PAGE TWELVE rravel Light jl With Leather l Fcntily vacations can be won- , erful except for the disputes' n what should be taken along, j ; rhrrt'TU he U> : conflict as well | ; V, 3 confusion if every rrtem-j i cl .V.tti j ♦n Tempers will nr spared, too. If this hiusaK? is sturd.t | enwii'h to (.ike all that the fahiilx and sundn porters ! an taxi (hirers can «!<> to it. Take a Up from seasoned tr-.iv-, >lpi:;. then anri pack up in the lew li!?htvc:-.rht ic-'thcr luttftage j ,hat's as lndit a any other lug- 1 page yet vtain-. ail leather’s well known puncture and tear rests [vill at' a.vs t!t.:t t item tour eye lights on ,’ as you i knap the lo:k j ji«w this v ai is luggage of | 'brushed i< ■ 1 1i■ r" Tins is leather mat. has been finished on the flesh side, pr -duclnsi a wuff-re.sis lance sue tied bn & The smooth' brain •- <• f 'he -v kccouies the lining ">i the baa ! Ip parkins. pul all odd Shaped >’nn • shoes, exiia brodiiacs '• : . S . on the bottom, and iili in the sprues fit tween ivi-V. sit’! crushable I items s»rb as xtocKinirs. Then is:* dresses rod sails >n toy. you want to get to things on tile boltool, (iiii ean pick el* a bottom corner ot t’-e (op iajcr anri lift it out i •••Oil* (!.:-! Ul'l.ini’ thinKS. ill fact, you >n : v M int to put sit rat of cellophane between t .vrrs to make Ibis even ea-si cr. This sy.'-ai ,ii vi’as yiv.i the full i ]er h mid srit- r-f tur a Prase for garmenir.. irai mu.'; saves; cri -p P; '■■ ■ ')• •• !. p: i . en!- lar.s and waist-front lie smooth, j [Fold nents with sleeves j ■ Ski.-fe. j! wirier *han the case [should be folded back equally on both side s. cl. them 31c hem-hip; in the ca with a fold at t-he hip.; For Mom, 24 inch leather \ W2idr<-.bc ("u that weiahr only [five pounds will provide ample \ I room for a half-down dresses as Iwe’i me •iocs and all the other : I tilings I hat co .vith them, j Pop will get along nicely I i‘,l) an airplane It-Mlier tme I suiter of the same weight I 7'e ft"'.ihle !e:Uh--r sides will I s’h w him to cam a suit. I sports jacket .uni 4or r> pairs I of -.lacks without wrinkling, I y.ii is-avim: room enough for | suori s whirls, shohrts, ties, I f'fc. For n dried convenience, both [Mom and Pop should take along a small eatiier train case which, ' ' ' tv tp-eparations and his shaving [equipment, will leave apace for I sue n overnight, essentials as paja [mas, a fresh set o funderwear. lavri a hto's:- or shirt. Those are [useful 'whether vou travel by car hr v vn for limer. when you don't I «■:;' : !'*> deb.; ’.hr :.-rgi' cases. I Junin’ w’ii ;urd more luggage I then i :'b.- r>r In pr. rents because Ihe needs tunic chances of clothes. IHe should have two 21-Inch suit lof flexible leather that will r'eivr-" and alio-.’ room for the new I po r >i? scions he')} vU’counnuyit? en [rout* Cavaliers And A/155 Riggenbach A cc laim ed He re I The Cavaliers, an outstanding I American Male Quartet, appeared lin a norm recital in Greenlcaf j' um of Shaw University on [Fnck.y, .Time 28. Jr. was a concert Ith w: ■h- iii r»f c-.sbinp and en |f erfatainc. A pi oy.ram of popular lEroarivv;. v imi-ictJe productions, |er :>vil! it. d witlr aic t y and land conladous sparkle, I ‘’Gloria Fap-i" by Palestrina was I the only cb-. e and was sung in lantiphi nal . lections from |Mo?<art’s “Marriage of Figaro.' | Dun Giovrnni'' rave insight, into Ithr- arti ; vn utility of this re- Irof-’ kriblr croup I lie tty Rjegcßbnck soprano, en~ [handl’d ihv ■, • .ii bmuty of an ex |b;i ,u'.; ■ .pc fvnreri. Florence Dunn ■served ('.anobly as the accompan list Plr.T'h numhf received warm I and hbbi't.v -uv’.;,. u; >■ by an appre ciative audKT.ce. I I can't think of a sweeter way Ito few e ii... unprovrinerit, of nur I comm', ii it linn families affending ■ church together. low Playing vjW. " in wS tb( I nth» 44 I fteQe-aiionai j I best,.,,a I L I tosn-age terror I who scares nobody j; I but himself \ *IHE 1 I |! j I ; WiiJ (Si i H tfi/Wgf ti. | '. \ I | /limits .. I ► < W 1 A-yrerfr rire Supreme Court Frees Mm IMer Death Sentence Because Cops Waited Toe Long To Arraign Him WASHINGTON (ANP)—A man who was facing a He.ath sentence !or alleged rape of a white- wom an in ihe District of Columbia was fieed by the United States Su rv‘c*H*i a Cow* The death penalty imposed on Andrew J Mallory, convicted for rape of Mrs Stella O'Kean, was rove:fed by the high tribunal be cause' of extended delay' by po lice in arraigning him after arrest. The unanimous opinion deliver ed hv Mr lost ice Frankfurter stat ed that they could not sanction rile: long delay between time of arrest and arraignment. Mallory was arrested early one afternoon and was not arraigned until the following morning. This iorsg lapse us time, said the Jus tices vt suited in a confession by Mallory. AlaUorv and his tivo npji hews moic trrtsled around tain on- atternoon in April. tn:.4 on .1 charge of the rape of Mrs. O'ltenn in the base nteiil (> f a house on Twelfth St re,t Tito three agreed tr. take tie de tector test'; The nephews took : theirs first. Police said Mallory : admitted around firitO that he was ! SU C h .aw i Go o d F00d.., | CHASE ; f|\ Restaurant ‘ x ~rrrr' > Iritfi li. Pettigrew S*. jl 1 1 nisi 2 fißrif 9 V IM Itll.Ul. TV. C. ! i i ; Gchlfetogglheron the 4fh Or WHAT TO DO OM A 2CHLITZTHIRSTV HOUDAY f T o* O om it Sot. The Sehiitz is cool. It s Schiirzinc j .-. rhe Schtitzpak and eniov Hw TSrt Uo4e WVe«i,W« f So>i„ti A>mki; c-«ro«>» Un«o4w Wk . ttrviSlvo. SY. ti-.i’oiee, Ci'v. SCHUTzUSMr ** SCHLITzKfePr 400M&*; J j \g> -• • air-free 7 * | SCHLiTzNESS / i *. , continuous quality 8o I f Be n Schlifeer- Be refreshed W aßsasEaitstrasaiiwaßiiawsaßSssssaa^^ guilty of the charge. He dictated a confession and wss arraigned the next morning. The alleged confession was used as evidence against him. As a yesolt of thlf c;t:;r Assistant Attorney General Warren Oiney 111, United States Attorney Oliver Gasch and others urged enactment of a clarifying law to spell out "Ti — —1 • TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING SAVE 50% / On New Tire Cost / l ® Modern Trend Dcstgtt (#Tjt |SUD • 8-Hour Service [ [/f h • Same Quality Rubber i fgm I ( (}){ as Used in New Tires i 1 u * Easy to Balance 1 J Mum(mwj\ I \ Mm v^cKmmj j Vi Cl Him ust HttvnfJ Terms To Suit You! 14 and 15 INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED HUNT GENERAL TIRE CO. ! i2R s McDowell st. phone te 2-ns7l THE CAROLINIAN , hov, lone prisoners can be held 1 before arraignment. The Uniform Arrest Ari re quires poliee to bring a pris oner before a committing mag istrate within 25 houis, ex cluding Sundays and holidays, unless a judge authorizes an extension for a maximum of anothe 4s hours. This ruling by the high court is j | a very important one, in as much j ; as District police have been charg | ed in a number of pending cases I with wringing confessions out of prisoners through coercion. Some 1 times prisoners claim they signed i v,»w=i«KM»'waira»B a ■fc'iwiinn m ■'imw'—imumiw—i.rm.'ij.aMwrn YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT QUINN’S | ill ' J Freshen Up Your Home For Spring 1 From Distinctive Furniture ; I tv, E. Quinn Furniture Co, | [OB V Martin St. Your Capital City TeL TE 2-4471 , | confessions as a result of waari | ness due- to long hours of ques tioning. sometimes for the want of food or water and sometimes from heatings These confessions are often used to convict them, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JULY 6, 1957 POSNER'S . V w &*'*&&& #fc» <t% t*r f>c> i y§|§®s’ \ * CULTURES • STRAIGHTENS ll Robinson \h. -will - m—HmamiwitA immimr fp<—io!ii ■* * * « * : Take it easy * : on th© * 5 Highway j - * •>, j 8 »*' ••• r*- * ■ *4* Do aSi your speeding by Telephone m> » Leave earlv on .our vacation «* trip—then take *t easy ansi |T play it safe. If you’re deia* ed on the toad, just telephone i J find convenient out door ft’s Twice as East #t> Co/7 by Numbm Southern Bni! /V\ —■■ i | J Golden I DISTILLED DRY SvW ftlQj 'Um&tr <m*/ "t'jMW. f p%Bam m jngmßim'% |J| .DJ> ! l»*t«Vs-«0 *HO OOfTLBD H*r OB ?»*s{ /jfpiytd & le&yttm V&M, j35jE j * vo » * C-* fU MO MptN* K>& tJ'lirt kfl> IUIOM AMMtCAK <JRA 4 W T^Vj |' " I SEAGRAM DIS T 'Um COMPANY. N. Y. C. ?0 PROOR, DISTULED DRY GIN, DISTILLED tROM AMERICAN GRAIN !u_™ _ -1.-1 1

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