PAGE EIGHTEEN Ra iLling In Chatham GO! OSTG!\: PITTSBORO - SILER CITY By D. VV Headen —— P. O. Bos 55 -—— Goldston, North C&rolia* GOLDSTON' 'l is true when , you hear the old. eld say ire: Y,u never get too old to Wrn -and ! “It Isn't tOO la! ' to d" ~’fi should be t ather encoura m;: t.-. most mothers who h:-,v. b ■ dren and tee! that they r i'. causes of their slow nrorr?:? !. i me tell you somethin:: m cb, is. You should b» 'i v j. ..; t .-•<•- ■ , little feiolws or i.i.v. - i< > J y.-ii i can forth- :■ now u-,- i years. Miss K len T. v .. . u»»e of Fayeti.-v,;'- f. lege, Fayetteville .v d '• • be l- nf Horton H h s boro Mr J- p ■ eren of the jfi . tends A&T Coll*':-' snd Mr Bobby Ti. student a* 'e " Fayetteville B : - the State o f Mrs Turner ••>•! ■ > with four lltt'" eh the. proper home ‘ inc and cam •• •••■ : ■ • each Sunri-v t them up !hr < grow and t h ~.• > er with fat'h G .-> ; Christian life )-,->? ;v.- all those dev- pa?* and rt>*■ -!v can “r>e how u : p >y the Lord. Her o Sri'-.r college m ' ■■■<’ " CLINTOH NOTES BY H V .10!!' 'ON 516 Willi,* nr. >! CLINTON—The Da-iv v B:b!f School of t tutiona! Baptist C' 1 . ■ i;• ■ • •. M last week. Eer F H v ■ - ; tor, served a? . up - •• ■ i- ■ H M Johnson ! The teacoei•> 1 ,r Dupree Mu- Ov -•• ' ? •’ son, Mir* Pat m r»i Sandra Kirby, -u f■ : t* • ns. Miss M f tiP ; Margaret Samp nr Bennett Refve.- ed everv dav. The followin', c‘m :, irf ••• in attendance Bobbie B But.ler James CJii " - ' derwood. Ron V White, M 'll -im Johnson Jr Jonny McNeil. Hr James Jetier:-on. t. Jonita Sampson. V • ' Mamie Samp: r w '' ' Mamie Sloa: . R- • Judy S Faison Moses Hp! grove, 1 ! .-r • Raeford. Jr. Ti > ■ ■ ■ 1 ' Demetress Cousin ■•• r - ?■ Geraldine Be!:. 1 chell Newkirk . •’ Jackie John . r :b- Carolvn Puke r-. Tasha But! : p - '' - ■ v tricia. Oates. John MPn, : _ Newktrk, Arthu W< (' Johnson F,--r- Sampson, Essie ‘-r... v Oates, Raymon ; ni ! Newkirk Bobbie M-vbi' Mack. Abeo.t Lee JurV. uu T Harper. W.jdaren Cork M .j --son. James Edward Cor.h ••. Pat sey 80-kin. Ouden TO' 1 iovd Dr a whom P p -’ Deborah Beckett ’ ' r ' ' Boone. Elwood Mm B-n MaJnor. Chrv-tal lo • !>■ Milton Smith. Charic:- K. by, Douglass Be.-t. It- 4 "id tis Shambrv. Rober! • snnj Ronnie Butlci Adolph Pi.m Frank Morise- Lorn i tiler ' reun Bryant. Brenda Par: -r J mi. Kirby, Robert Moor- Sami ->n\ James Jackson, Anthony < ut. Bingham. Elsie Parker WtlUam Ktrby. Leonard Hill. Wrntlso.o >■ v.> f>-.. Essie Mae McCall, Edith (' • nutt, Denatilur, Hn rnrovt- ' it- Joseuh Parker, David W'.llium: Billie Ray Mat We, OUe«i Du; Jr.. Douglasr Underwood, Bn • nard Ashford. Jantrs Ashford Marie Graham. Runic. Che .mutt Jean Bryant. Elizabeth Bovu-n, Joyce Grahatn. Jrnni' M- - Mary McNeil. Ida McCollum. John A. Sampson, Willie Murk, Gnome Cousin, Vernon P;»el er C’lv Sampson Roland : ’ Dr.-, .d Butler, Josephine Wivi- c Parker, Henry Bernard Join -m. Alice Smith, Jimmie Plafl. L.i. -rs Mathis, Christine Pnrker. L.-i J.-l! Parker, Iris Jones C. Je Mon Carter Jones. Jr., Vcrnell \h : •ey. The regular chmcn were held at Andrew Chaji' i r tist Chinch Sunday, Juu three o'clock Rev B I. his choir, u her- '! ' n n ■ tlon were m char-.-c r >: i - anniversary of the pri Jor. Rev , Green During the week of Ji;n< Jrri the following ladi-s ;v tici■ cj .i Presbyterian In -vdc >otnimi ! ->n. 1 Conferenc’ at Win- ton - .Icm ■ Teachers ColPcc: M C:i‘\v-i me Walker, Mr Man-.:? r -isop - 1 Mabie Foweli 1 c.i M,- • Shu!: • Caldwell TP - c,',..: - --rp.'.- ■. ■■■•,•'. . sored hv the >-«d of North Carcf-na Mr Janr •: .R- •I -■ «< • j; ; f WCCK ‘0 •• v.l •. ~, ! , ; • o' Rswark. *■’. J . vow nUn'Clive modern home, a t i Rtsfi Oldsii-.obUe. 2-tone, her two ! daughters are leaching school, the two ho\;; are away and nobody is home. -ii -The Old Man", Mr >" i>. ' Turner, who works out ! This is very happy family who uiingiy frif n«iy with every ! body. MR F.l v JOHNSON nits M- tv Johnson. 8.1 died of a K •"*'! ~, hi:; hon.r- in Gold- i I: I-': 1 oci..! services j " r h- id at Hobcrt.-; Chapel j r i s >), lV wi'h Rev C. C. ! i' l '-' '• o;ficjolmv. Mr. Johnson ! " V :l n;>t ' -of (iol'Jston in Chat ! 0.-ori County. ii ■ .is s charier member ! -f the : '■■■' '■ Loci;;.- ;.|»6 F. A. A. j M Most Wnishipful Pnnce Half. | h!a!c of v C H p »'s • worthy i : o:: ,n Ihr Cold-Uon Star . ! e No. ’.fill Gold.StOn. .Snrvivn-s are -1 sisters. Mrs. j i R. ■ shore. Mrs Jc<«ie ; !). i.-l ■: Jf.-irrcs. Sanford: Mis? ■ ■i tv - i John-.on. Goldston; one : broiher Mi Boh Johnson of East j 1 i; ilds*on md 5 daughters Mrs. j Win.-w '.V, hh of Winston-Salem: j I Mr- Eli/,-both J Welk tnf Wins- ! ter. SS , Miss T.eah Johnson of . Dui-harn: and Misses Sadie and j Bi niMi'- of 'ln- home; S,>ns—Mr. C'.i'ri' r! 1 .• ohr :n of Oovrhmri, r ■ pvt Johnny.- '"hnsori of fj. S \.rny. ..‘her sons of the home .Four., . Earl Donna! Bennie ! ' nt.o 8. .7. Johnson. It.\v*s in Site church ceme- I Le v ", :h n N. Anderson of And s Funeral Home. Sanford, in charge Mh,,-!e-'s included the pas- Ai‘ton. R. \ A. F. Me- j Oleav - and Rev A. F.. Quick. Y\i ATI ON BIBLE StHOOL f).r!v Vocation Bible School 1 -’pmed v R'-'i'irts Chanel Rapfmt ( ‘lurch with good enrollment. Mr L-ila Tysor :•= n charge of :he 0,-,...k Bible School, which “pviv-d :n public All par v-.i , •-•< d m s- rd children to ’F: J hi. >: A proßram for Sun ni-.ri : o,r;iiur-.- fement is in- | '••-o-.i vt l>ti« tine Instructor?: : • '-i.v T-.-.nn, M-s Inez T. i ' Wjfirer. Mi - .1 a. Tumor. Mrs ,T. j Miss Helen Turner, Mis* ! -f* -n«-<■•! ‘M • ■ Ethel Roy McTill- j ■y .n. rrel.iry: Mr B:Hy S Dow- ! ‘y sup- i-jniend.-nt D. w Headen. riTl-SRORO NOTES v M V,- unroin Junior High School; -c r . -i as on incentive io all pu-1 ; to continue their education M'-tidelysoftn’s Priests’ March was! piajTri v the procesional march. I Aivcvico The Beautiful was sung! • 'io r Towed by pi aver led by! ’ . Pev a H. Forbes. The Glee' : Club r-uMirrsd a beautiful version i of Mcndci'-a.phn'a I Would That j • My Love.’" Barbara Forbes who is presi• ' ;i ninth grade present** •■n n address entitled: What, America Means To Me." hit entitled "The Trial of Mr- Ninth Gride' was presented 1 r»«." cwriim were as follows:! ; ■ . William Robert.son: Clerk. ■Tehv; Branch: Attorney for the f-J.iie. Vernard Wilson; Attorney •' '• i'. ■ Cia • Wilhclmenia Camp-1 u. 11: Jury Foreman. Jimmy Hor* j • n, Officer of the Court, Nor*; real Doibv. Witnesses. Carolyn! ' ■ in:, r.ettv Thomas. Patricia• Thomas ai'id Emily Byrd, and the j Junr. Martha Johnson. Barbara I •: Jon: Faustine Walker. Caro* j lyri Collins and Eliza Alston. A 010 entitled “Sonny Boy” j wos suna J W. Eaton, principal award- j ed certificates to the following! members of. the promotion class: ; • • i Mao Alston, Pecey Bernice 'r>-!i.-ion Myrtice Olivie Becoat, Vin-,inin 1101 l Buchanan, Emily 'M il,t Byrd. Wilhclmenia Camp* !i, V on no Antionette Clarkson, j Carolvn Odessa Debnam. Chris*! ine Durham. Barbara Ann For-1 oc Barbara Ann Hinton. Nancy j to;.u Iredell, Martha Louise j John on, Barbara Nell Jones, Bet- j tic Jane Jones. Mary Pattie Lou- I isc Leonard, Annette Massenburg, jr ~,, pearl Matthews. Alfredia ! MeCulloueh, Maxine Elaine Me-1 M illi;* n. .Viai v Ruth Poole Lizzie j : Mae Rhodes. Betty Mae Thomas, I ; Patricia Elaine Thomas, Faustinc j Y. Walker. Virutoia Jean Walker, j Bclt-v Jean Weldon. John Earl i Branch, George Harold Braswell, j Norman N Ison Dolby, Willie j Plummer Foster, Richard Edward j Harris, Jimmie Horton. Hubert) P le Jackson, Daniel Checo Lang-1 ton, Charles Leonard, Joe Hill 1 l,;::an. Bobby McQueen. Claude; Mm..- David Connell Myers. Jesse ! Lee Olds. Jr, William .Allen Rob- j • rison. Jr.. James Leroy Taylor, | J: Jnrnr . Robert Lee Tharpe, j Ben Joseph Thomas, Ervin Thea >im Thomas and Vernard Wilson, j Bonn: students included M’ lice Olivia Becoat, Wil e i "tv! < iiriobe(l, Yvonne An*imiHfp Clarkson. Barbara ■‘mm lit Dies, Alfredia McCu!* Irv-h ar J Linde Mae Rhodes. ” r;ss f "i'hvcSi Receives Gif! We were happy to have Mrs. ** •: ' Hinton, our 1955-56*67 <-’■ •! ho presented the PTA i -'ft. Suran Caldwell '■’o •■* present the number of! '•vpresented at the Par- J ! rr: j Association for the : THEY SFIU IT AGAIN ‘They did it again.' said Mrs. | .Lara French vho was greatly sur- i prised when entering a friend's j home and the tune “Happy Birth- j day' 'rang out., Sunday, June. 16. t Last, year Mrs. French said they would never surprise her again but they did. Mrs. Lois Cozart, twin to Mrs. French, was let. in on the secret that morning. Mrs. Cozart of Durham and Lora French of Pittsboro are daughters of Mr. J J. Alston and celebrated their 41st birthday. This was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson of Pittsboro. The refreshments were served buffet, gyle. Guest? were: Mrs. Carrie Coun cil, Mr and Mrs Robert. Horton, Mrs. Sarah Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Guyer Alston, Mr and Mrs Joe Degraffenreidt. Rev and Mrs R V. Horton, Mr. and Mr? Authur | Alston. Mr. Richard Alston. Mrs | Mrs. Mary Stone, Mrs. Mass'? j Hadley, Mr. James Bell, all of j Pittsboro and Eider J. A Brown of Henderson. At the Western Distirrt 4-H elimination contest which was held at. A&T College Greensboro, on ■lone 13 Chatham County got eli blue ribbons. Misses Horononia and Payton Harris gave a team ! demonstration on Dairy Foods and i receiv ed blue ribbons. In the Dress Revue, Misses Virginia Chavis. Payton and Herononia Harris each attained blue ribbons and won the opportunity to appear in State | Dress Revue which will he held j during 4-H week .June 24-29) a; i A&T College, Greensboro. Misses j Herononia Harris and Payton Hsr- j ns received purple ribbons show- i :ng that they were among the top j three. They will return to be re- i judged in the state finals during j that week also. Miss Hermonia i Harris received Ist place among j the top three. The group wa« accompanied by j the Home agent, Mrs. M B Pay hr, and yours truly. BIRTHDAYS Some who celebrated birthdays i recently were Miss Joyce Marsh Master Norris Lee. Mrs Lois Cur ort and Lara French THIS AND THAT Pfc Bobby A Tay-lor is now vis iting his grandparents. Mr and M'-s June Taylor. Pfc Taylor wa? ,-rationed at Fort Benuning G= Madame J. DeShazor of DeShaz or? Beauty School. Durham, along j "lth some of her students, -vero Sunday guests at the home of Rev I ■n.i Mrs B. V Horton Mrs Teeie Rodgers. Mattie AJs- i for L Margret Leach. Misses Oder-sia Rodgers and Barbara Perrv lef; 1 ntfsboro recently on their way U. Philadelphia, -‘a, and Detroit Mich Wisies Lillian Taylor. Barbara ! ',-nd Willi* Fares left for New Vork recently school year 1955*57. Air? Hinton now resides in MB Vernon. N. Y. i Washington pupils and teach-! ers*wish for everyone A Happy Summer." Zetas To Meet Zpis Phi Beta Sorority will meet, Saturday, June 22nd. at 6 ! o'clock at the YWCA on Fast Davie St The meeting had been previous-1 ly scheduled for s Tarboro Rd I . Rush Memorial Church News BY MRS. ANNIE R THORPE , Despite the verv intense heat j last Sunday out pen's were very j j wen occupied. The Church School at 9:45 a.m . was well attended by both child ren and adults which is indeed a [ credit to our church The Proces j sionai "Marching to Zion” was j * Rf * °ff by the choir with the | prayer of consecration at the altar. On ascending the choir toft the | Doxology is sung followed by the i P 3Kt ora! prayer and choral res ponse. Our Ist Hymn No. 72 This is my Father's World" was sung lined by our Pastor Rev. W D Carson. It was "Father’s Day" end the hymns were in keeping with the same, The- responsive reading j was foi the 22nd Sunday “The : R b ,r *f °f *aith." followed by the I "Gloria Patria.” Scripture lesson j was from St. Luke’s gospel the 19th i chapter comprising, 24 verses The I fervent prayer was offered by Bro. : fhomas Jones. The choral response ! ( \ Have Mercy" was sung j softly and sweetly by the choir. | < ’ ,ur 2nd Hymn No. 256 "Faith lof our Fathers" was sung while ! ! h<; congregation meditated devout- I y After the singing of the spiri | 'ual He Knows How Much We j '- an n, ar " the minister chose hi*. : text from the same scripture read | * IjUke *' t '. 12 "And the younger Os them said to h IS father. Father, i R»ve me the portion of goods that ■ aheth to me. And he divided unto ! tT 11 , 1 „ hl ; iivine " n*-J Indulgence.” The minister be- ! gan by saying that too often par ents indulge their children in the ''•rung, but the family altar should be one of the standards to be set up by parents. Thu was inded a very inspiring r Ather s Day message At th* 730 '-■rlock service the minister - 4 ad scripture from the Theme Today i ■ il i’ou will Hear Mv Voice H^*' 4 * f'n net. Your Heart." “ ‘ j ; Th<- minister said the reason we I should hear his voice is because j nt 1,1 uncertainty of life." Wei] have no promise of what will hop- | < pen tomorrow Our hearts should I I be flexible enough to hear him to- * i THE CAROLINIAN CONCORD NEWS BY MRS, MARION H BOYD Telephone State 2-2583 I BVANS-EDDLEMAN WEDDING CONCORD —Miss Betty Jean | Evans became the bride of Wil liam Thomas Eddleman on Satur day, June 8, at 8:00 p.m. in the Zion Hill AME Zion Church. The Rev. James Eddleman of Austin, Texas, and brother of the groom, officiated, assisted by the Rev. M. F. Boulware, pastor of the church. The chancel was beautifully decorated with palms, gladioli, and candelabras. Miss Margaret Asbury and Rob ert Howie presented a program of 1 wedding music, both vocal and instrumental. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Evans. Giv en in marriage by her father, she was lovely in a gown of chant-lily lace and tulle Her finger tip veil ] was attached to a tiara of seed j pearls. She carried a. white pray* | er book topped with an orchid Miss Bernice Eddleman. the groom s sister, was muicl of hon or. Other attendants weer Mrs, Lois Pearson of Winston-Salem, Misses Alice Stewart, Jimmie Freeman. Margie Locke, Peggy Douglas, and Mrs. Hilda Alexan der of Concord. Kathy Evans, i niece of the bride, was flower ! girl. Richard Dickinson, Jr . son of the groom’s pastor, was ring bearer. Otho Eddleman. served his bro ther as best man. Ushers were Jerome Evans, brother of the bride, James Smoot. Clarence ! Forney. Julius Franklin. Willie ; De Bose, and Martin Smith. | Mrs, Eddleman in a graduate of J Barber-Scotia College class of '55 i and a teacher at Central High j School in Ashebnro. She is a mem i ber of Alpha Kappa Mu honor | society, Mr. Eddleman. son of Mr. and I Mrs. Louis Eddieman of Rock i well, is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith class of '57. He served two years in the armed forces. The couple left on a wedding trip immediately after the recep tion held at, the home of the bride's parents at 137 Broad St Following the wedding rehearsal on Friday evening, the couple was ' honored with a cake cutting at j the Princess Street, home of Mrs. Cora CSldwell, maternal grand mother of the bride. CHRISTIAN GONFEREM F Mrs Annie Belie Springs and 1 M. Cl ♦of* Cor cord were among the twenty-one graduates at the close of 'hr r.hir ; ty-fourth annua) Interdenomina* ! Mortal Christian Conference eon | ducted by Women of the Church Synod of North Carolina Presb.v --i tenon Church. TJ S held at. Wln j ston-Salem Teachers College June Ist through 7th Mrs. Springs and Mrs. Cloud received certificates for four-year Bible Study and perfect, attendance certificates. Mrs Springs also wrote the i class song while Mrs Cloud sug : zested the class motto During the I graduating exercises Mrs Cloud ; presented a gift of cash from the class of ’5" to the president, Mrs. ,F. L Atkins Two move Coneordians. Miss j Alberta Winecoff and Mrs Luda ! S. Blue, were among the 215 wo- I men representing nine denomina lions at the conference this year. Mrs. Blue representing Price ] Memorial AME Zion wa? spon ! sored by Bayless Memorial Pres | hyterian Church, Mrs. Cloud rep : resenting Westminister Presby l lerisn Church was sponsored by McKinnon Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Springs and Miss Winecoff I representing Mary E, Chapman j Mission were sponsored by First j Presbyterian Church which also ! sponsors the Mary E. Chapman ! Mission Mrs Springs is head ol 1 the Mission and has worked :n it I faithfully for six years. Early in 1957 the Mission occupied Its new ! buiidina on Lincoln Street. EDUCATIONAL TOUR Mrs. Annie E Byers and Mrs. j j Lula S. Blue left Concord Mon day. June 17th for Miami, Florida where they will join a group tak-, ing "A Caribbean Tour in Com-; parative Education” sponsored byj the graduate school of A&T Col-1 lege in Greensboro They will fly from Miami on ; June 20th and visit San Juan. Cuidad Trujillo, Port, an Prince. Kingston. Port Antonio, and Mon tego Bay returning to Miami on I .July 6. Sixteen North Carolinians will be among the twenty-five persons from six states and the j District of Columbia RECREATION There are fifty children enroll- j ed in the Beginners Swimming Class now being conducted at Lin- \ coin Pool This class will end on Friday, June 2’, unless delayed) by adverse weather conditions.; Those who pass the .swimming | test, for beginners will receive Red i Cross certificates. Registration for Intermediate ! class will be held on Monday, June 24th. Persons who have be ginner’s certificates or who can pass the test for beginners may register for intermediate swim ming. Mr. ,J. D. Withers, director.; urges that those who want these j free lessons register on Monday: so as not to miss any of the, in-j struction. Residents of Concord j and nearby communities are ell- 1 Bible to take advantage of the i lessons j day. After » certain time God ceases to pleed with Sinners. You should never argue with God and put off nothing that should be done today Therefore, it k. very necessary that you harden not your | heart but hear him today not to- I morrow. This whs also an inspiring mes- i sage He continued to extend to I you an invitation to visit one of I our services on Sunday The demand for industrial wood j product? of ail kinds by th? end ! of the century i? expected to be | front 53 to 105 per higher [ than st preterit,, ■ * DAVIE STREET PRESBYTERIAN Rev Robert L. Shirley, Pastor i Sunday. June Ifi. 1557 The topic, "Jesus Never Fails was quite appropriately ci osen for Church service on last Sunday. I ’ Whoever does not regard what he has, as most ample wealth is un i happy, t'no he he master of the : world ” PAYING HOMAGE TO FATHERS Children's Sermon -- Because i we don'i see Dad very much wc I sometimes cast all our affection j on Mom. Although Dad is not with ! you all the time this does not mean that he does not love you. The fact that he works hard for you shows his true love Love does not have to be tangible. It does not have to be seen : Children were urged to go home and kis Dad today He might wipe, it off but he will like if Sunday was Fathers' Day All ' | over the world fathers were stick • in,® out the r chest? It- is good to i have such an occasion to honor the | Fathers of the Nation Mr, Harold Anderson publicly 11 expressed hi? desire to give his life rj to Jesus Christ, and become a ■ j member of the church. Pending his , j Baptism Sunday morning Session • j has unanimously approved his ro i : quest God's richest blessing? upon : : him’ as he comes to us 1 Our Bible School • enrollment at ■ I the time of this printing is 75. ’ There are 5 teachers plus the pas tor. As you can see this is quite a ‘: responsibility The school will of 'j ficiaily close June 21st. with clos . i ing exercises next. Sunday after : noon An outing for the children ' : has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, the 22nd. Rev, Shirley attended official ; business of the Church. Tuesday I and Wednesday. He participated . in ihfe Synod Training Conference ; Wednesday through Friday Ca > i tawba Synod meeting. At Synod I Mr. F. J. Carnage will he th p of- r 1 ficial lay delegate from Davie ■ Street Both of these meetings will ‘! be held at Barber Scotia in Con cord. Notth Carolina. 1: The Roys of this Church ages ‘ S-H are rordiallv m- it'-d in a’ WASHER LOOKS ’EM OVER | , hr Leßer Warner . 1 CHARLOTTE On. la?' Sat. ! urday, June 15 Mr Jack Doyle r : Howell, and Miss Gwendolyn N I j Jenkins were joined in wedlock i ler. Mr Francis McMichael. Baker j j Joshua Bittle Guard. Mr. Willie j Walton The mothers of Joseph were j played by the following men.' I Messrs Charlie Simmons. Robert i Fartlov. John Phillips. Travis Al- : i exander. Claude Anderson John- ’ ; ny Wallace. _ Wesley Phillips. Torti j my Bi"ie, Howard Anderson and Leroy Warner Music for the program was pre sented by Miss Nayarsne Tones j and Mi Albert Heath. Director ! and Narrator for the program was * jMi Robert Simmons. On Friday night, June 27, thr i Vacation Bible School will present | <* s closing exercises Ail members Shop Wake Forest BONUS MONEY STORES! HOLLOWELL’S ( Asm food STORE "Good Things to Eat” 205 ROOSEVELT At KM f Wake Forest | NORTH CAROL JN A KEITH’S SUPER MARKET Fresh Meats, Fancy Groccrif* Mea Foods t Specialty • PHONES 2691 - 7.6*1 WAKE FOREST, N C. IKeey Your Tires | In Good Shape! VISIT . WOODUEF TIRE SERVICE 135 White Street WAKE FOREST, N C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JUNE 52, 19. GOLDSBORO NEWS By Henry C, Mitchell GOLDSBORO l2B seniors. Dillsrd High school heard Irvin Knight an acountant. in the busi ness office of North Carolina Col lege, urge them to go forward on the strength of their motto. "We finish to begin" a: their com mencement exercises here last week. Knight is an alumnus of tile school. Orris Dumas, member of the Board of Education, presented thr j diplomas to (he «7 boys and S’, ! girls. John H Wooten, assistant prin cipal at Dillard, presented scholar ships to: Joe Frederick Bryant, Adam Williams, Mary Ann John son, Leslie Davis, Eleanor Joyce. Simmons. Melba Holmes, Betty Joyce Howell. Bruce Cherry. Shir ley L.'inr. Marian E. Isler Marie | Moore and Vivienne Talc. Miss Joyce Simmons presented ; s he valedictorian address and Lea- I | lie Davis the saiutatorian address ! Mary Ann Johnson war. nr stress ! of Ceremonies. - The Dillard Glee Club presented | special music under the direction I or Non A. .Stitt, Rev B M. Coiey, I chaplain of State Hospital and Rea | C L. Park? presented the prayer ; and benediction, respectively 1 Those receiving diplomas were. | Charles Arrington Eddie Baker, John n Baker. Joseph Baldwin, ; Marcus Bass. Claude Barnes, .James | Barnes, George Beamon. Amos 1 Best. William Bowden. John Britt, j Charles Bryant. Joe F Bryant i Freddie Burden, Harold Burden, j Thomas Campbell. Bruce Cherry ■ David Lee Coley. Melvin Cox. Wal j te r Daniels, Kenneth Darden. Les •He Davis Albert Dixon, Robert . Fields. Samuel Flowers. Lemuel | Forte. Robert, Gobbs. Ervin Gran dy, Rommie Green. Doyltt Ham i Conit Hamilton, Bruce Hobbs, j Frank Holloman. Clifton Hurn -1 phrey. Clarence Hunter. Emmett | Jackson. James Johnson, George ! Lane. Sylvester Lane, Edwrd Na | thsniel Moore. Bu! Murray. David i Newsome, Avon Pledger. Charles : Raiford. Lafayette Reid. Robert I Reid, Baxter Rich, James Rouse I 1 Frederick Sh-dding. William Sim- J mens, Jarvm Spencer. Emmett Simmons. Ralph Townsend. Her- j bert Uzzell, Eugene Vaughn. Mil- I ford Vick, -1 B Vinson, Adam Wil* ' Hams. Clarence Wi!Uam ,; Ralph I Winstead. George Worrells, Rob ■rt Wynn. Marian Alston. Thad • ding Atkinson, Karon Barnes, Jar- | duel in e Bosemari. Shirley Brinson, ! Annie Bryant, V. nclle Buckrharn, j Josephine Cherry, Grace Colei. I Sarah Coley. Adeline Crockett I Mary Dyer. Jean Edward- R*i 4 k I I ; J and friend? are invited come ■ • out and witness this wonderful 1 ! program being Dr fronted bv thf youth of th* iiti i■, I.; ' ' ■ Straight Kentucky Bourbon tMvs STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOUBBON J I c7hflisjCit c/ir fßi/ion lHub Ky- : Cft 'irgjz/ey tJt^tlCCt'f/aCC-€liJ*C>*iA. OI3TSUCD ft sorrun B* «NcmvT AOt oJsTii.tiftio c o rBAKKFORI KINIUCK* STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY, 86 PROOF ANCIENT AGE DISTILLING CO, FRANKFORT, KY. Fennell Annette Gerald Clarice Grantham, Elizabeth Green, Bar bara Holloman Eller Holloman. Bertha Holme?. Melba Holmes. Genevieve Howell. Eugenia Mann Marian Isler, Shirley Isler. Barbara Jackson Mary Ann Johnson, Don? Jones, May -Jones. Shirley Lane, Janet Leach. J met Lewis. Eva Mitnaul. Frances Moore. Marie A. Moore. Bertha Nichols. Betty Darks. Jon Peterson. Doll-na Ray | nor. Annie Rowe Marie Sampson, j Margaret Sasser. Eleanor J. .Sim mons, Lee B Smith. Thelma Smith. Helen Stallings. Fthelene ■Suggs, Gladys Suggs. Ruth Sutton, Vivienne Tate, Catherine Taylor. Gloria Taylor, Hattie M. Thomp son. Vivian Vinson, Rachel Whit ley, R-ith Whittod, Magdalene Wil i in ms. Mar-mret Wooten and Gay j nolle Yelvcrton. I Mrs l. N Harris. Mrs J B | C’arr and Mr J H Wooten were I advisors to the senior class H V Biown is principal of the school i Dr and Mrs Earnest. Payee j and children Cecilia and Earnest ! -In , of Memphis. Term are visiting Mrs Rayne*s moiß-*'* My? La-’en3 Watson, 7; i E Chestnut Street Di and Mrs F B Lipsey tnci daughter. Miss Marian Lipsey of 313 W Elm. Street, have returned •o the City after attending gradu ating exorcise; =t Livingstone Col lege at Salisbury. N C and Clin ton College. Rock Hill, 3 C where Dr Lipsey is a Trustee Dr L:c ?ey, a graduate of Livingstone Col teg . is pastor ->f s* James A M E Zmn Chur r h on V Elm St Mrs Almcta Coley 217 w Elm Street, died at her home after % brief Illness. Funeral services were held from. St. Mark Church on W Pm? St with Rev J D Mclvm pastor of ihe church oficiatihe Mrs Coley is survived by one soil Wallace Coley, of the home two brothe •= Ginn Coley of Fre mont and George Coley of Golds boro Buvai y -•- in Colei eemeterv j in Wayne Countv j Mis? Ann R Field? daughter of | Mr;, c F Council, received a de ! ftree. Master of Social Work. June j 3 at Atlanta University School of I Social Week. Atlanta G?. She re ceived. her bachelor of Arts de cree from Bennett College. Greens boro in 1955 and will join the so cial service department of St. Lou* 1 i? General Hospital, St. Louis. Mo. | ,n September a? a medical social i worker. { As a part -if lb? cities recces j tionai program outdoor movies j ; )i r being shown each Wednesdav I evening at ?:30 at the Leslie. St. , t .n tj( -pi,-i a,i children 1 invited to =tend ti-o-c f res mo vies Vnu never outgrow vour need