PAGE EIGHT RALEIGH PERSONALS . CLUBS . CHURCHES _ ★ VISITING SICK ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Perry Kir,ton of 1013 S. Vilmington St left the city Fri iay, accompanied by Mr. Hubert Barber to spend Father's Day vith his daughter, Mrs. Dezolce fohnson in Washington D C. Cake Cutting Mesdames Ruth M. Lawrence. Bessie M. Wesley and Bessie W More were hostesses for an af er-rehearsal Cake Cutting for the •tuvrw s’ns -Brown wedding party it the homt of Mrs. Lawrence, 844 2. Lenoir Street. Gu rtsts were received at the door jy Mrs. Addie G. Logan. Punch vas poured by Miss Laura Brown The bride-elect received a cor ■age of gardenias and a gift of ihina in her chosen pattern. A poim d'venise and out work cloth ocvered the table, Psie pink flowers and pink i * * < i i m RESERVE «O00!*32 0 1- i *IS CfttSsl £ a PINT B 4 PROOF / y il l *e. warnuttam n. AM, «. t»WO WWStCft, K MOOT 3tv& 6t#« aeessw. man* — */ ' f-i *-v : <!& puDU ! B'with a low cost auiotniMi loan ... WJ * ■ . * f asfMy p«§Tfimt# to ftt JW arranged ly »*vi conveniently. And when you vaoa n your new car, protect yo\sr travel rash by mg Americen Express Travekmt Cheques. ! Sab k as cash everywhere. lift»d if Mechanics & Farmers Bank RALEIGH - DURHAM I Uepsl^a Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh i s7os HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE *-1071 I inirmunnjwiiTiiiimeiiiiinniiiiwM mi—n>—in iwhim—n ii'inii .ini «■■,., r . M ... , i n.i..i..M .im." , ir w TiirirmiimrriiiTarrrfrrwi-iiimiinmnaiunni l ntiii» imuin j ' ■■■>■ iimwmib wxi aaiMi iTutMiaantniitfi'r ★ BIRTHS and I BIRTHDAYS e^war»ro<sa<B t <i»iww->a«vr<' ■am fiimmi ami m i iu<a n —r tapers were used. The beauti ful pink and white cake was at one end of the table where "Ges-i" proceeded the brides maids in rutting slices. Tlie maids found surprises in their shoes which caused much fun and enjoyment. Arrangements of mixed summer j flowers were used throughout the house. There were thirty guests. The bride’s mother and the groom's mother assisted sn the cake cutting. Summer molds of frozen fruit salad with ether delicacies were served throughout the evening. Good-byes were said to Mrs Al berta High and the hostess Hostess at Scries of Parties Miss Neiime Peebles, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Peebles of 910 Oberlin Rd , was hostess at a series of parties recently. One was a graduation party which, was held on the Peebles lawn. The decoration of the lawn was very colorful, which carried out the class colors of blue and white. Some of the latest records were played and this enabled the guests to dance and enjoy good music. A delicious repast was served. The 1 menu consisted of chicken salad ■ sandwiches, open-faced pimento i Chavis Heights BY MRS. MAY BROADIE "0 God. help us to see the value | of worthwhile things, lovely flow ers, companionship of friends, laughter of children, love of wife or husband, and above all, help us to see the king in His beauty.” Union Baptist Church Sunday morning worship: Church School at 10:30 A. M. Supt., Mr. Walter Price Morning worship at 12:00. o'clock non. A very inspiring mes sage was preached by the pastor, Rev. George Mitchell. St. Paul”A. M. E. Church: Sun day School opened st the usual hour with Mrs. Hattie Mitchell presiding. The lesson was review ed by Mr. W. A. Rainbow, and closing remarks were made by the pastor. As the text for the morning ser vice, the pastor, the Rev. L. S. Penn, used Luke 15-20. He brought out in this Father's Day sermon, ★ CLUB NEWS and NOTES cheese, fruit punch, potato chips, mints and peanuts. On Monday, June 10th, the Girl Scouts sponsored a wein ner roast at the home ot Miss Peebles, who is president of her troop. Each girl scout was privileged to invite guests. They enjoyed participating in a game of softball. Later hot dogs, potato chips, pickles and j soft drinks were served. Christian Education Meet The Directors of Christian Edit- »! cation Os the Raleigh District and j of the A, M. E. Zion Church met ji ’•vith Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Carson j at the parsonage 424 Watson St., where they devised and made plans for the Workshop to be conducted at the Church School Convention at Beaver Creek the j Ist week in July. Mrs. W. D. Car- j son is the President of the Direc- ; tors Mock Wedding Planned Rush Memorial Church is spon soring a Mock Wedding the. Ist of July. We extend and ask mem bers of other churches to come and take a part, the purpose of which is for the Building Fund of our j church. Rehearsal will be held ! Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the j church. Any assistance given will be greatly appreciated "The Prodigal Son” in a very | forceful way. Said he. a good j er loves his children (2) provides • for them, and (3) advises them. It was a wonderful sermon ort “The Traits of a good Father.’ The men’s Chorus rendered the music for the morning and night services. The pastor's text for the evening service was from Luke 9:38. Sub ject, “Importance of Fatherhood.” Both services were very uplifting. The sympathy of our members goes out to Mrs. Geneva Brown in the passing of her husband, Mr. Herbert Brown. Funeral services were held at his native home, Elizabeth City. Those attending the funeral from Raleigh were Mrs. B. J. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mann and daughter, Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. ames Riddick and daughter, Mamie, Messrs. Joseph Thomas and Herman White. Martin Street Baptist Church: Church School, at 9:43 with Miss Josephine Hunter, assistant super intendent, presiding Morning wor ship at 11:00 o'clock. It was An nua! Men's Day and they were there In large numbers. The Male Chorus furnished music, under the direction of Mr. Ernest Massen burg. Responsive reading was led by Mr. Jessie Sanders from Ist Corinthians. 2nd chapter. The speaker was introduced by Mr. D. j H. Keck. .Speaker, Atty. Herbert Park of Grensbom, who brought a dynamic address. Wilson Temple Methodist Church Sunday morning ■ worship: Church School at 8:45. The superintendent, Mis* Nannie Morgan, presided. Morning worship at 11:00 o’clock. The senior choir had charge of music, under the direction of Miss Nannie Morgan. Organist, Mr. Leon Haywood, processional, “The Kingdom of God.” The pastor, Rev. C. L. Gidney. delivered s very god sermon All members and friends were happy to know that Rev. Gidney has re turned to Wilson Temple afier at tending the Western Confernoce, which was held in Grensboro. Many happy expressions were waiting to greet his return in pray- MONUMENTS Sine* 190 S-—-Marble-Granite j One cost* »&rt JU W 5.00, iaclun- j agent# her*. P * y^3SESsl~— | Buy Direct! * -=3535 V/ARNER~* MEMORI ALS 393 9 Hillsboro, Raleigh, N. C. (Across iUUroad—Front of Method) WJKfIHftQHnMUMniiMv« hwii—in 11 hi i isi'ui iwmiTtrua nniii imwii THE CAROLINIAN r - 'in RETIRE !> WORKERS HON- j OREO Two retired workers : with the A and T College Ex- | tension Service were cited last ] Meek at a banquet held in tlieir j honor. The honorees included: J Warren County Group Dedicates $30,000 Church Building June 30 WARRENTON - June 10 - The Rev. J. H. Foster, Pastor, will lead the members of the Greater Lovely Hill Baptist Church in the dedication of their new Sanctuary Building, valued at $30,009. the first of two proposed units for the church in services at the Church Sunday, June 30, at 11 o'clock. The Greater Lovely Hill Church located in Embro community is one of Warren county's historical churches, dating back to 1870 and established under the leadership of sister Lizzie Clanton, main J I ' ‘ -T ■ GREATER LOVELY H ILL BAPTIST CHURCH Eptocop«l Church Photo IT’S A JUNE WEDDING for two Eskimo Episcopalians, with Episcopal Bishop William Jones Gordon* Jr., tying the knot, in a scene from “Light of the North,* one of the thirteen films produced by the Episcopal Church. % The film senes, “Mission at Mid-Century* has been carried by more than one hundred and twenty television stations throughout tha United States. ers. words and am tie#. Oberlin Baptist. Church Sun day morning worship: Church School opened at 9.45 with the superintendent, Mr. Curtis, In charge. The Junior Choir had charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs. Mary G. Pulley. .Dr. Grady Davis painted a beautiful picture from the 16th chapter of St. Luke, The Father of the Pro digal Son," which inspired the con gregation. The many friends of Mr. Fab Smith, Sr . are glad to hear that he is improving. First Congregational Church Sunday Morning worship; A very largo number was present for Church School at 9:45. Mr, Sher man Lewis, presided. Tits senior choir was in charge of music. From the Book of Acts, Ist chapter and Blh verse, The pastor, Rev. Howard Cunningham, delivered an awakening sermon. Lilly of the Valley Church’s pastor and members are in deep sympathy with Mrs. Mary Barrett i<nd family in the death of Mrs. Barrett’s son-in-law, Mr. Clarence Grimes. Young’s Chapel C. M. 1. ( deluxe hotkl Member of N. H. A. Clean, Comfortable Rooms | Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop. | 220 K. (\Unrrtsn St. Raleigh Ltiope Tfs 3-fiftOO j Miss H. Blanche Stephens, sec- j | retary to the State agents office j in Greensboro for the past 2:> j years and S. T. Brooks, right, J Robeson County agent forth" | past 34 years. They chat with R. i taining an active membership of 200. The unit to he dedicated is a beautiful and spacious, brick veneer building contain ing five rooms for instruction ' a! purposes, pastors study, choir and library; and a seat ing capacity of about 400 The dedication activities will get underway with the Sunday : School hour at 10 o'clock. Mo: r • : i ing worship service will begin at . | 11:00 with Dr. C. E. Griffin of Nor- I j folk bringing the message. Din- j I I ner will then be served on the j ■ 1 grounds ot the church under the j Church Sunday Morning Wor ship: Church School at 9:45, Mrs Della Ford, superintendent Morn ing worship at. 11 'fin o’clock with the Junior Choir in charge of music under the direction of Miss Bettie J. Broadie. The pastor, Rev. J. N, Leverette, brought a very inspiring message from the 10th chapter of St. John, 20-30 versos, Jesus honoreth His Father," which v as explained beautifully. First. Baptist Church Sunday Morning worship with Church School at 9:30 A. M . superintend erst, Mr. W H. Taylor, Sr. iri charge. A large number present. Morning worship 11:00 o'clock A. M. Senior Choir in charge of mueie, directed by Mrs. M. T James. minister of music. Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly, Soloist, Mrs. M. T. James. Scripture read ing was led by Rev. J. A Lester. Our pastor greeted the congrega tion by saying he wa3 very happy to see such a large number pre sent. From the 10th Verse of the Ist Chronicles, he delivered a vary spiritual sermon. Mrs. J. K, Cooper of 605 South East Street has returned home after spending the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Jacquelyn Flowers and children in Florida, She reports a wonderful trip. Little Mis Alfreds Hunter it: spending her vacation in Florida Happy birthday was said to Master Alford Hunter, who cele brated his 7th birthday, He Invited many title friends who helped him celebrate this occasion. ’. Jones, left, Si?te agent In charge of the A and T Exten sion Service. The banquet was I held along with the annual Ex tension Agents’ Training Con- j ference at A and T last week. service o.f the Willing Worker* Society. Members o' the Church will at 2:00 dedicate new church furni ture that has been installed by various organizations of the church with Kev. S. G. Dunslon deliver ing the message. “Such building was realized" declared the pastor, the Rev ,T Tt. Foster, “through individual effort of the member ship, donations from friends of the community and distant cities. ! At Hampton: HAMPTON, Va.-The proposal for an academic center to study world-wide integration made here today by Thomas K. Pinietter, former Secretary of the Air Force, m the commencement address at Hampton Institute was accepted by the college president, Alonzo G, Moron, Moron regards Finietter’s proposal as “a challenge and a step that can be taken by our country towards the so lution of the twin problems: peace and the achievement of human equality." In reviewing Finietter’s sugges tion that a group of distinguished social scientists be brought to gether to conduct research into the problem of world-wide inte gration, President Moron under lined the importance of the ad dress. In evaluating the speech. Moron compared it to that made by General George C, Marshall, at Harvard, in which he outlined the Marshall Plan Two other commencement ad dresses were ranked by Moron with Finietter’s today: Winston- Churchill’s speech at Fulton, Mo,, and President Eisenhower’s speech last year at Baylor, Texas. The President’s Texas address was the occasion for the unveiling of his People-to People Program. “Hampton stands ready to ac cept this challenge,” Moron stat ed “Because of our ninety years of history as an interracial facil ity for education,” the college president explained, “we seem to qualify for consideration as a lo cation for the kind of center pro posed by Mr. Finletter." He pointed out, that the school’s success has been achieved in spite of its operating in what is regard ed as an unfavorable situation for the prospect of integration. Finletter stated that his proposed center for the study of integration on a world wide basis would “most ap i proprlately originate in the j South . . . because ... it | would be free of any charge 1 that there was meddling by people of the North or the WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE 21. 19: 1 other parts of the country, where the problem was less fctCtliCL Tvitl’? fig pwiyKlome if (lie South where the problem is more difficult. “I envision that center, too, as an integrated microcosm of those societies in which our young peo ple will be working. I believe that living in such a setting will better equip Americans to divest themselves of those preconceived sterotypes that will bar them in , their assignments abroad from ! communicating our essence, our policy, to the new free people of the world. “In other words, a postgraduate six months of internship that i would bring a new prespective i intellectually and emotionally to Telephone TE 2-3777 Blcjopworth Strfst TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and lei,-vision 424 S. BiooJworth sit. Raleigh 1# your Eire Insurance adequate J ° n sour home? Was it bought t* cover your home ten years ago or five years ago when the valm* was half what it is new.’ The vaias of yonr home Sa i worth protecting. Let Uaveneea Insurance Agency give yon full ! protection on your home and furnishings. CALL 3-3563 ; BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. ! CAVENESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3563 ROY CAVENESS, Jr. ROY CAVENESS, Sr. PANTING * COMMERCIAL • SOCIAL Consult Us lor Reasonable Estimate* Prompt -if Service Phone TE 4-5558 -—THE- j CAROLINIAN | PUBLISHING COMPJW I S lB E. Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. wnw f '****'*' ' l lr T '*“'*** * * I OCEAN LshIaFOOB 1 Mrmimfiiiirwmniniim f -gn-n—j l« ; : Ask For Watson’s Fryers *1 fj , f| At Your Favorite Store p 8 1 WATSON’S I I Seafood 8c Poultry Company, Inc. 2.30 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept, F Cameron Village Rock Quarry Road ' Raleigh, N. C, ",' r^,}jy y • UMSTEAD’S ~ TRANSFER COMPANY & GROCERY STORE LIGHT — HAULING GROCERIES ! loc s^a n^ ong r-iv* Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficient —o— ED. UMSTEAD, Msnsger 602 5* Dawnoa Street # Tarboro & Martin Streets DIAL TE 2-9478 TE 2-9212 «MWvaernmrai«mi*«-iism wwawwiniaewi aw»w«wewr'MßwmwMwai»wiaaaaai Finance or Borrow f I On Your Car f 1 77( rough 7 Jig I 1 Dillon Motor Finance Co. f 2 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 i* 9 1 the future USIA staffer or the future sales represents five of U. S. Steel ,n M 1 ’ F'Ol said | For A Better Well GALL . • 5 CO. p, \( Finn n c Phone TE 2-4875 Bov 1128 INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. i ■ >wmir win I ♦TIT V \ COMPLETE \/1 Summer CHANGE OVER m 0 OH, CHANGED H # GREASING M • RADIATOR DRAINED AntlrFreeze Applied §3 • Washing @ PoUwh&sg Xj Dunn’s Esso Service 502 8. Bloodworth SC. PH ° NE TE *” 9496 ! i I SS’SsMtf®?©*''®' i ; GLASSES IW«wsH**Uf>n»b»*i Qua&fcy PnifieaaA Prvww pidggmayg , OPTICIANS, Uts. | | Everything For . . . 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