PAGE TWENTY IST . 3 |:, ' • Cy' E X ' .' u *•* ftaSSaltL gtfftiM fufOrK: $' I ByWfeaSWWlSßlft x ' :«9HHl§|it z ! ' v 0 I*®!** i< • ’Trim :• a & - i f gtfji I *1 I | ;-f \ *X f&§f|j|ijp '2" JmSmSßkll I F .A. ' • II I*l • . v I 11 ||^HHpf w • JKm' b bjs f; Ci :•.'. *•:* William 5. Green of Pbila ;>: : . - ; ; . : .; t;eath of he*, clt in 10 yearn, as lie I .; !.u um F •.,-■■}•. Green, a 41-year-oid I ~ . u :•;. nr lire in <957 on a murder 1-, • -;y, :•-••,-s. Jloso Kozin Lcaidy (right), recently I |,.-. •, •U ■; m.-.pcvm of crime. > <-;vi«pr©es Photo). |C-:r« ;;./ Education Board Grant ■To i Negro College Fund ■’"■ .a ■diKali’ '., to open new j w ■e>:t. • . v.', J. T!•( ■ur*b v.aanii ■ t-nnu announc-; Id today. | Thirty .. ind’s SI member. ■ ui: :.:v or- the * |vn Edurr-rmn Association. ■unci mist recur.’ increased sup-1 ■ort to enablt membei ■lt- >,.’ ~T! ,:r’. | his car best be aceomplish mi by broadeiUriK the Fund's base ■ |f support •'■hi'ornh the establish* ■ cji rri.:];.: l ,!! proecdurr:: in ■ifcnerto unco nv -sf-d areas ■ “The Fund nar been fortunate I ■ t’r.rr ■ i'li.c'rai ,en- j wr: it, has been needed. The: ■ or.ey which enabled the Fund! ■ jet started Jn 1944 earn; from ' Eie Genera/ E'nucnuon Board and ■sc tr-fnisald Fund. The Board I SPINK’S !| I SI sop Kcbuilders I 313 Worth Street ■ P«. 48(1 Btuimgtmi, \ ~ •• ■>.. mm— tsrmmm »—w— THESLINE POLE For Installation In Ground $775 Per Set j p ri: p ~ 7 pp^Turner * y SiERS. Inc. i Burlington, N. C. 1 1 l FAiaii,Y _ _ H jcipci _ _____ b , : jt!?;cuuw handy Fr V iiiaigSj ways to *■ | y ;Vr V brillf* I; .' the Coke **“■ *' y " M.,-'*'" **«W" <* J> ycai»c.«jumi Hottied Under The Authority of the COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. BURLINGTON, V C. r ,-, . ~.r . •*•*+***■ 1 rm rnnfnri n nrnMii mi m hiiiii mum in 1 "* "“ . .. ~...,^,.|,.M . | 4*S*- VT *^M*eo>Vffrfr.awij*aairiawv {JHIVERSAL ROOM AIR CONBIDOIER I the Universal Air Conditioners are sup plied with the lifetime electrostatic (elec- ; “The manufacturers guarantee that this ™“ 1 dter cleans the air of dust, dirt, pollen and sooty particles as small as 1-25,000 of an j w inch.” They also state that continuous air j b 1 I movement maintains the positive and neg ative electrostatic charges on the woven I U f p ~Jflr c plastic surfaces and that the charged dust ! TV;* , , iiY) cl dirt particles are attracted to the op- ; positely charged plastic surface and held | >. r-ioiLN r there just as a magnet attracts iron fit- ! '■ > Tf.mpic .V33SB tings. j and the c irnegie Corporation made il possible to undertake a ! capital fund:- appeal for the col j leges in 1951. The Ford Foundn ; non enabled the Fund to establish j consultation services on academic ; programming and administrative : procedures? in 1952." i Since its inception, the Fund I annually provides an average of i 10 per cent of the yearly operat oi the member schools. In the cate of some of the small ior this aid amounts to ’2O per cent.” Trent said. “With i out this support, it is questionable ! whether many of the colleges . would have been able to meet | the requirements for accredit*- | Mon.” The Fund is now conducting ! its Mfcb annual appepal in 100 ! campaign cities located within ! four geographical regions across i the country. Lee H. Bristol, presi ; dent of Bristol-Myers Co., is na tional campaign chairman of the 1957 appeal for $2,000,000. I Since the national advertising campaign fn> wool was launched ! ovo yearn ago, per capita consump l.ion of apparel wool in the U. S. I hns : r ; i reared 12 per cent. Total .mill consumption of apparel wool up 17 per cent. IT PA VS TO \BVEBTISK V— —, r BURLINGTON I *«WW>Wia.II<»I»W4>MJWWMWMM»ORrMnBIM , TI»I ■ OWCTtaBVPaMW BY Mils M. M BROWN 601 APPLE STREET Miss Eufagcan Gennette who un- ; derwent an operation at Alamance Co. hospital is cor.valer.cing tn the home of Mis. Annie Barbee on Jer kins Si. Mrs Sallie Noble will be host ess to Missionary Group No. 2 Fri day eve at 8:90 o'clock All mem are expected, visitors are welcome. Mrs. Evelyn Fowler is president Mrs. Ruby Hurley, Southeast Re gional Director of the N A A. C. P wili be the speaker for Right for Freedom Fund Rally. Thursday, May 2nd, 8:00 P M. in the First Baptist Church, Apple Si Mrs Hurley disguised herself as a cotton picker and went into the backwoods of Mississippi and got the bare facts on the Emmett Till killing and escaped with hf r lifi Hear her tel) this and other . ies and gei information first hand so we will feel like fighting for Freedom. This invitation is - to you you and you. Sponsor is the Bur lington Branch of the NAACP. Mr. Winfred Wiley is president Theie will he special music by the Coop er “4" of Hillsboro. N. t and the Junior choir of First Baptist ! Church under the direction of Miss 1 Gwendolyn Gidnt y. Miss Evalea Evans will be hostess to the Pastor's Aid Society Mon day evening at her home on Rieh j rnond Aw. at tt.OO P. M Alt -r,, --.- i bers are expect,-d and visitors are I welcome Mrs I.orie Graham, pre sident., Mrs. Evelyn Harvey is se i cretary VISITS SISTER I Mr and Mrs. Waiter Stevenson of Charlotte N. C spent the week I with Dr. and TM.s W, C Shrinks, i of Crestview Court ; VISITOR A 3-C Lewis Sellars of Til . iamooh. Oregon, is visiting his mother. Mrs. Virgte Sellars, and • family before resuming further du- J j ties in Japan. , DRESS RJAtK HELP - j GRAHAM Some 100 models j paraded in a countywide dress j I revue recently held at Graham , I High School The grotip was cow; :j ; posed of 64 4 H Club g;ris arid 33 ; home demonstration women and 3 ; sponsored by the Burlington Cham f i ber of Commerce - 1 Elementary girls from the . ; fourth through the eighth grades - j were eligible to model garments 41 In deforming the nest garments -jin the revue, aii first place win * i tiers from the 26 local 4-H Cubs ? j competed j Top honors wont to Jckne Ai ; ston of the Melville club in th r ' r 1 dress competition Runnerun was j ; Foggy Jean Loath of Pleasant 5 j Grove with Bonita Samuel of Meb „ j sne third place winner . | In the skirts division, the winner . | n.’as Susie Jones, r>f Pleasant Grovr >i Tied for second were Annie King j of Mcbane and Ann Caro] Bvnum | of Graham. Third place was won !I by Linda Anri Patterson of the | Rock Creek Club. • j For the outstanding apron. Mabel . | Chavis of Mebane took first place. ; j followed by Elaine Torain of Mol* 1 ' i!!e and Mary Ann Freeland of | F.ion College BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ALAMANCE COl NTY HOSPITAL , Mr. and Mrs Kelly Hat < ' Route 3 Burlington, announce the i arrival of a son on April 24. j Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eugene j Murray, 619 Rauhut Street, announ- I re the arrival of a son on April 24. i Mr. snd Mrs. James Bigelow j Route 2. Mebanr announce the ar i rival of a son on April 23. i Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Jackson, j Mebane, Route 4 Burlington an i nounce the .arrival of a son on ! April 23. iHAYES Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes, Route : 5, Burlington, announce the arrival | of a daughter on April 28 at Ala- : ! mance County Hospital. | PROGRAM SLATED In observance of National Home I i Demonstration Club Week. Mrs j j Carrie Wilson, Alamance County ; < sponsibilitic-s, Mr T j K. Whitley, Gilford Co. Supervisor. | Also trebling for publicity, histoe j ions, join! committee work and pre i school PTA members Thru out the morning with coffer break information and inspiration ' was shared and enjoyed M M Brown, retiring president ! n enjoying a Sheaffor pen and pen ; eit set given by district. Thank? j friends. T, N. BOONE | Tailors |j F' - 19 4 BURLINGTON S' C* ■w:a.—— ——n—rrfn-r-rrmrTnwnurmuHn mu . umnu For The CAR Os Your Life Murry To [ Bill Price BUICK i Located At BUICK BLOCK South Main St. Bill Price I Buick ! BURLINGTON. N. C, Grant. Charles Fig?- FArh fc hop. Marion Henley Lewi:-. Slat' Billy McDonald R ober' Bar. Leonard Magee, Henry Lattimoi and Herbert Smith. In anprec tion for the outfit a’ dme rear which was made ny the Kaskatb team under his tutelag . r Harrison B Wilson v . present a 2 suite) by Mr Williams r.n V Half of the Jackson Dial." Al: r.-, Music was furnish’d by the j,k son State College Coeds direct by Mr:- Aurelia Yount Bi speeches were, heard from 1 vector of Athletic:- T L Eli B A Blackburn. 3 Coleman. Karl Griffin, John Merritt. Harrison B -vi:---.r a Luciu? Mitchell i .... ———————— 2- 40 3 PT 4-5 QT. js*. .- ; jlj^!' 6 YEAR OLD CENTurr CLU f it STRAIGHT SOU?" f WHISKEY \ NATIONALOISULLEFS PRODS C" • K SiRAiGH* BOURBON v\r>■ ojl *, ..> ■ * I"—iihii ii- iwi—... ATWATER 3 GUARANTI-T.D “A-l” \ s vd Cars 1955 Chevrolet, Bei-Ai:. Tudor Radio, Hi: Lr, Turon.; paint. White tires. covers, Fender skirts. Ex tra clean. $R:y 1951 Oldsmobilt 3? Harr, Top, Hydrarnciic, Radio Heater, White tires. Fen der skirts. Clean. Only 1956 Ford Country Sr-lan Ford -o - marge, • power steering, radio, heater styietone paint, white tires and wheel covers, windshield washers. Ex tra clean and low miles Only .. $2,395 1956 Ford Fa iris ne T udoi Ford-o-matic, power steer ing, radio, heater, two wheel covet.. fender •skirts, low miles. Clean. 1956 Chevrolet V-3 Bel-Alk Hard Top: Powergiide. ra dio, heater, white tires wheel covciT.. lender skiit-s Clean, Only . $2,195 1955 Ford Fordor Fairlane: Ford-o-matic, radio, heat er, styietone paint, white tires, wheel covers, fen der skirts Cie’an, Only $1,596 1955 Ford Tudor Radio, heat er. white tires, low miles. Extra clean $1,445 1954 Ford Custom!me Fordor; Heater, white tires Clean. Only $1,095 1953 Chevrolet 31b Four Oooi Radio, heater, white Lies, tutone paint Only $895 1953 Chevrolet 210 Two Door: Radio, heater, tutone pamt. Only $795 1953 Oldsmobile S 3 Four Door: Hydramatic, radio, heat er, tutone paint, white tires, wheel toveis, l-ii ' der skirts. Only $1,195 Two 1953 Mercury Monterey Hard Top: Merc-o-matic radio, heater, tutone paint, white tires wheel covers, fender skirt? Clean. Only $1,155 1952 Pontiac Convertible H: - dramatic, radio, heater white tins, wheel cover tutone paint. Onlv $755 1952 Cadillac 62 Fordo? H dramatic, radio. hfJv tinted glas? white tires wheel covers, fender skirts real clean. $1,395 We. give, a written cuaienter for ONE YEAR on each u .vd car m truck purchased from us We finance at bank rates, Open till 9 O'clock Friday Nichi ATWATER KUOS CO. YOUR, FRIENDLY FORD DEALER SINCE 1912. 739 S. Main St License No. 1700 BURLINGTON, N. C.