PAGE SIXTEEN ME Zion | Shurch School Meets lold In N. Carolina hurch School annual meetings, nature during 'ha month of Ju 1n i:h- A. M. E. zion churches oughout the State, have been eting since the first of the nth„ [lie Fa.' ettevilic T'J :; ■• t. mt.h th v J W. Hatch, presiding, jnc-d July 2 with an institute it futr.ii-tufi quite s number cf |c- rt, .ichors and Sunday 00l wo •••her.,. The Rev. Hatch per ons who have followed :e nv ’ m?j. for a number of fl ri r>u;t that tin 10 .ii session ... , . . . ’ ■ ■ la.; id »u i■ j al (>. ( \ "u. ! Z n Church, r J ilia. Cor. .li..v :<-5 Rev. T. »*;•!• • ; ft i ~■ ;h:s TTU’e!- ii' V W n. fr.rson Raleigh. ,i ... n( L hip ■. Workshop. .T. O. he: n i. 1 1 d,i i c toi of adults; ? irs. t 1 ’■ ir I a ;;n. tn ■ rh i Iri ■•on. i;... 1 ,,f rha 1 hree-dny ■ ♦ -iy "Thr vooth's rpvnnnsi iv a; ' 'ft tt.a T. r-.-pov H-r ! son r. ,-ached i ; < c, i-. ■(■ ■ ■ r' .. | i . n,... .1 MeKi’iwm Vv Flodferr. A. M. 3 - douts Jim Crowed \t :: iiboree In Bermuda By tvn.Rn: • l hemming Jamcdra {A NP) Ir hundred colored Jamaican 1 I rude shock of pbevy in their life, when they Ir i a <-,! i its ■■on, Beomifla. lie scouts *.»•* vo tt of 60(1 pas- I frond I'cH'iud for rmssing the 1 1 : A in tnc shortest p but. which, some years back I an engine room explosion that Ld ever ?,0 person?. IStonpiug <i:i at Hamilton, Ir- Rein-’ ‘owed some of its ftswn.'mrs to go sightseeing I the tourist-chest-boating Inti that Skmus itself, ‘hub I the universe.’' Sum* srout l.i tiv-ught t would be good Id, a type to sample Kermu I.dav/l'ng i-nerj. hut its lad ;r: v.-dj. So they entered ■ Cnlno'c run raf” that served 100 on ft I i! !r<* t. |.! •.it tab. the lons waited for nearly half an [x Lew Films Announced py Harrison Library Here tie Eit-h-v d B. Harrison Public ■ ••■try F-. th a fi-tl-.v.-ing films ■lsbio mr y.v- <.f ndtift burrow r - I from now through A tine:.'- 9, IgHLANDS OF THE ANDES, ■ninnies: Bused on the "engra ft principle that the highest s'vt ■ents ir mountain regions are ftlly sfa'-a ran v.-sf.b minim:, but ■re cjou ■ jn'iiplc Hiang at Ii alLtud's fiopend only on ag- I I Miyt 1 MW :13 [JtjlJJmi mm I I nt 1 '* rUtr-ti jf-~_ l r.fiT!?yjfe : ~ilfiiLiu *?£» 'EJJi v fjtfot H > '' 1 ij-'t' cofw'. [ #>sw ] I f\ ;i J I j I »^' i;i^:: J'fT: •; r r& " •»»_. •". '■*"-■■<■■.. • ■,jdWMmiSmX »«•*»' * i<;'a-j »ir Be- ;«„•»«» “■•'■, ■ ■ r wp -■■ •■•■■. /JrtA t^^BSg.Mg« g VW^JßßygSßMiykHßillllßWS£lMiro ■l'-, v-.. - , . >' ’- • A I Spaulding. J. O. McLean and Sister ] ! Mabel Gary, All of the discussions wore plan- i nor! to give the youth and the chil dren a keener insight into the part the home played in making a community better. Discussions on different phases were led by Rev. A. M. Spaulding and Rev. K. K. i Brown. Mode! Church School classes wore setup and taught by Mcsdames Eva B. Young W. D. Carson M A. Wesley and E. F. Wiliams. Mrs. T. L. Parsons was director of music for the eonven | tion. Y/rn. Steele was the neon day : speaker on Fiiday and thrilled 'he ! convention on the doctrines of the ! A M. E Zion Church and the | ethics of Christian living. Othe-s who took part in the activities ''.v. ie- Revs. W. T. Jeffreys. L. R I White. Mcsdames Muriel Dunn, I G< nova Sanders. Sandra Rvrd i Maggie ivici. t an. Rebecca C romar- | ; tic and Alfied Beckwith. The con- i ; venlion has taken out a life mem -1 hersh'p in the NAACP and r. spe -1 cia) offering was taken in the j j Interest of the organization The next meeting will he held at Mt | Mraiah A. M. E. Zion Church i near Oxford. ; hour to get service, although the ■ovis were not busy, and when tlua saw a restaurant assistant at ; •' last coming to them, 'hoy whet ■ the ippi Bex with hone only to ! re told, "We do not serve Negroes. . Wr soi ve only white people." Xhe scouts were further shocked • i wtieu ihe manager of the shop re j fused to speak to any but their . fair-skinned colleague Keith . Thompson, whom ho told. "We serve only white people 'cause it's . for the good of the business Thompson then burning un der 'he collar, retorted: "I .am perfectly happy you told us, because I would halt to know we had spent our money in a Jim crow restaurant." Some minutes later, the scouts j returned aboard their ship when j r-tit to sea ran aground off Devil's j Flat." a pert of the sea which is •t with reefs. About a day lat er, th*; ship was sii’l aground, but ■ he captain said he was definite 1 she would be refloated before mid 'week. There were no injuries and j the scouts expected to leave for Spain, them next stop, J riculture, they lead a barn and dif ficult life. This film take us right into the copper mines at Cerro de Faucn, virtually at the top of the j world. MAN AND HIS CULTURE. 15 minutes: Shows the great variety of ways in which people live by i comparing the African tribesmen \merican city dwellers, people of China. Mexico. sSouth America, j india, etc. Indicates the character istics which all cultures have in common. POSTER MAKING: DESIGN AND TECHNIQUE, in minutes: The qualities that make a good poster are Illustrated by samples. A poster is completed in carefully planned step by step demonstra tions. THE PRESIDENT. 17 minutes: The film opens with an election which marks the beginning of a President’s career. Then over glimpses of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower taking the oath of of live and the achievements of strong Presidents who have made this one of the most powerful offices in the world. ROMANCE OF TRANSPORTA TION. 11 minutes: While an ironic commentator delivers the hist.ori e;d narrative, animated figures in dependently portray, with humor ous effect, successive stages in the development of transportation in Canada, SNAKES ARE INTERESTING, 'ft minutes: The film develops dear understandings of the snake a? a living creature, and helps build reasonable altitudes toward them. |. ” ' ——— •I ~ -a* -v<i<. --ex. • L'#I!ROOM TVCVitK SHOP Nearly 100 school caf eteria managers attended the School Lunchroom Workshop which concluded its three-week session at \ and T f’otlege last week Mrs. Christine H Frank- Hn. Baltimore, did. the director; Edna Garrett, bntb area super - Watering is important at this limn of year and may mean the : '■ difference between saving and los- : i ing that valuable shrubbery. Gas Cp, Oil Vp. Wash IT, Grease ftp, Fay 1 p CRANK CF—AND GO GORES ESSO S E R V I CF. ATLANTIC BE ACII CRESCENT BEACH S. ( Phone 9332 OCEAN DRIVE. C. Get Rich In Spite 0{ Your sell | YOU CAN MAKE $10,000.00 1 PER YEAR m 0 MORE J Good positions and jobs are waiting and § 11 can be yours. I i Success Institute will help you get one 1 I of these positions | If you are honest and sincere abou getting ahead in life 1 WHITE TODAY FOR DETAILS Success Institute 1330 SPRUCE STREET DETROIT, MICHIGAN J ; ~ | I ' R> ‘ ; Compounded quarter lv and intangle tax en in* * laK* Jr , $r surea savings, *■ ■ ' : ! ! 1 j The Koed %'phm liiteilrial Banic 122 S ' S«H*bs*rY St. Raleigh, N. C. ' j lLz. TYZI ! i I TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING /mm, SAVE 50% f V#On New Tire Lost / \n * f^rn t" r< Design j Jjktsja I V '•> i i * Same Quality Rubber fWt j |,)) U as Used tn New Tir< s f I '7c' • Easy to Balance if ';f y i Mi 1 RECAPPING j f xifjj \. * ctnf»At rm mv,n J Perms To Suit You! 14 and IS INCH TIRES RE-CAPPED ' HUNT OERAL TIRE CU. : 42s s. McDowell st. phone te 2-0371 visors ot the North Carolina Sehool I.iiii. h Proeram of Ka leigh, go over a problem with Airs. VertiHa Gregory, cafeteria manager of fbe Orange Street School, Oxford. The managers Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry . THE CAROLINIAN wrrp brought np-tn datp on ttu- I a lost methods and techniques in school lunchroom management. N.C.PRODUCTS l« OP WUR AFPEIffi wm? j ■tfOiO SOUTHERN FIAVOR"r 1 WONDER BOITIRMIIK BREAD , X" N Tit® Exclusive "©ld S«Mt##N*?ra* Fi«Bw«*r* Loot / s&t~ s ■—— Perfected By The B<ssk**rs W«»n«ler Ere*id ———/ , l(i/ / 00O£- Recaptures The Exquisitely Delicate Flavor... Now recaptured is the exquisitely delicious ' " .. . , ~ . ~8 1. ... flavor...,the unsurpassed lacy texture of • nr^ t »e / , The Unsurpassed Lacy Texture Os Buttermstk the buttermilk bread from the Deep South. *dCC/ I Bread From The Deep South I{ y°’ ar family is hard to please, then you \ tfff ■(■&** * / should try genuine "Old Southern flavor” \ v jj j Do it todav! Wake up your appetite with W onder BUTTERMILK Bread. 'V/’—v Si / delicious Wonder BUTTERMILK Bread. No other has this secret blend. So-for a '«Y V It’s now at your grocery store,, .a secret rea j treat —ask your grocer for Wonder Ly', fl flavor blend perfected by The Wonder Bakers. BUTTERMILK Bread. It's fresh. s riif- ';' *V ' _...._ ferent.... it’s delicious! »^AVT j \ fOMH \ £ \ rjr^k 4f« ', COMPANY, INC. JTWW3 I 4=|SS»t: : ■' C^M/a FRESH... fe MHO* ft' ; i *, ,MB Ht •.iU/; i\\ I (gL| I At Your Grocer’s ! Now, mrnmm *^ :rv^m I; BUTTERMILK makes the difference!! BUTTERMILK makes the difference! I Special To Tobacco Growers The CAROLINIAN tabes this opportunity to call the attention of all farmers who plan to market tobacco this year to the- fact that you must have your sales raid when you take tobacco to the l market i Warehousemen will not, even j weigh your tobacco if "nu do not 'have the card This regulation has ! been put into affect by the United j Expansion Noteds Minis ter Proud Os Record OKLAHOMA CITY Ok la.—When Horace Grre'y .said. "Go West", he did not have in mind ihe Rev. | A. S, Edwards, who journeyed j from Rockingham. N. ft, to OkJa ( noma City, Okie, almost 25 years ; j ago and has served as presiding i elder, in the A. M. E. Zion Church ■ ever since. The Krv Edwards tells a fro : cinntinst sloiy as f« how he felt the urge to come here and to work j in expanding tne denomfriation in I this ,rca. He has worked unself -1 | rshly and even though this is a, o -1 side-rod a mission field, he has hod WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JULY .; YY Stales government The cards are not, being mailed nut until 5 days before your re spective market opens. You can go to your county agent and ret your card anytime you desire This means that if you. want to market your tobacco on any of the Border Belt, markets, which open July 30. you must visit your local county agent, if you do not live in that area. I remarkable success - The remarkable pari, ie the fact | i 1 that be hae reared a fsrnly and j has educated most of his children. j ACME REALTY CO. ij p Real Estate - Rentals - Surety Bonds : m Fire and Automobile Insurance l • mi 1 WE BUILD AND REPAIR HOUSES 1 Dial TE 2-0956 P 129 E. Hargett St Raleigh, N. C. j rarniMarTiamiii fMnnrnn.Mawiiussaswar'AmM! n« ■«“'.»« i"r.w««.Tr'-rs!r ss*%ik9MMKVwv-’KMiwurivt*■ -.••r. «wnw i YCUR CREDIT IS GOOD i AT QUINN'S i ! feg&Uid /A * ! * I ft ®pv y;i i i ■ $ i Freshen Up Your Horne For S; | From Distinctive Furniture n. E. Quinn Furniture Co, [ j 108 E, Martin St. Your Capita! City Tri. TE 2- 1 | Shamwoppcis and tenant far mers air urgently to check with their land owners to ! be sure that the card' have been i received. Rrmetnhn thiv is a aov j ernmem reguiaiior, and - -v. will • be required to oomph with same. •wvww-tw* > r.mfVH v batewm* -«- . | SU t h (r 0 « d Foo fl .. : CHASE A . Restaurant 'U r J j 1338 F. Pettigrew lit. Dial 2-fifiTt OCKHAM A ■'HMUI'tiaWC.WcH ■d. i

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