PAGE TWELVE picture five I'& OTE SPRING. Esf \ -- I rtvnvt'ti i t)\lrg£ sophoaior- j fS. i \ r U'Jt of E'|OR i ? •;•• i;rr:t Teachers From Five States To Attend . Te mner Science And Mathematics Institute DURHAM PifK*-eight loacher.-- j c ti:c SttU'ftce U':.tiC at Nor* CiwiiM Cnhcg* |0 through j •tui;.' K> | fnjm No-rt” • Cji oitna. S-ii® iir,y. ! Tcvsr-si'M-'-\ Sffl| ' Tire Nata-ml so,r th.: itfstiUi:*-. NCC is one nf j i‘i3 rojloga? -mfi 'itjivTvsitics i ;;n on; Hit She CHlfitry fr< n ooivi; I . Dr. W. H RoijifiT.fiß. V’fofowsor ii ; f? ft Margtrl ui , _ er,d n;-. m-.r* to face the- new'ones | j^L^^jEwl JUfumnstmm ’mtwwmhw"iwinrn—nimw »n ■ " ---*- - ■ *•* r iiwiimum iwii 11 m i ».,»»■■ p*« K R A M E R' S "THE HOUSE Os DIAMONDS" Corner Martin and Salisbury Sts. DIAMONDS Budget Term* Arranged Qu-djfy lot Quality Nobody—But Nobody * 1 " 11 *■' ... KRAMER’S “the house of diamonds” ~ j ®|§l • ‘ BERGAMOT ' W^'-'VjfP ' CONDITION! R - T' f. - i'W-H*' College. V. C. and Rudene Ah- j nev. nf Norristown, Fa., admire. j bridal wreath blossoms that have i I Three NCC professors. Dr. T. E., Malone. Biology. Dr. Marjorie L. j j Browne,, and Dr. j ' i a Tofiori, ChtiTiistry. v*ill form the j i i.oix ot f< aching staff to be sup-! i pli m ntod by four outstanding I visiting professors in each field. ! Teachers who will participate in ! : this summer's program are; North J : Carolina Durham: Frank H. Al- | ! .yon. Thurruan D. Clark. Thomas J M. Davis Mai tha V. Dooms and j .Joseph S. Parker Raleigh; Ben-! ■iißiirt T Bullock. Virginia L. New- j : eii and Thomas Crumby. Fayette- ] wile; William T. Bmwn. Sarah R. : '{>!••• rry. and Darius .Johnson, Jr. j | He }ipoK& at the* opening S6S£>iofi ’ j held in the auditorium of the Rlu- ; : ford Library Other perrons ap- j : :ar: r g <;.n that program included: j Dr. Wiirmoih T. Gibbs, president ! •>! 'he college, who delivered the 1 ; welcome address and C. E. Dean, j H-ach^r-trafiner at the college, un-! j d-r whose dir.-cti.on the meeting ! w;.:; held. Mrs. Dean is president j ; of ih ■ Seventh District. ! The afternoon session featured J • ’"up discussions on problems as- I > feeling PTA workers on: admin is- j j trativc problems, program planning i ! and evaluation, setting annual j ■ goals, budget and citizen- j : skip and legislation, room reprt- 1 I sciiLa.lives workshop, PTA publi- . j cations, training new officers, pub- j j Deity committees and training for I j pro-school PTA workers. SEIBERLING Tires & Recapping j * Tubeless Tire Specialists ONE DAY'S SERVICE Town&Country TIRE SERVICE 21S S. Dawson St. Tfc' 3-5701 RALEIGH, N. C. j burst forth in profusion in front , • of the Fine .Arts Building in the j i past few days. Unseasonably I I George J. Foster. Charlotte; Joseph | C. Belton, Mattie L. Soiice, Emma | jS. Jones. Theodore G. Stewart, j Jerry H. Flack and Paul W John j son. Roxboro: Herman W. Smith, | Jr., and Robert C, Williams. Ox j ford' Roy L Bass and George R. | King. Elizabeth City; Gloria M. I Cooper. Yancey vipe: Virginia A [ nix, Also, Supply; A llone Johnson. ! Greenville: Alan E. Murrell. Ahos j kie; Margaret W, Artis. Graham; j Joseph E. Belton. Gastonia: Moses I A. E. Blair; Williamston: Bernard j C. Brinkley. Winston-Salem; Ra chel Campbell; Hookerton; Leroy ; Connor, Loaksvillc Clyde F. Fowl | kes. Sunbury: Smith N. Knight, j Burlington: John H Malloy. High ; Point: Charles E Morris, Jr.: Bt th j “South's Finest | Negro Hotef’ k ! A GOOD PLACE TO EAT AND SLEEP" ★ | ALEXANDER ! HOTEL Dial ED. 2-5141 | 523 N. McDowell St. i Charlotte, N. C. j M f/wtH love <:§eft/Jl} In Schlita you taste the rich ness of time, the essence of care and the perfection of ski.lL Schiitz is brewed with fust the kiss of the hope... \ “ / not a trace of harsh bitter* The Bèr that Made Milwaukee Famous V&tifi&i&m' ' «*«?-* XUOKI!H : M»WM! $ [pH®* Fisher Wholesale Company" »a» St.rWß.lSf; AVENUE TK 8-1356 j low temperatures of (he past j few weeks had previously kept j girls and flowers buttoned up. j 1 1: James R. Armislead States | ville: Georg.- F Dalton. Winston: ! Richard E Gadsden. Carthage: j Narcissus Hf Go ms New Bern: j Warren G. Keyes. | The other states and their re ! presenhuives are South Carolina ; Willie H. Barr. Anderson; James A. j Blake, Marion, Lizzie Boyd, New | berry, Harold Jackson, Donalds; J Mary E. Payton. Orangeburg: Jae j queline Medford, Lancaster; Wil ! liam C Richardson, Conway; Adelle ; Stewart, Orangeburg; Elizabeth j Truman, McCormick; and Elsie A. j Wingfield, N. Augusta. Virginia ; Fannie C. Owens, Danville; Floyd j Conard and Hunter D. Hamlett, . ! ALL TYPES OF CHILDREN'S AND GROWN UP’s SHOES ; Less Than 1 2 Price F.xpert Shot Repairing TILTON SHOE REPAIR m V. DAVIE STREET Raleigh, N. C. ! -- n ,11.11, I .||||„|| „, M || , M _ we'7\re now I 3! N « I A YEAR T I The Hood System | Industrial Bank I] 126 S, Snisihary St. Raleigh Member, EVO I.C. THIS CAPOLfNTAB ! Omegas Honor Love And Moultrie CHARLESTON. S. C„ The , membims of the Sixth District, | Omega Pm Phi Fraternity,, corn- ( prising North and South Carolina, ] in the final session of the annua! ! meeting gave plaques to Bishop Edgar A. Love arid Attorney H Carl Moultrie, for service render ed the Fraternity. Bishop Love was one of the founders of the Greek letter Fra ternity and was cited for the ser vice he has rendered during the life of the group. Attorney Moul trie was honored for the service he has rendered as the National Executive Secretary. The eltations were msd? at a fellowship breakfast, held In the cafeteria of the Buist School, held Sunday morning. Bishop Love was the principal - ■ j Egg sales In North Carolina In 1955 topped sales in all other Sou eastern states. Also, North Caro poultrymen have increased egg sales faster since 1940 than either the Southeastern area or the Unit ed States, North Carolina is now selling approximately one-half of its an nua) broiler output outside the state. rT r --n nr ■■iMawmiii Better Buys Belter Terms On Better Jewelry Atxwi V &S£ ?os FaycTTevitic sr IWe Have Anything In PIES and PASTRIES For Everyday Desert Or Special Occasions * 18-Flavors In Pms * Leinort and Cherry Tarts and many other selections’ POOLE’S PIE SHOP '.ft C .enwood Av*. Raleigh Edward's Shoe Store 10 EAST MARTIN ST. j The Family Shoe Store For 49 Years rnwwxirmraitiiiMHi— iiiwian'iMaii—l'MMi*'—■—■iinnwiinwennurwruinnirirnin urn n--nr-i -- irrrr rn n m mn r r-i —ittit Igy '• -"- ;—zarr.’T. _:..^,er./a, ■ N. C. PRODUCTS! PERSHING ROAD RALEIGH PHONE 4-255> OLIVE STREET KINSTON PHONE 2514 : | MAKE EXTRA MONEY SELL XL ——i no- —■ Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news of your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission i Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. | * The CAROLINIAN ' j * SIB E. Martin St. * Raleigh, N. C. * | I 5 : Please send details of how I can earn, money selling . ! The CAROLINIAN in my community. 1 think I can sell i • ._» copies weekly j | 5 NAME 1 ! ADDRESS _ —— I i * CITY OR TOWN ..... » *W« ewwN mam* vmu* mum nm* nmm »w» mm** «*»«» ww* msmtv mm mnm> wwm "mm ** i speaker and told of how ihr : I Fraternity was founded by j Frank Coleman, Oscar J. Coop er, Ernest Just and himseit. amid obstacles on the campus of Howard University in 1911. He told those present to be ever j mindful of the fact that the Fra- 1 ternity was founded to develop friendship among men who had become attached to each other by a common bond. He extolled the virtues of the Fraternity and asked that even though scholarship was one of the principles upon which it was founded, it should always be remembered that friendship was the cornerstone upon which it was built. J. Alston Atkins. retn inK Dis- j ~ —.. . <— —....——— ... JOHN j I ASKE W FAINTER DECORA TOR i|j| Ilf Glenwood Ave llanpppsHi^.l wrtuiffffj ir i eu—rp w.w wiumwmw i mam. «oi ww awn w»ne i mruvsre. ) | Starts Today tcrsitruan etw tmons umi MBASSADOj WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 1!, 1957 trict Representative. presented the plaques and extolled the work of both of the men. He lauded the work and the character of Bishop Hove arid told of the fins traits of lustiness acumen that. Attorney Moultrie had instilled into the • ■ ; H ftCLSKA I A VODKA 1 jljif| $3-95.. I f p %e§#i ,rorn Grain by L R>. ;ky & Cm Cockeysv- Mt 1 • \ § ( L_ I. _ j I How last the years slip by. How short tj - \ tirsic- to express our appreciation for Js A* hMß»w«B«,r»wmw t ».- .■•■ Mother’s Day Gift Sped al 9x12 These are beautiful patt”n* and keen judgment. Both of the men thanked the Fraternity for its kind consideration -and rederii eated themselves to ivork harder for 3 bigger and better friend ship for al) who ventured to sc cept the tenets and to strive to use their influence to aid in mak ing mankind rr.cie conscious of The virtue of frir-ndshiD