mt-EK ENDING SATURDAY JUDY ft mt faerafd INSURANCE COMP\NY CON TEST WINNERS Several members of the staff of l«, : . < Mutual Life Insurance Compan were honored recently at a pro gram honoring Manager A I. Brown of Raleigh and E. M. But W of Wilmington Others honor tad were Staff Manager Item dsfsdfa BUSINESS SCHOOL HAS BACCALAUREATE— Graduates of the Durham Business School ere shown standing with the au dience and singing the closing song at Baccalaureate service *x c WBl)i-yy I *yi-W-yy 1 » .... - ... v „ >r *■ 4pt ■ f|- v '" FOR ATTENDANCE Mrs. Laura A. Smith, Castle Hayne, N. C. accepts the trophy for New Hanover County for having had ♦he largest representation at the State Conference of Farmers •■ml Homemakers held last week *t. A&T College, Greensboro, presenting the eup ts ,1. IV. Mit- Hiinrr, Smithfield, retiring pres ident of the group. g|||ll| For He la our peace, who hath made one, ami hath broken down the middle wail »f partition between us. (Ephesians 2. H.) The Holy Sp iril surround* as with love and good nets, With mercy and companion We shut ourselves out by :sin fuSnesfl, willfullnass, selfish ness. But through devout be lief in Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Redeemer, the wall between us and our Father in Heaven is broken down. Ij Neighbors ‘•‘Union welfare funds?*' Edmonds and Agent .T. W. ilristou. Thirty six members of She agency personal of the slate of North Carolina who won trips, to the celebration In Ka ! vigil, are shown above.—Charles Walker -erved a« guide on» a tour 0 1 the city. Plane* of note visited were Cow Palace. West- recent !y. There were 54 students to receive diplomas for satisfac torily completing requirements in their respective fields. The speaker for the occasion was . Summer School Clinic | I JULY 13 - AT IG. 9 * i ¥3.00 Per Week tirades 1 to fi Parents desiring a “brush-up” course for their children { may enroll them in a 4-weeks clinic. READING and ARITH METIC SKILLS will be stressed Only limited number will b< accepted. I REGISTRATION FEE SI.OO - 10 A.M. to 12 NOON Efficient, Qualified Teacher* Are Hired to Help Improve Your Child in Giving Individual and Group Attention! FOR INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL 424 S. Blood worth St. Dial TE 2-8777 Get Rich In Spite Os Yourself You Can Be Successful SUCCESS INSTITUTE Can Help You if I You Are Honest and Sincere About Get- I ting Ahead in Life, 1 WRITE TODAY FOR DETAILS I Success Institute 1330 SPRUCE STREET DETROIT, MICHIGAN itighopse Meter Company sod Museum o' Art. V banquet was liven at the Home Takers Hotel. Those present wrr home office affinals, managers and agents 'roj.t eities in XorM Carolina < it brer, s from Raleigh and Wil mington helped highlihgt the oc- Bishop TE f.. Jones of the Fourth Episcopal District. VMI Zion Church, from Salisbury Others participating in the service: Tier. L. T. Brown" Pastor of Ml. 1 cast on. Retirement certificates 1 were presented to Staff Manaf -1 rr Henry Edmond# and Agent .1. VV. Bristow by Associate , Agent Director W, V Clement, < Cl.I for each have have com | pitted twenty six years with j the Company. Vernon Baptist Church and Rev. C. E. McLester, Pastor of Morehaed Avon. Baptist Church. Mrs. L, M. Harris, Director of the Business School presided. Moore received awards from the above publishers in the fields of Negotiable Instruments Sales, : and Corporations. He was the highest ranking student in these fields DRIVE SAFELY PROTECT Winter Clothes BEFORE Storing! Don’t take a chance on.costly moth damage 1 Let us dry clean and mothproof all youi win ter clothing before you lay it away for the summer. It: costs so little . . . and it really protects vour clothes, too! I ! T ""'""‘lf" 1 ’ y*' :n,ir '( REMEMBER: I ,1 | ; r ‘Srims does not pay, .... i | | j " /ou ieai | Call TEmple 2-8871 | For Prompt Pick-Up Carolina Cleaners 116 Harrison Avenue THE CAROLINA Contractor Tries To Belittle Man Who Saved Ben Hooper NEW YORK (ANPi—At this lata date, while a physician was being publicly rebuked for submitting a SISOO bill for his services, Sam Woodson, “hero” of the Benny Hooper rescue is being called a fake. Woodson is the colored man | «ho climbed down Into the hole and brought the Imprison ed kid out safely. Now contrac tor Mike Stirix. who supervised the rescue job for 23 I?, hours at Manorvllie, 1.5., is saying June Brides: RememberTo Change I lames On Social Security Records By Ernest . F. Fitzpatrick j ‘Manager of the Wilmington, N.C. ; -- District Office! j June br>nes who plan to conti nue working need to do something ; more than sign the marriage ap- j plication and slip on the ring, an- | cording to Ernest F. Fitzpatrick. I Wilmington social security office • manager. They also need to change 1 their names on their social secur- j ity records ' Any woman who changes her j name should be sure to submit a : 'change of records' card to us," he j said, “so that her new name may j he tied in with our records under J her previous name." Records may be changed by cal ling at the social security office at the Custom House in Wilmington I or by requesting a change of re- j cord card from that office by mail, j "It's a very simple procedure," j Mr. Fitzpatrick added. “But it’s one j of those little things that mean so j much. Future benefits under the | _ old-age and survivors insurance , system will be based on the work ! record, and that record cannot be ' complete and up-to-date in all res- ! pects unless the ladies remember j jo change their names on our re j Cause me to hear Thy lov ing-kindness in. the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein l should walk, for 1 lift up j tnv soul unto Thee.—(Psalm I CS. 8.) Those who begin each day by thanking God for His love and His blessings and for a now opportunity to serve Him ; by loving and helping others, j will find joy and strength abundant; obedient to His will, they are guided imo : righteousness. ! that bam Woodson was no hrro although he. pulled Benny to the. surface. J “He risked the boy's life by dis obeying orders in entering the tun nel,” Sitirz said. Further hr de clared “Sam Woodson didn't touch a spoonful or a shovel full of sand He went into 'he hole wihtout ! anyone telling him to, after the j other men dug the hole out and j the boy was ready to be brought i out." Woodson furiously denied the J cords when they get married.'’ Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry gg SMALL LOT FOR SALE 510 South Fast Strcl . . . 31 x 100 Ft. sßoooq We will build house on lot of your (resign and finance same for you! Call,. TEmple 3-5854 Shop Friday 9 Till Si i MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Ladies Suits, 10.95 value ...... s3^9 Ladies Dresses, 2.98 value $ l 5O I.adies Nylon Briefs . . 39 c 2 for $ | Ladies Baby Doll Pajamas, Keg - . 1.19 .$1 ! Ladies Cotton Slips, 1.19 value $1 Ladies Handbags, Beg:. 1.98 . . .. $159 Men's Suits, Values to 24.95 ... SI2 BB Men’s Sport ( oats 14.98 $483 Men’s Wash n W ear Pants Values to 7.98 S4BB Childrens Coats, Suits, Toppers 6.98 value $3 Childrens Coats, Suits, ( apes 6.98 value s*«* | Childrens Sun Suits . 88c ! Childrens Baby Doll Pajamas 1.98 value $1 29 | Childrens Boxer Shorts 81 Value 59c 2 for $1 Boys Rayon Linen Shorts 1.98 Value OO c I Boys Sport Shirts Values to 1.59 v)* * c Garden Hose. 4.95 value • $385 Garden Tool Set 81 value SS C HUDSON-BELK Basement Store charge and said it was he who in sisted ir> tunneling to Benny, 7 | when othci rescuers were ready j to presume Benny was dead, and ’• so go after the body with picks j and shovels. ! KERR - MASON j ! Fruit Jars y 2 Pints - Pints i Quarts - 1 $ Gallon j Rubbers & Caps -alfto lee Cream F reezers I ' | -and- Electric Fans 18. YOUNG HPDWARE 130 E. Martin St. Dial TE 2-7121 Goodman’s After The 4th Gigantic SALE! Friday & Saturday OUR ENTIRE REGULAR STOCK of FAMOUS NAMES and BRANDS HATS Summer Hats Values Up To $12.95 Going: at . . - Only $3 00 Cotton Brasses Out of This World Prints, Sheers, Voilies Sports Wear The Most Beautiful Collection in Raleigh Selling for . . . Vl of Original Price Women’s Dresses A Selection of Lovely Dresses For Women Size? 12 Yj to 2 4'4 AHo Sup'T Sizes i/ 3 OH GOODMAN’S j Ladies Shop “77k Little Shop Around The Corner" WILMINGTON AT HARGETT 1