WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1957 Call TE-4-5558 And Give Your “Want Ads”. Wc Will Write It, Charge It And Let It Work For You fgstrr BON VOYAGE This group of churchmen arc shown in the basement assembly of Mother Zion A. M. E. Zion Church. New York, Dr. B. C. Robeson, pastor, as they attended a bon voyage for a Missionary Commission, that flew to the Virgin Islands and South America, to survey the work of the denomination Miss M. Sampson, Ar nett Bowden Are Married In Clinton Ceremony CLINTON Miss Minnie L. Sampson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sampson of this city be came the bride of Arnett G Bow den of Philadelphia. Pa.. Saturday, March 9. at the heme of the bride's parents. The bride is a graduate of Fay etteville Teacher s College. She has done graduate study at North Carolina College. At present, she is a member of the Roseboro High School Faculty, Roseboro, N. C, The groom is the son of Mrs. F. Bowden and (he late Mr. A. G. Bowden of Great Falls. South Carolina. At present, he is employ ed with the U. S. Navy Depart ment in the State of Pennsylvania. Officiating at the ceremony was the Reverend J. H. Clanton, of Raleigh, pastor of the bride. Music was by Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, pia nist. Mrs. Mildred Fowler was so loist. The bride was atended by Mrs. Hattie B. Matthews, as maid of honor: bridesmaid. Miss Elaine Sampson, niece of the bride; flow er bearer, Marilynn Sampson, niece of the bride; ring bearer, Master T. • ■' ’ ’ || AND LOW-LOW PRICES FtEST TERMS CLEANEST CARS | j i ’56 BUJCK Century 2-dr. hard top, two tone green and white, custom trim, white wall tires, radio and heat er, 16,000 miles extra clean . . v— '66 BUICK Super 4-dr. hard top two tone green & white, radio and heater, automat ic transmission, white wall tires, extra clean, A nice buy * '63 CHEVROLET Station Wag on, radio and heater, clean inside and out. A good S'" ... $1095 SPRING 50 ULDS 93, Automatic transmission, radio and heater, .olid black finish, bargain for only what you would expect : STARTER 10 w SPECIALS ggCuy $295 OPEN NiGHTS ’TIL 9 CAROLINA BUICK COMPANY I 431 Fayetteville St. Dial TE 3 : 4139 Better Buy Used Car ! • | (N. C. Dealer 1321) WMMfcirwKTii—»iis is twiTM h i JjuJ _. . t riirruwiriinniiin iiiii ii mi i imujwtn. in those areas. The group has : just finished being entertained by the official family of the church at a dinner, field in the dining room. The persons seated on Ist row represent the mis sionary department of the church. It. Mrs. Elsie Key, j Washington. D. (’„ general vice president Woman Home and Foreign Missionary Society; Dr. Dwight Sampson nenh. w ■! the, ! bride. The bridegrn mi's brotht r Mr. J. T Bowden of Charleston, S C wvs best man. Given in marriage by he; bro ther, Johnnie, the bricie . -me a for mal gown of nylon utile f i-honed | 1 with chrysiallotte trim ..mi a full j ruffled skirt. The ehrystaietto • lero with long sl> ■ ves bu<toned with tmv white buttons down the \ | front. Her fingertip veil of illusion i was attached to a pearl crown. She j varied a white Bible. wi*h a v hi'.' I orchid, decked with snow drift and , baby’s breath, A reception followed the mony. Many beautiful and useful 1 gifts were received. Out-of-town guests included: Mr ! and Mrs. Wilbert. Sampson, Mrs. j Adlaide Warren, Mr. David War- j ren, David, Jr . and Gail Warren. ' all of Richmond. Virginia; Mrs. E. j sie Bowden. Mr and Mrs. Garry j Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D ev- | den, of Great Falls, South Caro- * lina: Misses Kathleen. Jan-t and j Fay Bowden. Mrs. M my Murphy of j Philadelphia. Pa ; Mr. and Mrs. i , '56 OLDS “88 ’ 2-dr. hardtop, radio and heater, white wall tires, automatic trans mission, charcoal & white finish, 18,000 actual miles, beautiful red & black interior ! '56 BUICK Special 2-dr. hard top, white wall tires, stan dard shift, beautiful blue over light blue finish, extra nice viM-Hl” upholstery O—D/.J | '53 BUICK 4-dr, Special, An- i tomatic transmission, heat- j or, clean as (ghfl* a pin *’ \ .1. C. Haggard, secretary-treas urer. Foreign Missionary De partment; Mrs. Emma 15 Wat son, Lancaster. S. < .. Executive secretary, WIIEM; Mr;.. Lorene Jones, supervisor 4th Episcopal district, and wife of Bishop R. E. Jones, seated next to her. Mrs. Savannah Medford, Wash ington, I>. supervisor, sth Episcopal District: Mrs. Ihhie . Harold Carrington of Yeadon. P:> ; Mr. and Mrs. J. T Bowden. Au- , drey and Garry of Charleston. S. r C.; Mrs Mary Anders, Sanford; t ! Mrs. Mattie Sparks. Fayetteville; I Mrs. Clyde tVitiliv.v and Mrs Rose j i Atkins of Goldsboro. Miss Cornelia j | Smith. Garland, Mrs. Nora Me- | r.aunn. Mis. Lila Fisher. Mrs Lad- j : die Melvin. Mrs. Marion MfLr.ur- j | in. Mrs. Louise Jnr.cs. Miss Doris ! I Boone all of Roseboro; Mr. nnu I j Mrs. Holland Buney of Rose Hill. ! The bride and groom ;■ ft the | ] nevi day on a honeymoon. They j 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Samp- j j son in Richmond, also other re- I lntives and friends tn Philadelphia. j i where the couple will niak theii' i i home. 'j ; Farin' r.s marketed about 2 to 3 per cent more products in 1955 ! than n 1955 Cash receipts from | farm marketing:: H*ero up about j the same pet cents.:;<> as marketing ! j With e.idiiioral income received i 1 from soil bank and wool incentive . ; programs, farm ope:<ito r s ren'ir.od . j net. income for the year rose for i the first time since 195’. '53 BUICK 2-dr. Styletone | pain! radio and hi at or, j clean as a pin. yIKIX : one ownei ! 65 BUICK 4-dr. Roadmaster, 1 radio and heater, power steering. power brakes, S $1095 i '54 BUICK Century 4-dr auto- j matic transmission, white j wall tires, heater, two tone • olwm “ $1493 ! ’53 FORD Custom line 4-dr., automatic transmission. \ heater, clean, new upholstery ’• ,Jrt THE CAROLINIAN Element Jackson, Louisville. Ky., general president, WHFM; Mrs. J W. Weetor, New York \VHi ’:l arid Alexander Barnes, Public Relations Director. This shown in the rear arc members of the denomination from throughout the nation, who took part in t lie ceremonies. The commission will return to +■ America. April 2. 12 Plays End Oraina Fes! AtShawUniv. To mark the final note of the drama festival the North Caro . ima High School Drama Asso ciation put on 12 plays in which , 54 players participated on March 22, 21! in the Greenleaf Auditori um at Shaw University. The two best plays were "Fog ; on ihe Valley" directed by Mrs. |B. J. Wells of Dudley High I School, and "Soul in Fine Array” directed by Mr. J. P. Hannon of Benjamin Brawley High School. “Foe on the Valley” had the best i actor of the season, Jerome Gaither, and most of the leading | actors as well Os "Soul in Fine ; Array’’ critic judge Owen Dodson ? said the play had a style all of its own. a sense of poise and suspen j sion. The leading actors were Je rome Gaither as Norris Ear son in "Fog on the Valley”, James Stroud as a drug ad dict iu "Night Scene” put on by the West Charlotte High School. Shirley Hinnar.t as- Judith in “Fog on the Val ley,” and LaVerne Laurence as Mrs, Elizabeth Andrews in ■ “Winter Sunset” by Central High School were: the leading actresses. Adjudged as best supporting ac uirs and actresses were Harold Hairston as Clem Bailey in "Fog on the Valley", Christopher Rog-; ers as Leßassu in ‘‘lnfanta’' by j Henderson Institute, Robert Reid ’‘ .' ' V . ..... SPRING SALE ’56 CHEVROLET Station Wag-. on. One owner, low mile-! age, end j.et black finish, j Like new. Was O I ©nit $3195. NOW 56 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. “V-8” Powcrglidc, two-tone paint,! and 6,500 actual mites. Lo-1 cahy owned. Was u | (MIT' $2195. NOW i ’56 CHEVROLET Bel - Air [ Hardtop. Radio, heater, j owner and extra nice. Was I now $11195 '55 OLDSMOBILE ”98” 1- Dr. j Holiday Sport Coupe, Ra- i dio and heater. All power; equipment. Nice as can be, 1 Was $2395 A NOW and two- tone finish. One ; ’56 PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Heater,! seat covers and dark green j finish. Mechanically sound j all around. Was $1495. NOW 't J V "‘ J '55 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. “210” j Heater, seat covers, two-1 tone paint, and clean in-! side and out, Mechanical- i ly ok. »Va <s* j•> i ~ $1495 NOW V I TRUCKS fine; SELECTION of Pickups, 1‘ 2 tons, 2 tons. OPEN NITES BEST VALUE LOWEST PRICE Sir Waiter * Chevrolet Co. jjsfex Trade Where Business Is Always Good! J gsšer CHURCH CHOIR SCORES First Congregational Youth Choir sang at Fayetteville Street Baptist Church. Front YOUTH WKEK PASTOR Reverend J. H. Thomas, student at Shaw University is the Youth Week Pastor at the Fayetteville , J Street Baptist Church, • f | as a youth in "The Night Shall j : Pass” by Second Ward High School and Nancy Lewis as Cathy ' McCullough in “Fog on the Val ley” and Gloria Powell as Sister Josephine in “Soul in Fine Array”. ' | respectively. 1 1 High praise was given to the 'directors of “Winter Sunset” and 1 j “This Night Shall Pass”. Mr. Dodson, a poet, novelist and : ! director, is associate professor of : drama at Howai ' University and ! has recently won a prize for his short story, "The Summer Fire.” The Shaw Players under the di rection of Guilbert A, Daley, ex ecutive secretary of the N.CHS. D. A. and instructor of speech and English at Shaw University were hosts to the association. Baby calves should have access j to some top-quality hay when they j are around 10 days old. This hay j should be small stemmed, leafy I and of good color A mixture of j j clover and grass is good. j Early eggs are more profitable j March is “Egg Month” —eat more eggs every day. W «aS* «Rw JOeoXK ! 'sl FORD 4-Dr. Fordomatic. Radio, heater, and solid in | e y respect. Clean. Was ! sl.-<5 £<»(&» ' NOW -PO/.) ! ’54 CHEVROLET "210”, Heat- j er, seat covers, and beauti ful ark green finish. One owner and clean as can be. Wjn $1095 <g«OC NO V< ! "> | 53 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Heater and seat-covers. Jet black finish. Solid as a dollar. Clean. Was *7 j * $895. MOW - 1 !,) '52 DODGE 4-Dr., Radio and heater. Two-tone, clean, and . 'id transportation. Was 590 NOW •.)-.) j '52 HENRY J. 2-Dr. Extra, Extra clean Mechanical ly sound. One owner. Low mileage. Ideal 2nd car. Was $395 C-XI NG W row. left to right: Verniee Har ris. Barbara Hicks. ,loc tun Hid den and Sandra Hicks. Bark ran, left to right; Herbert Greene if w m 1 ”' ' MR. AND MRS. ARNETT BD'V. MEN Youth Week At Faye! Street Church Is Sika ' The 7 P M. Worship Service •• ! or March 81st at the Fayeitevilie j Street Baptist Church'm;, iked the; beginning of YOUTH WEEK. This is an anual observance sponsored ’ by the B. T. U. of the church. Highlights of the night • ser vice was the first sermon delivered, j by the Youth Week pastor who i i Reverend J. If. Thomas, a student j of Shaw University. The cormn ga llon was well fed on tiv- s;;i)L*d i "The (Source of Human Conflict ’ i Another feature of the program ! was the music which was rendered by two visiting choirs. They were the Junior ( hair | of the First Congregational Christian Church and the Juu- 1 Legal Notice? NOTICE or SAI.K or VAI.UABt K K1 AI. I S I Wlf DEFAULT having bwii ma<|e m the payment of the indebtedness se<.Mir<..d j by a certain Deed of Trust « -.ocul- ; by Lawrence Eugene Light nei and ; wife, Anna Roberta Lbdiirier, to J T. Henderson, Trustee, which deed of i trust is dated April 3. 1948 ana vo- ! corded m Book 992, a» Page to the office of the Register ot Deed# for j Waks* County. North Carolina, the on - j di'ttiit’SHH'i Trustee, at the reque t of the bolder of the bond secured mere- : ny and under powers conferred by the j aforesaid Deed of Trust, and lor m ; purpose of obtaining money to satisfy | said indebtednes!will offer for and sell to Mie highest bidder jo pub* j lie auction, for cash, at the court mo. ej rjuor of Wake County, in the City oi • RalcU’h, on FRIDAY. MAY 3. \ol at 12 o'clock, Noon, the fosowinit dc -i cribcd real eshtie in (he < iiy of H.:- j liMph. Wake Corelv, Stale N< . * ■ Carolina, and described and dei.ncd a- j follows 419 Smith last Street, llaUdgh. N. < BEGINNING at a feme post !«c M. o j on the East side of South East Street.* said post bolt)g located 126,2 feet North . from the South face **f the Noth nub. on Cabarrus Street, also hchv. 10 8 fern from the West face of the Ed ( curb on South Fait Street, and run th.-rice Along a fence and in an Eastern hirce* : tion 143 95 feet, thence in a Not-’hern j direction and parallel with East Street 80.0 feet; thence in a Western direr 'turn .r m.tint ton mm li »• T4f ”**' rS ‘ *'Ai>iaTL»'ftmwc?TuaMi.'.-m, ****™JMUS 60*4*01.$ AI.JH.Vt7 A* If.WiTIVI AS YHCMir <.’> A* i, * f - f? ca«*Aui.t m t.t t«M vmiwhmlk* &A*f i v ,i •** AJ»A!> O*B •» TIN *!AsT ounwwco Ai.tno«T UHMir ro* umxntr./a i iuvq. I j 1-tIgODf \V.;ib)U V ;r T?« | Uohlrn Jnhfy l Branch. Mr.. | !£rxu*st Mas9t-nbur % was {hr Or 1 *antst. i ior Choir of the i cited f'hmvh ivilh Mr Ernest Utassenbur* us organ)d. AC r ih - ••r,i. *' rcfrcsimii'Rts wire erved in the church baavuipiit. The H< vi ■' : Th r will v v j old tile tvs k. I? will be guidoti by j Baptist Church, Bcvon -nd J. W. j «Joncs. j On Sunday moi'ninc April 7th | many yovitii cf tie: church wiii I lake port in the >■. ril ir morntiig • worship. They will serve in the capacity of Deacons. Trustees, Us | fiers ami Ch>'i)' •Pembe:>• Also some will replace Sunday School ■ Teachers for the day. ; tion and paivdlei with the first line j 143.0 feei to a oust, on f.'.u i Street; i A nd !ui.Co ej,’‘ C K i. '•• | nor by deed daf.cd f-. Lrunrv c. LC3, ! and recorded iu bn* o' ce *.f tic ;' j filer of -Doc tin .for Wakt* County in j Book 54 L At Prc'c 51. I DATED 11 ;!;- 2nd day oi A nr*] i')•>?. J .» HEXBEiCON. !'RI; TRF | ROGER D O’KFi * V ; 7EY ! April '■ 1 9u7. ; NOTE. T!t-• ■ . --c. i'u; eiym ruM _be • the Super ?'..*• (b.nr. at i c for is: per i Cent of the bid u- i<o « • irteuc*:. oi ; 1 faith j ROGEif D • •AKj...cv , ■ .rruibb >’v EXMTTOtrs NOTirjv i Haciug quAbfied us the Ex-unitor of ' w U < W ! ■ 1 . -iaW ed. i.'Uc a? Wkki: Coumy, Norti. C:*ro- I linn, this is a> notify **f) hav ! mg claim n, ;;bs! «.hc \ «>? Lie | said deceased to cxivbit fi>mn to the i 'andcrKs':r* i d In. c,:* g.i u. before ' Bu* 3Di.ii da;- oi ALirou h*. X c this n**' tiv’e wJU be yielded a* but “* tutor rc | Covery, 1 All |wr*of.s intiebl: i) v, Mill <--U!S w iH it!.li viru rl! • >.ivlr!i-Vit Tn)< U»0» • .•* JST-i ,/. A KORi;«S. c£ 1<» wm .'.t ( 'korlirs H. TiUtgvi, AUffll I.'iNGSTON. Ar-ornw tbV .1; “k '■"" Mar A,. A,./i 0, J3J. 2; if. 4. JSfflV AltM INI.--TUATKI S S !sOi iCR NORTH t AIiOI.TNA V/AKE COUN'i i Haying quafibcci as of ihc Kt'uU: of Kcv A C. Y.ubyt'iu' h d*.-ci-a.sed, luu m Cabo County, Waclh Conulna, (hi* l ; it* ta prtfjfj' aV pi*rr,<«l« havine, clutins ttfueHi tnv of uud deee.moi} to «*<Klbit to the undorbtgw.'d qt V O B<>< !3)332> K No li; f’ai(k>l',r.a. ' n *>. »t»* o .lit* l: ( day ;>f Aord. I5»68, or vh -; t .• wit' s >o |>h*aded It* I• a \ of l!.;•(;• reenvery A!! pci’Ko-'is lnd.eCLed to .sou -• Mb' will pi case rmiko bjpmediate nave urn This i)M Li or As.'ni, ! *MRS ELLA J, Y h’RCii'RJGH. Adijjiuhlruiohx ui hi E-rUu.c; o r Rev A. C. Yarborough, d* • ccj Apn! 6, 13, i:0 j*f; May 4, D, iyA7 PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIEDS Number of issuer cine koct, pet won? msiu s i « „ u Cost i.er Vl’yrd set «c Jc Jr Classified display per line, l>er issue 10c tOe l^c K.i'h wo id abbreviation, Initial or symbol count as one word. Punctuation marks are NOT counted as words Hie minimum number of word* In v ; - 1 '.a 13 words You will sue money r>y ordering your ad !o .im 3 or 12 issues. ' v Wats. Ads may r.e telephoned llniiii. il Wl itllc .da y Up t.. 3l) A.M. card OF THANKS ! "<• " , l; , our most grate ! ,ul “ ,J ‘ 1" our many friends ' ■ ■ t cl !o during the rc . cel .ved one, the Ia(« - 1 ' \ C YARBOROUGH •incl FAMILY HELP WANTED 1 ’ H "iti.v-Cut Houstt 11 • Fi $J7.40 to YCCUUATIC Sn».r. Fr<-*porl, New York, ■'Al ■■ =.) AND TV SERVICES K'n . !.- \nin nr service co., " ' S; f“ «•■“•'• TE 4-7132. 1 Installations, ' u'-l •!b,-: small ap i pljAi SPECIAL SERVICES : N' busy people J '• - search, Map.u --; 1 arm j-iit in good Eng -01 UVARB, Box | 2iCi, P.v.-n- View. Texas. AUTO SERVICES usrn CARS 3lB | Hillsboro St., Dial TE 3-9555. A*no A ! !ZDCK RENTALS R AKi -U-M.-IVIi.IT-iIARS. TRUCKS, 'A lit I K.iILIIIIS FOR RENT - •I’ll v r : Dm- 'U St.- Dial TE 3.6092 r N fell l TK fj-U: g Cm your rnoiit:v out of used refil* I stove.- cirri furniture NOW j t/se our ads. Dial TE i-5558‘ BUILDING AND HOME.. * IMPROVEMENT SERVICES R BLOCK CO., 1m 'iehiv. C-»iiT!de i.nd Cinder Block' N '.’ TV. !| st.. Dial TE 2-21*8 I Looking for a job? Let us h«U you. find one. Dial 45558 FOOD SPECIAL; WVJ AMERICAN GRILL 22« E»«» Martin St.. Raleigh-Dial TE 2-9258 Coo per s Bar-B-Q BAK-B-Q and Chicken (Our Specialty? Pig arid Chicken 109 E, DAVIE ST. NURSERY : :••«'.*•:•! a>: NURSERY -- Fayetteville Kigu.v. ay. Phone TE 2-075*. PHOTOGRAPHER Mn'UKßft R 1.. SISi-TUv/tP—l2s E. Hat- • -• *,,v TE 3300- -Res. TE | $-57711. li. NTTK.'.'i A thiOMt! —Register it with i, . a; re t S3B This space will cost v j you only SER VICE. STATIONS j • s !>MI STATION—SO 2 S Blood* ,rih St.. Phone TE 2-9491 C -iKi.i jur cla.-stiifd ads icgu.'ariy; im a .f. many has gains offered U’scti Cvii'K Bought and Sold . I ! Jenkins Used Cars ; ! 321 S. Blount Street Dial TE 2-0344 WATCH SERVICES i OAVIUSON’S WATCH SERVICE- -122 K, ii;u. U .St.. Phono T£ 3-49511. A!. >r, 1.1 11 o' fR A rRI X'S NOTICE j NO NTH CAROLINA K.r< COUNTY ii. iju-'-'U ivd as Administratrix , . K", •ot Laddie Cross, deceas ,,i Wiikv County, North Caro i. j;-.!;}y all persons hav i. Ill: Hi- y• U- lit said ibit tin -n to the un ;i ...hi; 1, Box 257, Apex, m i i-I, on < toeforn the 11th : tuß, or I hi: notice wiil , .. i Im* of their recovery, i,. ... ii.d to sad estate will ii'iiui-diatr payntent i , rii, .3 ,1 ;rry of Man. h, 1987. AiKS liiiSSlk THOMAS, Adininisil'atrix of the Estate of I add in Cross, deceased. .M.wvh 1G 23, .10; April S, 15,’20. 1957. •MiMi" I.HTBATHft’g NOTICE NO Kill '. H-.i L'A ; ; tVAK.FI COUNT/ U.,vir,« qualtticd as AdeUnietratrix :,f i. : ;Iy of Johi' Davis, deceased i. p oi Wake ( .uni;.. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having , ".gali.st 'do Estate of said tie •• d to i shibit them to the under ,, a at K. r . D. i. Ncuse. North I f 'nruiiu.i, on or before the 25th day ~ot i eliro.iry, i:*s*. or tills notice will be ■ - Imi tlielr recovery. All ■ . indebted to the Estate will . ■ m,.ke immediate payment. 25: d.v of February, 1957. MUS I'j’irilONlA DAVIS, Adult* F .! • AKNAGE, Attorney M.m . •• ;S, 23 30 April fl AIK.XNISTU A TOR'S NOTICE | MORI H CAROLINA . WAKK < f.'UNTY Having q'i.iifKd .is AdmluUtretor us l iii'Yv nf Williutn K. Mayo, de u I'■ r Wake County, North I '.n,hina is to notify all person* havin': claims Bgainut the Estate of to oxl I! 'i them to the ■! lat i 1A 1 A K. Hargett Street. R i , N si s (■ ,ii ~• ins*. on or before ! the 231!t of February. 1958, or this ! noil;-" • il la pit tided In bar of their I li'eiiveiy Ail persons indebted to the Kstate will pjcii.se . make Immediate j payment Till: .Till day of February, 1857. F .1 CvfiNAGE. Administrate I Man'll 2. 9, I* 2.!. 31); April «.

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