PAGE TEN RALEIGH PERSONALS . CLUBS . CHURCHES H. ; fsdgsgs BY MRS. GERALDINE BROWN * j ★ | ★ ★ VISITING ! BIRTHS CLUB NEWS SICK S and and ANNOUNCEMENTS j BIRTHDAYS NOTES '****'“*' ** **"""** Items for this column must be in the office not later than Tuesday noon, to insure publication* Mail copy to P. O. Box 628 ot phone TEmple -4-5558 or TEmple 3-9007. ■STORK VISITS SAINT AGNES ) •Mr, and Mrs. William Hodge of Wendell are the proud parents of a , baby boy born March 20. His name is William Mtchea). -Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson of Knightdalo are happy to have .Jesse Deasus for a son. He was born Minch 20th. Mr, and Mrs. Rufus Whitaker ate happy to have Gale Dianne for a daughter. They are from Raleigh and Dale was born March 21st.. A little girl, Alzena Ramona Vic toria, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence of Raleigh. She was born March 21st. On March 22 a baby boy, Wiilie Andrew, was born into the house hold of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wal ker of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer of Raleigh are the proud parents of a baby boy. Anthony Jerome, born March 22nd. »'*ts* » i » • RESERVE <<TBO;W! *p & m i i/sswerr is* p** l i tt. t sswwtrs jo* ee , t**trt*nms. it. t. Kt*BCB WKSJKET. * MOOT '«*. W/o Mil* RSiTSAi. m#TTS ■*" i It’s Easy Once You’ve Learned the secret of REGULAR Saving! 9 REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNTS We furnish without charge a personalixed check book of 20 checks with your name and address on each check. SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS You can purchase a book of 20 checks for $1.95 and you pay NO SERVICE CHARGE or your account. Mechanics & Farmers Bank * * RALEIGH - DURHAM I'■Ti"iMiiinM^m'r- J m' 7 wmSmt ll tmmn ~ nmmntmmmm ■ i—■wimwi mmmm* • . SfEPStj@is Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co, Os Raleigh ■3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA -j- TEL. TE 3-1071 i I James Edward. Jr. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Can r-ady. He was born March 23. They are from Apex. Terry Lynn, a girl, is the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. David West of Raleigh She was born March 23. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jones are the proud parents of a baby boy, Lacy Cornell, born March 24th. They are from Apex. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil liams on March 25th was a baby girl. On March 26th, born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLain of Varina was a baby girl. Mrs. Lillie Hodge was hostess to the Emergency Club last Tuesday at her home on Lincoln Court. A fter the business session, the mem bers enjoyed a very tasty repast. Members present were: mesdames Hattie Edmondson, Geneva Brown, Effie Young, Hazel Williams, Lucy Hawes, Mabel McCauley, Addle Lo gan, Lucy Eaton, Phyllis Hay wood, Augusta Gray, Juanita Strickland. Gam cl Watts, Jose phine Williams, Nessie Iredell, Georgie Stewart and pastor, Rev. L. S. Penn. The Saint Agnes Hospit.V c>r vlce Board will stage a “Rir ;e Sale”, April sth, 10-5 and April 6th, 9:30 - 3 p. m. at 222 S. Blount St. The Young Women’s Missionary Society of Rush Memorial Church met at the home of Miss Mary Francis Degraffenreaidt, on South Saunders Street, Monday after noon. They enjoyed a fine meeting and made plans for another great program to be held at the church soon. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Rush Memorial Church met at the Parsonage on Monday night. Presiding Elder and Mrs. T. J. Young were present and gave en couraging remarks. Also the pas tor, Rev. W. D. Carson, spoke on the subject. “Thy Kingdom Come” which was enjoyed by all. At the close of the meeting we were ser ved delicious ice cream and cake by the hostess, Mrs. W. D. Carson. BIRTHDAYS Many happy returns to Mr. Nor man Adams who celebrated his birthday on April Ist. Little Miss Patricia Ann Williams celebrated her 9th birthday on A pril 2nd. A PARTY A birthday party was held for Little Miss Marshall on her sth birthday on March 31st. A won derful time was had by the fob i lowing- Mazetie Dunn, Robert Dunn, Maxine Carter, Jen y Ro bertson, Pearline Mitchell. Ice cream, peanuts and candy were served the guests. Miss Marshall’s party was given to her by hei grand-parents; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gatling, 1519 East Jones Street of this city, VISITING Mrs. Celia Wortham is visiting her sister in Wilmington. Mr Spencer Haywood, 319 Heck Street, is now visiting in Chicago, Illinois. While there he will be visiting Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Dan iel. He will also visit his brother, Mr. Edward Haywood in Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. Lessie Dunston of 321 S. Haywood Street reports a won derful trip to Springfield. Ohio where she has been visiting her daughter and grand-children. We are happy to announce that Mr. Walter King of East Cabarrus Street is improving and back home after under going an operation at Veterans Hospital in Durham. Mr. arid Mrs. Sidney Roberts and daughter of 615 South East Street traveled to Greensboro to vist Mrs. Maude Edwards. THE ALPHA BEITS The ALPHABETTS, Auxiliary to the Phi Lambda Chapter of the Al pha Phi Alpha Fraternity met Sat March 30, 1957 at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Hunt with Mes dames Hunt, Crockett, Eaton, Bar field, Jones, Matthews and Mann as hostesses Mrs A. Levingston presided in the absence of our president, Mrs. Newell. Final plans were made for our skit in the forthcoming Jabber wock. Mrs. Milford Taylor was welcom ed as an addition to our group A delicious salad course was ser ved and each member was present ed with a miniature Easter basket as a souvenir. Other members present were Mesdames Wilson, Brown, Culler, Toole, Davenport, Young, Sherard and Ball. The social meeting of the Mary Talbot Junior Woman's Club was held Tuesday night, March 19, at the home of Mrs. Effie Parks of Rhamkatte Road. Pinochle and other games were or -ycd by the group. After sev < : rounds of playing, Mamie A. Si. id and Mrs. Phyllis Haywood won first place prizes. Mesdames Inez Peebles, Mary B. Graham, Vic toria Walters and Irene Price were recipients of the second and third place prizes respectively. After a delicious one-course lun cheon served by the hostess. Mrs. Parks, and co-hortess, Mrs. Gloria Sanders, a sterling silver tray was presented to the former president, Mrs. Phyllis Haywood, for her out standing leadership of the club. The gift was presented by Mrs. Parks. Mrs. Beatrice Hall Is the newly elected president of the organiza tion. HOTEL Member of N„ H. A. Clean, Comfortable Room# Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop. 326 K. Cakarro* SL ftalelch Phone TE 5-8800 lioiiiiiifr Since 1303—Marhie-GranU* iboy Dlrectl » WARNER MEMORI ALS 3313 Hillsboro, Raleigh. N.C. (Across Railroad—Front of Method) THE CAROLINIAN WIN TO I’ SCHOLARSHIPS—Mm. WHMt, S tan. Ml. Una. School of Niirslnu nl ART Cfllleue, chats with Miss Sylvia Overton, center. Elizabeth City and Mrs. Daisy Best, Goldsboro, recent winners of the top scholarships offered sophomore student nurses at the college. Miss Overton received the Moses H. Cone Hospital Women’s Auxiliary Award given on the basis of “professional promise” and Mrs. Best, who has maintained the highest academic standing in the group, was granted the Dr. C. C. Stewart Memorial Scholarship Award, given by the Greensboro Medical Society for high scholarship and the Greensboro Academy of Medical Surgical Award for outstanding achievement in these fields. The action took place at the reception which followed annual capping ceremonies held at the college last Sunday, ... ■ ■ ■ ( Chavis Heights BY MRS. MAY BROADIE Our Heavenly Father, we hum bly pray Thee to bless abundantly whatever ours maybe made to turn the hearts of Thy children to pure Sincere repentance and more liv ing faith. Alarm the careless, hum ble the self-righteous, kindle the lukewarm, soften the hardened and bring more souls in loving faith lo Thyself. MAPLE TEMPLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Maple Temple Christian Church began its morning services with, i Sunday School opening at 9:45 with Mr. Charlie Haywood, super intendent, in charge. A large crowd was present. Morning wor ship followed with the pastor, Rev. M. F. Booker, presiding. A very inspiring message was preach ed by the pastor from the subject “I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith.” After the ser vices the pastor and members mot ored to Good Hope to worship with Reverend C. R, Trotter and his congregation. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School opened at 9:45 with the superintendent, Miss Nan nie Morgan, presiding, afterwhich Reverend C. L. Ggidney, the pas tor had charge of the morning wor ship. Music was furnished by the senior choir. A very inspiring ser mon was delivered from the sub ject ‘‘Love answers Love.’ This message was enjoyed by all who was present. OBERLIN ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH At 9:45 A, M. Sunday School was opened, afterwhich the morning service began at 11 A. M. Music • was rendered by the Junior Choir. Dr. Grady D. Da-vis, the pastor, de i llvered a very strong sermon front i the subject “What Can I do to in , herit Eternal Life?” The Annual • Tea is to be held April 7th ai 4 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garris and Mrs. E. H. Sanders of Gar ner and Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson, Mrs. Masselina Williams and Miss Elia Robinson motored to Spauld - ing High School in Spring Hope to see an Operetta given by the primary grades. The title of the Operetta v.fus ‘‘Cinderella In Flow erlarid.” Accompanying the group with music was Mrs. Delores W. Sanders. A very enjoyable trip was had by all. ■ « * ivhen CAROLINIAN newsman J. B. Har ren spotted the above gracious Raleigh mother and her 15-month old twin boys cruising up East Martin Street he just had to slop and "shoet” them and ask names afterwards. The trio proved to be Mrs. Foy .Johns and twin boys, Michael Thornton (left) and Marshall Art ist Johns of 202 Bart Street. Mrs. Johns is the former Valentine Artist of Smithfield, (J. B BARREN FOTO). p m. First Congregational Christian ; Church - Sunday morning wor-1 ship: Church School at 9:45, Supt., Mr. Shermand Lewis. Morning i worship began at 11:00 o’clock. Jt. i was Men’s Day. The male chorus j had charge of music under the di- ! ruction of Mr. Ernest Massenberg. \ Scripture lesson was read by Mr. ! W. A. Rainbow. The pastorial prayer was given by Mr. J. A. j Burns. Introduction ot guest speak- j | er, Mr. A, G. Turner. Guest speak- j or. Prof. Carl E. Devane of Show I University, who delivered a well- j rounded address. The pastor. Rev. i H, Cunningham, and congregation, j was well pleased. Martin St. Baptist Church Sun- j day morning worship: Church! School at 9:45. Supt Mi. H C High, j Sr. A large number was present. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock Music was furnished by the Jun ior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. H. C. Reese. The pastor, Rev. P. H. Johnson, preached a high message from the Book of Psalms, 133, “The beauty of Christian Unity." A full house enjoyed this sermon. Young’s Chape! C M. E Church - rSunday morning worship: church school at 9.45. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock. Music was furnished by the Senior Choir, under the dir ection of Miss Bettie G. Broadie. A very inspiring sermon was giv en by the pastor. Rev. J. N Lev erette, from the Book of Ist Cor inthians, 15th Chapter, 10th verse: “But by the Grace of God 1 am what I am.” Union Baptist Church - Sunday morning worship: Church School at 10:00 o’clock. Supt , Mr. Walter Price. Church service at 11:30 a. m. The pastor. Rev. George Mitchell, brought, a very spiritual message to his congregation and many visi tors were made welcome. Lilly of The Valley: Sunday morning worship had a full day with the Pitt County Union in s 3- ! day session. President, Rev. A. G. ! Marsh. The pastor, Rev. A. G. Gra , ham, and members of the church are in deep sympathy with the , assistant pastor, Rc-v. Hardy San ders, in the death of his wife, Mrs. , Elizabeth Sanders, whose funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 > p. m. from the church with the pas tor officiating. Burial was in Hill- crest cemetery. First Baptist Church - Sunday morning worship: Church School at 9:30 A. M. Supt., Mr. W. H. Tay ; lor, Sr. Morning worship at 11:00 o' clock. The male chorus was in ! charge of music. Call to worship: | ‘Amazing Grace.” Procession. "The i Son of God Goes Forth.” Scripture I lesson by Rev. Lester. A dynamic message was deliver j i d by Rev. C. W. Kerry, pastor of j the Friendship Baptist Church in i Charlotte. Subject, "The Blessing of I Possessing Nothing.” Many visitors | were made welcome. Happy Birthday to Master Lee ! Sanders. Our deepest sympathy goes out ; to Mr and Mrs. Samuel Paige and ! family in the death of Mrs. Paige’s ■ grandfather, Mr. Allen Edwards, of j Garner. St. Paul A M. E. Church: The j Sunday School was favored with a very fine review of the lesson by the pastor, the Rev. L. S. Penn. The highlight was a belated birth day letter sent by Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Williams whose birthday was j in March. Mr. Williams was 87- | years-old and has been a member j of St. Paul for 79 years Mrs. Wil- I hams is 85 and has been a mtm ; ber for 55 years. They have been j married 58 years. | The pastor’s sermon was most j inspiring. His tex* was taken from | Matthew 16-24. "Then said Jesus ! unto hl< disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny him self. arid take up his cross, and follow me.” j His subject was, "The Price of Following Jesus,” It was a most helpful and forceful sermon. The Junior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Geneva Brown, rendered the music. Mamie Riddick and Phyliss Mann were the soloists for the service. The annual Sunday chool, under the direction of Miss R. H G. Mc- Cauley, was held Sunday night. Teachers for the meeting were Miss Anna M. Cooke. Messrs. Joseph Stredwick and Charles Irving. Mr. Stredwick gave the general re view. It was a very interesting study of the lesson. The offering was over ninety dollars. Friends of Mrs, Beatrice Wil liams and Bennie Allen regret to hear of their illnesses at St. Agnes Hospital. Mr. Paul Webb is somewhat im proved to the delight of his friends. He is at Duke Hospital. j NyE GLASSES CftwjnrtUoxtehix Quality Prudent Prior* j| OPTICIANS, l»*. NiliSff** *»*«>*s* 1 l %^JWW***4MM+++4****^*+** i \ j I I ! I Captain Appla jack • Kottied It Sand , | Virginia Fruit Brandy Distilling Co. i Fatontown, N. j. • North Garden, Va. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1957 “Shaw U. Day” Is Observed j The sixth annual observance of | Shaw University Day in Raleigh | was held in University Church on Sunday, March 31. The occasion was sponsored by the United E,.tra Session of the Baptist Association, Woman’s Auxiliary-Ministers and Deacons Union, Raleigh Ministerial Alli ance, Johnston Association Coop erating. The Theme was “Meeting the Christian Challenge of Chris-! tian leadership.” The Reverend George S. Stokes of Middlesex presided as modera tor of the Sunday morning ses - 11 j i ** your Lire Insurance adequate ~j on your home? Was it bought t to cover your home ten years ago or five years ago when the value was half what it is now? j The value of your home is ; worth protecting. Let Caveness ' Insurance Agency give you full protection on your horna and furnishings. ) CALL 3-3563 • BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN- \ ; NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. I ; CAVENESS il insurance Agency ! ACADEMY BUILDING s Dial TE 3-3563 t KOY CAVENESS, Jr. i 3 ROY CAVENESS, Sr. f i « jmmmmamm* i PRINTING r • COMMERCIAL « SOCIAL Consult Us for Reasonable Estimate# Prompt Service Phone TE 4-5558 1 -THE—- j CAROLINIAN e PUBLISHING COMPANY 'j 3 518 E. Martin Street 3 Raleigh, H. C. marl ; ' *'——"^”***— I I lilt ** ■ ■■■■•( •P■9l .1 > I : | OCEAN FREsfsEAFQOD 1 (Ask For Watson s Fryers |§ p At Yoar Favorite Store p|j | WATSON’S I Seafood & Poultry Company, Inc* T 230 C&meron Straw* Wholesale Dept. U Cameron Village Ruck Quarry Road |f§ t Raleigh, N. C, p. UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY a GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY "" FuITITnFoT" HAULING GROCERIES LOCAL AND LONG Y _ ur Pattl , a -- DISTANCE Y °“ r Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficient — o — ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 802 S. Dawson Street <® Tarbore & Martin Street* DIAL TE 2-9478 TE 2-9212 ewnwnaia»iaiMMM«iMmrn«nm wrnirwwwaTaw M u r " imx. yeii«aiiwaßiß»iiw»««iK»«gaat««a!E!Baaag«gßg!Ba«Kß«»MSß«a«aig^ j Finance or Borrow } | On Your Car f « rn J Through The g | Dillon Motor Finance Co. | 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 £ sion. The Woman’s Auxiliary Hour featured an address by Mrs. Odessa Lane of Raleigh. Dr. J. Neat Hugh ley, minis ter, North Carolina College at Durham, delivered a stirring sermon on “The Cal! of God Through Human Needs.” The guest speaker for the after noon session was Reverend C. W. Kerry, Jr., minister. Friendship Baptist Church, Charlotte, llis dynamic ser mon was on the topic “God's Plan on Reconstruction.” President Strassner presided ovei ,he afternoon session. DRIVE SAFELY Telephone TE 2-8777 Blood worth Street i TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and Television 424 S. ltloodworth St. Raleigh I For A Better Well CALL ; e \TEK WEIL CO. RALEIGH, N. C. | Phone TE 2-4675 Box 1128 I ■ *■' —— V—— - ~. '.■—-■.I j INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. j -Ti-im r—frir— i n'l'nir 11 "■ ■""mrT'yainTwa COMPLETE | $/\ Summer \ 1 W CHANGE* zLaiLx OVIB !m OIL CHANGED ® GREASING ® RADIATOR DRAINED Anti-Freeze Applied 9 Washing 9 Polishing Dunn’s Esso Service 592 S. Biood worth St. PHONE TE 3-9496 wmmmsm w r- w | | Everything Lor . . . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING ! * LUMBER « MILL WORK S • ATHEYS PAINTS ; * BUILDING MATERIALS j * RUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 j CAROLINA ! BUILDERS CORF. 217-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH, N. C. j 1— -- lt | M<m i| WU|

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