PAGE SIXTEEN I -WHERE 20 MED—The highway neat Fayetteville, N. C. took on fb» appearance of a battle* * ■ field recently, after the crash of a truck, carrying Negro and'Mexican migratory form worker*. H mi-i rt rid two rro'e the hospital. (N press Pboio). Barah Vaughan Proves ‘Sensation* inuring 4 A"”.:.. Waldorf Engagement ■new ycrk— :■ - H»ser ui a the swank Waldorf-Astoria ho- j |hs Starlight case represents-; Hars of sti uggiir.g to reach til" but {wide it Opening a 1 ■ Its en- Hgement at ‘no world-famed Hark Avenue hostelr,' be •" .re ■ ■ audience of the i oats in H<d show H e earned t |»plause that a H audience gave her at the • tig her 40 rr mu |g| Considered t ■•■■■ p. • i • iglment of .. pi Hreer, the V. i[SH GETS rIOOEED - Tim Moore, who ploys the part sh" on the Amos n Andy TV show, is shown as he took mage license recently wilh Mrs. Vivian J, Cravens in le% They tr.arnod. at K nor,re. He's 88; shoe 39. » Htoic). Bergen Uses r'ew light Centro! To Home Moods For All Occasions V, ' - • IS-'': rg'sii, pitted star of Broadway and Television, knows the j ring' intensity of light to create moods and atmosphere, j ,1 home lighting system permits lamps to he turned nil way nfi' The homemaker cannot wk< u ; -.e of the lit ht ' the infinite gradations of light from black to full bright. ■ l . 1 1; v ! ■ i.. e k■ a ii: 11: • t r-1j i. > )tr«ftt,e mood to .... ■ ■ —,iu ias in *i.r theater. This (evelopmoiit. :o . Tnv) :ng is I.imrol lamp control, a pci'tfd'V light control to 1 idr, id i ! ■ l l j., ■ v It h.u. n knob ..T,, cun !, ; as. d i just S' you w.'s-iid a. radio or w lev i uou vein: 'octroi !<• lviqht> ior linn room light Isom a oft glow to full bright. Connection of (be lamp contrr 1 is simple, li i■■ ;r, on the table next (o a V ui;- and i , plugged in to m.y eoneenient outlet. One <>t tv.o lamps ran be < n nected o-c i double o< i A pointer dir! rotates smooth!;, at finger touch, flooding a room Section '*• i l l »* Si'le < ’ v :i hr 0,1:1,’.' "1 for ronvpr 1 i ■!■:,. ;>■ , games . K i sue '!■:•■ i o " ■ ■•.■ iir■' .■ "s i. he over con e n , 'mt too g'si'.nt Aiiju .4 iie!;, level > rccomrrm: , candle < u k , pt ah n ,-bt and turned up at inspect: on »rfeedi*g t: ternatlonal reputation and in ; the last three years have played the top Negro artists including Lena Horne, Harry j Belafonte, Pearl Bailey and Dorothy Daodridge. But the Sarah Vaughn show, along | with Count Basie’s swinging hand and Buddy' Phillips' ilai- j Dorothy Hand ridge. But the j tian dancers, was the first real j jump show that they have i booked, Never have the rafters of: this j staid room rang before as they | did when Sarah opened her mouth j and let her golden notes fall out, j Tunes like “Tenderly”. “Poor But- i te.; fly” and “How High The Moon’’ j never found a more receptive au dience that were enjoying for the first, time whet Birdland jazz pa trons have been acclaiming as “good music” for the past decade. In her dressing room after the first shew Miss Vaughan was sur rounded and. congratulated by ad mirer* that includes columnists Waite; Winchell and Dorothy Kil j gnllen, singers Tony Bennett, | Jobiu.y Bay, Julius La Rosa and Di'ihann Carroll, ton politician Carmine DeSapio and many oth ers. For this date she purchased SSOOO worth of evening gowns that dr< w sighs from male audience. At ncc7 mmm \ Are Cited I DURHAM— Four members of! ■■!Ci faculty and one member j of the college’s staff, all retiring! a : the end of the current aca-1 domic year, were honored last! wee!-end with a. congratulatory I social program immediately fol-1 lowing the year's last faculty-staff I ;aoi ting held in the auditorium of I the Education Building, Special mementoes and gifts were presented to the retiring personnel by members of the (•iiilege’s faculty and staff. The five retiring personnel and i t-b’e years they started work at i NCC are: Mrs. Ruth Edwards, mu sic, 1931; Charles Holmes, Span-I ish. 1930; Mrs. Nell Hunter, mu- i :ic librarian, 1953. Wesley I. How- j :,rd, music and director of the; band. 1945; and William Petty,! maintenance employe, 1948. Mrs. Edwards, professor of i voice, formerly served as chair- j man of the music department.! Prior to joining NCC’s staff in! 1931. she was head of the music department at Kittrell College. She holds degrees from NCC and Columbia University, Mrs Ed wards has also studied voice and piano extensively with noted! teachers in several U. S. cities. j Howard, a native of Richmond.; Ind., received his training at, the j New England Conservatory of • Music. Trinity College, London, L’Ecole Normal®, Paris, and Co lumbia University. He was a band ma r, r during World War I in France. Since then he has taught and conducted bands at Howard University, Talladega College, Virginia State College and Hamp ton Institute. Holmes is a native of Pueblo. Colo. He received the A B. de gere at Colorado College and the M.A. ai the University of Michi gan, where he did predoctoral work. Mis. Hunter is a native of Mem phis. Term. She has taught at, NCC on two previous occasions prior to her present tenure. She has degrees from NCC and the Chicago Musical College. She had extensive experience as choral director with the Federal Music Project In the 19305, She also served with the National Youth Administration. 400 Youths Routed in ’Crash’ Try TOLEDO, O —<AN Pi A milling mob of youth’s, disgruntled because they could not atend a school party for eighth grade gra duates. broke the school windows and injured one woman who was utendbijT the party ns a chaperon. Police arrested a 20-year-old youth. Curt is Gibson,, on ( bar ges of malicious destruction of property, and placed two teen agers in me child Study Ins titute. The parly was for 300 gra duates. About 75 adults, in eluding' parents and faculty members, were present. About. 400 youths. Recording to j police, miller! around outside the budding until five sounds .of pal - i ice arived to quell the disturbance. collie | This request comes from a read ers who lives in South Euclid, Ohio. She has been reading “Gar den Time” in the “Cherokee Scout,” and tells me that Murphy is to be her future home. Her question: “Can you tell j me if the European White j Birch will grow in that area? We have grown a beauty here and ! know I shall miss it.” While the River Birch, Street Birch anti Yellow Birch are. more commonly grown in North Carolina, I am suggest ing that she try the European type. We are quite fortunate that many of the trees which are con sidered northern types will grow tries because, the altitude he;!ps in some of our mountain coun compensatp for latitude in the northern states. Watch out for i.hnpa on. your roses. The thrip is a very small sin king insect which, gets under the petals and sucks the juices. They may attack when the plants are m bud and the petals damaged State College's HINTS TO HOMEMAKER'S APPETITE TEASERS NUTRI IOUS, TOO—A new beverage for a convalescing youngster is a Beef- Broth Booster. As the name im plies, it's nourishing and energy giving, yet easy to digest and a treat, to drink! A can of chilled beef broth, a soup-can of ice cold milk and two eggs are. all you need. Mix, shake or beat to a froth. Serve festive Soup Swirls at a child's birthday party. Even if the young guests are too excited to eat, they’ll be a so entranced with this pretty new beverage they'll j sit still long' enough to drink it | down. Nourishing and satisfying, j too. First, combine a ran of to matn soup, well chilled with a soup ran of ire cold milk. I mixing to a froth in a pitcher, tall glass or shaker, bowl, e- Jectrie mixer or blender. Sec ond, combine a can of cream ! of mushroom or cream oi chicken, cream of celery or cream ol asparagus soup, well chilled, with a soup-can ot I iee cold milk, mixing to a froth. Third, fill large par fa it j glasses by pouring the soup shakes, alternately in small a mounts, into the glasses. Gar nish with sprigs of fresh mint. FOR UNEXPECTED GUESTS— • Summer afternoons bring unexpec i ted guests to your doorstep. Keep | on your pantry shelf many varie ties of soup to serve a new way- Keep in the refrigerator several cans of tomato soup and cream of chicken and an extra supply of | milk. At a moment’s notice you ! j can serve a .Soup N Milk bever | age—nourishing and festively re- j 4-H'ers Active In Health And Soil Conservation Conservation is the keynote of | two highly important 4-H projects i vital to the future welfare of the nation. They are the national 4-H Health, and the Soil and Water Conservation programs, according to Dan F. Holler, assistant State ! 4-H Club leader. j Holler says that thousands of i 4-H boy.-: and girls are. now ! participating in the activities j which benefit themselves, their homes and communities. Last year over a third of all 4-H Club members en rolled in the health program, according to Holler, while those taking part in soil and water conservation worked on i a tota lof nearly 400,000 acres. “Learning by doing” pays worth while dividends, too. Holler point ed out At the wind-up of the 4-H Club year, members’ records will be revised by the State extension ■ I . Th(i J« longer any weed for “Outlet Blues” or the ! o. fj ayed ahtl dangling extension cords. With the i *” !W A1 O ‘lnter-links” you can place extra outlets where ( ortj heeded. Ihts new U/L approved “Do-It-Yourself” j j !t -’! ri lionn an existing outlet and each 12” section links vvi to the next, to provide a quick, easy and permanent j } installation. A flexible Inter-link is also available for corner 1 ano , nen 2 s - No special tools are required. Each unit 1 i s , , 'ft, i 0 , wail or baseboard with screws that are pro viaeu. inter-links” can be painted to blend with room decora THE CAROLINIAN to such an extent thf; the flower never opens. It is difficult to con trol because the spray or dust must come in contact with the insect to be effective. 1 suggest that you use 5 per cent DDT dust, or J per cent Lindane dust. You may also use both of these materials in spray form by following the maufacturer’s instructions. Do a thorough job of spraying or dusting. This is the time of year when you may read a newspaper article stating that tomatoes have been found growing on Irish potato plants. The stories are more com mon from eastern North Caro lina, These tomato-like fruits are the seed bails and contain trite seed of the Irish potato. We use these seed balls in breeding new varieties from controlled corpses of known p.-irpntogo. These seed balls are very com mon on potato plants in the moun tain-,- but. only set on plants in the eastern part, of the stats under ideal conditions. freshing— to unexpected guests, DESSERTS. A DRAMATIC FIN ISH TO MEAL —Desserts are more than just a food. A number of rc-ady-to-use dessert foods are on the market. For pretty, easy des serts, there are sponge cake shells, lady fingers, pound cake, angol food cake, orange chiffon cake, and from the bakery or made yourself-—meringues, Frosted white or yellow layer cake, also, can be the basis for desserts. Rethpe for Meringues 4 egg whites 1-4 teaspoon rah 1-4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar 1-2 teaspoon vanilla Beat the egg whites until frothy; sprinkle SISU and cream of tartar over them. Continue beating until i stiff but not dry. Gradually beat J in sugar, adding vanilla with the | | last of the sugar. Shape by spoon or pastry j bag in mounds on a baking sheet covered with migiazpil ; paper. Bake in a slow over | (275 degree F.) about 40 jttiii i utes or until very delicately browned and dry on the sitr i face. Remove from the paper I while warm. If difficult to re move, dip a spatula In water and remove. Mefringues may be filled with ■; ice cream, fresh or frozen fruit, j or berries topped with whipped ’i cream. Eo” n glamour dessert, stir s.pri ; cot nectar into vanilla pudding to [ be spooned into sponge cake shells j and topped with apricots, straw-1 berries or other fruits, and the j I whole topped with whipped cream j j or a fluff or meringue to be light- j ! ly browned in the oven. office, and recommendations made for individual 1957 awards. Based on outstanding program achieve- t rnent and all-around , ormanee j awards are given at the county, | state, and national levels. AH awards in the health pro gram will he provided by Eli Lilly and Co., of Indianapolis. Indiana, The sol! and water conservation awards will he given for the 14th consecutive j year by Firestone Tire, and Rubber Co. of Akron, Ohio Holler explained that as many as four qualifying members in each county may vvir. gold-filled | medals. The top ranking boy and i girl in the state will be a delegate | to the national 4-H Club Congress i in Chicago next fall with ail ex j penses paid. The highest honor— j a 5400 college scholarship— goes to 1 the national winners. Pastors’ School For Methodist Ministers Is Planned At Bennett GREENSBORO The annual Baltimore Area Pastors School for the in "Service training of Moth odist ministers, will bo held at Bennett College, June 24 through July 10, Bishop Edgar A. Love an nouncer! this week. The Rev. Charles 1, Carring ton, of Jamaica, New York, is dean of the school which is primarily I Once A Witch Doctor, African Is how A Graduate Physician NEW YORK (AND -■ A young Nigerian physician, who at the age of five was apprenticed to be a witch doctor, was among those receiving certificates from New York University here last week upon ( r, mp!i !:<•••■> »nf % n n -,r ye iv course in surgery at the Post 1 Graduate Medical school of NYU- Bellevue’s Medical center. He is Dr. Christopher Okojie, a [ , sr fr e I Rev. Hairston s 15th Anniverary !Be Observed Soon In Guilford ! GREENSBORO— Observance of j the fiftieth anniversary of the Rev. |J. T. Hairston as pastor of the ! Shiloh Baptist Church, Greensboro from July 24 through August 5 is scheduled to be celebrated with special worship services, two j testimonials and a reception Members of the Church and Rabbi In Address ! At Lincoln U. (Mo)! JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Dr. a Burton E. Levinson, Rabbi of Tam- , pie Shaare Emoth in St. Louis, speaking from the topic, “If Moses Could See Us Now." delivered the annual Jewish Chataqua Society > lecture at Lin coin University this * week. Rabbi Levinson divided his talk into throe mam phases: man’s search for happiness and peace of mind, human brotherhood, and the j religion of my neighbor. “If Moses could see us now, he would see men and women search ing desperately for happiness and ! i peace of mind.” said Dr. Levinson, j This, tic indicated, was not a desirable goal in life as It leads | to contentment, stagnation, and lack of progress. More desir able according to the speaker j is a goal which brings about I divine discontentment which leads to curiosity, ereaiiveness, i and a sense of discovery. S Comparing’ such special observ- ! i j 188 Degrees Awarded At Hampton, Va. HAMPTON, Va (June 101 ] There were 138 degrees awarded | last week to the students of Hamn- j ton Institute by the college presi- ! dent, Alonzo G Moron The ceremonies last week marked tlie eighty-seventh an- j nual commencement. Honor graduate was Margie L. Huey, Major hi Education from Lau | rel, Mississippi. Ellsworth Hammorul received reeogni- I tion as the outstanding stud- j ent in the Division of Techno oology. He is an Industrial Education major from Gemotes i ville, i'a. Naomi 1). Wesley, i ] from Houston. Tex. received tike honors from the Depart j ment of Home Economies. Presentation of alumni awards 1 was made by William H Martin, : dean of faculty, to Odile Sweeney, New York City, and Wendell A | Robbins. Kansas City, Kansas, who | are both members of the class of ’37 Included among the jjtfotluates i are the folio I .' tng from North Car- j olina: Raleigh Gilda Kwayreae Harris. El.'.men- j tary Education; Alycc Marguexite I -Maun, education; Pearl Mitchell j Wilson Education. Winston-Salem Shirley Yvonne Baeote, Elem entary Education: Dorothy Stenli- ! ensnn GJympb, Nursing: He: kor B. | Samuel, Jr., Education; Leo Smith ! Morrison, General Studies. Charlotte Carolyne Wyche Martin, General ! Studies; Florence Alice M.iy e | Oliphanf Education, Finn College Maxine Virginia Kernodie. Ac- 1 ehiteeturo. Kinston Jacqueline Brown Hr,-per. Edu- j cation; Edna Ruth Jones. Nursing, i Chapel Hill Edwin Lee Caldwell, Education; I oia Mae Farrington, Elementary ■ Education. Greensboro Jerome Victor Sandifer, Educa* ! tlon.. Wilson Hattie Margaret Henderson, Bua- j iness. Pleasant Hilt Viola Harding. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY', JUNE 22, 1957 designed for approved supply pas tors and local preachers not, ser ving in that capacity. Other members of the facul ty will include: Dr. Walter R. Harvard, Christian Doctrine; and the Revs. Levi B. Miller, education, music and worship; i Howard V. Bailey. Christian education; Joshua E. Moorish, I 37-year-old surgeon who has been l in America since last. September under the Fulbrigiu Fellowship plan. A graduate physician to day. Dr. Okojie was appren tice! to hi a witch doctor when he was five n>?rt He served a 2 1-2 year ap prenticeship, and later atten ded elementary school, ccl i j and medical school in Nl- f j several community leaders are currently busy completing de tails in connection w ith the u nique fete. j It. is believed that the observance ' { will mark she first occasion of its ; j kind in Greensboro, and one of 1 ! the few half century pastor'? snni | vewtaries in the State . According to Dr. Hairston, only j ances as Brotherhood Week and Race Relations Week with a little ' rainbow in an opaque sky or ]jt- ! tie sparks of light’ in a universe I of hate and prejudice the speaker! . said, “It would be belter if wo had I ;i Your Brother Week, and j get it over with Then hate would ■ be a little darkness in a world of light.” he said. Ho concluded by pointing out ! i that we should learn, understand. j and comprehend the meaning of ! , the religion of our neighbor and ! I then we would be more tolerant j | of him and in a better position to j | communicate with him, ® standard and PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS * adding machine? ® DUPLICATORS The Original CAROLINA TYPEWRITER CO. C, P DAWKINS, Mar 115 S. Salisbury Street RALEIGH. N C. Telephone TE 2-4892 ; . . ' „ “ " ~ w " r ' Mvwr-*-: -mwMMmx non*. ; ' BOOKER’S CLEANERS City-Wide Pick-Up & Delivery Service All Kinds of Alterations 1603 OAK WOOD AVE. ~ K RA M E R ’ S “THE HOUSE OF DIAMONDS" Corner Martin and Salisbury Street'- DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWE L R Y Easy Budget Terms. Arranged Quality for Quality Nobody—But Nobody Undersells . . . KRAMER’S “the house of diamonds” -i n r—irr-'iT-rr-r mm—i win ni n n »hi i> « v n , , , j- MlWlir - yin jqtim . »- me Tm,***- i .. - n r,»-nrr- .wwn .iinniiiini.wiiiiiin r« r nn— rnwnr» nrnniMnwiniinwiwmi Quality Furniture and Carpet Moderate Down Payment Up To Three Years To Pay DIAL TEmplc OF RALEIGH, INC. Old Testament; Edward D Mc- Gowan. New Testament, and church history; IV. S. McLeod ; Ramsey Bridges, pastoral psy j etiology. j Meeting from June 25 through | June 30 will be the Baltimore A j lea Leadership Training School j which will again he headed by the ! Rev. Levi B. Miller, of Baliiniore. geria. He gained his medical degree in 1047 and worked for three, year* as a government medical officer. In 1950 he founded a hospital in the Nigerian uplands and named it the Zum.a Memorial hos p:!;ii, in honor of his mother. lie. plans to return to the hospital as dir-notr at the end of August. Dr. Okojie’s hospital serves s bout 21,000 people. eight person? are now living who v.” re members of ?i • Church in I DOT when he began his ministry.. It is estimated that over 3000 per sons have been taken into tine Church during lhe pastorate Committf'c chairmen from the local congregation for the celebration arc Vv M. Smalt, general chairman; !,. J Carte? j General Arrangements; Ez file Blair, Program: Mrs. Blanche Blackwell. Decora tion; T D. Broadway, Finance; Dennis Parks. Publicity; and Adolphus Lytle, Social. The opening sermon for the ob | servnee will be preached by the ! Rev. Otis L. Hairston of Raleigh, j son of the pastor, and the final ; sermon wall be delivered by Dr. i Luther Cunningham of Phiiadel ! phia, Pennsylvarua. ! < ssieiiu ; COTTON! JDRESSES' I t |-f In prints, solids. strip- j ( ’ os arid many, many ». other gay and charm •f mg ideas to choose from. ALL SIZES 1 Tt’s Easy To Pay O. K. Way! METT7T~MakeT Cool Summer Slacks and Sports Shirts during this hot period. WE HAVE EM! 0. K. Slothing (oMr v k y 113 E. MARTIN ST.

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