PAGE TWELVE Rambling In Chatham GGLDSTQN - - PITTSBORO SILER CITY By O. W. Headers P. O. Box 5 5 Goidston, North CeroUitta Pittsboro Notes Bv GUYTANNA HORTON The Mitchell Daily Vacation Bible School was considered by all an inspiring one . The Bible school started T une 24, ending Ju ly 3rd. at 8:0C P. M. with a school closing. The school had an enroll ment of 918. The group was divided into seven classes. Mr. Tom Hunter, student of Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill spoke on ‘ Water Safety” and Snake Bites", he also gave de monstrations on “treatment of snake bites" and applying “Arti ficial Respiration". Rev, Horton taught, smocking for Decorative Pil lows to the teenage girls Other Crafts taught were Indian Bends Party Caps, making Get Wei! Cards and Freehand drawing. Teachers and Departments were: Kindergarden Department touch ers, Mrs. M, M Horton, Mrs. Ram sey and Guytann;. Horton; Primary Department, Airs Son.ia Alston, Mrs. M. .' Emerson, r.-.ber ol Horton school faculty, Fittsboro, and Lucinda Rodgers; Intermediate Department, Mrs. Elizabeth Cheeks and Mrs. Roxie Small, pastor of Russell Chapel Church Pittsboro; Junior Department, Mr. Hermit DeGraffenreidr, student ,~,t N. C. College, Durham. Other staff member were; Miss *s Elnora Alston and Guytanna, Horton and Mr, DeGraffenreidt Secretaries; and pastor Jin- R'V. Horton were Director and Bus Driver. Revival meeting starter; at. U :o.n Christian Congrc gationa! Church of McLen.villa July 7th and ends July 12th. Service whi be emteuet ed by Rev H. R. Smith oi V-••!•■ i.a. N. C. SPORTS The Chatham Cubs of Putsboro defeated the Greensboro Dodgers of Greensboro at Kill P ,rk Pitt-.- boro by a score >i 10-5. or. Jnlv 4 1957. The game ran 0-0 to the bnrte-m YOU ARE WELCOME AT SCOTT’S TOURIST HOME Also . , , Case All Kinds of Drinks and Sandwiches & Dinners HALF BLOCK FROM BUS STATION Fuquay Springs, N. C. Tom Ashworth’s Tire Service * TIRE RECAPPING • DISTRIBUTOR OF GULF OIL PRODUCTS Phone 626 Fuquay-Varina New and Used Tires SAVE UP TO tsO% On Building Materials It Will Pay You To Come To Vatina For , . . Building Materials ® Appliances i # Home & Farm Needs SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! varina Wholesale Builders Supply "Tour Building Material Super Market” Varina, N. C. Phone 3d5 "THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL! 21 INCH TV TRUETONE $169.95 Rest Term sin Town • Wizard Appliances # Wizard Batteries • Tires * Oil Western Flyer Bicycles $ Turetone Radios Western Auto Associate Store FUQUAY SPRINGS, N. C. MMWTIfZIi-niiininirrMimu—i- ininimni i t inanirMintt mn ra ! ” STEPHENS SUPPLY Ci Varina, N. C. Hardware. Dept Ph. 26 —Building Supply Dept. Ph, 589 • ANYTHING TO BUILD WITH Frigidaire Appliances Lawn Mower SPECIAL Only $69.95 23” CUT —2% H. P. CLINTON MOTOR BEST BUY IN THE CAROLIN AS a nnmnm i»huiii»ihiih» winmiiinnwiau mm— wNnwnminmiwi imwni«»rri«iiniwr a w übihih mm * i»i.i«hi , w of fourth inning. The Cubs made the first score. The Chatham Cubr line-up was Ist Baseman, Lonnie “Dud" Rone: -nd Baseman, Clarance Peoples; 3rd Baseman, Waiter Reaves; Cat cher. Lee Richardson; Pitcher, Har old Richardson; Left field, Shirley Louis Marsh; Center field, John Brown replaced by Odesser McCoy and Right field, Coy Burnett and Shortstop, Thomas Clark. i Hopping About TARHEEL!A By Jay Bee Aytch HUDSON AVP NESBV HEAD PYTHIANS CHARLOTTE As the 52nd Grauct ijOilgi; M.aSiuU Or tf._ ■>. Jurisdiction Knights of Pythias and*, the 41st convention of iff affiliated Court of Calanthe closed here July 17. the Rev. A. F Hudson. Golds boro, end Mrs. Clara Willi anil Nesby, Winston-Salem, emerged as the respective grand chancellor and grand worthy councilor of the Order in Tarheeiia. Hudson defeated the Rev. John Alexander Mebane of Tarhoro by the comparatively close vote of 32 to 24 out of a possible total of 57 eligible voting delegates. Mebane had headed the Order for seven f years and organized or restored 26 of the 37 now active lodges. By vote of 29-27, Seif H And rews of this city won the vice grand chancellor's post over in cumbent I. Huntley of Greensboro. Mrs. Nesby was unopposed for her position of grand worthy counsel lor. GIVE 550 TO NAACP Supreme Lodge of Knights of Pythias attorney S. A. Burnley, Louisville, K.v.. was present and presided over the elections. Iha : grand lodge voted to continue its i annual payment of SSO toward an I NAACP Life Membership. This I was reported to be the fourth such ! payment by the N. C. Pythians, CENTENARIAN HONORED ! NEAR ENFIELD. N. C. Many ; relatives and friends of the Rev. i Joseph Silver, Sr... Disciples of I Christ minister, were scheduled to ! gather at Plum Line Church July : 22 to celebrate, with him, his 100th ! birthday in connection with s fa : mily dinner. HAPPY GEORGE j The happiest boy under ei-hi, years of age in Greenville, N. C, recently was George Barren Jack son, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H, Jackson. 200 W. Moore Street. ! Reason- George's mother, a teach ! er m the Fleming Street elamenta j ry school of Greenville, had saved !up ten thousand coupons from ; note paper sales and gotten a new English-type bicycle for young George. IN ROCKY MOUNT - Mr. Na thaniel Mackey, a young barber, who hails from Engelhard, N. C. eastern end of famed Lake Matta musket, is associated with W. T. Grimes in the practice qf his prof ession. where he is making a fav orable impression on those who have met him. Mrs. Rosa A Moore, (the late Harry Moore's mother; who visi | ted m Tarheelia lasi month, has | written her thanks for the kind i nesses attended her by those whom | she met while in the state Her 3d j dross: 1758 Louisiana St., Jackson | ville, Florida. j Mrs. Moore would welcome a | letter, card or token of apprecia j non from an? individual or organ | ization who would be kind enough TrwwwawnriTifUiii-roifn i vtwrrr w WVJ inruitMU* Twin City Radio : ant | Appliance Company Wfi SELL WE SERVICE f», E. Home Appliances, Sylvanl* and Zenith Television Sets Ph. 198-W ' Fl’Ql/VY SPRINGS v^ggj‘ftriw«UMi-seweMiiiiHiMHMii"<i—i— n n aaanrif ■ua-vervargtor --.maun j Shop For The j WHOLE FAMILY Hudson-Belk COMP A N Y FUQUAY SPRINGS «■ Quality Merchandise • At Lowest Prices The team is under management of John Cheeks and Lee Richard son, Captain. Alonzo Alston um pired the game, THIS AND THAT Visitors Visiting in Pittsboro over the j holidays were Miss Bertha Mitchell j of Goidston. Miss Anetle Baldwin of Fayetteville. Misses Marlene Mitchell, Ernestine Horton and Sarah Horton of Durham. to remember her due in her having I lost her only son and his wife, Har ry and Harriet Moore, NAACP I worker» because they dored to work !■>:■ freedom in Florida m ! 1551. SEABOARD ELKS FESTIVAL Jack W. Faison, exalted ruler of Progressive Lodge No. 1280 IBPO EW Seaboard, N. C, lias an nounced the annual Religious Fes- I tival of the lodge and Unity trm | pie No. 914 to beheld at the Mt. : Zion Baptist Church on July 28. Principal speakers will be the Rev. A. C. Matthews, Weldon, who will deliver the sermon; and the Rev. Kemp Plummer Battle, Roc ky Mount, president of Tar Heel Elks and grand lecturer of the na tional IBPOEW, who has just re turned from a mid-western tour ac | companied by Mrs. Battle. Miss Saliie M. Harrison. Rt. 3. I Tarboro. is spending a few days ; in New York City. The Rev. Mr. ! Morgan is leading his congrega- I lion forward in a building program jat the Red Hill Baptist Church near Whitakers. Plans call for a visit from a Dee Cee congregation to open the revival during August. An effort is being made to com plete the interior of the new I church. Attending the Knights of Py ; thins grand lodge in Charlotte last | week from this area were the fol* I lowing: Revs. J. A. Mebane and i M. M. Weston, Tarboro; J, L. Har rison and Miss Florence Mebane, Tarboro; J. B. Horror, and F. H. Hill, Rocky Mount. During the exchange of ‘frater nal greetings' between the Calan theans and the Pythians the writ er was escorted by two members , of the military department, Mrs. Mae Reynolds and Mrs. Pearl Ful ler of Greensboro, Lonnie E. Rey nolds Greensboro, barber and fra ; tenia list, was chairman of the com mittee. One of the favorite mem . burs Calantheans is Mrs. Evant !mr Games , past grand worthy ; counsellor. Visit lug in Rocky Mount Run j day. were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Griffin. Jr.. 235 Fork Street. Wil iiamston. They were the guests of Griffin’s brother and family, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Griffin and chil dren, 5411 Avenue B. Armstrong Homes. Louisburg Notes | BY MRS. IDA L. SCI BLOCK cm !if H Ac.TTVITIES LOUISBURG The Mitchell Chape] Club No. 5 met July 10th at the home of. Mrs Hudic Bennett with the Chairman in charge. The 1 hostess served peanut butter ritz ! sandwiches, punch, ii e cream and ! cake. j The Mitchell Chapel club No, 1 met si the home of Mrs. Hargis Fore, with the chairman in charge of the meeting. Sunday School at the Mitchell i Chapel Baptist Church Sunday, July 14th. v.-irh the assistant Su perintendent, Mr. James B. Kear ney in charge. Subject of the lesson "Jethro, A Practical Counselor." The Mitchell Chapel Choir rend i ered music Sunday at the New Be thel Church. Hendersn, N. C., in observance, of the Anniversary of ; the Foster’s Nursing Home, The Mitchell Home Demons! ra i tier, Club went picnicking at the ; Kerr Lake- July 9th The Rocky Ford Home Demon | firm Club had an enjoyable after i noon on. the picnic ground at Kerr l Lake July !oth. Before leaving, j the children enjoyed a weiner ! roasting. FUNERAL Funeral services were hold at | the Mitchell Chapel Baptist Church j July 13th for Mr. June Alston. Mr. | Alston was 76 years old. He was a member of the Phipps Chapel Bap | tist Church. His survivors are his j wife, 'Mrs. Emma Jane Burwell K.ttrell; Mrs. Queen Alston, Louis -1 burg; and Miss Avis Elane Alston | of the home; one son-m-jaw, Mr. i , T. Alston; one sister Mrs. Laura 1 Dalander of Philadelphia, Pa; three brothers. Mr. Robert Alston of Phl ! ladeiphia. Pa., Mr. David Lctne Al- I ston of Portsmouth, Vu.. Mr. James Alston, Jr. Louisburg and eleven ! grandchildren, nine great-grand I children and a host of other rcla j lives, ALLAN MIMS, INC. | FORD SALES AND SERVICE • 225 TARBORO ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Telephou* St-2181 ! Dunn News BY MRS. MARY F. CROWE , DUNN The boys and girls of St. John Missionary Sunday School had a delightful picnic at Jones Lake on Friday, July 12 1957 There was plenty of swim ing and wading and many good things to eat. Many teachers and parents ac- j companied the children. Mr. Samu- j iel Rhoades Sr. is superintendent ! j of the Sunday School. The Minso Hill Sunday School went to Chavis Park in Raleigh on Saturday, July 13th. Mr. W. V. Bailey took the girls selected by the Harnett High Par ent. Teacher Association, to camp at Brick Those selected were Jean Walker and Parlie Sue Leak. Ethel Gray,on and Ann Mc- Lean also went, Mr. Bailey is pre sident-elect of Harnett High PTA. Each year the PTA sends pupils selected by the group to camp, later this month the boys select ed will leave for camp. Mr. Carl DeVane was the speaker at. the County Meeting of the NA ACP on Sunday at Trinity A. M, E. Zion Church. The juniors of St John Mission ary Church sponsored F-»» evening service, The speaker was Rev, ~ FUQUfIY SPRINGS NEWS BY MRS. CHRISTINA STREET FUQUAY-VARINA • The wea ther has been extremely hot. Ev erything is very dry and we are Angier lews BY MRS. POLLY C STOKES CHURCH NEWS ANGIER Sunday. July 14, was Holy Communion day at Black River Grove. Rev. Alfred Day, pastor, delivered a powerful message . His text; Calvary. He emphasized thot Calvary was the place where Jesus died, was cruci fied. 1 The w.-y of Calvary is a cross bearing way, (b)the way of Calvary is a forgiving way. which teaches us the way of forgiveness, (c) the appointment in the here after as it was with the two thieves who hanbged on the cross, one making an appointment in Para dise. This day shall thou be with me in paradise. (di The way of Calvary teaches the way of re membrance —behold thy mother. Jesus having remembered his mo ther at the dying hour. In the midst of trials and tribulations its wonderful to know you are safe in God's hand. Father into ihy j hands I commend m.v spirit. The road to Calvary is hard but. we can i overcome if we have Jesus in our j lives. After the message, holy commun ion was administered. The evening service was spon sored by the church Rev. L B. Russell, pastor of the New Hope Circuit aryl former pastor of the Holly Springs Circuit was guest speaker. His text: 1 have fought a good tight, 1 have finished my course. I have kept the faith, tak er; from H Timothy 4. FaAit'n is the victorv that overcomes the world. The Christian warfare is a cattle all the way. It's one you have to fight and i run until death comes, Jesus will j Stand there with you. We all have to fight tiie thorn that is within the flesh, which is our greatest enemy. We have to overcome our selves. If we fight on with our eye? on God. Jesus on our side who is our captain we will win a c.rown {hat is 'aid up for us if we win the race This was a powerful message as ; many others that Rev, Russell hgs j preached to us while pastotfng this ; community Mr. Kittrell of Henderson was j visitor during She services. CIVIC The Home Demonstration Club j will meet at the home of Mrs. Gladys Ragland on next Monday night, SOCIAL In and out of towners —Mr and Mrs. Willie Wright of Washington j D.C. are visiting relatives of An gler and Elizabethtown. Mrs. Blanche Austin and daugh ter of Staten Island, N. Y., are visiting their mother and grand mother Mrs. Katie L. Covington. Mrs. Virlie Moore of New York is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Matthews and relatives. A-C William T. Chatman will be home with h<s family until Ju ly 31. Mrs. Chatham is home on leave teom London. England He will be stationed in Ohio. Mrs, Lattie Deberry was away visiting friends in Raleigh last week. Mrs. Florence Fuller was in New York visiting her sons. Mr. Joseph, L, A. and Mr. Robert Fuller. BIRTHDAYS Mr James Edward Lee celebra ted a birthday Saturday, July 13, Mrs. Bernice Basket - celebrated a birthday Friday, July 32, many happy returns. Remember your sick and shut-in. j Shop Apex Bonus Money Stores Phono EL 4-5251 Blanket Specials 2-Weeks July 15 th Through July 27th Pick Up and Delivery Service APEX CLEANING COMPANY APEX, N. C. It Makes Us Happy To Serve You! THE CAROLINIAN f Brown. Christine Hagans was down from Washington D. C. to visit her aunt Mrs. Vertie McAllister. Mrs. Daisy Davis and her hus band of New York visited Mrs. Da vis' mother Mrs. Fannie Smith. Miss Elizabeth McAlister is visit- I in New York. Mrs. Elizabeth McLean spent I some time in Petersburg, Va. re cently, Magdalene Chance is visit ing her sister in New York. It was very nice to see Mrs Mag dalene Russell McNair of Phila delphia, who is spending two i weeks with her mother. Mr. John Thurman and Mrs. De lassie Elliot were in Philadelphia last week to attend the funeral of their sister. Davearn and Beatrice Monds of Stanford. Conn, are visiting Mrs Ruby Monds and girls on E. Broad Street. Mrs. Mary Robinson and child ren are visiting in Georgia and Alabama. Mrs. Bernice Brown has gone to Conn for a while. Mrs. Addie Brewington is still confuted to her home because of illness. We're glad to see Mr G«o Fitzpatrick around again after a stay in Veterans Hospital. * complaining. Bin why should we? The Lord knows our every need and He will send the rain in due time. Do we think of praising God tor His many blessings or do we just grumble when we think that things are going wrong? Do we. remember that ‘'This ;s My Fath er's World”—and He knows just what to do? We would like to use Him for our convenience instead of Him using us. But remember we are His children, Surely this is a great day. Man has achieved much in the field of science, making more luxurious our living habits and yet we some times seem to forget the one who has endowed us with the knowl edge to obtain these blessings. Let us stop complaining about the weather we cannot do anything about, but let. us praise- God from whom all Blessings flow. The annual picnic of the First Baptist Church School was held at Jones’ Lake Saturday. July 20th, The Bus left the church at 8 a.m. sharp. Mrs K attic Voinbls and her daughters. Betty Jean and Diane-, j also a friend. Miss Hazel Williams, of Baltimore, Md. are vacationing in our city. Mr. Willis fMutte Clark has re turned from the great Metropolis j to visit friends and relatives. | The Y oung Men's Christian ; League and the Golden Circle Club enjoyed their annual picnic | at Rcedv Creek Slate Park. Those in attendance reported a wonder ful time just a few- bruises and a few stiff joints from playing soft hall. The hard knocks did not mean anything to Mrs. Lillie Belle Har ris. 1 am told that she stayed on the ground. The game was rough and tough but the food was great and everyone had a swell time. Mrs Berths Kersey and family, Misses Joan end Diane Kersey, and Messrs. Charles and Paul Ker sey of Baltimore are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Wright. Mr. and ■ Mrs. William Arnold Mrs. Louise Caesar is on the sick list—A thought for the week “Heart ar.d Feed— A man's hear I deviseth his way; but ‘he Lord directeih his steps.” Proverbs 16:9. Holly Springs RY ROY LEE WOMBLE VISITORS IN OUR, TOWN HOLLY SPRINGS Since June ! July seem to he the two months I out of the year that most people decide to take vacations and visit relatives and friends, our com - munity has had its share for the past three or more weeks, narrmly: Mr. and Mrs. James ‘.Jim* Beck with formerly of Holly Springs, now living in Baltimore, visited his family on July 4;h. They also brought their three children and left them to spend the remainder of the summer with their grand mother and aunts. Miss Gladis Jones of Baltimore also visited her mother recently Mr. William H Dewar. Jv. and his friend Miss Christian Whittney formerly of Raleigh now residing in Philadelphia. Pa. visited their families in Holly Springs and Ra leigh, they were on their vacation. Mrs. Eleanors Roberson and her children now residing in Baltimore also visited in our town on the 4th of July. Her trip was mostly to see her mother Mrs. Annie Dewar who fell and hurt her hip. Miss Helen Grace Roberson and Miss Bobbie Richardson of Balti more are still visiting with us and w« are very glad to have them and ail the other visitors.. You were very welcome to our town. ; do plan another trip very soon, PERSONS VISITING OUT OF OUR TOWN | Mr. AHio Benrd and family h.ns I returned home after spending | several weeks in Now Jersey vl~ I siting his brother and their daugh ter and son and his family. They were quoted as saying it was a most wonderful trip. Mrs. Christian Johnson and granddaughter has also returned from her trip to New Jersey where she visited her two daughters and her sister. Miss Vertex Utley for j merly of Holly Springs, now re | siding in Baitlimore, Md. sends j not best regards to all. persons i who know her, and says she is | planning to get married on Au- I gust 10th. She does hope soma of ; !y 31. Mr. Chatman Is home on j her relatives and friends will I plan to attend the marriage cere monies. CHURCH NEWS Sunday July 14th was regular ! pastoral day at the Methodist i pastor preached * mf»t outsiar.d- News For And About The People Os Charlotte BY BILL JOHNSON | CHARLOTTE Most, Char-j lot.teans are thinking no im t her > ahead than their summer vara-; tion these days. A few even have 1 their minds on such pleasant ex cursions as trips abroad. Mrs. Ray 800 ton is among them. She in 'on a Caribbean cruise. Mrs Booton teaches at Carver College. Other Cnarloltr people who are seeing the sights of for eign countries are Mrs S. r. Sasso anil Mrs. .5. J. Adams. The affable principal at Rid dleviHe Elementary school v, Ml visit Europe for the next 0 days. Meanwhile Mrs, Adams will spend the summer' study ing at the University of Paris in France. Mrs. H S. Davie. Dean yi Wo men at Johnson C. Smith Uni | varsity is e tiros Ae to Pav;s to visit ! with her son. H. S. 4t.. who is S a government employee there, j VISITORS TO OTHER PLACES J- K. Colston. Dean Cunningh'.'ir* and re. hi. McKnight made up a party of three and took off for Ihe beach and a fishing trip for the week end. Mr. and Mrs*Tai« uinriye Alexander of Patten Ave. w'fll spend next wees visiting rel atives and friends in Chicago. lit. Mr. Abram Way, popular su perintendent of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church Sun day School, spent a “wonder ful week" vacationing with friends and relatives in v \t»rk City, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. He stayed with Robert Dodd of Brooklyn while m New York. Mr. Wav succeeded Mr. Dodd as head of ihe Mt. Carmel Sunday School, Miss O/aietra Thompson, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson cA Flint; | St., is spending the .summer with ! her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. ! Oasis Thompson of Newark, N j SOME- GO SOUTH Clyde and Elaine Brown arc spending their summer vacation, j with Elaine’s parents, Rev, and i Mrs. James Taylor, at Charies i ton. 8. C. He teaches at Foirv: -\v j Elementary School. She is pr.v-i --cal education instructor to the city element ary school system, j Alina Mungo has just returned ■ from a vacation with relative.', i and friends in Chicago. Sue i the i popular beautician, jOTHERS GO TO SCHOOL I Mrs. J. T. Jones attended the : senior high .school Westminister i Fellowshhip Summer Conference I of Catawba Synod of the Prr -;by j terlan Church. USA. She dirtet ed a workshop at the brent which was held on the campus at W:;: ston-Salem Teachers Coll we. Miss Wilma Powell, served as h taess manager, also attended th ing sermon. Servicer, were g.vxi s s usual. On .Sunday Night Inc ex rr.’«tor R.-v Russel: pr, u otlier u onderful sermon v. hich was really enjoyed by all -, ho heard it. We were .v. rv oieas.-'d t» see the Iv.-v. Russell. Hope he will soon be with us again. __ This coining Sunday will b<- j Service Day at the Christian j Church. Do come out and hear Rev. Albright. Vaco lion Bible School at the Holly Springs Baptist Church v :sS •< sntc.-.-c nee y-p ep,! community gives thanks to Rev. and Mrs James Avery for the wonderful work they are aceomp iishing, uim ‘he ciularcn o: r>i,- i community. Others who took rMt ! in (his good work are also nppre- ! dated. THE SICK LIST _ Mrs *An: t - j Dewar. Mi Henry Dewar.. Sr. J Miss VatlerJina Womble and oth • t ers. so lot us pray for thou- quick ] recovery. MEETINGS- The Buds of Prom - ise Youth Club w.-ll meet Mood ,y Night July 22nd at eight o'clock All members of CDs*. No. 3 ar< > asked to pi*r. ; ..- be there Business of importance. The T.W.1.1? held it,?.- regular meeting at the Union Hail in Fu i quay Springs on Sunday After ! noon. July Uth. The Union nyy.-r. j sentative Mr. W L Banks was there iand made scan wonderful suggos | lions to the group. The moettnc was very educations!. We do thank the members for being present Mrs Emma Lei- Womble— Pres. Mrs Tna :-ponce, Acting Secretary See you in Church Sunday. Do buy and r-wd the CAROLINIAN wurHu raws : Queen City Cleaners m Ail Work Guaranteed ONF-DAY SERVICE Dunn. North Carolina. , .taaMiara ■. y ■ :rfS v r-.-i K.. ,TW'i..j/i- A -Jag...., | You Are Welcome At . „ . JOE DEW’S BARBER SHOT j Courteous,, Efficient Barbers 10S N. CLINTON AVE. Dunn, N. C, RUTH LEE SHOP Smart, Apparel for Pre-Teens, Juniors & Women 300 EAST BROAD ST. Dunn, N. C. TTaerT & SONS, INC. Dry Goods. Men’s & Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Millinery & Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear FURNITURE & APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT 104 Clinton Ave. 220 - 222 East, Broad Street DUNN, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 27. 1937 ' I conference ! Mrs. Herman L. Count.- is mix -1 ins business with pleasure. She: [ will attend a Summer Conference, j sponsored by the National Council i of. Churches, in Massachusetts an-! other in New Hampshire this month. Her plans call for visits with Rev. and Mrs. L. B Washing- : ton in Boston and with relatives in Troy. N. V. in between confer ences, OTHERS; COME HOME TO VISIT k< jff Wi Among these is Mrs. Sadie Pitts. | formerly of the Queen City, who is visiting her mother. Mrs. Pitts was well received with a full sche dule of parties and dinner daus. * She is the former Sadie Broom field. Mrs. David Battle of Richmond, ' • i Mrs. E. w wnadd on Otiklav. n ; Ave. A teacher In the <r,t.y school system at Richmond. Mrs. Battle! is the former Calvene Shadd f Ill's daughter art- veiling with in-ivyw.: Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Dugas on Beatty Ford Rti * * SOME GAVE PAR UF.S . . . Mr, and Mrs. Vi r P. William.;' of Beatty l.- * a Rd. wore honored Friday evening at a party giver, in celebration of their twenty-fit-h ! wedding anr.icejv-aty. The affair, was held on the'lawn at the home of the WflUamn. Unusually pretty dr-no? otions were center of atb-nilon' Saturday at the gala lawn party given by Mrs. Charles V. Bel! sad Mrs. John R.mdotoh for Mrs. S, E. Durante. The affair was held at 1(145 ; son Ave.. home of AU-erney JMtfl H/S. "CL Calling during the evening were ; 65 guests. Floral arrangement* in Red. White and Green were used over the lawn. Miss Mabel Jolly of Washing- j ton D. C. and Mrs. June Dugas of St. Louis. Mo. were the guests ' from out of town. Assisting in serving and receiv- 1 tog the guests were- Ms - *. S. 1-. Woodard, Mrs. John A. By. Jr.. Mrs. Mildred P. BrmLe. ’-Iv . Alleyra Westbrook und M-e Hr. S. Wynn. Valuable prizes were won by Miss Jolly and MiJo? Town. who took fii’st pla-BR in bridge The honored ytieh is the wife of Dr. S. E. Durante, newly ap point# principal at Second Ward High School The Duran! s pvr presently making their home or. Patton Ave. The lovei* home of Dr. and Mrs. Drayton IL Graham on LaSalle St, was the see le of a gala party TVedflesdr y nigbt when Beryl, their deuylm-r, t-nfertained on her e’.ykth birthday. The childri n h ,4 a fabulous time. SOME GOT SICK . . , Ds-vid Gram of W-uit. SL. who • is r: Good INmarauß Hosihi.i!, and Mrs. M G Gillespie of Dou glas St., wore among them. ' ;c 1 are happy to report that both are dnn:; nicely at, this wri’-ki, ; MRS. GRAY EARNED DEGREE . Mr?. Oph». 11 a Gray has earned ; her Master’s Degree in Elementary S Education from Nev- York versity. j Wake Insurance !' Agency !! * Mr?. Donald GirHey 207 S. White Street WAKE FOREST. N. C. DIAL EX 5-8(100 ( Mutual Insurance - Saves! HCLLOWELL'S CASH FOOD • STORE “Good Tilings to Eat” 305 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Wake Forest N O RTR f .180 I, I N A Straight S^pVl© •' BOURBON PmT V.u i 35 4/5 QUART Yl lUSKOY r-ffONI eiITIUINU COM?A.’IY V JkAWtf»Nei!syi.U, KSNTUCa'f McKinneys visit brother Doan nnd Mrs T. E. McKin ney of 2212 Douglas St. are in Detroit. Mich, for a visit with Mr. McKinney’s brother. Dean is a professor at Johnson C. Smith University. SOME WILL WED Among this “select” group is T K. McKinney, Jr., son of Dean and Mrs. T, E. McKin ney of Dougins St., who is go ing to many Miss Sarah Ev ans at, Key West, Fla. on Au gust. 1 7. Mr. McKinney, a graduate of Vogoin College in Maine, is seek ing his doctor’s degree at Har vard University. Miss Evans is employed in the Key West city school system *n ihe department, of phyim?.! edu cation. She is the ister of Mrs Jimh Cohen, teacher at Second Ward High School, and John flv nn. who teaches at Northwest Jun ior High C-V,-. L. IS.. AT-,- »va_ \i ■-... Miilon Evans oi Key West, nmumi ii?s fay »Wo i lamrtien. C«neia! Ms.ios*' Nofavaot oi injtptntjg* How !i*sumn«B Ssrtss Ara Sat Insurance rate? for a partißiiar e.yto co .-•rrege vary all over tee lot. A New York buriaessman (to take an extreme case) may pay $45 for a single insurance cover age that costs a Pennsylvania B: truer only sls. At that, the New Yorker may be getting a bargain. How rue such auto rates set? They are ret by the risks you run. tJs-'nrr a let of tables, charts and statistics the rate-makers put a price tag on your risks —consider- ing three things mainly: the price of your car, the territory you live in,"end whether or not you have a “youthful driver” in the family. ’ If you drive a Cadillac, your fenders vnh cost more to- repair than Ford fenders. This means your rates for collision and com* pr-: ’,enr,ive insurance must be higher. | Shop Wake Forest S BONUS MONEY STORES! j I EDWARDS 1 i ’HARM AC V Prescript's FOR PROMPT SERVICE Phone EX 54248 WAKE FOREST NORTH CAROLINA '«b— —■ -ctuc, j Announcing . , , THE OPENING OF I DICK FRYES KIOE SERVICE “We Fix ‘cm Right' 4 | Cor. White % Roosevelt Ave, | Wake Forest, N. C. : | BOX 432 1952 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille Light Blufi, New Point, Good TireS BEST Rf Y OF THE MONTH Cruscr isisr COMP A N Y Wake Forest. N O F. T 5! € ASt O L IBM i tnHffWbVJfaQrneg.way.jih>iWm(Womaw>tt -rs*NuwoK»»acwtJsfc*a«

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