- ~. T- 1 informed on the nor- ; - magazine article o- - fare, organize - school is-, ::d, cation club. mil., cal talent for demon various aspects of program, of parent gLu -ti dy groups to emphii t.ance of spiriiuai - homemaking to i!v- .-hi!- youth groups and Ts » -;. - - to ter proper use of i-':--*. ,-- , - • courage. Sunday ■■ hr -i church attendance *i-.d t thrift. Following the general discussion oft; * : was held. A great deal of in the topic was dr - ■ ; i entire group Ihe < members of the hr. ' • 1 were commended Ar son's record at lir * the meeting. Miss Lencris Withe: poor, vo: ce major and Mrs Barbara mr-c:- Cooke, piano major Nor:!-- f * olina. College in Durh: , ed an impressive rocn-i H Sampson School P. i * ; • ing on Sund:r-. Opinion expressed by rn'inbei-: of the audience * . • Withersopon. s nauvt of ! ■ ~ showed great prom;. e business session of the P.T A. Mhic’n followed the recital. Mr*. M n Leitan. chairman of the pro-’i-am committee, reported i."uncial puv.r-cds from the "Mrs v. T ' project sponsored by uareiUs. ; will go on their annual :-Vi .::• Camporee in the near fu !uiv and more adult workers are needed," said Nathaniel Jones at •re meeting. All parents interest ed in hiving their daughters be come members oi the Brownie ••wout.s were asked to meet at the or•! Thursdav night at 7:30. 'I playground equipment coinnuttc gladly acerptod funds 1 «d by the prrdhts on their 'M'.s P.T A." Project, to purchase n .-v • mnpmert for the pupils It • hu- been ordered and should ar ! rive very soon. F t-- Charles Banders appoint* -•'d riommating committee to re* ! commend a slate of officeir for the 1957-58 school term, npiptuq from the schedule was j • Ann! meeting because it j l ~'iiit ■' on tLaoL-ci ouuud.v. i •A:vmg (kitties To The Wood-: ivvi ■■. ■: presented in the J. H. ; r.imoson School Auditorium on j M«:ch 30 b.v grade: .TP-2 under the ; -iip-n-vision of Mrs. E. M. Farrior. ■"i proa •am was well recer s>■ ■ and enjoyed. -val new books have seen '•irci to t!u- slielvr-s of the Kin- i -:n Public Library. They are | ! ue f-torv of Kinston and Lenoir < '• ui ' f'iv Black Man In White ’.mn u-,i. The New Psychology for | ; , i”! y Distant Drum: An i • -.-• 11-sioiy of English Litera- ! : - Ti -• Adventurer; The Scape ' ! Clout. Celeb. My Son: The Enor- j ! no:;- She now: iOi Best Magic j Truk;. Ho: pita! Zone: Johns-i ; wood: Harriet Tubman. IT • books for teenagers are. j yor St pmoi.her; When Boy ! ■ r Girl; Pioneers of Long Ago: ! : ; - . , Hunters; The Child’s 1 v Andy Jackson, Distinguish* | ir! Nor• Wat'T for America; i 'll ll ---■ and man Other books may j >•• borrowed from Uic library j w' or.- M: -r Laura, Hardy is li-j bra nan. 'f:u- Entip r >u: Club members ri::* ; r-'c.-'nii.v v. iUi Mrs. James j li-■!■•. vat h>.; residence on Univer ; Si rert Devotion was conduct ed end a brief business session ,u 'v.Kicri over by the president, vi: Tones Coedell. Jr. Guest ki-.ik-u-. ioeai Attorney. Harvey j Bc-c.-a was introduced by Mrs. W. A. Lawson. After a discussion on the •'lmportance of Making A peril-,ri followed. Alter the speech, members and :sa a a guests participated in three progressions of pinochle. High ■>n,s for club members were M; James Cogdell, Jr. and Mrs. Bruce Patterson. Jr. Consolation r*i '-nr .t. prizes went to Mes ne mes Edgar Murphy. Jr. and ikoniamin F. Hall, respectively. The hosiers served strawberry u-uuke and hot coffee, buffet style The dining table was over laid with an Irish lace tablecloth, centered with a beautiful arrange ment of red gladioli and green • The S> Patrick motif was .:••' ' u Midi Shamrock _and Irish hat taiiies. \: fending club members were M; *himO' James Cogdell. Jr., Harvey beech, Robert Crews. El* no Chapman Alexander Hill, f. - i\ir- .• W. A. Lawson, Ed- Murphy Jr.. Dannis Tillery, Joseph Stanley. Bruce Patterson, .!r Benjamin Hall was guest. Mrs, Amanda Williamson was to members oi the Ban ■"• '•: Literary and Social club on l Friday evening at her home on Blount Street. A brief session was held and final arrangements were made for the presentation of Miss ; Os raldine Lawhorn, which was . p.iusored by the club on Tues., ' March 19. A delicious chicken sal i ad course was served with Russian i'ca 1 of Antioch. Guest minister at 8 p. | : m. 'was Rev. Boykins of Wilson, N. j j C. Sunday School was held at (he j St. Augustus A. M. E, Zion Church : Sunday. March 17 at 9:45 p. m. with | the Supt. James Cogdell, Jr., pre | siding. At 11:00 worship service, i the pastor Rev. T W. Coleman de | livered an inspiring message and music was offered by the number i two choir of the church. The Interdenominational Minis- i terial and Missionary Society held - a week’s meeting at .Antioch Church last week March 18 through 24. President and secretary of the j society are Reverends M. E Loi : tin and Lion a Dunn, respectively. The Fellowship Gospel Chorus was scheduled to render a program at the Antioch Church on Lincoln St Sunday night. March 24 at S p. rn. Sponsoring the program '.vas Rev J. E. Santiago. All local ministers were sche ■ duled to meet at Antioch Church. ; Monday at 4 p. m. for the purpose | of making plans for the annual ;• pre-Easter services, sponsored by the Ministerial Alliance of this city. Rev. P. R Hood is president of the group and Rev A. G Cheston is secretary. Two weeks of revival services are in progress now at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church on North St. with Rev. B. B. Dunn speaking each nighl. Rev. McKinley Haw kins is pastor of the church. Rev. McKinley Hawkins was guest minister recently at Spring Garden Baptist Church in Wash ington. N. C Rev. W. L Lynch and choir and ushers of the Mt. Zion Church j rendered service recently at the | Emmanuel Christian Church where Rev. H. O Simmons is pastor. Rev. Thomas Anderson of Peters burg. Va. was guest minister re cently at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church here. The Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 389 R sponsored a Grand mothers contest, Sunday, March 17 ai the White Rock Presbyterian Church. Raising the highest amount of money and winning first second I and third prize's were Mesdames , Lubertha Jones, T.ucendia Croom ! and Sarah So'oman. Eddie Roscoe Jones. 41, of Hook | e-ton, Route 1. and Clifton Jones, ! 28, of 20 F Carver Cts, brothers, ! were in critical condition at. the Lenoir Memorial Hospital here from injuries sustained when their pick-up truck rolled over on the Hu *o-Hoolverton Road in Greene County early Sunday Morning. The I Burk was demolished. In another ! single car accident on the Brown j town Road. Sunday morning, Gar ! field Moore received facial cuts I when his car went out of control j Patrolmen Pate and J. P. Pridgen. | Invest the accident The following persons have been confined to their homes for a len gthy period and would enjoy a visit from you: Mrs. Sarah Butler, Car ver Cts.; Mrs. Matilda Patrick, Reed St.; Mrs. Fannie Mumford. Thompson St.: Mesdames Hannah Lawson and Novella Jones of Lin coln St.: Mrs. Georgia Whitfield, Mitchell Wootr-n Ct 3., U. G. Hes ter. Mitchell Wooten Cts.; James Smith of Oak St.. Wiiex Brown. Caswell St. and Alien Brock. OBITUARIES Funeral services for Mrs. Willie I H. Phillips of near Kinston were j | held Sunday at 3 p. m. from the j j St. James Free Will Baptist Church ; Rev. J ft Harper* delivered »'n« ' eulogy Burial followed in the j Tidbits By Beth’ By Y. Elizabeth Dunn i KINSTON - Ones thought*; j changed from surprise, to amaze ; menl to simple admiration in the 1 course of the evening while Geial j dine Lawhorn, deaf and blind ae ■ tress performed ai the J. H .Samp son School Auditorium here last | week. Upon seeing her in action ; several questions arose that were | readily and bautifull.v answr-'d In. ■ "While It Is Day." her autobiogra i phy. These few lines were in | eluded at the beginning of the | booklet and may best express her j philosophy: , When I observe what T can see. | there is no time for whai I can ; nut see. If i! Uric ti In what I or. I j their: is no tuns io ■■ c. --. over j j those sounds I cannot hear When I occupy myself with the things 1 can do i --in much too busy to fret nvc-.' the things 1 can not do If 1 smile as all t find beauty and laugh at that which is gas. | when will there h« time to cry j over what is sad j Doctors thought a serious bout i I with measles at age 5 cast her loss j ; us sight and healing idler. Her. i eyes first bbthe«-ed her at age sev- j I rn. "Mom and 1 spent nuiny dreary • days sitting on hard benches in j clinics or in the expensive gloom j of eye specialists offices." At age i nine she stopped school because ; ! she was completely blind. She latei entered Shei wooHi ! Grammar School in Chicago and ; later the Braille Department of I 1 John Marshal! High School. j Deafness came m 1939 and she | ! described it this way; "May 7. 1936 1 ! was an unusually hot day. The j | heavy heat seemed to press against \ | my head like a steel helmet. Three j j was a shrill ringing in my ears I I ihat drowned out nearly all other j sounds All that, day a* school I | tried to quiet this ringing so that j t 5 could hear w hat people were 1 saving, like f-yiug to -.jew i v,’dio j set of static. But. s? Ihe d'y w<. : -e or: the ringing increased." That night she vns .druid to lis ' ten to the radio and sat by the rooi j ■ open window instead and sewed, j "Gradually the pressure and ring- » irig in my head diminished until I [ felt completely at peace. At ten j | thirty Mom came to the window to i I tell me to go to bod ! could not i ! hear her at all. Mom took me into ! ! the bedroom, pointed to the bed I | and gently laid her hand over my j eyes. "Sleep « Her autobiography goes en to Phillips Family Cemetery. j Surviving are one son, Roscoe | ! Williams. Philadelphia, Pa., three | brothers. Rev. C E. Phillips, Char leston. West Va. Elias Phillips. Philadelphia. Pa.: Sylvester Phil lips, Goldsboro. N C. Also five! grandchildren. Ti an fcmcL * MY / THIS TOWN IS NICELY LAID OUT - I how long mas rr secn dead ?" tt+stifisett/r#*, F€&rxs ago. Mrs. .!ear>sr-tr» Silk, Supers 1-01 of Negro Activities ai the Rehabilitation I enter for the Blind el Biii.*er, her been on leave of absence from this State post while working in Msnii# for the American Foundation for Oventeea Blind, j. p international agency for the i which also sponsor* the world j travel* of Helen Keller A native of t?aleirh. Mr* s>i I k wa* sent to Manila by the Foundation t« 1 February IffSfi to nerve a? Adv.gor t.o ! i >he Government of the. Philippines in ! | launching a new Government a gene v— i ; the Office of V ofatiooal Rehabilitation. j , Under her guidance, a modem rehahtli | tation center for visually and other ( j handicapped persons has just been j : opened in Manila win* it i* destined j 1 to serve h- n Mrs. Sills will return to Manila for one i more year to complete he; assignment. ■ Iff NoUlthm | - ; • i | j tfe’.* ... | ; ! ** mjmzjeaa?: i | =~—~rr _ . s»gg[gTnW^BSc: “I’ve been standing on Har* | old s shoulders for almost five minutes. Isn’t, that some kind I of a record?*’ . . - ! MACK'S Bar-B-Q j Mack’s PU-C'ooked Bar-B-Q We Specialize in All Kinds of Barbecue Parties : i \ sl4 S QuettTi St.. Kinston I ! Matthew Mitter. Prop. Dial 9007 j ~ hot’ foot I Record & Photo Shop i\2 S QVtFM STREET KINSTON. N ( , Phone 7-oh^B «i»o*~wri-KG£, " Hound Dog' DOVE i Proprietor I , *>IVT.—MI .-M.—M. NOW IN PROGRESS , REGISTER FOR ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP To New York City. Trip in cludes: Train fare, hotel accommodations, and SSO spending money foi the winner and a companion . , Our store is jam packed with new Spring and Easter fashions. Famous Brand Names for Men, Women and Children . . . Come celebrate with US . . , ! KINSTON, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 3D, 1957 A whole family of puffed rice bunnte? perched on your table at, Fi ter time! Watch the children’s eyes light up when they catch thvir first glimpse of the little bunnies with their pipe cleaner ear? Mother will find Funny Bunnies especially charming for they are so easy to make even the tiny tots in the household can share tn the fun. With 311 hands molding the puffed rice burtnie: each one will have a personality all his own. Tasty as .well as nutritious, each Funny Bunny is sure to win the heart of someone a< vour house this Easter! Ftmny Bonnies Make* $ hi'nwet Ru notes j 6 cups puffed rice 1 *''2 teaspoon vam! a 1 i cup butter or margarine 1. ‘4 teaspoon red food coloring l • ?. pound i about fresh marshmallows 16 pipe cleaner* for ear# Heat, puffed rice in shallow pan jn moderate oven (350*F.) TO minutes Pour into greased bowl Melt butter and marshmallow’* in top double boiler over hot water; stir until smooth. Add vanilla and food coloring, Pour over puffed rice, stirring until evenly coated. AA ith greased hands, form eight 2-inch balls and eight i inch balls. To assemble and decorate bunnies, fasten smail balls (heads' to larger balls (bodies) with thick confectioners’ sugar frosting Use pipe cleaners to form ears, pushing each end of the pipe cleaner firmly into the head. Use raisins, nuts or semi-sweet chocolate pieces for eyes, nose and mouth, fastening on with confectioners' sugar frosting. 1 STANLEY’S MARKET I I “You (iH The Best For Less FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Sit i YV,»;*hmg(oti Ave., Kinston Di't 821" ggOTtferes-mr ttcjc- r*«-*sg*gc*rjr«;.y-Ttwr fMCTfTjnrcrt_ ixrtTn-i c--«—. ,—m. ■—* »«■;« -uanma n ■ll mnfw*.. East End Shoe Repair SKRV i C E 7,'i K WASHINGTON AVE. KINSTON, N. C "Service With A Smile" MARCELLOS MILLER, Prop. ; ..... ja.-i.ii.--rT* j r , u- - . iiLii.imnu _u.jji.mwin ■i i> as 1111 •■»*■■ t , 1 - fTI —"ii iinwicrTHi-*^ 1 — M, —miiMi*ir*iiWi'>WT>niwiinmiivawr -naaanHWtMsnif'li'i —iuitiii »iwiw»«nwien^'WMWWt!»>Brrw»i** , nMni’i«nw«Mmwwww—wwww—>Mfc