PAGE EIGHT congressman Powell Sees Nixon As President In 1960 tap's Civil Rights Fight Will lid In 1960 Win: Adam C. Powell 'JEW YOHK > ANP'i —ln the i v;s of C;in::n\sfar!an Ada in ivton Powf 11 .1:. iD.-N.V.*. Vico I ; ich r.t TMciiiUd M. Nixon will! t th<- Pr--uuerukil election in j '••'i on the sriv *ir;th of the Re- j till. i -'.ill: nn !In civil : ll'hLs | ’ov/eli. who rep-i e-sent* the Har- i i d 1 of New York, aired v> -v •- prepared to ent k wiiii n'.oo Tan 1.000 fei-i • ■■" i = liner United i’■■ s ii - 1 i. ir iiiri A:riru. Tv i.U aid "tnc va.v things art : a i i den i ace how Nix cm,: hr- ,vn;scd for next Pr.-si it.** if*-' ucßßci: "The whole* civil* ht# fwni n.w Ls In ihp hands i ‘" T i. T'O’-'s •-Kr eo inn to* r ,v ■ :r» i-ois cnuntry,'* said ' - ?-JIV: V * ?. H J l. ois ts a* W« Ml f I | Y.J3 i I j t j r I j t S ' —-J vY N,- * \ ~ : j^ if i j *T:-:rc«U’ **>•:?t POES happ r »,> • ’ : ? 'fhrv ifi!y ’ far! a’srayP* ! ; m»T« l mWC> aaWMBWI'-ttWnWMMWWWT'W w ' it pies 1 i.l & MOTEL - ive ;->-om YY -wj'.. Hard sue- jj tee Road. j: Y ■ eli'w v n . v ~ , Bi-rrrot Quirt Pcae-Tul and ■ - rn; -,. parties, picnics, ,/nd j ~. 1 : i : ' • !-!r 4 «• v *:-M? 11l i of J ?v- «■'' -'Tvaii.ins , . * ,j P• .*• * - ■ ; i;u)if ; pp ’0 , j o,>*n Ift " J 1 t 'il EDDIE V. Msr, l; OC< wliA'l\ ;>r» H* r1- s i . J | - UT " J -’■—t-i —, rmurifiiniiiwn nm iwimum , »nw mu 'iiiuhh i»in i' KRAMER’S | "THE HO’:<E OF DIAMONDS" ’ orner Marun and Salisbury Stmts I H LMONDS WATCHES I JEWELRY | Eei' : y Budget Term? Arranged Quality for Quality Nobody But Nobody ■s . . . KRAMER S “the house of diamonds'’ | •' g-%-.miw->•****-, . lnniffinni i>i|l»KUUi>lU»i V* iu-n Planning Your Vacation - C A LL GEORGE A. ISELEY INSURANCE AGENCY For TRIP INSURANCE 1 to 90 Days *•"' i; ”' u T 1 20.? Security Bank Bldg. Air Gondition Time is Here r*» . ._ —,» EQUIPPED WITH THE LIFETIME Uf’UUTRdST \TIC (Electronic) FILTER he Manufacturers Guarantee that :/iis Filter deans the air of dust, dirt, pol en and sooty particles.” I Electrical Wholesalers INCORPORATED Ml A. Wes* St Dial TE 3-5588 Powell, and “It's due to Dwight | Eisenhower that’s what he pro mised me- Oct. 11, 1056.“ Raleigh Native: Rev. Jesse Bernard Adams Succumbs In Johnstown JOHNSTOWN. Pn Funeral services for »h<» Rev. Jess-: Rer un) d Adams. SI a native of R;;- N. C r.nH pastor of the Car.)- ’avia A. M K /'ion Chtiich here Aho .1 Ji.:, 13. were held Tues day. Tuly 18, fi om the above named Ivo -i 1 at 2 pm. with Mr A 1 Pierce officiating. Hr ■ .1 r, ' Hospital in this rir, as in Grandview Come- JorWvoi-s include his wife, Air- n ict Adams: moth* !)• id i X Birdsall et New City: one daughter. Pe hues Marie, of the home, two sisters. Mrs Margaret Glaseoe. Kal.-ijh \ (' and Xtrs Marie 5 • mi r of New Vnrk Cilv. H-v idams served the congrega- ; i>>ii h: a- Mice October, H)Bi. sue eerdinp P. J. R Respas,--• who has b<>< n acting pastor since Rev. Adonic, ■ --: i: the hospital. A n.ciive of Raleigh. N. C„ Vie 1 was sfi-virr. iiis seventh term as | '■cc- clary of Vis denomination's Al- j i' .hrrvv C'onfcrc-ncr. lie was last year's president of the Gi eater Johnstown protest ant Hnion. The ministe: was a graduate of j Kilt roll <N C i College and the University of Pittsburgh He spent the early p ,( of his life in High Point. N. C where he was cm- j ployed a.-- an .-gent for ar. insur- I Now Offer You i Tailored-Made * OTaOTIIES cVY Os A Pantous National Concern ELVIS I RAND I kj 9 OR-WVII.I.K TURK H h ' TEniple ? 8784 Universal Room Air Conditioner Poweti bolted the Democrats in Mte Inst elect inn to support Pres ident, Eisenhower. He was ordained by the late Bishop I. VV. Wood in 1911* »t the North Carolina Conference, in, N. < . i'rioi in r oiri ;by <o .iuhnstown. lie served as pastor of St Pauls AML Zion Church, Carnegie, fe.r ven years. Prior to that ho served pastorates in New- R>-rn and Taiborn, both in North < arolina. He had beer, a cler gyman more than 10 wars. In nddihor to tn-insr si'cetncy hi was ti t as," cr of vb,-- chi.ircn copfcrvnei s Home iVhrsior. De partmon!. He .served on the execu tive boards of Cambria City Mis sion and Johnstown Brant h. Na tional Asssoci.-itiur. for the Advance ment of Colon d People. KEY. ri ssf B \niM.s I Rev. Adams' d- a'.h f'oUowcri less th II n month that ol a former J Mir of Cambria AMR Church Rev Rich ird Benjamin pastor front I**32 through 194!, died Jure I IS. No R&R For The Savoy Ballroom NEW YORK . R,, ;r .d music may invade theatres, bad parks and TV screens but u 4»-. n't. stand a ghost of . ehnnee s; Harlem's famous Savoy bail room says Charlie Buchan in manager of the world-famed d-u palace Scorning the music world’s n< w loonage era/.-. Buchanan noted that rock and roll music isn r good for dancing. Ts he installed a bund (hat played such rhythms, ho’ ad ded, dancers’ feet would become entangles on '.no floor. “Give me the good, old-fa shioned bund that piavs an oc casional waltz, foxtrot or a nianiho nr cha-cha,” he said. “The Savor has been noted for having the best dance music and the more than Jflfl.OOn pat rons who fioek here yearly have come to expect tnusir of the type played by Duke El lington, Count Basic, the late Dorsey Brothers. Cootie Wil liams, and Buddy Johnson. "When rock and roll first, e gmP nut we experimented with these new sounds got a hundred com plaints from life-long patrons who said it sent each foot tn a differ ent direction. That f couldn't take and out the window went rock and roll.” A veteran in the ballroom busi- i ness, Buchanan has guided the tics- | tinies of the Savoy for the past 82 ] years. Known os the Home of | Happy Feed the spot has produced some of the best t.indy Hop dartre teams in tho world and has hern included -on downtown touris guide tripe as “a must." Top movie stars like Fred As taire. Bing Crosby. Lane Turner. Clark Gable have often set in a box there and watched the dan cers enjoy themselves The Savoy j also gets credit for turning out j such top hands as the ls> Chirk j Webb's. Benny Carter, A! Cooper’s j Savoy Sultans. Bobby Madera and t Buddy Although hot music lias been the main roursf on Ihe dance menu there, ironically, it took I a sweet sounding back like j Guy Lombardo to establish i an unbroken attendance record When he played his “sweetest j music this sidp of Heaven" 7.0 years ago there more than 57M , dancers v.ere on the floor to applaud him. Opened in 1925 the Savoy has had ten new d-jnrp floors that I cost ebflr U 57.000 each r* ha? also ; been estimated bv Bucbansrti that over 15,000 ms tried couple? fust j met each other at big bom« »i , happy fee* * THE CAROLINIAN £ MISS GEORGIA! I NC JACK SON, 2iif) IV. Moore St., Green ville. N\ 5s u recent graduate of the ( harles XT. Eppes High School, and hopes to enter .(. <’. Sr.,ii!i | Htver.ity in Sept cm i ber. Si' -is tin daughter of Mr. and Mis. George J Jackson. .!. B. HAHRI-.N KOTO) i MAY IMTIAI.LV NAME- THL'-iR : I BENEFICIARIES IN WiU.S AND ! ' i LAST TESTAMENTS BYT THEY’ j may NOT CHANGE them i INTKIS MANNER THEV MUST NOTIFY VA OF SUCH CHANGES DIRECTLY ro make them L»«» *#^SBSS«^BBI j PREPARED j f A | FOR I ’ L!VINO” ;| i k ft * i CiVELLA BEAUTY COLLEGE i j Registration for Ihe 1357 - 5S ;3 Fcrin will begisi Tuesday. Scp § icm tier 3, at !) A.M, 1 1 For Information Write: Mrs. Christiana J. Pitts : f President i 49(1 EAST MARTIN STREET ' 1 Raleigh. N. C. tom Mm juJufjiM IJNCF Series ~ " Dillard, Texas, Knoxville, Benedict Choirs Will Be Broadcast. During Month Os August NEW YORK The choir of Dil lard University of New Orleans will open the August programs to be heard over the American Broad casting Network's weekly radio series. Programs by choral groups from Texas Knoxville and Bene dict Colleges will also he broad cast during the month according to William J. Trent, Jr., executive director of the United Negro Col lege Fund. As part of the continuing se ries ‘hat has been broadcast weekly for the past sec rn years, these programs ire pre sented as a public service by ihe American Broadcasting Network in cooperation with the College Fund. Each week a choral group of one. of the Civil Rights Would Bottle Up Newspapers: Senator Eastland WASHINGTON (ANP> - Con tending that civil right;- legisla tion, currently under Senate do- - bate, is aptly known as the ‘‘Com* I pulsory Informer Act", TVlisaissip- j Pi's Senate Judiciary committee 1 chairman James O. .Eastland de clared last week that the oh il rights bill would hurt, newspapers. Eastland's theory is that passage of equality legislation would de prive newspapers of "the right to conceal their sources of informa tion.” Blasting the rights bill. Fast land declared, “it provides un limited damages against any one who neglects or refuses '< any interference or violation of FAftIO y ft BAKERY SPECIALS Fresh Pineapple Layer Cake SPEC. PRICE $ 150 delicious Pineapple Pies ..... ,35c each Pineapple Pastry Tarts lOr each Chocolate and Lemon Meringue Pics ,‘>sc each Cinnamon Runs .TV do/,. (Razed Donuts 40c doz. Home Made Rutter Biscuits 21c dev/.. nwavni mir?*i«mMiiMliMwiiari'aw n wmnwwt mini FUTURE BRIDES PI EASE TAKE NOTICE! Check n U r Prices Before- Making Plans For Your Wedding C, k s We—-Are—Open—All— Day--Wednesday— All Through Sumtnci FAMOUS BAKERY 109 S. WILMINGTON ST. PHONES: TE 2-8333—“ 8334 Fund’s inemlipr roiteges Is sea- , lured. The Dillard program, directed b.v : David L. Buttolph, will be hoard : Aug. 4 The choir of Texas Colli go, Ty ler, Tex,, directed by Freden< k D. ; Harvey, will be broadcast. Aug 11, I Knoxville College, of Km-xvilk . I Tenn., will have Sts choral group :- featured Aug. JR. Nov.-.-M C. Vis?:- 1 Patrick is the director, Emmett J. Wrote n directs the choir r-f Benedict. Concgr, of Col umbia, S. C., to be featured Aug , 25. Originating from New York j City’s Radio station WARG. Sundays, 10-35 to 11.00 am ! EOT. the weekly eb.ei it con- the sn railed rivil rights of j others. | # STANDARD and PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS ; • ADDING MACHING'S I i i *> DUPLICATORS The Original CAROLINA TYPEWRITER CO. C P. DAWKINS, Mr.r. 115 S. Salisbury Street RALEIGH \ ('. TelephottbTL . ts*’.' w'ifKK JCNDINO SATURDAY, JUL Y 27, 1357 i erts are heard ai different times throughout the United States and ('anada. Cheek your radio page fur the Inca,! brnadeast time. The United Negro College Fund i conducts nn annual nation-wide fund-raising appeal in behalf of j its 31 privately supported, fully Summer School Clinic JULY 22 AIJO. 16 | Duo to circumstances beyond our control wo fci■.<?d lo extend our clinic from July 15 to July Auc iti. i t‘i mock m ratios i (O *» Parents desiring a ‘•brush-tin" ow'-.c for their eh ■ ?r«|- may enroll them in a 4-works rttnio. 11l \I>IM. and M Mil- j METtC SKILLS will he stressed Only a limited number will 1 >•- accepted. BIN*.! TESTING WILL HI- UVMI.NTST! KIM REGISTRATION PER SI.OO - in A M. m 12 NOON Efficient, Qualified Teachers Air Hiv'd to Help Improve Your Ovid in Giving Individual and Group Attention! I OR INFORMATION WlllTi; Ott i M r 424 S. Blood worth St, Dial TV. 2-.*77 7 MRS. K SHEPARD, Director MINNA \: \‘tc- a : l»»* »» ■ . - -s»— I .-*** * 1’.m, 1 ji.. mwfcg. mil'll ir l —.>■», •.■ ■ .- i—iifiii i■*a mn ' T n.T ... f npti | - Jf WW jjj? mw&mrn*/*<f, ■ .aiuww-:*i | C^ClYol-'*'' ! 1 j ,4. ** Your own state newspaper, with it w.• :>1 • your community while it i •. stilly i "W *1! ‘3 ** * 1.1 hprifi I C afi r*n> i *** ~ v** A A#? %*> A \jk A WA fk -ft &U+ ** ~1 .. / ‘ i 5 i 1 Fill out and mail the coupon below it • i ; l *"'** *’* m * ****** •fWK «*eH* e-<fle «km ear, new | | 1 The CAROLINIAN i I * 518 E Martin St. | i Raleigh, N. C, I t I Please send details of how 1 mm .••.•!• n ■ t.- Thc CAROLINIAN in rov community. I tlvr.' i I . copies w< Uy. , •• 1 NAME I \ ; >" | \ ADDRESS ... , , ' : 1 CITY OR TOWN 1 j l » '**• "*■““* * nn «oaa«r mmm Kwe r*nsn** «»apn® m-aran -*ro-a nk» »-'•«» »w<- 4-iwniiwm »w«'i vK»-ng>--r«v 5 jj accredited member cod'.-. ?, universities. See BURT j FOR ALL KINfOF REPAIRS ON \1 I. :[ ' ,F 3 OP CAPS Ra tisf art inn f, aaran*ecd: Burts Gsr?. j; 9"3 So. Blount m Dial,pie 4 91 •:> K.M.I Ifitt, N, r.

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