WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 11. lys; Lincoln U. ’s “J” School | To Have New Curricttlm JEFFERSON CITY. MO. A new journalism curriculum will go j into effect, at Lincoln University ' (Mo.) with she fail semester j 1957, following a report by the College Policies committee to the effect that the plan meets the re fjyimnents it i a bachelor of arts degree. Planning for the curriculum has beers going on since two • years ago when the derision j was made to cons ert the School of Journalism into a depart - . -went of the College of Arts j ..and Sciences. ■ The purpose n to integrate the i curriculum inf>. the ivil-.y.i* xy -stem in order to serve the needs j . Announcing The Opening Os . . , PFEBLES’ GRILL 200 EAST MAR TIN STREET Specializing in PIT Cooked BAR-B-0 SHORT ORDERS FRENCH FRIES FRIED CHICKEN HAMBURGERS CHEESEBURGERS COFFEE HOT DOGS SOFT DRINKS MR. & MRS. VICTOR PEEBLES. Props. Lowest Prices... j Highest Quality Services... inramrrn.r .1 Yes, we are proud of the money we save our customers . . . and they are proud of the dig nity, quietness and serenity surrounding the last services for their loved ones. Our record of 42 years has stood the test of time. Call us in your hour of sorrow. RALEIGH FUNERAL HOmF i 322 E, Cabarrus Street Dial TE 2-2835 j Yeti “fill Always Find Style Arid Quality At Our Store Botany “500" DACRON & WOOL UimZ lari Schaffner & Marx DACRON & WOOL BLEK9S' | Furnishings By Manhattan & ArrovJ Keep Cool in Our Special Tailored SPORT SHIRTS I T-SHIRTS - WALKING SHORTS § McLEOD & WATCON f Odd Follows Building sional communications and speeia- I lized studios and practices that will | fit students for work on business, i advertising, news, and editorial I staffs of publications; in teaching. : public relations and research. The I new -prograrfi also offers a minor j in journalism for students o f all j departments. Brafford Gets Hood Bank Post. London H. Braft'urd. Jr, who lives at 2144 MUhurnie Road has j aceei;;< 1 8 pfoefion with lh; Hood ! Syst .*u Indus! -:,i! Bank of Raleigh, ! No: ! h Carolina ami began work j Monday. He is a high school grad- ' uatc. has a. B S, decree from State | United States Army and is now i an inactive officer of the reserves j with a commission as First Lieut- j < n nit. He lias Winked v\ itil Dili'ill, tan Mills tor two years and has been with Hudsoti-Belk Com- I>an> for nierc than two years serving a- stork room clerk, salesman and assistant floor : manager Hi? family consists of a wife and or.o tiiuhi and they arc rncr; i . eh Hr is , m* mb< r of the Board of Deacons Pick slrriwDcrries about thm- I tunes a week SHAW RANT f GROUP Shown above arc tnembers of the Shaw University Danes Group shown ' in ,\ routine pose. The "roup is under the direct ion of Mrs, Mildred thorn ...vm Gieim. The dancers will present a pr.igram in the Spaulding Gymnasium at Shau University. Ei iJav ei mins. May X, at 6:SO. | (V- -TB-V- | 4L ..„».**&>.■*# ._ 1 0*' tyr g m, %, ■# sr , I \\ , i’** •# jgStit; wife,, | F 4 rtf nSs** -«s W&Z *’ 80% W w I \ : -.c; t Strawberry j W \ i&A *i vk%& w% Sm ! w i PI. ~ I Ot. - 2 Ols. | i v J 1 l ! j S fixn PPINIITC i ; iI&XU a s.Hi | Six Weeks Crowder j BLACKED E and |! BLACK SEED PEAS ! CHAIK SEATS |j Wood & Fibre itiai.mHaKaMi, i S. M. YOUNG | Hr’CARE ; 130 E Mi-u tin St. Dial TE 2-/121 'mmmmmmmmw j V TEENS' and Mrs LDlie T.iy lor. Chairman «{ the 1 i-.eu Couimiitee. admire thi 4 Hi i i ‘Ar:;ciation Reception’ Sponsored 6y Lcoal Ts The Y-Tceu Committt t* of the So- ■ .ipoi net Truth YWCA sponsored j its annual "Appreciation Recep- j tion” recently at the YWCA It is at this tide that the Y-Teen . Commitoe and tpe Teenagers for \ whom they ntan take this oorwr- I trinity to thank the other eolun- i u-rs fur the vices r.-m Wed and j pay special recognition to them, j Hold during YWCA ‘Week, it also J |§P!'Piii wWliß ! | HO*' 11 M ; "0m § ? £s£ if J§ it j If iron Deficiency Anemia Hns Sopped Your Strength 5.5.5. Tonic builds belief health . . . strengthens weak blood. 5.5.5. Tonic, made of Nature’s own roots and j, herbs, has vital iron to build rich, red blood. So give vrw whole family an energy lift ; .. . get back your pep. | 5.5.5. Tcnic make . you fee! good again fast ... or your money back. Now in liquid or tablets ... at all drug counters SAVE! Buy the j large economy sire! CIA«A WARP Famous Gcspel Singer, says, .tffSjKjpSk, “If you’re weary T * «ncl there's no song jttm in your heart, you fro ■■■\ may he tired and fH£ CAROLINIAN I’lityer that was prfsfatel to the VVi < v by tin- V-Tc. n t'ommiuee a! its recent Kereptiou. p'!vi:-a the public a chance to know , more about the YWCA and the f art it plays in world anti local I affairs. Special invitation* were ex tended io honored guests who | were the principals of the schools where the Y-Tee ns Chibs are located and other principals of the city w ho give willingly of their time when ever the need arrives; the ad visers of the V Teen Clubs and the parents of the Y-Teens. The program consisted of muss- j cal number* from the various Y- Tet n Clubs. Y-Teons who repre- ■ sentad their clubs on the pi cejram ' were: Barbara Hockady, eleventh 1 grade; Yvonne Simmons, Barbara 1 Hoy lan, Mary Collins, Gloria Free- j man, Carolyn Morgan, Denni.se ! Perry, Delore.* Farrar, and Elea- 1 nor Nunn, tenth grade: Annette ! Autry, eighth mad. : Gloria D. b nam. ninth and Valeria Bar net. twe’f'h grade, Lip, oft School. • From Washington School th< fol lowing participated: Barbara Shav • eighth grade and initio Leonard. I Wilhelm nia Campbell, Mylrice P. ■.>- coat, Linda Bhodes. Barbara Km be* ; and Barham Jones, ninth grade Neltinc Peebles represented O- ' berhn School. Several of the Y -Teens made presentations their adviser*. Mrs | Rebecca Cooke of [he Y-T. ti i Committee j ;en' -d to Mr: Jove.- i McLendon, ‘'Y' H:, siderd a ft, Fi \ record player for .jro in )(, u . y Mrs Id Hie Taylor, chairman of •he Y-Teen CVirmitteo exn u word.? of Wek mu- to the :w ,w j end fre-ndr and a rpceial v.-flc'-ismc i lb the newly established Y-T-•■•n ! Club of the Stale School for the j Blind of which Mrs Phyllis Mann i l; advisor. All of the girls in the chib cave a musical selection en titled "On Wimp; of S.mac" They weie aceampiiniocl at the piano by Mrs, Robinson IT V. ■ yu- rite Adonis was ehr.i; •nan of'thc Cunindft.ee on An n,cnis for the Reception. Others '• m iring with her were Mrs. Lula While, Mrs. Alins White, Mrs. B .1 Wilenx and Mrs. Lillie Taylor Others on the Y-Teen oiwui'tec are Mis, Essie Duntnore, Mrs M 1 'ft f 1 - 1 d*n, |\i,-. 4 {{eheeca Cook. Mrs. KUn Burch, Mrs Mary Vil- Mrs. Ivory lJawkio.;. Mir* M K Linen, Mrs. Elmira llugsc. M*s IH-’ble Andrews, Mrs. Cor* 'iima Edwards and M-s. Thelma Anders. Y-T n Program Director. The 0&T.7/,vet f»' § iln “The average man now lives twice ns lon : a a he did in i ;;:u. i ■■ H ss to- -to get his taxes paid'.” ■ Fas'' i ]se—¥aSie Right Cotton Dresses PP P Colortast & Sanforized apletety Washable n ..a . ■ ajK|^ v • ■'■•'*• •’•' •■ ' :■ i■ < '.i'i»kc-yn .. . our gay yV- 5 : aught through the day, H§ * '• -t ‘ ' v -r I'm ‘ . t Uk Loom quality - ; i > i-‘i in u-aths, full skirted v v : * f k'i‘ s vt.any others. Don’t V- : ; she'll love you for such a pr> it', too* v A • : 'f§lS SHEATH DRESS, |. ■ >" rk polka dots on Rose. Blue background. Sizes 10 ■ MARINER DRESS with young ' X tfjr • a liar, gored skirt. Fruit 4 Loom. Everglaze cotton. 1 1/ ;n 20, 14Vj to 2444. Pop ’ / * s i, ' V *' I’! TALS TRIM the scooped ?: "kHn of this full skirted {• k. All over flora!. Rose, or Blip predominating. Sizes 12 to 20, 14’/ 2 to 241'. ■ • : • J;"' Ai.'VWsf ~ *v' ?> .c' ; ijM.PpJpP , ’ n A DRESS 6 JACKET with j ;; \.4,io . , A ■ •• h ! f while lace trim. Solid P.o' ' ■ A. eoh-iEverglazed cotton in &> .v, - .Mavy. 1 urquo.se or L.lac. Sizes -pypkv , 12 t'. 20. BSSI* '\"-a. . ' ,- A#4 PpsSiilii' Z , hi>- ■«. . ?-£* • , l - ■-*• t s ... ;‘-ke u&P. WSmm m Wt fe ■ I »%i|f w • ' *s‘ ■/ • L** ' ■ * >^ V P'P . ; f ApAfL"- P l «l%M r M‘ p 'p-- * <: AL ;; ■ ■.. . VK; • L ■ ii- : k4s .p... Ip' ■*i | ■ % >» | | Isl II ial Si» I «Jf i - :f.' ? > Sunday, 12