Rape- Slayer Draws 199 Years Despite Not Guilty Plea Janitor Sots Long Term; 3 Other sDropped CHICAGO ■ \\i Jlis p nf old man h - rape-slaying man in h- r horn- 1 • A • senterrorl to .1 fi‘f . penitenti i v Judce >1 Court n u w : Geoiv ty of Chir-i *n i . > j prison Ww ty of fh> v"; »ie Johnson IP , murder at a ■> O'Cor.neil. session Nr.y«» .t .- police sfrer hi {■or "-■>.= ?■ !!!■ ■ in her home ■. CRnicne v >v,i « ' by ay istar-t fender it iti nr, s ; ’ bas*4 <*« the u<>»i ih,)t >*>. ttm a 1 3or h>r; < >i <• Sion aft?!' 1 ‘ ■ r lice q i Bft!!’* > err,,, f Jtifitemcht t, n . • ■ Plumber, ? : ; for Ft-? OSCEOLA, ’ Pittmen. ,■■■■■. ■ on? man v >: c worry a bon- ..-• replac* o’c pui'e-d Dll' another on> ; 1 Two ve tooth puHed other tocih ' ■ gum tr, ' - ’ .- wwrirriann'itTiti w*i»b-*» ■ See BUSH FOR A) h ■■ i REPAIRS nv r..\K" fiattrUi* • ,•'! (• Burt’s E s ' ? !"!■ . • • TV,! t . . ; R M.i !«,H, , f NEW LIBEROL CRED TERMS NOW IN EFFE FIRESTONE ★ APPIIANC-' ★ TELEVISICH ★ TIRES & T? OUR BIG TRADE IN AĹOWANCE WIĹL MACE THE DOWN PAY MINT PN $ I ’ STORES 413 Fayetteville Binnwwtwwatr/y; i.m’»nwji'ain»o>"iM> i p r 1 • A ■ ' : n ’ Q “THE HOE. < f " " W AMOK OS" Comer *vlait.*i ana S.il:.ibury Street; j mn T\ /, .■•■ •- t n*. r n i.. -ir ?; i < iiMUi < t , vv /\ 1 UrlLo T i:‘ \/i , i i T ■ V' J ,u VV L hi £i».-y Bu’tff't Ttnm Arr mfltd Oushty fm Qu :; , , •. -j\, ; N'ohc-dy | Undersells ... hi V\l!'k >u «• of diamonds’ ,i.i 'i i>< y J -mi Gordon that 1 •* '' i> - <\ oi i "one man ,'.civ p avi* tis.it hart the ucitfii ' in m uproar.' (Jordon a id <*!<* stale's .attorney’s of. ■ ■ - 1 ! ii-Wnl !'»r the ririih penalty. 1 ’I i'-' re !' r.ino. three ■ - ■-y ■"i ' ■■ r,rd or-.v r.barye of : iv,in ent to wipe, also j A r- ! R; r \ were struck 1 Pl.'il '.u.rod fttdh v; r« it I V*VOt ef'Hi'.* , | Po'n • •-'•nr{ afu r arrest, plhar h* jCi Mrs. job:!:SOD a*. WtfU til? j .-v-uv* : f ihx ,n .c Ather wmA • U;« :f f oTP •f- p % »’*f a polft-.T C3l - -w ,•• at the University I hiriar GT.oniU'U stStf-d. "the only ? iltit’S! v-ii *,,y.;y nj rviirihr.)- fit'.. j foishiittid ret the <?Ktj*eme i , r'e 1 , IP; ; r ffi; ihfJ | ei ui sis Iffy, ’.Ohio is, •’ vicious t a,f ano fici b.intj I sce mitigates I'ln', is the iniifth fiiv.e rich hr-i lc, ey,; nett to i I'tmiut due . lit !lf« He i )-,!■? r I i!i( i:■ n he was ill fi 1 3 i s;• • ,■ 0 1 -. Another ;tnt in its three other iee! 1 ■ i” ! 'R i : :! ',i each one has been repluc* .. ;.v, v, member He iiiifik wimf would h(®pf® iff imU ccftsed to be a rarity, and ■ -..Tc c.’ irrotypLirc. I • \C: >! I-: t/tii 5.3 i! rfiT'i t sgf tHl♦ '! ► ‘ i '-'; rc yo.G)' .’jrt'i v D r >3n th?v DRIVE S4FELY II 11, o-t Tr- W ■ h t r I e B'(>, V'i* t(i. * : i •.\jK r; -AVr tiO | KK’SESSO S It R V I CE ■ ri *. vr ?.* BF.trH I iH t -■( r>-T 8F tril, S. c. Phono SSS 3 | • • ' ts f»t.tvt r, t-—-■ - P ...uSWOWBW <1 . imi PINES i ■ (d.n; & hotel T'-> : l.Kf- for yon, your family j, i av.-'i i:- nor. f>• v Ten Minur.p.y ; . I J'im-e fvrtm Haleigh Hard sur- j: I Kr.Viiflf!;! Trr-,-,, %|cp f'riol | | Re. *•/! Quirt Peaceful and j j v>r- rutrr <o .Social Groups. I; I Omm.” Pm-Me?. Picnics, and ~.ir. <!,!<> R.-iter. and Best of Ret -V ■■ r.yr Keservations . . . F»f M. Tl-mplf 2-3540 Open 3(1 tAT E'htii : ••:;•?: .’it. SA'NTiERS Mur. >ti ’r. y Rri 2nd H.ird :• ;■ iae.- Hoad t.o the Riuht. j; PICTEHR • r --rr-.G-e- -sye T.v,-Trp»: ■BT spin. SMMI If m -1' / fv OPR MAN MOVlE—Clyde Richardson 1955 graduate of North Carolina College. Durham, now with the C.S Army’s lOilh Transportation Company in Germany, is slated tn play an \tneriean soldie* jn a film to be released by Live Cinema. Eu ropean movie firm later ibis summer. The Henderson (NC> (,1 signed ,i contract with (he film producers Denis Horne and t.orenra Mar.et.ti last April At NCC, Richardson was a mem ber of Hie Kappa Alpha Psi fra ternity and student representa tive on ihe Athletic Committee . I ] - \ ... \ MRS. CHRISTINE JOHNSON. n Chicago school teacher took off recently on a three week trip to Africa as part o ( he Council on Student Tra. -i’s joint cooperative program to West. Africa, She will mak stops in Nigeria. Ibadan. He. Benin Citv. Port Harcoiirt and numerous other African rifies and villages S u c h 0, Good r o^'\ Fo o d ~, J||A CHASE |l^ Restaurant j 336 E, Pettigrew St. /■ Hi >1 3-687.1 *' * j nCRHAM.NC. f: I Now Offer You I Tailored-Made ! CLOTHES Os A Famous National Concern ELVIS I RAND M 9 GRANVILLE TERRACE "II TF.mple 2-6784 i r— —, In Time of Sorrow There A re j i The Funeral Hows whose services you need ,j MUST be one in whom you have the utmost i confidence. i i —~ The people to whom i_ ou entrust the lest ten* .Jr drr care of your loved ones MUST be capable efficient and. experienced. m« . The Charges mode for services rendered I fiin.SfS MUST be reasonable. To jl fi.CJTK VVE PLEAD GUILTY to all thrrr of thes* j requirements If you have used our ser vices ... you know. If you haven't, ask one of your friends or neighbors who have. RALEIGtT FUMERAL H(M~ 322 E. Cabarrus Street Dial TE 2-2835 , METHODIST WOMEN AT BENNETT Students md faeul t.v of the School of Vfi .-lions and Christian Kervire ronducted b> Gershwin Musicals With Miss Flowers Reaches Highest At Shaw The Gershwin Mir icalo picsettt ■ !cd at Shaw University feaHiring i Martha Flowers, soprano, irvinr j Barnes. Baritone and Kelly Wyau | widely known artists, came up .-o ■ the highest expectations of flip; ! music lovers who attended Thurs j day. The noiso of (he air raid si rons, traffic and church chimes failed to detract from the superb interpretations of each number, the audienc seemed unaware of anything onfside of Grcenleaf Audi , torium, • Niunber.s offered and we!) re t coved are "InQuesta Tamba '■ 4,711 Beneficiaries Receiving Monthly Social Security Clieclts A total ot 471 j. benefit iar: .- ir Wake Courtly wore getting month | Jy (iocial security payments total- J ling fi'216.118 a! the end of .Dlf. ‘ Tf.e number of hencfici-r,*i' , r- in* ] creased by TOO ov-t VT.:-. and the i total of monthly benefit;-: being j paid a year ago. John Ingle, dir,- : trie* manage: of the ;-o. -al sect,; I it.v offici announced today. J There increases, h; noted, v r * It ; in part from the pr-tcetjor prov;.’.- ! cd to farm families by the cover | age of farm employment and self | employment under social security. Hr- pointed out that self em ployed farmers were fir-* brought under social security January 1955. Those over re tirement age at that time, nr who reached retirement age l before tbe end of 19.76, became insured if they reported sclf l employ eut income n* at least i S.lOrt to 1955, and again for 3956. These insured persons ; were able tn qualify for old age benefit, payments during the latter year Ingle said that fewer p's-em ; ployed farmers and their depend ents filed claims for benefits in ■ Wake County m 1056 than had :tw i) expected The number of i fan a claims filed in 1957 vvill be much greater. Ingle said For ex- I ample, during the six months, Jan* i uary through June 1957, 1.30 R farm : claims for benefits had been filed j sn the Raldeh area Noting the impact of farm cov cruge in general on essentially a?- ' : vicultural areas like Wake County. I ; Ingle said that a farm employee, j for instance, who was already at 1 ; retirement .go by mid 1956 be i came insured as nf April I of that ; ■ year he had taxable wages of $409 or more m 1955 and of at ; 'east $290 in 1956. Benefits paid to farmers and ! their dependents, moreover, figured ; ' in the nationwide totals for 1356 At the close of the year over 9 million people wore receiving al most one-half billion dollars in monthly benefit payments In Wake County for the month of December 1956. 2299 retired > workers were getting $127.538! monthly Also, 545 wives oi do. j pendent, aged husbands of retired ! workers were being paid a total j of $16,566 monthly, in the same j county lor December, a total of 51R176 was being paid to aged wi- I (lows or dependent aged widowers. This was an increase ove» the pre- j vinos year of .76 percent in month- j y p,»yinents to aged workers and ! THE CAROLINIAN the Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the North raw iitvi Afethoduu Conference at Bennett College. Greensboro, last week. In front row is Vte;>. Beethoven. "Now Sleeps the Crim son Petal," Refer QuilD’r. ' Trade Winds," —Keel, “An Aria Visio ( Fugitive"—Massenet, sung by Ir vine Barnes. Miss Flowers gave an exceller-t i rendition of “Urt Bel Di" from Ma dame Butterfly— Puennna, ‘Loti Us Break Bread Together," Law- ! t tcnce—"Give Me Jesus” Hall • . Johnson, "You Can Tell the ( i florid," Margaret. Bond." The rmisic tn George Gersh win jncllldrc! ‘T f<od Pli>m> of | Nothin.;." 1 ' IV oman (>* i ! Sometime Thing."' «ung by ) Baritrt. who gave a short * - nopsis of tlx- -.tor’ behind 1 i their dependent? ■ ' The lowering of the age at which l * ' a woman without an enhßed child i ■ i in her rare can atari getting bene* i * i fits is reflected m these firum* ! i | Ingle pointed out Effective with ; ;; l November 2956 benefits could be i - paid tc women starting at age 62 j .AJonUvv payments of tt 1.765 ! xi er*-- being w ide to 289 v » * or,wed mothers with children ! | limit' !S m tbetr c. < * Tin e payments together with tho •- j to minor ebiidren r -f r< m rr -.p H workers ■'recounted for 24 per cent of the total old-age and survivors msmunce benefits bcitig pant in Wake roonty, as of December 1976 • Nine out of ten mothers and children in the United Snlrs now have social security pro tection. i At the end of the year, r, - 1 ,, j wide, alviut J,341000 children un- | ! der 18 were receiving moptblv so- ! ! cia! serurity insurance payments ! Os these, 131.009 were bring paid | j monthly benefits because of the j j retirement of so. aged insured pa- j * l rent.. Children who become totally j disabled before age 18 may now be i eligible for disabled child’s bene fit payments aftei age 18 This type of social security insurar.es benefit, however, did not bee-,,-re pay blc nntii January 1957 and such benefits »nri benefieb n,? ate not included in the figures r, toted above. Commenting n r the steady ! growth of the social security ,n j suranco program, inc'p =aid that j . three-fourths of all men becoming ] 65 this ve» r will be eligible ior r-o- | ‘rial security b»nef;t payments. State- Wide I Principals ’ Meet Set j ; DURHAM The eighth snnuaJ | statewide meeting of principals ] and supervisors will meet at North 1 Carolina College this year August j 23-30 as part, of the 4ftih annual I session of the American Teachers j Association Announcement of tb* prim r.ipnts-snpi rvirmrs 1 plans was ! nude in a joint announcement by I>r. Joseph H. Tavltvr, Nf C Summer School director, sod Trindpat J. H Twitty of John j Chavis School. Cherrvville, Tudtty i« chairman of the p»in- j ctpals - snipervisors session i which to sponsored jointly by j NCC ,ind the. Prinrtpgla Soper. I ”isor« group of the American Tr It*** s Association Among sneakers scheduled to ad- < dress joint, aestons of the two I groups are TJ. N, Medistoi Frank Bort.er Graham and Robert K. I Gray, Snenal White House Assis tant. Gray r a former newspaper* j man -md college professor, Cooperating with Twttty and Dr j Taylor in planning the eighth an nual conference this veer -ire W. j ( Bsdtthe-* Durham; R B Cher- ! ry, Frernfift H D Cooper. Ahos- j kic, F J Corbel t, Armout; Dr. | Samui l F, Duican, Haleigh; Mr- 1 Maude M. Jeffers, Catawba. S O •Tones, Salisbury; C B Stew >rt, | Kinston, and Mrs Mae Rudd Wil- | llams. Fayetteville ANSWER: Whcit and nits *,tei- | 6y to .<■lightly lower. Corn steady ! t'- slightly higher. Milo f;'ioy to i slightly higher and soybems gen- 1 frally steady until ha.--'?* Vacation time is a good time to develop strong, healthy bodies and ji minds V ! F.-.nnie McC,illtl!H. d-an, of Greensboro. On same rnw s- Mitttt Isabel R. toner,. o( Ash** viilf v. ho i.i-t year rnrfcd .4 long irnitrc. ,y, dean of tbs. achoei. ivirh mibs! “Satnnier Time." "The Strawberry Sons," "Mr 91,(0 s fyonc Now,” sung v Mbs F'owt rs, and "t l ove Tnu E’nrgy. ’ "Bess, A’oti is 71s Go man Nom ’ v«mg hv 5*,.s Floaern anti Mr, Dunes. Encore numbers v.>ere "It Ain’! Necessarily -To. and I'm Going to March Down to Jordon • • Joint Gray, sung bv Barnes and Mire Flow* rg re spec f.i v e', y 01-D : iimlisilsi jfui foiU:iuL3 (A- 5-> JJ Jp if STRAIGHT \l BOURBON ----: WHISKEY -,•* . -i.i..-*' , v.K ,yj WAiSH ACO INC. * j .* yr ; f.,.; ■ ; : »'0 Summer Specials j ! J a D1 E S aH O P 'T h& Shop Around tkt& Wilmington at Hargett WEEK ENDING cAitJEDAY JULY 20 13.57 Wa Ik ing Mi niste r Is Not Un frocked NEW YORK iAN Pi Reverend i Milton Perry. :he young evangel- \ •.st who walked from Jersey City. | . N. J. to Washington. D. C to help | dramatize the recent. Prayer Pil* f image t 1 the nation's capital, seid ihat although he drew the wrath of » presiding Bishop of the Church of i C«-.id in Christ he wasn't unfrocked : ! and put out of the religiovr. order. Currency conducting a !• nt n-- | viva) meeting in Il.trk-rn that, is at ) !ranting niel.My npurnv crowds. rhe diminn! '*e nei *vrn-n toid re | prtsrs that Bishop O. M K»?i:v of i New Ycrk State, w.;? solidly back -1 imp him. Bevy pi vi staled that he : gave up hr. Deii' c-rsnee Temple in ; Jersey ("'ty since iiis troubleles : V.-its: L*iYVcti? MJMtant -t 4 fuit'-polcfn n n the civil s p ixrl*t-• onotion, Terr in'; rebuked in Wells for hi l fit cjiHf -.s This led fuariy t° think thet the Church of God in Chri-.i cudn'l upiinrt the Nccroer drite for civil rights n hic’n e i*’t line he added i j f e the centre ry Perry h ° ■ found the church in back of his ,i,.,nrt despite the one-man opinion of Fushr.p Weils When be hc 1 , <:> WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS 2 nedroomG. living room, kitchen u.nrj hath. Stove, refrigerator. ~tcr. wat.e" furnjr-hsci. $45. ■ -tppl.v in person re! .7-1102 «r*-^nt'*xPHro'?^9Bryje^.,,.i>aigS9ra^a«gaywMmna4ga^c ja -y Uafawl<ttrjTat his eight-week tent eangagenieni. Perry said that he 'rill make * cross-country trek preaching to Ne gres iheir duty and obligation to support the cause for civil rights and give financial backing to the NAACP. I tUMiiSMr »- ••srnvvMuiMVKOTaaKMU&NMKtwatAMtr'j.mmSMt* mßn PREPA RED r r ?%| LIVING I" 1 CIV ELLA BEAUTY COLLEGE Registration for the 195? - 5g Term <V‘H begin Tuesday ~-p --temhcr 3, at 1 A M For Inf or ma» io n W rite ■ M's, Christiana J. Pitts President ♦OO EAST MARTIN STimiT Raleigh. N. f «r wO v 0 -I § £? Womble’s i I Inc.

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