PAGE FOUR gmr&wA 4Tmj V ' 81W r 0134 T 4,/;.iy Is It Realistic? In h-r. fir -. Hock'.':, pn ;•: million :• doing bus in.- -■- -v. :! was und ’■ !-r ir.n •-■•.':•,: :.-.•* •.n ; •<• mi r.;-.>vm theory thet Will bt jo cap v •• •; rani 5 t~ v* th 3 t S’" rn V !1r ■: '■ Hie I r ; : ■; in be Nc t* !Y[-~ j 11 ? v when these ?• -w 1 "■■.■■'• • •.■: . Lng bfn and ' . • ; back th? " » -.-• to £ •-~ ■ • Apparently r h 1 •• • fi the under.:'.! '■ :• : : ■ ■ • n years to sttro-t. - o,'". '' • "•. :'.!••• •■•'•ouj.-i be expected r ■ • pen?9*e for th-? gether cmcciv „ * away rrar. -r >• • • b!e, which if uml-d-ntm •;. u ■ ■■■■ ■ -- to lore milit-'.- period no o; . ture return compensate for. This fantastic P rr T . . b{, ..... .... , in of ]j• ■ ' when chunk-d , legislature c* King Me j X( err end ot!u r ••'■■■.. M ; -. s> p-c does not h-a• : .■ .-- .■< .... • . salary increttoe o r. . ■*• meet rhr-r wonder he- ’-' - .■ ago -udd-. ■ '■. A state h d w. t< - ... H w;?v * million industry here • r -n . ~ 1 own emoiov! -■ -if-' l . «•*> v. .... likely to fiyer ?'o very f - h. tn- mas ege,merit of ■ i . add's't ‘.v• l >•• ■■. i , ■- .. sheep taxes, It v:Ji U: k. kiur, u • > :• Self-Imposed Re tardation Should v-w. would orr- r.,. ■ . , O'Xn pa.rh t’ ! ' NO ! The ah: l o m includes N<-r:h 0 n sane, expetr segregation «n.■ < ■■■■,.: \ North Carotin- h-kt■•; ■iV, ■ ' ; ( n • •■ • in. Purh"-' training ban - schools h o- 1 •' i nnfn.t of m r * r. ■ ‘ ulation ’ Tiio ? i it - nol ever. ’ N.n "l *■ • I ■' 1 did not barriers h . ■ • ' and dcveln ' ’ : black .and ••• A statemeru ntb'ed n Sngton n.■>:■.. • ' truer •.d .. ■ that you ■ you stay t: • r egn awaken' : * ■ ;. ■■ expense ■ ’ ■ " Fathti "f warmest i-m-l. on r :;u. 1 •: ■■ : r ■ eountr y It is rich'’/ ft: -n. ■ •• •. '!•■ r< patura! r- ■ ■■:■ ■■ coast; .3nr* I, ■ • 1 man rouk! imps : ” ' - : ■ - ■ : m.ent. un r n; would it hr i ■ et the sarre »• -•• : proclurt-.-’f ; in the VJn.t't o ■ ~ No. that O- ■• ■ ■■. ... ,• nor so pmt'i >!• of the sin • < i ■ 1 man ha no> of Booker T U futile n-|pt !■ ■ : •> < ■ 1 • i end held i > will continue u.- flhtrh with th- - We said that, n •- •.> woi ■: ■ •.. Til A CAROLINIAN Published by the C: >' PublLhin;* Company. 518 B. Martin Street, Raleigh, N C. Entered as ikeonri (la M it* r. A;»i: 16, 1910, at the Post Office at Raleigh, North Carolina, und< r the A-i. of Mai eh 1'• "h Additional Entry at Charlotte, N. C. Subscription v . ..75 .....One Year $4.50 Payable in Advance- A H:'- :. all communications and and mon*y or ders payable to ' i:E C ! LIT AN Interstate. United h ■■■■ . :■:, Kit* hre• > - N V. 1?. S. V, National Advertising Repre sentative. Thin new maper {• not , r rot '• ■ v>< r* t*: • a ot ttEsoUcited news, pictures, or advertising copy unless necessary pwhu.-e r--.oriir-a ’ibe .>>py. P. ft. jfELVAY, Publisher AUxccnder Barnes .... ..... . . Advertising & Promotion Chaa. Jones News 5 Circulation E, R, Swain . ~ Plant Superintendent J. C. Washington Foreman, Mechanical Department Mrs. A. M. Hinton * .... .Office Manager Opinions tscjiretwifl in by-n.s ii«'c put:■ >n ibis newspaper ire not necessarily tboae *f the >•*!» lfoation. | schools. under paid and cheap school teach 'r'. dissatisfied and disgruntled state em piovc cs who must provide the protection and rnnintcnance of the many essentials industry •: hove in order to operate and he pros perous. "w'hue looking at the inconsistency of a t-tuiti million dollar give sway to buy busi- O'-ss and the denial of adequate pay for puh ■ -h.»>l teachers and tatc employees, you Hating you in the face the refusal of o!pr,ration dominated legislature to al ' I.: slate s minimum wage scale to he r , d from +0 cents an hour to the princely ••••n of Vi 'ents with all the how and cry ■ 5 -• f on Capitc*. hill cbout raising the pet cap’fal income of this sta*es workers, with. :' • -. o of living nsmg daily, the House | 'tee to whiph this mimmum pav •- was referred would not ever aliow it tc he considered. v h'*. niiptmum hourly pay inrress*. if .ik ‘ ’ r— 's. would of ttr.eif increase th* ■j.. o'lwer of some 7 n noo workers hv o’- 1 r one half million dollars n year Every " 1 ' ” 'i this increase plus the amount these 'i - -7 . r: row- spend would go toward streng ilnning state industry »t would mean nn*- '. f million dollars annually for this stair's enterprises without the loss of one dollar in give away tax reduction. i ' (i ' arc many things apparently wrong ’’ ’’’• leadership and the thinking of this ~!• n g. nrrai assembly, it j§ studying ways r ‘. cutting oft the pittance the government is now giving Ulegiti '' ‘ ’ "udren, it is proposing to curb the f" < ..ioir, of some of its citizens fcv forbithng ■ o >r inherent rijjht to protect iniu--- ’ st granted a 20 percent pay boost to the • 1 ■’>' wdt paid members of the Council nf State and it has considered many other ■ : i” "irratic measures but by all the pronosal i-o redu-® .!;■ paid by big business to the bine r -i ■' millions dollars yearly while at the same i.'‘fusing to grant, adequate pay increases 1 - the public school teachers and other stare employees roupled with the rfusal of the e iii ' ot Representatives to even consider toning the minimum hourly wage from 40c 7 1 * -r . 'soil certainly mark this general a'- '" ••' ns -i f mo-.t backward and unreolis i r to meet. -c the State Caudol ■- .'k block his own pathway The question irri’v arises ;? th? Southern white man . Wen. is he! After travelling th® same ‘ kv-ard. down grade path fo* nearly one hundred' years, seeing other sections of the "•'•’ sections much younger m develop i'ifiit, catch up and speedily surpass the 'ifl: in progress and achievement, what do v ”>r find 5 Wf find u s have a governor •n North Carolina who has let it be known j f > no uncertain manner, that he feels that ■ :• 7.--. p mu- * p,. continued ®vec. f i* «■;' -in - the closing of the state’s poorly ranked ■ h'" !• We find that sve have a Senator in ’■v * ingress of the United Slates who has wadi this state the laughing stock of the ■ j ‘ion ' '"-'Ugh his lumbering attempts to block i proposed civil rights measure s hat • oiiM afford Negroes relief from violence, intimidation and the denial of their voting privileges. In an seriousness, we repeat (:h p question, ’iv Southern white man sane. What ' !'•- said frt has achieved by his stubborn un ■ ’ C. useless and costly practice of preju aud intolerance. Does he ever try to 1 ■ ' his books, if he does, what doe? he i-. and what does he debit Does he fry !“ itiak' positives out of negatives r bunk hr must because there i? nr, .-if!:., r way he could ever arrive at even a false •iv' When he peep? out from beneath .armour of prejudice and sees himself •••-sndtng still or rather going backward, how dor-, he rvnlain this depressing fact to him !nd to his family and children -i« Mr Wheeler so ably pointed out u! li • Durham panel discussion, the barriers * ' -go pat ion have tended to retatd the dc 'op. nent of Negroes in this state but w» ‘eel that as bad as that ts the fact that these v '-nrners have also blocked th' develop ninu of all tiie citizens «? shnr* of a : •■■lamiiy We believe in prayer, sincerely fee! t n ferv-f-nt. consecrated prayer can and b mihlv urge all th® people of this state, gro and white to pray earnestly and often lust this curse of retardation, this premdice itt: n -rd blockade of the freedom, progress pntd development of this staff be removed .-ind that under the guidance of God, this • iate take its rightful place irt this great union. “Speak Up And Let The World Know, Mr. President.” By REV. FRANK CLARENCE LOWRY For ANP 03 w 1 Tne implications of ibis i’u •• little word are enough to keep -tn;v real soul stirred, for *!.'• 1 it}-) iir.iU t,v. m [.■ f<< LOSS", and if not warch ed r.atefullv he wPt step in a. youi BOSS. 2 He is vei*y cunnlna and hard to defeat, for he move--, about cautiously no and down Easy Street, perr.uadir’.- ease loving nedest iai ns not to move too fast, along, saying there will be a plenty left here to do when you are gone. " 2 But ambitious men and women turn a deaf oar to 'his. for they have learned that wholehearted service ts tne real secret to bliss, and thru everything t.o the contrary ail nier. should resist. i Thus HAPPINESS they believe :. earths.' creater* charm, and towards this noole end they strive to achieve that many heartaches they may help to relieve BY REV. HAMILTON T. BOSWELL The troubled little man spoke bluntly to the Rev Mr Very Good ‘ Spe here Reverend, you've got to help roe out of this spot Why I've bought tic kets for your church affairs, and I’ve contributed to your church. Why I bet. I’ve given more to your church than some of your members I know I’ve given at least SIOO or more Well almost that much any way Why won’t, you give me a statement? You can help me get that Income Tax man off my back He Insists that I get statements You are supposed to help people aren’t you? The Rev. Mr Very Good si lently closed the door after the distraught little man left m obvious anger. And 'he un happy man's words still rune in ins rai’s fvr never given a dime to this church" Here was a man. the Rev Mr Very Good, thought r,o himself who would exploit just in Some men never seroi to Irarn their letison, but most careful thourht to mat* t.r! *• Os pOSSeSS!fU'i , , :f others must suffer hv tl-e >• d'ens thev rb't'k onlv m term of then own seif -h need'. 7 But thanks to God. them are a precious few who are thinking strsicht. who »-i|i sac rifice to help othsvs though thru rest late and evi r when all seenv? in vain, ihev 3--e able each day to rearis'/T so*ne guin fi Their’? is vain with nr recrehs. no liabiitfi#«.. but .? sets—the kind that registers ir: heavßD yea ’"in;, virt-.i.e.-. that spread irrengtl; like welt prepared leav?n, Very Good, that this man had not only misrepresented him self to the bureau oi interna! Revenue, but he had lied - bout his stewardship to God To be sure, reasoned the Rev Mr Very Good, the latter crime was much worse than the first For ever it the bu reau had not discovered the effort of fraud, the attempt to defraud his sense o{ God r, »rer present and the cause of greater harm to his well herns as a person The Rev Mr Very Good sat. down behind hi; desk, reached for his Bible and read from the 12th chapter of Mark, 1 And Jesus sat over again.'.* the treasury end beheld h<-> the people cast, money in the trea sury And there fame a certain widow, and she £hn’w m 2 mites . . And he called . . his disciples and salth unto them That this wid ow hath cost move in . . she of her want did cast in all that ,%be had .ever, all her liv ing!" It, was a. fruitful medita tion which hf had ns he com pared such person.", a:, this woman whose example Jem:-, lauded ns against the troubled little man who bed about what he had contributed This widow had given not only what her religions faith required of her, which w m one tenth of her possession, she had cone the second mile and giv en even her living l Hire gave not only God’s due. bn* here as IT HAPPENED IN NEW YORK By GLADYS P. GRAHAM For ANT INTFGRATION IDT . JACK POT Integration appears to have hit, ,i new high, on all fronts end buds of a feather are flocking together so r bigger and better permanent, rare re lations here and abroad, Per sons of Delaware birth residing in Harlem arc pleased indeed with gains in Wilmington in the action of educators in inte grating the schools where ex tracurricular arih-itir- with athletes being a hishpoinf- are open to ail. ? People The go around fcrjong to do good, whose acts are not. contingent upon weafch* or conditions or mood ■ ■ . but long-suffering and patient folk who work pot under strain, but do filings for Gods sake think mn only of Heaven's GAIN *0 Earth is no place just to be gainfully employed not un less voy want your earnings to b? eternally destroyed there is too much to do after you fill '■our .vtlfwib DINNER PAIL and you wilt find yourself wanting when placed on HEA VEN’S .'PALE 11 Christ tned to admon ish rnen to follow His course 11 ranged by Grace, and neve r be terupted by Satan to wear a false-face. here they are His words in days of old "For what is a. man profited, if he shall gam the whole woild and lose his own sou!? or what shall a man give in exchange for his -soul? TRUE OR FALSE’ I? 3 pa • a Del ouid b e draws between an inronif* tax o{ t.nat day, widow could not receive for all that ?'H i f-' But she gave it guid >"d by a. faith in her God, rath-* or than any credit among men for her giving How small this man appears beside such people . this wid ow and others like her up through, the years, who are more concerned «ith others titan themselves. They stand out smor'i'. us as the founda tion of worthy causes and the c h-xri'bie in ut ui ion a >o jjvg&* • ’ y fitv. Ancl -Hr dep) &vuy of .«uch persons wiio bclir will m this way. yet would pose •is benefactors of men. It sne.-jifs ro their own misery and unhappiness. The Rev Mi Very Good closed the Bible vividly refresh ed as he remembered the gifts to God which made his own church such a force for good in the community Yet, some how v- lighted that the highest court WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 25, 1957 Earl J, Morris 5 MEXICO OUADALAJ ARA < ANJ») Mnxrci ” t -'ctircci fr*. Greener Pastures, which vou Pastures, which you w rote and will be published by the Mexican Tourist. Department of the State of Jalisco, reveals many aovantages, which the retired American Negro of low income as well an other Ameri cans may find beneficial." Thus spoke the ambitious young Guadalajara dentist, Dr. Cecilia Alvarez Hernanez. His father is an army doctor with the rank of Lt. Colonel. While the family is composed of pro fessional men, they are also farmers and their ranch of 600 acres is the pride of the little town of La Valle dc Guadalupe. Young Alvarez father as a sol dier doctor served in the Mexi can Revolution of 1910 which lasted ten years and every scrap which Mexico has had since that time. Mexico Is probably one of the most progressive countries in the woHd, despite what the Hollywood movies depict a Little, over 30 years ago there were not many, if aay of the fine paved highways that oris find* everywhere m the coun try. Mexico is pictured tr> tbs movies a? the land of tnanana, meaning that Mexicans put off until tomorrow' or that mana* on will never come". Sami Dr Alvarez. ' They arc right! Mexico is the land of tomorrow 1 No* in *he lazy sense, but rather from s progressive standpoint Mexico needs more and more schools, more highways, more dams and leforrestation. Mexico knows wh a t sh e needs and is slowly, but surely solving h<= r problems Hollywood delights in pic turing Mexicans and Negroes as inferiors. This is one side of in the state has refused the re ouest, of a croup of Parents who sought to have it declare unlawful the integration of Ne gro and White students in the Howard County's public schools Dr. Frank P Graham's plea that all law abiding citi zens accept the Supreme Court ruling on integration in the public, schools has been met with considerable concern and interest Perry's 220-mile hike to Washington is to call atten tion tn prayer Pilgrimage for freedom, OR HINTHF BACK IV MANHATTAN Dr Ralph Johnson Bunche has rust returned from an. ex tended trip to Rome, Geneva and Israel, ground he has cov ered on former diplomatic vi sits. Dr Bunche did not go into details to the press on his trip but it. was discerned thil talks held with officials of these respective countries had been gratifying. A salute to Israel Festival was held at Ebbets Field, in celebration of the ninth anni versary of the independence of the State of Israel. Senator Ives fold some 25,000 persons ~ a thei ed id for the mutual security of both countries IT’S A FACT T -r* fast sky-scraper »*.<** h " ;i > or. tin American conti nent war built in Mexico, many many years before the fast, Spaniard set foot on American soil. If war a tower M 10 stories On the tenth Uooi. lived the Indian priests, where instead of kneeling, thev squatted to pray to the Crea tor of the Universe It war constructed in Texeoco by Prince NTtzahualcoyol who was a poet, philosopher, ar quitect Engineer and Warrior tfhout peer on the American continent before the coming of the Spanish Sonquerors benefit from Desk set" Twentieth Century Fox snap teflon of the Broadway com? dv by William Marchant an A ■starring Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn at the Box? Theatre Wednesday Art isti -■.too have given their bit lor f.he League ire Earths Kitt and P earl Bailev two-some on Channel Four guest hour A precedent has been set bv members of the New York Bar Their Committee on Civil Rights has urged Congress to adopt the President’s Civil rights program Several persons her# have been invited to attend t din ner for the distinguished Vir ginian who was dropped be cause she was a. Negro Ella ? Stewart, will have an inter racial testimonial The event is given by friends of the past president of the National As sociation of Colored Women Rev Dr and Mrs. Bill* Graham arrived here to begir Rev Graham's Crusade at Madison Square Garden which i. to continue until June 30 The series w ill lie televised each Saturdav night. The Cm - sailer is credited with speaking with more foreign and Ameri can listeners at home and a broad than any of his contem poraries -St James Protestant Epis copal Church on Ave nue is exhibiting work of Hsi tian artists. COLLEGE FIND GETS P« LITZER PRIZE MONET The United Negro College Fund was the recipient of a S3OO check from the Pulitzer prize money received by Sena tor John F Kennedy for his winning biography ' Profiles in Courage" The Fund with national offices in New York give- scholarships In thirty one Negro school* of higher learning.