WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE 29. 1957 ! R OXB OR O REIDS VILLE ROXBORO The Rose of Shar on Club h*d its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Foint c-r June 10, with the Pres., Mrs. M. W. Harris, presiding. After a brief business meeting, the group enjoyed a delightful rapess served by the hostess. Mrs. Pointer. There were ten members pre sent; Mrs. Lance Robinson. Mrs. Delma Harris, Mrs Helen Bullock, Mrs. Amelia Satterfield, Mrs. Thelma Hester, Mrs,. Lillie John son, Miss Rosie Lee Haysel, Miss Ruby Stewart, Miss Mamie Stew art, and Mrs. M, W. Harris. The next meeting will beheld at the home of Mrs. La rice Robinson. Mr. Guthrie Hester, of 309 Hill j St. of Roxboro. took sick Friday | .morning and was taken in Duke Hospital in Durham. His condition hs improved very much. Mrs. Addie Plenty of 209 John son St. of Roxboro left Saturday for Albany, N. Y. She will spend i a short vacation. The. Usher Board of the First j Baptist Church of Roxboro, wiii j have a Youth Day program, Sun- ; day night at 7:30, June 30. 1337 in ' the First Baptist Church. Mr? Bernice Booker of John- ! son St. and Mrs. Gertrude Clay of i New 20th Century Robot Servant Silent-Sensible-Serviceable • f '|' , he modern home may »v virtually «erv.>n*)es<,-- but that .mesn't nv rt i JL there isn't plenty of >■» r s help*'. Not 'he Lied, though, that cels * p;:d hy-fhe-day pint carfare. In keeping with the time this •,.* push-button help—modern, shiny, porcelain-finished appliances which labor for the homemaker. f '' rSy | Amomtfc washers are about the iff*! w .-iiir of all these new kinds of servants, washing anything that is guaranteed washable. However, they also have the. toughest job of alt ap pliances and will perform best t s certain principles are followed. Here are tbe ground rules prescribed by tbe Tide Washing Clinic; If doth** are inclined to shed Rnt, Rtrl.d and dark garments shonld not be washed foeelher. However white and fast colored garments may He "ashed together. Lingerie loads be long together— »n it mesh Hag to protect them. Also shag mgs and heavier fabrics, h\ae jean- »nd work clothe* make separate loads. This same sorting procedure ap pftts to dvr dryer too. Non colorfart garments can go in the automatic —but alone,. FIRST JUMP NMfc^SE—With jnoti now commissioned In the Army Nurse Corps, friiise* are training as members of .tumping ftsrdlcal Ifim<, First to win his wings is Captain Patrick J. Ferry •f Freeland. Pa., member of the JOlst Airborne Dirhio-t. shown practicing proper landing procedures at Fort Campbell. Ky. / : JL^'vodka ? j:, ### $2 p[jj T ... V ; : ~ '.,1 - fO Proof. Also 100 P r oof. M sde •'' •H i from Grain by L. Relsky & C'p i i Ccci'eysviii*. W., U S. A. F.-'-i-h, North CarollßS fcnrr-.fi i inf ~ : -T3.X-.jja-swajos- jMfinnrinMinwiiniu min* ■rwi-~ Hill St. spent Friday. June 21. 1957 Mrs. Mary Ragland of Hill St.. Roxboro, iost her baby daughter ; Friday. She is now in the Person County Memorial Hospital. The Roxboro Colts dropped a 4- 0 tussle, to the Carboro Cubs Sat- * ( ut’day night at Rocket Park with ! Leir Royster. Ace Colts httrlev. pit- j thing a three hitter and striking j ( fifteen men. Cien: Ower-s the Cub . : Ace strong annod the Roxboro ; batters by bro<-?.ir.c the boll over ! : the plate so fast until the Colt batters v re swinging in every I , direct ion of the ball. Owens threw a one hiltc-'. The Cubs is an out- i | fit compost d mostly of Varsity : players from the University of , | North Carolina. Overthrows to first base by shortstop Lehman Allen and third- , baseman Isiah Allen coupled with back to beck singles added to She deficit of urn Colts. The Colts will crossbnts with 1 the Winston-Salem Pond Giar.t: j Saturday night at the Rocket Park jOn June 27. they play i'no Dur j ham Bees July 2, C-.rrboro Cubs: i I July 6. Catsburg Blues: July 9. ! Roanoke Rapids, tentative All are ! : v bite teams except the pond Gi 1 ants. Greatest misuse of automatic* 1 tomes from overloading. It restricts i tiit wishing action of tlx: machine, | consequently clothes will not he ad -1 rquatcly cleaned. Oj e rloading also ! may cause wear, on both machine and garments. The Hirer j$ another good work horse to have, around the house. It can help the. homemaker avoid iron : mg by drying clothes so they need ; only be folded and put away, ft can make the necessary ironing easier if garments are removed while damp dry—to be ironed immediately. or stored in a plastic bag until ironing time. x; s A3 /v7 / ip ■llly p MorF important. points out. (he Ttde Washing Clinic, and perhaps less widely realized is the effect which dryers have on new no-iron fabrics. Such fabrics can dry more wrinkle-free than when hung on hangers to drip dry. (ANS) .irwrrirrrn Local Board Warns 5 Draft Delinquents The iT'::si: ,ini- listed below are them ate requested to render as- | drib with tty Wake County ststan.ee in locating these, delin- Se]>'i'iivr Service Loral Board No. quents. These delinquent regis- j hi. The.-- delinquent registrants trants are urged to immediately j have failed to comply with Sclec- contact, this board, live Si vita Regulation - Deiin- If they fir not do so. the So lee- ! quern y .-navels a rt gist rant to ire- live Rf rvire Board will be com- j 1 mediate nduction and they should polled to order them for induction ; ! communicati with this hoard im- in the forthcoming call, mediately, in n - -11. >r t ;o remove They me: John Wesle.s James. 1 ‘ho c.eee of lii-linqueniy. Bobby I.ee Dennis. Carl Bethea. I Members of the reels'rat n,- farni- i Lonnie C ampbelle, Jr.. Samuel lie ■ and others acquaint! d with j Gardner Harris. | ' 7' - II : m s ■ W'd . ' -ifr m -coord number* J 1 • woes lor the world premiere of Dorryl F. Zanucks Island in the Sun,” one c’ th* most films to come out of Hollywood. Co-starred in the ir- ■■■'■■> tire fc-sned actress Joan Fontaine and I ,'r -,-r i- . -.y rwho essayed ih - F’Vather* maker insures a cleaner and h <. ■•hu midities and filters the air, The sandbox set will soot; be home For the. summer so the house will be f sly bursting with activity, After a hard afternoon of building csvHog in the sand, the “youngling” will he more than ready for old-fashioned oatmeal cookies and tall glasses of icy milk. B- sure to keep the cooky jar filled to overflowing with Oatmeal Ran :n Cookies for just such an occasion. This chewy cooky has a rut-rich flavor due to the rolled oats inside and is chuck-full of plump raisins. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are a one-in-a-mitlion snack time. treat that are delicious as well as nutritious! Ottiineal ILii-in Cookie# Mokes J dozen cookies 1-1/2 cups rifted enriched flour | cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon seda * 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons milk 1-1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 3 cups rolled oats « g.'cased cooky sheets. Bake In p re-heated oven j (000 r .) 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from cooky sheet* immediately. THS CAROLINIAN Three Women Will Officiate: To Dedicate Mary L„Leod Bethune 84-Apartment Building In Chicago CHICAGO Three women, prominent in Chicago bus iness, religious, and civil life will help pay tribute to an outstanding Negro woman educator and lead er when a large South Side apart ment dwelling is re-named in hon or of the late Mary McLeod Be thune next Sunday, The building is a seven story, eight apartment structure at 4537 S Drexel Bivd. It will be officially renamed Bethune Plaza" for the founder of Bethune-Cookman Col lege in Daytona Beach. Florida, who was also founder and first president of the National Council ! of Negro Women. Thp Women who will figure in the brief dedication rere mooy on the lawn of the bjilrl lng at .hitfi n.m Sunday after Holly Springs i BY ROY LEE WOMBLE HOLLY SPRINGS -- Sunday. .Junea 23, was regular pastoral j H sy and holy comunion day at the Baptist Church in Holly Springs Services were good as usual The choir sang beautifully with Mrs. .Tam.-s Avery at ihe piano. Thp church covcnan* was read to the converts, by Mrs. Gladis Grigs !'•- Rev Avery's text was taken Com St. Matthew, 26:26. He used i' as his subject:"This is my Body ' Holy Communion was ministered at the close of the first service Sunday night June 23, a won derful message was brought to rropie of Holly Springs bv the R c v Lura’ : of Raleigh. This ser vice was sponsored by Mrs. Em ma Lee Wornblf for the benefit of the Missionary Circle of the church. On Sunday, June 30. thp Wake Baptist Sunday School Singing U nion will be held at the Oak Grove Baptist. Church near New ! Hill. Come out and see the new action. The teacher in charge of president, Mr. Earnest Betts, in teaching Oak Grove’s entire Sun day School will he Mrs. Emma ! Lee Womble of the First Baptist Sunday School of Holly Springs. The Missionary Union will also [ be held next Sunday at the Chris tian Church of Holly Springs i COMMUNITY SKETCHES Master Talmadge Grigsby has i e turned from hi; ''•.•cation in Georgia. He is quoted as saying he had a most wonderful visit and he especially enjoyed the air plane ride to and from Georgia Misses Jean Carolyn Jones and Vsllertina Joyce Womble returned home on Saturday, June 22. after spending a week in Raleigh visit ing Mrs. Spence, one of the teach ers cf the Holly Springs Consolida ted elementary school. Miss Clara Mae Beckwith, a teacher at the Holly Springs School, is now or, vacation in New York City Mrs. Eleanora Roberson and fam ily have moved to Baltimore, Md. We miss her a lot. and wish her all the luck possible in her new home Mrs. Cora Mae Roberson Dewar has moved to Baltimore, Md. Lit tle Miss Catherine Roberson is now making her home with her Aunt Mae Roberson, also of Bal timore. Her sister Reda, is safe and happy with her aunt and uncle in Holly Springs. TOBACCO FACTORY WORKERS If you are an employe' of the \ North State Tobacco Co., please j mad this column next week to j get some information concerning j ■ our vacation checks, and lie sure I to attend your next union meet- i ing for there has been a lot of j changes made for the coming seas- • on Buy * Carolinian .mu So that, we may boldly say, j The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man ehall do to me. (Hebrew# 13, fi.) It is with auch wonderful confidence, auch cairn and courage, that we can face every trouble, every' trial and tribulation, when we know God is with and within us when our lore and trust is wholly in Him and Hwi good. frs | “One sure thing wrong with the younger generation is that a lot of us don’t belong to It any more!” (Sh “The spare tire around your waist i* the most expen sive one yon can buy!” noon include Mrs. Rosa W Morgan. vicF president of thp Oscar Ci. Brown Real Estate corporation, manager of the property. The Rev. Mary Evans, pas tor of Cosmopolitan Peoples church wilt give >nr dedica tory prayer, and Mrs. .leanne I>. Dago, past president of ihe Chicago chapter of the Nation- ,' * : Ij | I ROMANTIC INTEREST The daring casting of Dorothy Dond ridge and English actor John Juctrn on lovers in the sc, con adap tation of Alec Wcrugh’k boat-selling novo!, has made “Island in th© Sun” one of the most talked about pictures o! the year. Despits “pressure gorupe," the film will bo distributed throughout the United Slates and the world. (Mewspre.as Photo). HOW TIMES FI AM-; CFHMiEDi Vest ee-vr _ i amo AMB’iTfiDN, SON — / N t BUT IB VOU WORK WACO \ ( : [ YOU CAN BE A J \ 3l, y V. FINANCIAL SUCCESS. / S m 7 Topay— ''' X ' S / WORK. HARD 7 \ { WHAT’S THE | * -"'T y WMMrr-rcxcinr* ■ j \’ r^C egC C£ s3 ' \ 0f mg sppl Wes " I oh ham much. in ipcuA ct Sharpe s Funeral Home \ Ths amount is generally based an family finances, and in Ueping with tbs life of the deceased Since our services are complete, regardless of cost, every family is i assured of i comforting and appropriate funeral service. Sharpe Funeral Home j Home of Person Mutual Burial Association 24 Hour Oxygen Equipped Ambulances SO2 South Main Street Telephone 0163 j ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA al Council of Negro Women will speak of the inspiration j provided by Mrs. Bethune, Songs by a choir of women from j Emmanuel Baptisth Church, will ; also be included in the program. j Representatives from tis teen neigh- : borhood block clubs affiliated with ! the Kenwood - Ellis Community j Center have been invited to par-j ticipnte ;n the ceremony. PAGE SEVENTEEN £Bk For He is onr peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall ttf partition between us. —• (Ephesians 2, 14.) The Holy Spirit .surrounds us with love and goodness, vith mercy and compassion. '■Ve shut ourselves out by sin fulness, willfullness, selfish ness. But through devout be lief in Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Redeemer, th* wall between us and our Father in Heaven is broken down. My Neighbors ' = rrnrWi r" JH> jj 1 jp> |Orm N “just a minute while I look in my hu®band’s checkbook!” Vic Vet says ' VA SEt'EFIT PAYK£N"S ftCf f XCLUPE'D c -:.o*'4 PcDECAL INCOME r ‘Ai'f..s AND T «??EPCRE NEED MOT B7 -v-OCTED CM INCOME TAX CEPOkTS Piss 1956 ■=i\msi f= ;i | IMj f | / li.hl - l(i ; ) - L Hy Neighbors Tf£> J) Amm h wTHnf V/-'/ “Can’t afford the ‘Business Man’s Lunch.’ Couldn't jmu tis me up with a Taxpayer’s iSalafl’?’’ MAR T H A Beauty Salon Corner HILL & JOHNSON ROXBORO. N. C 1 BIG SILL * • -:i m BOTTLING 31 COMPANY RFIDS VILLE N ’ C Bank Os R^fdsviile North Carolina's Oldest Stats Bank Celebrating Its VaTH ANNIVERSARY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WWimß nw~ jcmagßggyrmßßrar MORE PEOPLE ARE BUYING , . . FORDS i R. D. Bumpas S Arch Jones B.&J. MOTORS, Inc. DEPOT STREET Telephone 6111 ROXBORO, N. C. .1. A. HUMPHRIES Groceries and Meats PHONE 5513 830 Durham Road ROXBORO. X. C.