PAGE FOUR VIgWPOINT The Stone Is Rolled Awav - f There art two day., Christmas and Easter that mean mere to Christians than all oth ers. On Christmas. vve rejoice over the birth of Christ, at Easter. w« give iuyous thanks for His rt-,urn •. tK*i His m.u v< ious dnr m st ration of th: pou\ r of God over all the enemies of mm. In the Inst chapter and first verse of the Gospel of St. John are | these words: “The first day of the week com i #th Mary Magdelent early, when it was yet dark, unto the s< pulchre and seeth the stone taken i.vay from tht s. puleim ”, The next vt rse Te 11s of Mary's great dis may at finding the sepulchre or tomb in 1 Which tin body of Christ had been place d t was staled with a huge .tone. The- was dom i because Christ’s rneniits were afraid that > His disciph s .ould try te. sf< al Hr hod : end then falsely claim that He had arisen i from the deed as had been pro pin steel. In. i dition to the a si one that was plan i ,t f the entrance to the tomb Roman soldiers had j been station' re#Be< * la by piibiisttcd lx\ this newspaper are not necessarily those ot the pnh i linml m> nun nl irri 1 significance of them is of living importance Christ was not for His bent fit. His virgin birth and matchless lift did not help or improve Him who was and is the Beloved Son of God. We, the poor, suffering mortals of man kind did need this help. Humanity, since the time of Adam, had been enslaved by a belief in a power apart from God. We needed this demonstration of God’s power; needed this proof of His omnipotence: His omniscience and His omnipn nee. We can see nothing basically wrong in the unusual desire to freshen up and beautify the person at Easton time, but unless such material adornments an used to symbolize an awakened spirit, \v, have not visualized the meaning* of East-" Easter means, or should mean to us. that the stone of sin that has shut us off bom tht understanding of God, lias h*-. n rolled .-nvr.y and that we, like our way shower, Jesus Christ, have escaped from the burial of belief and faith in a ma terial life into the resurrection of freedom and life eternal. Th • huge stone that bars us from trie grace and !->v« of God is our sel fish mortal belief. Like a mist that hides the sun. this stone of mortal disobedience is rolled away whtu we allow the risen Christ to enter in. Tins Easter Sunday when we sing hosanna to the resurrected Christ let us do so with hearts from which the stone of sin has been rolled away, Let us. at Easter and at all other times, be conscious of the fact that Christ, the Divine Truth, cannot be entombed by the will of evil mortals. In humility and meek ness. reverence and love we can, offer our prayers to God that the stone is rolled away for all who will do His will. especially the gifts should fall for anv in ducements that promises to provide them with the things their parents are unable to provide. Once plunged into this maelstcrm of iniquity the downward road is alluring and becomes well-filled. Should a state that is not a ware of its obligation:.; to all of its citizens and will pen al ire a man because of his color and prevent him from earning enough to adequately sup port his family seek to ignore its responsibil ity and try by every means both fair and foul to further punish the victims of its own neglect. This state always hastens to ask for Federal aid when ever there is the need. We see nothing wrong in its doing so. The citi zens of North Carolina are first of all citizens of the United States and because of that fact, they are entitled to help from the gov ernment ,of the United Slates whenever the need is gr at enough to ask for that help. The Federal government has recognized its ■ obligation to assist the needy and neglected persons in all the states. In observing that obligation, welfare and assistance funds are .sent into this state that those who need help may ask for it. These unfortunate persons in need have a right to ask for and to reeive this help. Those who would deprive an innocent child of his daily bread because he was born out of wedlock are poor representatives of the people. Those who would condemn an unwed mother, a victim of a vicious economic system she did not create, are deficient in sympathy and hu man understanding. There are undoubtedly many on the wel fare rolls who are out and out cheaters but we must remember that Christ said we were to let the tares and the wheat grow together, lest should w r e attempt to separate them we would pull up some of the wheat. He indicat ed that at the time of harvest when mankind finally recognized the futility of evil, the tares would be destroy'd. We should follow this advice and and all of us should always remember that instead of condemning the adulturous woman. Christ forgave her and told her to “go and sin no more.” to represent them in their efforts to prevent citizens who have competent legal counsellors prisoners from competing with them and the citizens here in Raleigh who are already losing their jobs to prisoners is that the first group is white and the already suffering group is black. Negro messengers, janitors, elevator opera tors and laborers employed in the various state buildings here in Raleigh are squeaking in their boots for fear that they y/ill lose their jobs to prisoners. They have every rea son for this fear because the policy now in effect is that when ever one of these workers becomes separated horn his job he is replaced by a prisoner. “Their Stalling On Civil Rights THE PULPIT ICE BY, EEV. HAMILTON T, BOSWELL NO GREATER LOVE No one is closer to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, than when the heart and mind grasp distinctly, the message of love so characteristic of him. Jesus had much to say about, otiier matters which concern the lives of mm, but these serve only as background for his message of love which he < lived and taught. In Jesus of Nazareth, the motivation, cause and purpose is always LOVE! And what a refreshment of in spiration it is, to follow this drama of love unfolding, as it is written by Gospel writers. Although there are some dif ferences in each Gospel story, yet each affirms positively, tins life of love at its best. In these pre-Easter messages, this column linn enlarged upon incidents of Jesus as he lived and taught his doctrine of love which is goodwill. Jesus opened his ministry proclaiming the Kingdom of God on earth, a life practical and possible for men everywhere. He declared it among the rich, the poor, in cities and in fields of rural communities. None were turned away for the Kingdom of Love is all inclusive In his traveling ministry he stirred the imagi nation and vision of ail whom he met. Yes, it- is possible that nations can be united in a ' kingdom with love and goodwill its rule. Jesus did more than preach love, he narrowed it down to the individual life Love your enemies, do good to them who IT HAPPENS! II ÜBj YOU INT ERNVfTONAL SCO PE HAS UPSURGE Oneness, hands across the sea. and solidarity, will be a chieved to a marked degree with the advent ot the first International Trade Fair slat ed for the fabulous New York Coliseum this weekend. Darker nations will hold their own to an. unprecedented degree. E. Reginald Townsend, Director of Information for the Liberi an Government and Press Sec retary to Liberian President William V, S Tubman, (and whom this writer met in Mon rovia under most cordial au spices) is here to handle press relations for the Liberian ex hibit at the International Trade Pair at the New York Coliseum, April 10-27, The Agricultural Chief (who staged the first Agricultural Fair in Liberia > Hon. John Cooper is here to lend his efforts for the R. L. Haiti, the Africas, India, are among others participating in this noble effort. KING TRAVEL ORGANIZATION Florence Carlisle has inform ed this correspondent that the King Travel Organization has arranged a tour for the Queen of Clubs (who was selected by the friends of the Northslde Center, and her clmprone in which they will spend eleven nights in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The tour will take place in June The Spanish artist. Luis Quin tanilla has realized a 19-year ambition to paint a portrait of Pablo Casals, the cello vir tuoso grand old man of music of Puerto Rico. Preparations for the Casals Festival in San •Dan April 22 to May 8 has already begun in earnest. This columnist noted strains of the THE CAROLINIAN drsmtefuily use you. To :! • e who felt above his tea chin he said, what do ye more than these The sinners also love their own. Jesus went still fur ther than preaching, dem onstrated this power oi love ;■ his own life. He persuasive;, lived a God centered life oi love and trust which couid command even the element;, to > obey, the sick to be In.a., d, the hurirgy to be fed, and the blind to receive their sight. Yet with ah of the richness of these words and acts of love, it became evident to Jesus that men were not responding ■ itiyely to such a ministry of love As he said, one day in reply to John. "... tell John what things ye have seen and heard, how that the blind sa\ the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead raised, to the poor ihe gospel is preached.’* All this and more was accomplished by Jesus in his effort to win men to love and affirm It as the rule of life But men, however, have not accepted. They have been enriched spiritually and maie>. hilly >.;• lum, but his use of the low* principle has not ban com pelling to the extent that ti cy have followed him. Even now many of his disciples are to leave him. The most faithful are asking questions, “Lord we have left ail and followed thee", as though they were suspicion: that- what had so nobly begun would end in dismal failure. Can love do no more? H n love spent itself, and is now Pablo Casals preparation and enthusiasm during a recent vi sit to the tropics. New Yorkers will be able to eye Quinton il ia’s portrait of Maet-ro Canals (80 years young) at the Wid en,stein Gallery on East 45t.ii Street through May 33. Hundreds of educators from home and abroad have hit Manhattan. The €Bth Annual Convention of the Speech As sociation of the Eastern Stated convening at Hotel Sheraton McAlpin Hotel and the Eastern Psychological Association in Session at Hotel Stall er is the professional IneenLive. The Fifth Annual WNYC Book Festival ls having its iu ■- al impact. Langston Hughes "1 Wonder As I Wonder”, auihm was among tan authors parti cipating. ARTISTS HOLDING ON Lord Kitchener and his An nual Carnival in Trinidad, is slated for Loew’s Metropolitan for Easter. Lord Kitchener is starred with Geoffrey Holder of Metropolitan Opera start ing next Friday. Tito Puente, king of Island music and It: Orchestra are in the popuiai Cnlyso opus. Art Benin* at CO, an exhibit of work by member,-! of 17 Day Centers for older persons, is a feature of Senior Citizens Month in May. The exhibit, sponsored by tlr. Mayor's Ad - visory Committee for the Am.d, wall be held In >lie IBM Galle ry on 57th Street. Tan spcnal * Ist Augusta Baker, storytelling staff member Office of Chil dren’s Service New York Pub lie Library has compiled HOOKS ABOUT NEGRO LIFE FOR CHILDREN. The 24-pm.w printed volume, a publication of the Public (4 :nd Street) Library is available to child [rom puicd Himself for the terrible order! which His matchless soul could already 4. “Father if it be possible”. He was hem d to cry, ’ let this bitter cup purr, not My will, hut Tbihe be done' , then soon drank it to the very lain.. 0. iII IS WEIS trif* Cillillen^t* it xtiUfyt hr* most Dair-ful ft ft** j**> £3 05* PST4»} afi #B* 93 M%t % i«.s»<* iII M X, fs.Pf a rnum snisyiKUU KY EAKL J >KORjRIS S?'.f ii 1 ami we have the raw mate rials ■ » o:.‘ 1!< v nn;iii-5 unci “They wouldn’t have to have % ini'iion Re-o? to start A. yoou T o r, ,iiulac• I’.i’i!';' firm could U. S. dollars, he told me. WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS" By C. WILSON HARDER There is substrmial concern along Potomac that major oil companies now comprise a supra-yovf mment taking prece dence over regularly constituted government and even Congress. * * « Sen. Matthew IV. Neeley Iff, Vs.) sc vs, "The oil lobby ;tp- i pears to be more powerful isfev than the Prcsi- dent, tl,e Con- . CjK' press and the j t <£ ft Headed by A < Son. Jos O'Ma- •' honey (Wyo.) a £&s W 'Jk7 Senate Anti-Sw , 'Vl , .e '■ j trust and Mo- > Y’J I .lOpcly Com- C.. W. Harder I msites is investigating why Suez crisis immediately resulted in . pc I rah um price increases. * * * Oil shipments to Europe are ; now being handled by a special committer- of 15 major oil com panics who have been pledged immuuity from anti-trust buv vio lations by Attorney Central Her bert Brownell while working on emergency measures together. The first emergenry measure taken was a price hike, despite j fact Justice Dept, decs not up prove price fixing, * * * But Sen. Alexander Wiley (Wis.) wonders why. He is tiiro anxious Hint Justice Dept secure the answers on why prices were jumped immediately. * * r Many senators complain major oil refuses to lay cards on table; i.e., give Congress information needed to pint course tor best in terests of consumers and lb S. defense. * * * Herein lies great danger. Ob- I viously, oil i;> 100 important to j both national defense and eeon- J omy to permit drawing any tight- j er what already appears to be a right, tight monopoly, perhaps | paulrtuaia mgs he is entranced by Satan’s siren voice, and while avoiding tiie pangs of Gethsemanc steals away to make a while choice. k. Those individuals do things they wouldn't want Christ to see and deal with Hun a.s if He were not near; they think not of His pain and anguish in the Garden, and seem to have no reverential fear. 9. Thus our world goes on for which Christ died, with just a few devout souls who care, and like Hi try to car ry the burden, and with Hua in ail things share. 10. The -weight grows heavy, but they held on, thinking ever of their Savior's Cross, minimizing their own misfor tunes to pike account of Jesus Christ's contribution and its enormous cost. 1 i But think of the church *of K s vv lio w ere in in at rno b 'when Christ was hanging on , that: tree „ . , these were the > tiip to that Giifufc'ii spot wrierß eti irom the Uflltiffij state.*'' Se’ our an<* mureriai costs'arc »ngh hotter To The Editor XO XTfIS EDITOR Wi* mo very graceful to you THELMA F. DALEY Committee Chairman »»cmaBOTPMi ; mmmwmnmmm even the strongest cartel ever put together. * * * While no thinking American wants to see any industry nation alized as was done by the so cialistic British Labor Party, major oil, through arrogance, j bark door dealing, may bring about such a sad result. * * * There still stalks the land those who would promote U, S. social ism, ready to jump on any pre text to justify their doctrines. Major oil, by withholding infor mation. by thwarting the peo ple’s elected representatives, could very well furnish them lire opportunity. * * * i Because there are emotional I factors entering the picture. It j is possible that American troops I should safeguard Arabian oil. It is even possible major oil is op erating in the best interests of i the nation. # 1 * * But es yet, major oii has sold neither one of these p» opcsitiwos to the public. And an uninformed public is grist for the mills of demagogues, * * r At present major oil appears j at three-way crossroads. It can I oilher reveal full facts of their operations and show where they are justified. Or, It can reveal full facts, admit certain prac tices arc contrary to free enter prise, onil take steps to correct ibern. Or, it can, by continuing to keep people in the dark, run the considerable risk of nation alization, * * * But major cil cannot continue to ignore the U, S. Senate, Even Marilyn Monroe’s newest hus band found that is impossible, * * * Neither should major oil be permitted to continue ignoring the Senate. And, It appear-,, the day of reckoning, postponed by Kiich maneuvers as executive or ders burying files of information, and Slate Slept, machinations, is coming nearer to hand.