PAGE EIGHT R* T SJGH PERSONALS . CLUBS • CHURCHES ,/J^B it jflf (fto,. jflDr JW K! *Bu ... ★ VISITING SICK ANNOUNCEMENTS L— WASHINGTON VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jones of Washington, D. C. and Grant Jones of Englewood. New Jersey spent the holiday weekend with their uncle, Mr. and Mrs James W. Perry, -HO E. South Street They left Wednesday morning for their respective homes. RALEIGHITE GOES ABROAD Miss Audrey Virginia Wall left the Ccity for New York on June 28. when she joined Miss Marcia West and Miss Margaret Dickson, both of New York City and flew to Europe. They will be gone for two months and will lour England, t • • ( i » ♦ * * RESERVE ■3 M mmmtmm * *’s OWWT Sm ?m 1 “ 7 Jfeif U PROOF / HxM r f I ui s&O'ms®* ee. Mmmmm. a. 3 I WBfOCO »««{£*, # f*o» ,v I I «**► ■»% mm tarns. mmt - I a ioanf* it monthly p ifimH to fit yoa? tiMdfc arranged quickly and conveniently. And when you vaca tion in your new car, protect your travel cwah by ; ©wwyfeg American Expre&g Traveler* Cheque? 4 Spendable as ca*h everywhere, refund if | Chvpt 00V l St' Mechanics & Farmers Bank RALEIGH - DURHAM IWWB IWmWH wwweeßßM#se(aai«w«M»««^«*«w*i «»'HI i ■ I«H. U |..,^-, M JJWrM«9KW*»■• n*-~flfinmiaimiTWTlTfii«rinn-i ITiMM—wwwiMMliW—■■ H—nintiia■ irmrwm-m nwni-^eiwwi■■ ■ iiwmil1liall1Iwmiem!■■ iilaVniiMiiiHiijiu ■»■ uiw^i^lr^TiuTiiHiJ meiTßTi*~"r"r*~- --^ *nTmi-r.-iminiir*~r-irw-'ii~-miiL * Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh 3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIprH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 3-1071 <0 • ■mwr>m—ini MwiiaiiMiiian -- "~w. W nn, n- 1 > head of the U. S. in !b nuGi'm - 1 • arms race. Service jealousies hoe - i t ever, prevent the public from mi - • < ting a clear picture of internal to- ' a), atomic development.. | , Dr Nourse added if it, ni ' shown tnat an extreme an •<■;■<■■■ : 1 program is no longer nr-..,, then admlnistation sources can j shift their attention to building a | strong welfare program at home j ; “In such an event, it would b. possible to shift from bude-* •- m • phasis on destructive c-..«sid» ra- ] . tions to constructive on vuh 3 I moderate amount for the rains.- I! non.’' At the base of Dr Nourr; ’:•• (■ about Defense Department ir.fh* once upon the bud • ■ two op- i j inions: (D Thai Russian nuel< ; developments may r.o! b- Js- - i * jof U- S. nuclear dew b-;m; . . 1 of V. S. military sou c s i ; I'm. f and <2> Th'it TJ. S. Pc/a* 1 N jn':,i s | at.or Ha rold Star,sen may he n--;' I j. L Wm > High and light —and feathery as a cloud— is this luscious Lemon Chiffon Pie. It’s s dish any hostess would be proud to serve at her vary special tea parties. ) Who would sjue&s that this elegant-looking pie Is made with a new chiffon pic filling mix! Created by the makers of Jell-0 desserts, this mix comes in two flavors, lemon and strawberry, each equally delicious, light and feathery. This is the lemon chiffon pie filling. We suggest a garnish of twisted lime or lemon slices and sprigs of fresh mint, if availabla. Lnmn Chiffon Pie ii package lemon chiffon 1/8 cup sugar pie filling mix l cooled baked 8 - or 9-incb 1/2 cup boiling water pic shell or graham 1/2 cup very cold water . cracker crust Place mix in a large deep mixing howl. Add boiling water and mix thoroughly. Add very cold water and beat vigorously with rotary boater or at highest speed of electric mixer until mixture is very foamy—takes about 1 minute. Add sugar and beat until filling stand# in peaks —takes 1 to 3 minutes Pour into pie shell. Chill until set, shout 2 hours. Serve plain or garnish with whipped cream, if desired. Store leftover pie in refrigerator covered with an inverted pie pan. ft Rubyo S. McKinney. Morning worship at 11 o’clock, The Senior Choir bad charge of music, under the direction of minister oi music, Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly. Our pastor Dr. O 8. Bullock, is leaving for a two montn vacation soon and all members and friends are wishing for him a wonderful vacation. Prayer by Rev. D, N. Howard. Our pastor introduced to the con gregation the supply minister, Rev. J. D. Roberts, who brought a very spiritual message, front the Book of Ist Corrinthians, sth: chapter, Bth verse, "Let, us keep] the Feast." It was 1 a wonderful sermon. At the cJ.os# of the ser mon, Ihr. N. H. Harris brought! I ry foods, Shirley Alien, Youngs- j vide and Gertrude Wiikins, Louisbu rg, team hreadmaklng and Nadine Brown, Roxboro, in diviuual t readmaking. ing more progress than is gener ally recun-tized in reaching an ag ro: mont v. ith the Russians about curtailing production of nuclear weapons. The former Truman aide praised President IJiisenbo'wer's emphasis i upon ‘’restraint” and “moderation” ! for management and labor as es- i ioctive offsets for the present in- j flationary trend. He attributed present cos! of ! living increase partly to situations j re. ab mg from the World War II period of backlog for pent-up de- i mends, forced savings and credit j expansion ’* j ip the post war period, he. point- ; od to a succession of year round j built in "escalator'’ increases for industry and labor in prices and "‘The cosl of living Index has j accelerated recently and now con tinues to increase at something like I •> per crip annually. At our pre- I i-ent ivde w’U cut the dollar in ! h, : f in 25 30 yr irs. That’s pretty I rapid depreciation. If the dollar de prc- ;. i' •• 3 per cent yearly, the inducement to save at 3 per cent is cut a" •!>.'’ the economist added. Hr. Amir i', first lecture was "Tp rids in the American Economy Today.” Hi? final talk was ‘The Place of Economic Education in the Curricuinim ’ The economist, is now Vice Chair man of th” TMnt Council on Eco nomic Education. ; the second message in a very few |: word ft as he told the congregation of the fine work Dr, Bullock has accomplished, nor, only in the hearts and minds of the peoples of the First Baptist Church, but throughout the community, the state, United States and even in foreign countries, Th o pastor, members and friends are in deep sympathy with Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Ellis in the death of their daughter, Miss Cocheise Ellis whose funeral was ! held from the First Baptist Church last Tuesday with the pastor. Dr. O. S. Bullock, officiat ing. Burial followed In Mount Hope Cemetery. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1957 fly Neighbors j “Can’t afford the ‘Business Man’s Lunch.” Couldn’t you fix me up with a Taxpayer’s Caiad’7” ni—— i ■ .ii ■—mmm .mi n—im. iwt ■ mil— I'liii'ai.x Telephone TE 2-877 7 Bloodworth Stkehit TOURIST HOME j Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and Television <24 S. Blood worth St. Raleigh •mriwwm—iiKm ■ntii.Hi'm.ujiwuvmf wiWKiii j Is jour Fire Insurance adequate oa your home? Was it bought to cover your home ten years age or five years ago when the value was haif what it is now? The value of your homo is worth protecting. Let Caveness Insurance Agency give you full protection on your home ami furnishings. CALL 3-35153 BEFORE VOU SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3563 •toy CAVENESS. Jr. KOI CAVENESS, Sr. i PRINTING • COMMERCIAL ® SOCIAL Consul! Us for Reasonable Estimate* Prom pi -jjf Service Phone TE 4-5558 ———THE—— CAROLINIAN j PUBLISHING COMPANY 558 E. Martin Street I Haleigrh. NL C. i i j OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD 1 (Ask For Watson's Fryers I ■ At Your Favorite Store Jf |j » *”****"' mm ' ***** l,ll< *” nl,IJ '* W | WATSON’S I ; Seafood & Poultry Company, Inc. |i 230 Cameron Street Wholesale D*pt. f CiunsroM Village Rock Quarry Road t Raleigh, NL C. *" 'm-ininmiiiinaii)iMiiiMMi nm ——*»»— i UM STEAD’S " ! TRANSFER COMPANY # GROCERY STORE UGHT AND HEAVY FULL LINE OF HAULMS G r/?nri?n rvc LOCAL AND LONG bhOCCRiIS DISTANCE Your Pa *f on *K« Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficiant —o—. « ED. UMS LEAD, Manager W ' J DHL it Motor Finance Co. 1 * . 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 £ 'OW y ”»W —l-‘—MgawarS'-.y^BE? j Maintain egg production by i keeping hens cool during hot sum | mer weather. 1 For A Better Well CALL '\r-R H'FI.L CO. RALEIGH. N f Phone TE 2-4875 Box 1128 INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. ! - -- - i ———i N X'S, COMPLETE rtfj \j P Summer CHANGE OVER t# OH, CHANGED «■ GREASING # RADIATOR DRAINED Antl-Freexe Applied ; 0 I Washing ® Polishing I Dunn’s Esso Service 502 S, Bloodworth St. 11 PHONE TE 3-9408 EYE GLASSES ; j SSiMj|iir*tit>n»hlit> Quality i • > Pnsd«at Price® 1 | ; [|l dggmayg OPTICIANS, t*«. Bidg-.c ! j j I I+o*o+**++—+++#&*■** >****»+&. Everything For , . . BUILDING i REMODELING repairing * lumber * MILL WORK * ATHEY'S FAINTS j « BUILDING MATERIALS » BUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 3-7563 j CAROLINA I BUILDERS COftP, 217-210 N. Dawson St, RALEIGH, N. C. «* ***■» mam* sW'-eKvwwwjrMtcaitew u arw.Pt