RALEIGH MAH BUYS KANSAS CITY MONARCHS —' -~—— " • I * .v,. '• ..,,,;- - f F?> TEGFt A riov !\ kever SI --These n«kf University under eradua*e studenls i»id a visit to ’Sweet Daddy" Grace's church corner South and fast Jackie Rcfc Speaks Here Sunday; Thousand. > Expected IJH ' it THE SMILE OF HEALTH— i Mr-.. Mabel Streeter, one-time victim of a badi.v leaking' heart, ean smile happily today with her pet because a year ago * tuff of surgeons successfully inserted into her heart a valve nK;de of a watch-spring: alloy Metier Os Five Faces A “Near Normal” Life i DETROIT f ANP)—Mrs. Mabel; year-old mother of five, faces, a 1 £’• rr-eter wasn’t, given a chance : near normal life, in u?v world to live more than six; Wayne State rnlvmliy doo med hs Isrt year, but today with! tors say that M«. Streetor the mam spring of a watch mam- j tamme her heartbeat the .14- (CONTINUE!* ON P4C.S ISi This Week ’s Advertisers J Tk* W.cUn. r A HOT U’l AV t~> * *-• * *->.** bv cue. Ve/ L/4 i.‘l AXTL* ■» ijtlilUtt Money Stores. l-A '.t : , ftitl. .'h l" liorxt Market rip Tor rood stoirs m. us Fh.oo C on'n my O. K nothin; Co S :i.Furniture Company lorn BtiPt .-Imp »•<■> l’ - . Gn'i Biltiv PACE 'I t’isif ••-a** r.t!i»«ry Company 4. yi coyer U Genetai Tttf Co. fV ! ■ Funeral Horn* i' Hoir' I-.mriftt Horn* !-’ > ► <> u fnti n tanirti Bakery 'ifi■ <1 v llliamr A Company 11 Uiv r r ■ Belk f ompanv I'ACE fi H F Quinn Furniture f ontpinv lire f • les £■ Service The Hood System Industrial Bank j C;v«i!.) Beauty College Mi. Bills Hand Public Service Co. of S, C.. lne A 1 me p alii Company IVert.inaton Terrace Apt* PAGE 1 A&P Super Markets Parti! ary Grocery .Joyce A Bailey Furniture Co Twin Inn Oil Service Re.nn’l Toyville PAGE R Woodworth st. Tourist Heme H'.atcr Well Company Caveness Insurance Agency I : str»eiv last IVednejia;. to observe his teaching.-." Approxi mately SO students attended the services from the segregated Durham institution, accompan ' ' - | j patented by the Elgin Company. The surgeons, all of Wayne \ •State University’s College of j .Medicine, said the “Rapid Downhill condition” of their pa tient was cheeked bv the opera j tion (UNITED PRESS FOTO), j , Dunn s Esso Service ! Carolina Builders t urn j Batten’* Serfopd & Poultry Co Trr ; I mstead Transfer Co A Food Store Dillon Motor Finance Company i Sedge way's Opticians I Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co m fuielyh j Meehantrs A Farmers Bank ! li'inicr Memorial* De'uxe Hotel ; r VOF 0 j Samlets Motor Compin'" j Sit Walter Chevrolet Company ; City Motor Company/ | PAGE 1? : tohn Askew P-itnter & Drrotator | Town f.’ Country Tire Service :V r Products Edward's Shoe Store Tdton shoe Repair Shop ri.ilie: Wholesale Company Gem H itch Shop •’ones * chtt'tma>. Pur* Oil Service. I.ongvit'ts Pfnmhior > ffcDn; Co | Poole s Pil SltOp ; t.fWis Radio A TV cilntr | PAGE It 1 Sri refit. Seat. Cover Center Biojden Proeluce Co J Proctor's Men'y App.itt'l t W Simmons Village Hardware Wertr Wrfp.n-Eh.--re Lewis Spotting Goods I*AGE Id Smith Furniture Company Cruiser Motor Company Holtowell’a Caih Food Store I Dick Fry*'* Shoe Servlrt ied by a professor of religion Once inside the church the stu dents did not adhere t<> the strict .dm crow laws enforced at ■ the university. : STAFF PHOTO BY UHAS. R. TONES). f.V ! 1< HARRIS The North Carolina NAAC P j j dynamic president Kelly Miller AJ- ; rxander Charlotte, and field secre- . iory Charles A. McLean of Win ston-Salem. is mgin« what is / \ New Smith \ President CHARLOTTE Dr Rufus Pat- ! l terson Perry, administrative dean i j and vice president of Langston Uni- | | versity. Langston, Oklahoma, is the j i new president of Johnson C Smith j | University, officials of the Char* I j lotto in'»tiiution announced Sal- ! j urday The 53 year old native of i j Georgia is a graduate of Johnson ; j C. Smith University! holds the de- I j green of master of science and dor- | i for of philosophy from lows State | ; University and the degree of doc- ! ! tor of laws from his alma mater. He t .night chemistry and xer r<'d as director es the division of art? Hod sciences .it Prairie j View Stab College in Texas before accepting his pre sen* position ti id of SIOO to ,i single win ner, which tv.is practiced dur ing Ibe first, month of com petition The money is dis tributed between ten persons, with prizes ranging from SSO ! to 55. Check the front pace of The i CAROLINIAN each week for the i names of merchants who are ad iwTtuJnc m the paper and pa-; i tronize them ! (CONTINUED ON fAGF l) • + + + + + + + + + t Bohjis j|| *fopeij +++++ + + 4 4 4 Integration Delayed Here Rapist May Die For ’SB Crime in S.C. COLUMBIA, 5. C The State , Supreme Court Monday upheld l tiie death sentence for Willie i Marion Daniels. 29, for the rape !of a white woman in February, : 1956, The court notified the S»ato Penitentiary that Daniels, a former wood cutter, should bp executed June «. Daniels was sentenced to the mandatory death penalty last j year by circuit Judge J. Henry : .Johnson. “Lord God Almighty, have mercy". Daniels said when he learned of (he Court's deci sion. "Forgive me and forgive everybody that's concerned.'' Daniels was convicted of the rape and robbery of the middle aged Allendale white woman “Invitations Stand,” Gov. Stanley Says RICHMOND. Vs —This state's i governor, Thomas B. Stanley, ' breaking silence on the eight- I week controversy over invitations i sent out by mistake to Negrne j for an all-white banquet for dis j tinguished Virginians, said last i Wednesday "So far a? I am con j cerned, the invitations stand” The governor bad not made am commenl during s period in which some of the Negroes were asked to return their in vitations and M>d they would do so «n!v ni the reiiu»et ot (CONTINUED ON FAGF 2i jj .. \ f SiV'' "•‘ ' '' *$ '• •' ?" y^Kl i .. ! 1 wjMßli>= - jp>K/ • I^£^ • ■Kr.v^K*' ■%:.. .-^fsT^ .?? > " r® ;?®»w.-w ? “~ , "“' J ~’"~‘ FTfiTuvr nm-> T ,- r . rT r,-iin M - | |r | |i a T)|<|)l i b N ‘ C 20 PAGES El*cwher« __ j VOLUME 16 i. -■ ***' I ' CLOSING BASEBALL DEAL --Arthur Dove, seated, and Ted Rasberr.v are. shown rlo- ing nr go tint lons for the franchise (o the. Kansas City Monarchy. Mr. Raleigh, County Body so Washington Fri. t i BY CHARLES R JONES l ! | We are expecting some 2,500 i pilgrims' from North Carolina in Washington Friday" said (he Rev G. A Fisher as he gave final cR tails of the Prayer Pilgiimagf (or r'resdotn thu w eek. President of the Rvielgh Wake County Committer of tenderling machine in e Pitts burgh butcher shop May Bth Police and firemen spent nearl.' RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MAY IS. m? laMßu, Dove will bring th. team to F < high and take mer it> owner ship. The amount of money in voiced in the transaction was not disclosed, 1 PHOTO BV CHAS. It. JONES). | 'be. Pilgrimage, Rev Fisher -aid least nine minister from ibis city wilt leave the Unton Bus Terminal at 4:>o a ui Fri day and plan to he tn the na tion's capita! hv to ,ifi a m Th« Pilgrimage, concen ed CONTINUED ON PAGE ?.) an hnnr dismantling and cut ting the machine apart after ‘atton got his band caught ;> Arthur Dove Purchases Franchise For Monarchs RY CHARLES F JONES Professional baseball is coming to Raleigh at last' Arthur Dove, prominent businessman of this city, dnclosed m The CAROLINIAN Tuesday that he had purchased the. Kan sas City Monarchs, number two ranked team m the Negro A | merican League last season | The team will claim Raleigh | as its base of operations and will i open the current season at Chavis ' Park Monday and Tuesday nightr i “The present name the ag gregation has gained so much i Raleigh School Board Adopts Assignment Plan | In a move to keep racial segre • gallon in. tire Raleigh Public 1 Schools for at. least on- more: ye--,:. : (he Raleigh School Board moved I Tuesday to assign all students, to lheir present schools for the en suing school year, Also adopted by the six-member board was a pupil assignment plan, which allows dissatisfied parents to appeal to the School Board The resolution which as signed all pupils to ihtii res j pectlve schools, for next year was introduced by Leroy Mar tin and seconded by the only Vegro member of the board, t red J. Carnage, Raleigh at torney The resohiiion rec eived unanimous approval The meeting was held in the school iupcrintfn'!®nt ? office on N> l ’ Bern Avenue I A closed door meeting was held j olmost an hour before the. regular j meeting opened The superinten dents secretary is alleged to have carefully guarded entrance to the ; 1 room. he was cleaning up the ahop He esr.jprd with only one finger mangled. (UNITED TRUSS TELEPHOTO). NUMBER 33 i fame that v.r. intend to keep it ’ * Mr. Dove said. Large Sum of Money Although the amount of mone* (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Sanderson ffeat the Hir ing of personnel «•*» the anlr (CONTINUED ON PAGF 2) | HOLD MTON MIN FOR MURDER CLAPKTON Junior Bro”- * 35. of near here is being held i. ; jail following the fatal shootm of s. prominent white business . man and farmer, who was. shc» i to death last week. Brown al legedly came under suspicion *f (CONTINUED ON PAG! ?! State News i Brief | HONORED BY FRATERNITY RALEIGH - The Rev. D ft, Howard, Sr, and family motorsd to Baltimore Md last eekend to attend « special Mother's Day program staged at Morgan Stas College Mrs Howard was boon*-, ed by the Kappa Alpha Psl Fra ternity. of which her son, Daniel, ia 9 member Next Thursday the (CONTINUED ON PAGE V I ODDS-ENOS i i Hr ROBERT G. SHEPARD LED THE TICKET. For the se cond straight time, a Negro has been the leading vote getting in | the aldermamc race in Chapel Hill ! Incumbent. Alderman Hubert. Ro j binsmn was the top man this year I repeating his performance of two years ngo when he led (he Chapel Hill ticket., and how was this ac complished. The Negroes of Cha pe) Hill decided they needed a political sncl civic organization to help them in th<- ir fight toward freedom and equality Under the leadership of the Reverend .lohn Burnette, »n organization was set up *ev real years ago The first pnII !CONTINUED ON PAG* *>