WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 6, 195/ Cop Faces Death In Slaying Os The Mother Os 12 fOSMBS SSSSSEB \ CULTURES • STRAIGHTENS \ j jtfjk&rkiigat Ray Robinson drug store* end tosmetic courd * The Matson at A. Your Fingertips... A \ x v ■%v. K • x / \X \« ; / v 4 v 'A TJ3 jnfcf A big objeeth e of the Bell System is to make it possible some day for people to dial their own Long Distance calls. An important step toward this objective is the changing of all telephone numbers to a uniform numbering system of a central office name and five figures. The program is moving rapidly in Southern Bell’s nine state area. It's a big job. and it's in the interest of faster and better service for you. Right now, your Long Di-isnec calls go through twice as fast when vou give the operator the out-of town number. (i.% Southern Beil Telephone and Telegraph Company ~— - n iimhihiwhui. These Jiffy Covers 4% W ifi Be Shown . T. M. GoodaM-Sanfoid, In*., 60% Rayon, 78% Okkio, M% Mohair In matt rfftmi THE CAROLINIAN SB i , mu—w—'imwwiwwimmi >n mwn | ’*—maw***! l «umw«>i rvwMam MKk The HiSf lle&sis a s K5f ” SftKE / HEATHER $150.00 also SIOO Jo 2475 Basse Jewelers Wedding Ring 57.50 333 Fayetteville St. ■^XV t^«rT« *“* Time Payments Quickly Arranged. wounding the father and Edwarc Guillermo was slugged and injur ed so badly that he was ccnfinei in a hospital for 30 days. Originally, the defendant was in dieted on second degree rnurdei but the District Attorney's offic offered new evidence resulting i; •d the first degree indictment, Asst. . prosecution would be rc«dy to go r- Dist. Atty E. E. Baumann said the i to trial in about a month. id - «nm 1 GOODSON’S JSL * • Fancy Meats • Groceries # Coal « Fresh Fish • Poultry » Oil ★ FREE DELIVERY ★ 700 S, Bloodworth Street Dial TE 2-8254 " iTTinii hi in mi 1 rm it—i— wrmr—rrnffnifwiww n— muni m— i umhiiihii , rmrrrr»riT i Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Find* Healing Substance That Doe* Both— Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids New York, N. Y. (Special) For the first time science has found d new healing substance with the astonishing ability to r,brink hemorrhoids and to relievo j pain —without surgery. Jn one hemorrhoid case after another, ,; very striking improve ment” wag reported and verified by doctors' observations. Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amazing of »Il—this Improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thor ough that sufferers were able to make such astonishing statements as “Piles have ceased to he a problem!” And among these suf ferers wore a very wide variety cf hemorrhoid conditions, some «# 10 to 20 years’ standing, j All this, without the use of ' narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. The secret is a new healing substance {Bio- Dyne* ) —the discovery of a world famous research institution. Al ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide its for healing injured tissue on *ll parts of the body. This new healing substance i« offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H* Aik for individually sealed convenient Preparation H suppositories or Preparation H ointment with spe cial applicator. Preparation fl is sold at alldrugstores. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. *»««■ U. 8. Pat Off. PAGE FIVE