WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY ?.?, iysy JGFKGJ os-i*? BIPTHDA'V <W! rnp \ IJO.V—Mr? Fmifil 5S Bitt!?bo?o [|fg ip n jr rssldeiV of Fds e r n n*!b° Count* Raleigh Pharmacists To Attend National Meet In Indianapolis IXpIANAFLIS—-The isvr Arn- | w -' convent urn of tb* Kif ■•• n. ;' Pharmaceutical As?n "-ill bo hold i August, r. 9. 10 m Indianapoii# in - , d:sns The OrrsniiaMo!’. pror-ooiont, Mr Sparling Clark oil Indianapolis oporstf-f. Walgrpen Agency store. ! A highlight n ( the convention *.> Ii - fc* the installation of Mrs Beulah j I. " tph of Detroit ar- the incoming i president at the c*mcludinc session . sira rtiffi ■ - the firtt t.o ! h? president of the otcanl 25'icn On Friday August 0. the Convention will be the guest of Fh Lilly and Company lot the en tire day Tli Lilly sr r ari2ed for r i riant *our and a pane! on drug nt/ epeffitiotts, Members of the g ~ wTiiiiiiii iiiiii»T i'liiwyr• iiiiwfiTw>iMww , a[ 1 MEN & WOMEN | D«ES T P TO ssbp.oo OR MORE AtIDITION.M INCOME EACH MONTH XFFEAI TO VOi ? 1 jr Truly f,*h?i!ou* opportunity to enter Hie. mnUi-rfOlbrn doM-vi *. ' r u ja kJ rim?. tssrcdi and proven Bill I’c-iru Pm Industr* Von v-iij join our a? : B distributors in. over It States in tvindUns our rr--iv.<knf to ?h r jgf ; L famous FAPEB.-M ATE TEN WITH THE VI BA * K BE HILL, thf most % \ k advertised pen in the world tod,* y Snld exclusiveU through our • p tiini ssid r ompJctelv Nt v- e n!tonuu<' rtu.pensiEus HUs is no* |S ■ * i *rt •tU h-aufek business Rotvrver. ■< * *••• u nvnii iiiv !w»-Mr»o 4 " • vg |» ppopf. tine qaajifv. You roust P cap. No uivotvgti yin' ; nf >' sr* ur tor you cpniptete*a EhH- i|| ft explained In personal interview with Compatiy Representative Write. n j include yeot phone numbr r & TWIN POINT PEN uoMFANY 5 Nstth Jark*ftK i.m* *»-m <in j. M<- g fc IS’ ” Sliaii Inivmity feCoii, * RALEIGH, >'ORTH CAROLINA .' V £ 1 ‘ “ Approved by the Southern Association of College? vd Secondary School?., it. Center of Culture—Source of Christian Higher Education Th* v" A Campus *r, Pf Showing the Spaulding mounded academic program offer? courses leading to the AB and B1 Gymnasium degree? m the following fields of concentration. • BUSINESS ADMIMSTK \TIOIS # NATURAL SCIENCES AND • EDUCATION ‘ MATHEMATICS * PHYSICAL EDI CATION • HOME * RELIGIOUS EDI < ATI ON • LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE ® SOCIAL SCIENCES Training Approved by the Veteran * Administration Pf!pc,i cl*: nt A BIOLOGY EXPERIMENT i« iihn«fi turi[ ontiHpfl by %'l of her 7* b*1 r 9l Hr~,rr pf-jr n * nbirh mrlnd r sevPii rhilHrcn Jnrtlv hrn survive), £Tand /, b!dr£*i ; 10 faculty from Butler University , College- of l*'hdrm ; ’(y and personnel ! fr om theWa 1 g reen Di•; z 81 ores | will participate? m the program. I North Carolina members are: | York Garrett, Durham; W E Arm- ! honn Rocky Mouiv. Junius D i Dourias. Hondo-son. Rufus S. ! Hairston Winston-Saleu«; H. T,t Mon. High Pood, Richard ! E V/tmocrly. Raleigh n'.oci?!.- from tu enty-tv o States * with ?’*-entyuhrec affilvated local j and .state associations. These affi- ; hates represent more than 700 re- ! tail and professional stores through j out; the United States The Women's Auxdmrv will J meet In conjunction the As- >. irpga t sria nd s and nin c z rua f sMnfls, The occasion was a birthday dinner in honor rs TSih birthdaw recentv, Mrs. ?:of.oat.ton. Ail sessions ujll be held ! at the She ! 'aton-Lmcoln Hotel FSTC Board Os Trustees Lil;es Program FAYETTEVILLE, N. C By way of conehichng a successful j year of operation under a new ad j mlnislratifSa headed by President Rudalpb t K>’'K>. ih- Srhnni , Ho’.’ d i of Trust• , e.' net in annual session i at the college on July 10 and ap -1 proved recommend Miens for an 1 '’xpandod nurncuiinn to h.-gm | u, ith the forthcoming tali session. Recently the North Carolina Oe -5 neral Assembly enacted a low per ! fitting en’: ;i 'ged curriculum and i sppropriat d funds for these acid.i --j tion- When the college opens in ; September m addition to the re gular courses ui teacher education, i students will have the .opportunity j to enrol! in courses in coironercis! ! education, carjientry. and in auto | mechanics. The vocational courses 1 will fee on the two-year college lev 1 cl and r«ri \vt_H b? S'Wrivb- Pott'Pl! I? t,hdU H ' . rnu' i hpf fwo t ~ try 3jpin a Haifghtfrf Mo *iayy Mi!horn mH M r ' i <dup ibintru I \ Irl a* hrbtnH th? Hto 'sljind thyff* of I h<p nlfiff- j children, Mu B r TiH -> ! .1 a me? S .*? v*g r ‘ aft d. Mt.* - M arv Gunter bB. HAKBf N FOTO) I?/* to students who complete the courser- Pl®ns tire also being per fee ted for the org&nut'Mion of a college boruj In the liiK- of carnp?,?''. ir-tprovo inent. the Genera] Assembly ap- ; preprinted for the con- ! btruction of an urgently-needed ; addition to the Lilly Cymnar-iuni The add.t;on will -shcludf eGss- ; room, ,;hnvn and locket roe-in.?. ; a nr--.' lobby, new •->Hiccs. and quarters tor vmtms a Nilotic teams. ; Trusts'-', pvi'viif " ! ''f vi’<--'tinw inciuded -J r 'hh H C"oo 1,7 (-b 11* tnao. | E. 3 yeHeville. Jimi} Roco>tha), ; CJold:bore. .Dr. M" p D'v--no. Fay * [ rt i gville. Gtrnr-v E Edgevt.or>. J ay i fJt.eu'i|] & . Dr C V F'ur’origer i H h field: R. J, Hester. Elisa j bethiown:' a# W. E Hornet of j Th rt Coi.Lr.-e i? ‘"Of!eluding a tvro | srerou? vimr The pUuYsri - j iheir nan.es HYcd m the current i .number oi Who’? Wh<' aitionr, Stti j cent in American Colic cr - r anc I Univ’ersi-Two members of the ! teaching ataff. Odell U;well of: the I ward Hargrave of the of I S VLn ‘ F-nou-shirs hw** i vetth he .dpu-vHers a- chape- Hm, : North Carolina. S " 7 [ : y THB CAPOUNIAM Love Os God, Righteous Action Seen By Graham As Necessities | GRAHAM SEES LOVE OF GOD ; NEW YORK (ANP) Evangel- ! is! Billy Graham came to the No- I gro section of Brooklyn last week i with a firm declaration. Ho fold 'Ol audience of sonic 10.000 Negroe? and. a sprinkling of I whites the nation needs antisegre- I Ration legislation coupled with j love of God. Speaking from the steps of i Cornerstone Baptist Church. Graham, whose cursade at Ma- • dison Square Garden lias been drawing huge crouds, said that color is meaningless in the sic Sit of God. I pv. w t , j r t;. *>_, 1 -jl 1 TO < ; *I,OK A. OO ■ • Mi v, Mot 1 Byrd. r nf Mr> Ann» p Pearl Ryn! at I uKon Bt. Wt Hm viT:rk J-’oi Pvshlp Colo., brt- &hr ill ip> work on a ♦hfrUTic i.ullSHisliipi 9'-h<-' »s & sra* ri t■? i $ ft * i, r h ,? »r {-fir h » r jfr OO! of .% 4 *|; f -i l l r- 2c v f,* r♦'n -h '■»m TSU Staffers: : jP ¥? , lit O M Ctiefti tty .f r itiettiocrs \i/:n c* ? !#-yi/# iff. v ! cißn Language? and LBcretmk f ; M, ? studv at the i j University of California whih- Mrs. j -i l tlie t v n'. ve r.n ii v .; s' 7V- •?•** •-* n-• t *rf A' ‘ n;• ? . «>ti sc *vc fr r *trj M»f of f 7 .»> ' :tir•*■••* AfjtOf; 3r}itsinh?-r. ITO %4-jM ro'iitnt-’* 9 5-!-'. at Inrltana Pnivp.G Hr- lias a *Hi 'rovj-j th#* r ?rh-» t! Foaii/G? ioti tm*r VC-1T V. "f<n tb« p**rpf»se of fa r4?'*.****!£ |v>. tr)f I>f ** mj* n*?; cofripjcitcn two vcdt■ * 1 ! £ivt t tnc 1 j (tt *otonto i j r»f rorsoaroh in Ac* l trial Fkdtrivior. Aldermen f?sk Kespilals To f? M 3 S« Ok h~«S»W Instill Vi \'j CHICAGO 'AMP The CM- I Cfijbi' cit/V counci! f'lo * | fee !<.l ucel; pa... •d a olutmr ! nation a'utinu 1 Ne in ph run. j rective measuit's by the board of j ; health and the city corporation ! ' council The committee, headed b> | Negro aider man IVitlinni tt. ; Harvey of tbc etty’s second ward, took th r action after hearing witiicM-cs f.-stifA' a gainst the alleecd n rnmin.i J fury pra ■•! the city's j hospitals. One vitro, ttici j rich C’. Reity.es. mover at v of rhirato ‘oeiolocist utatcri ttvif bis survey revested ft,,-if (Re physicians is fever th in In i the past bee jip.e of the dis • ftotjil'cs cncouti!t« d by then, in obtaining s< i)f appont menfsi. Another test living -it. the com- ; mitt.ee heating the previous da? i : was Doug!.!.". R Turner, tjtroctor of community services on the city | comm:-.si on on human ft lotion? j Turner sud that he conducted r> , ; survey during which h p mter j viewed 56 Chicago hospital >?d- 1 ministratrrs and found the fol-1 lowing; 1 Arimmist.raintft rtf 46 of the hospitals Bij'd they had no Ne,rn : physicians on attending rtaflr. 2 rive report'"'! 3 f,ot Os 16 1 Negro si ;ff physician - and •1 Five said they had Negroes j i in the pns< but none ar. present S His survey also ;howed 55 hoc-] total., with Negro patient.*. bu< i . only »n ?'* instance* •••ere they *h- i i rrt itted a... private prllentti of staff ; p 1 ” •• • i- Oftftins: pr ; f )} f- p&tl,6n *H i ' i the lack" of staff’ rdiibaUorA ’ > God dors not look at the co lor of man's skin, but into his heart Orahimr stated, adding that God is a spirit who can hr in 'Brooklyn. China, and Africa all the same time." Graham, a Southerner, said his racial views changed at an early l age. You know I came from the j South myself, but after I made ' my decision at the age of 17 ! be GUARANTEED RECAPPING with the famous HAWKINSON TREAD (Since 1931) „ COST LESS THAN l/ 2 ■ m NEW TIRE PRICES mb * Bounce or Rumps . * More Safe Miles i # One Day Service ; f EIBY TERiS The r’ibb®? 1 v -as* -mi seiocth ''''' ' ~r' tires, is bett?r nudity than that used in to l°! TP , . ... 14 hrand nP,r hr, '* : inch tires „ , , J-u-J -UJ _ TiilE DISTRIBUTORS, INC Arr o 3 > Ftgiyi V? ??schth C olls £ & ?s?.l Hillsboro St Dial TE 2-7545 Feed your baby CARNATION America’s ’ iisaithy baby"milk! . _ ff'"' : -4RI t A ■ ■ ' ' ■y&S ■■■■.'■■ . ' ■' s' •' . ' * i i W » w «. J '■ ... , ‘"X, j ■ ,;i S m .i ■ # -~v ■.!#>: V / J IteH. ; :N 4 jj f #(- . r•• ; -< t . i'.' A 1 > I , .p, r::p.. i "Healthy Pahy" William Stevti* Martin rj Lea Ange'a* you c*N trust carnation. It.’s the throughout the world than all Sdf r i. most nourishing and diges- other brand a combined! Ready iihtr form of milk for your baby's made formulas that claim to lie formula. More mothers feed Car. complete cost almost twice as nation to their babies than any much as Carnation - the proven other brand. And more Carnation milk for infant feeding - the milk is used in hospital formula rooms every doctor knows r — —* ' j ! BEST BRAND FOR YOUR j Is, \y ((// Carnation has special '! blending qual> t.><?s not found j Worid's Lea.dinq Brand of Evaporated Milk i ran to see my brothers different | iy," hs explained. ■ Some say God so loved s csr ! tain rare, but I say God so loved man/' Afterwards 'nc urged 13.200 peo ple at the Garden to ' speak up ■ when we see t.he people of one color being discriminated against " His sermon? brought forward 1 Christ.’” PAGE THREE PARK TIL FORD RESERine bounded | ‘S4O | ] iW fOOYwn \ vs Quality i } Hfi 9 | i b RESERVE c ■'-'if**”? * Vs * N ‘ - } . -*.A ,_2 i P*- WHISKFUK KOCr.ls* IW »tßtWi SWfl HIT 4 TOD DISTIUISS CWPPPiTh'il ' ’ v

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