WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY 27, 1557 '''' ‘ f' M f .•'«;?#: %;* .f > ■;. ,-: : '& : . * v \. " ' g/‘ ■'• W bi® : sM A* !'" V : V " „ : 4"V.1 , ;4;': iv ' | I , fi '' ' * M' ’ '*■“'■ NEW MAMA—Seven year-old Filipino Theresa Ingles, repre • ’seni.ilsve. of the need., children i f tier country, plants a mater jir-i kies on (he doll «he received through Seventeen Magazine's Christmas Doll Contest This vear’s seventh annual doUmak iug competition, now open, sponsored hv HrnSON'BEf.K. will feature a. top prize Caro* pcan trip Notr.tnbVr IS to De cember 2 with »■ out in France, Italy, Turkey and Greece. Yii rielle entered In the con'rst w*!l he distribute at Valet id?, through the Foster Parents’ Plan. tnr. to underorivlleged children In overseas areas, 5 * i». r ■ ■ f--,. s,t» FugiSigti ?TS> MOORE SI’CC L'M!’:"■> \ijw v» 0 «f. p.. ■'•?.■'-p j.7,- ! T<mey 13. 2\ loo;' c o * M*”>’ 5' • ■** Ft uit) s, * V,* •- • T-a; . v Kew P ov\ Nov,,.' Va. j A. C. E IEAGD HONORS A mem berm: p drive vvoc*. k.uncii- ) ed r,v the Ai ' Lc - .e es ■:. [' . ■ Church, Sunday duly 14 A hr,: ! number of new rr.c-r.ib?!-- uv • m | a*K-ariai.cc t-iote jn th.- ! People’s Pc parin' nt aad in thv I Atiu * 3 Depart!’"cm. Tile meeting .it <*, | o'clock p.m. with J i r' ,Sc:i‘t rresidhtg- The tnpi< for dis ; cusmo; ' f‘ors ; fh : r I it- Li lies,which w!s beautifully emphasized by Ui? ! - trtrr. The subtopics were discussed, in *er>pered with so! ns and ;o •t'umeita! :p'i •>••. Tin* drive will continue through Aug. 4. At an appointed time during the : meeting, one of the yonnr. p- ople j quietly announced to the President 1 of Ihe League that a supriso await- : ed us downstairs. The dining room was decorated I artistically with flower?. Mamie Riddick received the Leaguers and j guests and directed them to the table where the punch bow! was i surrounded with cookies of all cle- j scriptions. It was a very enjoy- i able surprise on a very warm night, j Young peopie taking a part in ; the Surprise were. Ariessa Brown, ] Elsie Scot., Mamie Riddick. Bar- i bara Muchell, Elaine Johnson and j Pons Bonn, Charles Fuller, Leon Penn, Jr, Terry Hough, Jr., Bobby McQueen and Atlas Edwards. Among the Adults present were Mrs. Arldie G. Logan. President of the League: Mr. Don T. Rough, Sr., 2nd Vice President; Mrs, Doris McAd -BDt, adult leader, Airs. Pinkie Hail, • Mrs. C. J- Wortham Mrs. Nellie Burch, Mrs. Resale Farter, Airs. Martha Spruill, • Martha Horne, Mi'-. Mae AUioi in, Mrs. Mary f.Jltlelohn and Mrs. Currie ( isMHirrry. Bridge Champs Plan Msetisig k Pittsburgh WASHINGTON (ANP) Vic t- r It. Daly, president of the Amer ican Bridge association, stated this week ,h. this year's national championships will be the best at tended in the 24-year history of the Association. The annual tournament will be held at the Hotel Fort Pitt, Pitts burgh, August 10 through the 17. •So great has been the demand for h'-tal accomodations, that the Fort Pitt announced last week that it was booked to capacity, Overflow *pac# was being provided at the Will Crown ‘Miss Elk:’ Sleigh's Elks Lounge Scene -fi* if ac* 9 Mfh Sf! f ms rs Pi nn& £* ui QU nur 1 ff * rill Sir v To Crown *'Mi?s P.ik Ila main feature of the ' duncr uili hr the crowning ot ' Hiss s Ik,” who will hr chosen from .itnoiu contestants rotn fii-'.T.y nr th- title from the i seven loffes* ! Johnny Mir.ter and his Orchestra 1 | will presen 1 music for the oevasion | and Kid” Sparrow, famous come- 1 i dian sod dancer, will premiete his ! -1557 Revile.” Dancing will get underway at 1 1 pm. The public is invited. Officials of the F.lks Fifth Dis i trim are: Julius R Haywood, i IG; r.d Deputy, chairman: Mrs | IT ,■ ; Chavis. Daughter Deputy. ‘ c--cha and Ilenry Atwi'cr. ; i Fcci-otiiry-Ti’c-asurer, Special De- : Thr purpose of thr '"riiss t■' " contest (« to choose » person to represent the D!s ijet :it the National Conven ing in Philadelphia in August. The winner will receive r free trip to the ror.fab and att ex penses wiil he. paid by the Fifth District. Lodges included in the Fifth i | District, are : Fidelity Lodge, 222, j • Raleigh: Bull City Lodge. 317. Dur- » i ham: " Pride of Vance, 1143 Hen- i dorson: V, m r-n County, 1214. Wise .. . : . ; Secuiit} 638, Sanford; Al )«'ight. 1401, SiTiithfiold; Pride of j : Orange, 276,' Chapel Hill j Penn-Sheraton, the Roosevelt and 1 ’ other nearby down-town hotels. All of the ball-room space I in thr hotel has been contrac ted for by the ABA which es timates that a minimum of 125 tables will he in play through ! out the entire eight days and nights of the tournament. Mr. Daly said that the nearly sev en hundred players will enter an average of five events, making a total of 3500 entries. For these entries they will pay j | approximately $9,000 in entry fees. : j One hundred and sixty engraved 1 trophies will be awarded to the | winning contestants, and Life Mas- j i ter emblem*! will be presented to ■ , those who have acquired a total : : of 3.00 national master points dur- j i 1 \\f> past year. 1 AST YEAR’S CHAMPIONS TO DEFEND 1 The president stated that all of. ’ of the current, champions who won j their titles in Chicago last sum- i j mer wit! defend in Pittsburgh, i From New York will come the National Individual Champion, Sam White. Dr. Joseph Henry, Washington, D. C. and major Rob ert Fru-nd, Dayton, are the Men's Bairs champions. From Chicago, Mrs. I.ola Scales and Mrs. Vivian Brig ham will be on hand to defend j the Women’s crown. Also from j j Chicago, James Garcia and El vert Marsh will defend the j coveted Open Fairs Title. The 1 Mixed Pairs champions are from Brooklyn, Airs. Catherine Harris and Edward Williams. One of the biue ribbon ev ents of the bridge world is the Open Team of Four title. Mr. Daly is .now concluding his j eighth year as president 800 Educators F rom 31 States Expected At ATA’s 54th Session At North Carolina College July 28, 29 And 30 | DURHAM Some 800 eduea- 1 tors from 31 states are expected ! to attend the 54th annual meeting j of the American Teachers Associ- ; ation at North Carolina College. July 28, to 30, according to ATA President T. R Speigner of NCC President Eisenhower, Gov ernor Luther Hodges of North Zion Women End : Successful Meet DINWIDDIE. Va. The first , Summer Conference, sponsored by j the Woman's Home a*nd Foreign ! Missionary Society, A. M. F,. Zion J j Church, ended here Friday, after | a four-day session, which was at- j tended by more than 200 persons, j The Conference was planned by the Executive Committee of the Society and was designed to bring together missionary workers from ail over the country to discuss ways and means to expand the work. The theme of the meeting was. “Come to learn. Go forth to serve”. Classes in missions were conduct ed by Prof. VV. L. Yates, who heads { the department, of Missions, Hood j Theological Seminary, Salisbury, j N, C. Mrs. Hiidred Wactor, New j York, conducted classes for those | who are interested in youth. Mrs. ' Charlotte T. Haselrig, Chicamau- : ga, Georgia, held classes for those ; who work with children. Mrs. Emma B. Watson. Lancastr, j i S. C., had charge of classes for a- j | dulls. Mrs. M Ardelle Shaw, Wil- j nnngton. C . gave spi mu | ses in ‘‘Christ, the Church and ! j Race Relations. ’ Each teacher ! I proved helpful. Mrs. Shaw's course | | was perhaps most unique, due to j the fact that it dealt with Integra- j i tion in all walks of life. She told ! ! the members of the class that in- ! ! tegralion was not. only desired in ! 1 schools but on all levels She. ad- i Easy Terms Do Our Own Financing! ' Dependable West.inghouse Ranges LIST PRICE SALE 36" Apt. Size 249.95 143.95 30” Apt. Size 209.05 *1 80*00 I 40” Full Sizo^ Deluxe-. .320.0-5 230,00 ! 40’" Deluxe ........... 369.05 282*00 40” Deluxe 409.95 240.00 COMPLETE HOME LALMIKV—WORK SAVER Westmghouse Wash f Dii Laundramat Lss* Price 529 95 358«39 ■ - Westinghouse Refrigerator Buys LIST PRICE SALE BCu. Ft 249.95 199.00 ! 0.5 Cu. Ft. 340.93 279.00 11.4 Cu. Ft 449.95 320.00 12.2 Cu Ft 519.95 343.00 13.2 Cu. Ft. Pink 529.95 330.00 j Whirlpool Clothes Dryer List Price 229.95 118.00 ' ; SUPERB BUYS ON RCA T V. LIST PRICE S VLE 21” All Channel - non ne Table Model 369.05 ZfaJlUO 21” Deluxe Console nnn nr All Channel 369.95 443.33 1-21” Color 525.00 450.09 AJI Channel FLOOR SAMPLE FAN CLEARANCE LIST PRICE SALE hi” Oscillating 17.95 $14.95 12” Oscillating 29.95 $26.95 21” Exhaust 39.95 $29.95 21” Portable 39.95 $29.95 21” Reversible Window 49.95 $39.95 Twin Ventilator Window 59.95 $49.95 21” Roll Around Fan 59.95 $49.95 Go Through Tunnel From Main Store t Carolina and high represents- | lives of the U. S, Department of Health. Education, anu Wel fare have already sent greet ing to ATA for s, successful session. “Conserving Our Human Re* j sources Through Adequate. Equit- j able, and Effective Education" is ! monished them, however, that tole- J ranee on the part of all concerned i would have io be recognized and accepted. She urged participation on mixed comraitß os, nos ’usi to ' be represented but for real con*ri- • bution to the work of the commit tees. j Mrs, Amelia M. Tucker, Louis ville. Ky.. was the speaker for : Vespers, held every even.ng at 7:00. Others who took part in lectures and addresses were; Mesdames Ju- ‘ anita Adjahoe, N. L. Meeks, Ethel ! .Lewis, Eugenia Goldsmith, W. D. j Carson, Cleo Tyner, Elsie Keyes, ■ Idunia Rogerson, Cordelia Elliott, j Georgia Cauthen and Mabel Jones, i Mrs. Abhie Clement Jackson, j general president, was in attend- • ance and made quite a contribu tion. Mrs. Alccstis Coleman, was ! the chain: an and served as ’he ! dean of the Conference. Mrs. Geor gia L. Cauthen was co-chairman. . Mrs. S. J. Medford also served as j co-chairman and was host-super- : visor. The outstanding feature was the serving of the Hciy S&crernettt of the Lord's Supper at 7:00, Friday morning. Bishop H. T Medford ad- : ministered (he communion and was j assisted by a number of ministers, j who were in attendance Bishop i S, G Spottswood was the guest of ; the Conference on Wednesday THE CAROLINIAN the theme for the year. The. conference starts in Duke Auditorium Sunday, July 28, with a memorial service at 4:00 o’clock. The speaker will be President C. V Troup of Ft. Valley, Ga. United Nations Mediator Frank Porter Graham, former president of the University of North Caroli na is the keynote speaker at the first, public session at 7:30 p.m. iJuiy 28). U, S Presidential Assistant Robert. B. Gray of Washington will speak at 11:00 a.tn. Mon day (July 29). Gray’s speech is sponsored by the NCC Sum mer School in cooperation with the Principals and Supervisor* Section of the North Carolina Teachers Association. The state-wide (N.C.) Prind p, is-Supervisors eighth annual .... . .u., ■l.ll, IH—,,HIWWinW,mMI—IWMMIWMM—Mwmm l—M—M—. i I 42 YEARS OF SERVICE! For almost half a century we have been undertakers in Raleigh and vicinity serving you and your families m the most trying times. For 42 years we have given dignified, experienced service at costs that are amazingly low*. HOW CAN WE 00 THIS? | We buy our caskets in large quantities and have our nvn show room. Because we do this we are able to get discounts that other undertakers, who buy one at a time, can’t get. So we pass along the savings to you at a time, when every dollar saved is needed most. RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME 322 E. Cabarrus Street Dial TE 2-2835 Famous Name Brand Appliances At Prices That Will Astound You Warehouse is at the baek of Wilmington Street Store 'Spring-Wouid Clocks Vi Price PRICES CUT TO ROCK BOTTOM LIST SALE Portable Washers 79.95 30.0 G 18” Lawn Mowers 59.15 49.95 Westinghouse ac 12 Cu. Ft. Freezer .... 389.95 1 Portable Space 1 n AC Air Conditioners .... .39.95 I ! Coffee Kits 7.95 5.85 50’ Garden Hose t. 59 3.66 j Garden Carts 7.50 5*50 RCA Hi-Fi 45 RPM -y ft M Record Player .89.95 f %J»UU FLOOR SAMPLE VACUUM CLEANERS LIST SALE 1-Lewyt 79.95 49.95 1-GE Rol-Around 59.95 49.95 1-Hoover Upright ....119.95 69.95 Hoover Constellation ..97.50 69.95 Hudson BelK Com fortably Air Conditioned conference will meet in conjunc- j tion with ATA this ye?r Dr. Deborah C. Partridge, pro fessor of education at Queen s Col lege, Flushing. N. Y., and visiting professor of education at the Uni versity of Illinois, is the principal speaker for the Monday night pub lic session at 7;30. One of the highlights of the con ferenae is the Tuesday morning professional symposium starting at 9.00 o'clock in Duke Auditorium. “Current Movements and Is sues in Education Today" is this year’s symposium topic. Dr, Helen G. Edmonds, profes sor of history at North Caro lina College, will serve as co ordinator. Discussants will include Dr. j Samuel A. Madden, Director of ; Field Service, Virginia State Col- i lege, Petersburg. Va; Dr, W. J. j Kennedy, Jr., President of N C Mutual Life Insurance Co., and j member of the Board of Higher i Education in North Carolina: and ; Dr, Aaron Brown, Director of the Phelps Stokes Fund Ptojecf, New York. Dr John W. Davis, former President of West Virginia State, College, will be the ban quet speaker at 7:30 Tuesday night in the college cafeteria. Iri addition to the addresses of noted speakers ard panel discus sions with some of the nation s leading educators, the conference wil! present eight special work shops. I— wertii—iiimi—in mu mi mmk N.C. STH DISTRICT-IBPOE of W PRESENTS DANCE & SHOW ELKS’ LOUNGE 619 E, Davie St. Raleigh, N. C. Saturday From 9 P.M. ? j AUGUST %f 111 19 5 7 Featuring.., j KID SPARROW and His 1957 Revue Plus —JOHNNY MINTER and His Band ADMISSION - - ~ -75 c Sponsored By The Following Lodges: FIDELITY LODGE NO. 277 SECURITY LODGE NO. 9*B Raleigh, N. C. Sanford. N C BULL CITY LODGE NO 317 ALBRIGHT LODGE NO- 1401 Durham, N. C Smithfieid, \. C. j PRIDE OF VANCE NO. 1113 PRIDE OF ORANGE NO ’73 Henderson, N. C- Chanel Hill. N C i WARREN COUNTY NO \2U Special Purchase! Mill End Room Size Rugs, Save up to ! 50% Absolutely perfect! Just the remainder of what, v.is on the rolls of famous manufacturers, cut and expertly bound to room rugs. All Wool. Wool and Rayon and Wool and Nylon. Twist; Velvets, Wiltons. Axminsters, fabulous colors, enchanting new patterns, exciting savings' Big Savings On Quality Rugs LIST SALK 12 Ft. 100% q OR Wool Twist Carpet 11.95 V Li Only 4 Rolls 100% fi PCI Nylon -15 Ft. Width 10.95 sTm Width QUALITY feeg. SALE 12 ft, Cotton 6.95 3,99 12 ft. Nylon Rayon 8.05 6,95 Solution Dyed * -ft 12 ft. Rayon 5.95 J 12 ft. Nylon-Rayon 7.95 4,89 12 ft Durlon 595 4«*is 12ft. Nylon Rayon % 4*89 15 ft, 100% Nylon l'U)5 - 6,89 12 ft. 100% Wool 11.95 8.95 12 ft. 100% Wool 11.95 9.95 ; 12 ft, 100% Nylon 12.95 19,85 Split Bamboo Blinds i SIZE REG. Sale | 3x6’ *. 1.19 .95 I 4x6’ 1.45 $1.15 sx6’ 1.73 $1.40 6x6’ 2.19 $1.75 7x6' 2.55 $2.05 Bx 6 2.90 $2.35 9x6’ 3.50 $2.80 10x6’ 3.85 $3.80 Many More Unadvertised Buys Park at 118 E. Davie St. Eastern Carolina's Largest Ru# Dept, PAGE FIVE ly neighbors |fxi “Sue Mary, will you stop wiggling? How can Daddy solve, your algebra problem if you bother hint all ihe time?’*

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