PAGE SIXTEEN Things You Should Know I _ _ 130 YEARS ofctkt I P&ESS llP^*; *** **** a oosms* smrm> gpooM's N " fae3Ro faPER WTHE ocmrm/n ms? cqrmish sotted LSTBR RE*ftAM£OJH£ GOIORED e< •*, Mian'r Xwm w2k , pioneers were. the ELEvaira at a; - I fW*' banvsystephew sv w.a. * ■' « H H.3ARNET, PEOPLES PRESS BYHAMJCTON ft OiAS «4 / 7 THE. MYStERVf'BV DR. ANY, GENIUS OF TREE DOM BY*.D. j|T *vs 4 ttORN AFRO-Alljfti- 33* t TI A:' :> THCNORTH STAR BY FREDERICK DOUGLAS* .IN > JjTs So‘.;o n* SI-OP JABEZ CAMPBELL FOUNDED WE CMSWSTIA M f '■ '"HIGH LASTED r-r;*. .MODERN TIMES/ enstn l ? otss Supplementary Appropriation f Freedom's Hospital In Washington. 0, C. i3to, W t?clnc.‘*(iri y ros'd to sd* * ■ ■ ‘ . hf ; iaind' ; .r of this fiscal year end- i |i j r.v■ s $4 Vl')0 for salaries i mW% and k2fi,4 00 for ? new X- j machine. These appropriation figured f ’ere approved writer Try the [ois■-.?* o ? »" c prp spnta t i v p s an d “ent through th t* Senate- I: s ®tl|i! - I in Hi i iiw»m—lll mu r tthibitiiiwi i ACME REALTY CO. ! Ren i Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds j Fire and Automobile Insurance c: BUILD USD REPAIR HOUSES Dial TE 2-0956 i:J) K. Hargett St Raleigh, N. C. JCT4ht> i i j i v&MIa | _- r mr rn- i\|f mi T.TMTlTrfiyli r j WSTCTiraii, i FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY j Hniisf ooiifere nee unchanged Flip conference report was ap proved by the Senate and Ihc bill has been sent to the Presl dent for his signature. In commenting on the. Freed ■ '-n's appropriation, the confer i nee i-oport stated that the amount ; ioted for saloT os and expenses j v. as 513.080 less than the amount | requested. The $13,300 had been re | y.ties' ri fp- the employment of 23 j ••iddiuona! nursing positions. Since j 'hi patient load has not increased 1 sjntte last year. Hip report stated j the committee disallowed this item. On the second item, the com mittee reported that a fire oc curred in one of the elevators last November which called at tention to (he need for re-pairs. Since this need is obvious and the committee has no desire to interfere with the efficiency of this hospital this item was at lowed. It has been obvious for a long time, the report stated that the X-ray machine at Freed men’s needed replacement. So the committee approved the third item rather than endang er the employees and patients, The conference committee, how ever, charged Freedman’s with IS E E , . , ELVIS RAND THE TAILOR SNAKEN R V ft G « E. Martin St., Raleigh 1" -T- ir > •rniMM n n 11 mr UP 7 i ' haphazard budge at? " If it hart nr. • increased patient load and rv ed-'d | additional nurses, stated the r»- j port, it should have included this request in its regular, annual hud l get for 1957 ■ j if it needed additional money for .elevator repairs it. should have sent this request to Congress ear- ! Iter. As for the request for funds ■ I for .a new X-Ray machine, con- , gtoss claimed that 'Tinder orderly i budgeting this item would certain ty have been provided for in the regular budget rather than require | everyone concerned to hand!■ if. rp a special item in a supplemental. I This was the third .an p! ■ innaal appropriation hi!! for 1957 passed I ! Ly Congress Freedmon’s hospital | I is operated predominately by No j ftrn personnel and services chinflv ; j Negro patients It is npemted an ! tier the Department of Health. Ed- ’ j neation. anti Well..' for Women UX BETTY COOK For Associated Negro Press EXTEND STR AIVBERRY SEASON WITH JAM Strawberries are so prettv and i so good we like for them to fast as ! | long as possible. One cf the best : ways to extend their season is to : make strawberry jam. Can you , think of mpre deligiuful eating now and later than hot biscuits or rolls and homemade strawberry jam? No? Then let’s get, alone wirh our jammaking. I The modern way to make jam jis so quick and easy ever, the ’ busiest, homemaker can find time i ; to make some for her table as | well as a gift jar or so. Powdered | and liquid pectins have taken all i the guesswork and most of the ! time and trouble out of jam and .jellymaking. These pectins have : eliminated the long boiling which I not only was time-consuming due | to watching and stirring, but it , boiled much of the fresh fruit! j color and flavor away. How much j prettier and more flavorful are : j our modern homemade jams made I the short-boil way, adding pectin for a sura and perfect set! Here i is a recipe you will treasure, bas | ed on powdered fruit pectin. STRAWBERRY JAM Yield: About 11 Medium Glasses <5 12 lbs.) Jam I 4 1-2 cups prepared fruit, about 2 qts. ripe straw her r its j T cups <3 lbs.) sugar 1 box (8 1-2 07,' powdered fruit pectin First: prepare the fruit. Crush ' completely, one layer at a rime,! about 2 quarts fully ripe strawber ries. Measure 4 1-2 cups into a Very Large Saucepan Then make the Jam Measure sugar and set aside. Add powder ed fruit pectin to fruit in sauce- j pan and mix well. Place over high heat and stir until mixture comes ; to a, hard boil, At once stir in 1 sugar. Bring t.o , FULL ROLLING ! BOIL and BOIL HARD FOR 1 MINUTE, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon, Then stir j and skim by turns for 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent float-i ing fruit. Ladle quickly into ! j glasses. Cover jam at once w ith ! l-B inch hot paraffin YOUR WEEKLY TREAT RECIPE SPRING VEGETABLE SALAD A salad to be enjoyed should be 1 attractive to look at., crisp and ; fresh in appearance, and with a ,| I zestful, refreshing flavor. The fol j lowing salad with its special j dressing qualifies on all counts, | 2 cups shredded lettuce l 2 cups shredded spinach fi green onions 12 small radishes Tomato-French dressing. Tear spinach and lettuce in , j manageable pieces and slice green > | onions very thin. Slice radish, but ! I not so thin that the red color dis- j j appears. Mix all ingredients and I | store in Cellophane bag until just i | hefotc serving. Blend with salad 1 ' dressing and serve. TOMATO FRENCH' DRESS ' TNG In a fruit ia.r. place the fnl- ■ lowing ingredients i can tomato soup. 1-2 cup ! salsd oil. 1-2 cup mild vinegar ’ teaspoon.;, sugai 1-2 teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons horseradish.'; Banks, Insurance Firms To Integrate White Collar Staffs NEW YORK - I'ANFi Four major Brooklyn banks and two in j suranee companies integrated the white collar staffs, with the advice I and assistance of the Urban Lea | gue It was revealed Monday, nv Marold Goldberg, chairman of the : In Florida City: Hate Group With Same Ideas Changes Name TAMPA, Fla iANP - The on ly thing different about a group . of recently merged members of i the Ku Klux Klan here is their | name. Their purpose of fostering j white supremacy apparently re ! mains the same. burn was the state of affairs here last week as W. J. Grif fin. heart of the rorrnllv enn Shake well and store in refngertv i for. i SUGGESTED MENU: Fried j ham . new potatoes In cream ; 'ttuce, 'wren beans, spring salad ; with tomato French dressing, ! corn bread, butter and frozen ; peach shortcake. r (pi. possrS JrA PJS&SSS \ ' CULTURES * STRAIGHTENS t. v Ray Robinson drug stores and cosm«Hc caunNfsW|||j^^^T*^^ ; ’''Jx? j TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING SAVE 50% / VllvmV 0n N< " l ire Cosf / |lrfSKnY\ * Modern Tread Design l Jrjk >{w- * R-Hour Service f J§j|gl -- ivu, |'j\ >) : * Same Quality Rubber | § Wg) P"wk Ji \ (|| as Used in New Tires m B i SS | ('{ )} j * Easy to Balance H i Jm/Ml { recapmng j rm sfttvut J Terms r I o Suit You! 1! and 15 INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. 42R S. McDOWELL ST. PHONE TF. 2-0 >7l MAKE EXTRA MONEY 1 SELL —The— ; ! Carolinian Your own state newspaper, with news your community while it is still news. Liberal Commission Fill out and mail the coupon below at once. ' The CAROLINIAN ‘ 8 518 E. Martin St. • Raleigh, N. C. ' I I Please send details of how I ran earn money selling l The CAROLINIAN in my community. 1 think I can sell j I copies weekly. ! 1 i ! NAME j ! ADDRESS I ' Cl TV OR TOWN ... . j \ ZFI~~ "" rL”-"" ~ "" j iimn r an - -Mr irt*inrr . r ' THE CAROLINIAN League? Brooklyn Indust'■;=! Rp. latidfts Committcp. The Dime Bronkl.vii has cmployeri fjeorge i! Brown. 19. Boys Hisb School inns Graduate. j« trainee In the audit department snltdated groups announced hlat the hate group hart given themselves the name nf the Bedford Forest Kti Kh.x Rians. Formed hy eonsolidation of two k lans, the new-named group took its name from Red ford Forest, a confederate. Cal vary general, who allegedly fornvrd the first klan following the Civil War * hate, group arose as Griffin hotly Meanwhile dissension within the I denied charges by another pro-so i Rrogatinnist that he was hooted [ , nut of the klan In 1949, Imperial Wizard of the IT. S. Knights nf the i Ku Klux Klan. F. 1,. Edwards of 1 Atlanta Ga , made the charges. The Lafayette National Rank haa hired Ihree Urban League referrals: A special interest (eiier at Ihe Bedford branch; ax Archives clerk at ihe Bay rotary trt the main office. Fast Parkway branch and a sec Brooklyn Savings Rank, Aet na Insurance Company and Ail State Insurance Company have Intel viewed and pledged to employ referrals when they graduate this month. Last year, the Brooklyn Indus* i trial relations committee, under > oj£ W > r I jg /Jc I TWIN INN |< OIL SERVICE i nial TEmple 3 -5811. 1130 Smithfield Raleigh 98 J. K. COEFIELD. Prop. 9| I HILL AND HILL . ffflSßffisaa KENTUCKY jFp™:7! STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY i a . hr.t*l ’ SJ% If ; I straight bourbon IM : 'lqJi li '■ti»waio-44 Mk Fllsir > i 5 OT ’ Hill. S Hill fOMPANV. WHISVUiL XV. { & ' OISIRMKJIfO BY. NATIONAL PISTHtIRS PRODUCTS COW C'A ff^ijtf[ijjij. II ... • ( ; '*7.'* "' | §§ .|t fife* I . Wsw Ku/?YfA!!8 tlace j I 401 Hillsboro St. Dial TE 2-7571 J *amuzzr>?na - ■ a .. r .^ y . 7r -.^. w , y , m y,., u --s ~- ■- ~ ~,,, „ „ - .., , WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE yi the- direction of Dr. Richard Alla '•■ay. rr 3 d e a survey of Brook lyn Banks end insurance compan ds to determine the extent of in tegration. These institutions em ploy large numbers of high school graduates The findings of the survey show- j ed that, unlike Manhattan, there j was little or no integration. Sever al meetings were held between Urban League representatives and banking and insurance officials All officials declared thev would welcome qualified Negro appli cants. Poisonous chemicals should be handled with rare ‘IfvELLA ! beauty college j , " iI Beaut.V Culture I and Classes m Personality ant! Charm. » For Information Write: Mrs. Christiana J. Pitts President