WflPlflll JpfJpll & '||§ i igpi% gi I® #|<kw M Ilf wfHlf!?WISIi#llfjvs*k y * ftSlliifif ijU,A\fH[ JN jnLffMjU Ai 1 w if &HJ» a® %FVi® wmm mwmmmimmmmP mm m wwmmmm 99 will W mmmmMlJm m m 4 t I J. _i.. _l_ JL . JL .1. I i l rS"’' i V^>~rua^wTr^i^.'aagr CLIFTON ,r. ANDERSON . . , head coach of Shaw C. Anderson On August 30 ">r l ' ! ilJiam R. Strassner. presi '■rc. t of Shav University, an ir.cnced this week the appointment Chfton Tumor Anderson. 27. of C.oe May. New Jersey, as instruc ., > n ♦;-<= department of physical •hic.ition and head roach at Shaw U **: 3 vc v Andersen received the E E de •r:'"? -f Indiana University in 1932 He has pursued graduate study at Ti nn'e Uni"> ersifv and the Uni vert- ' v of Pennsylvania. As ■ student -i< Indiana Uni- T' ■"'■ .Mr Anderson plated fimtha’l and track. He has i ! ? vert professional football •i r h 'he Chicago Cardinals it ONTINfEn OX PAGE ?) /-T | * , r T~* v ill. ion io . Host State V 6 i f** l outli vjiroup CLINTON N C Messangers li' .jjrj ?vi;o; ~ r & 3 <rjf th? will converts on. Clinton, North Caro lies, Auruf* f.-S for the joint ses sion of the State Baptist Sunday School and State Baptist Training Union Conventions, which will meet at the First Baptist Church. Ti e Reverend J, H, Clanton, pastor. A three-day program, designed to develop a greater understand ing of the Bible, will be based on the general theme: "THE BIBLE— THE VOICES OF THE AGES (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> « Far Transfers Partn’s in Durham, Bryson City and Yanceyville are asking their respective school boards to admit their children to white schools, while a Greensboro group is ask ing white parents to leave their children in classes with Negro pu pil;- !n Durham, fourteen fami lies have joined in initial steps to crack the segregation barrier in the city school*. (CONTINUED ON PAGE S) JLHDJFHĶSLKHFKDS MIGRATION BILL BACKERS -“Professor Clenuon King, right, of Alcorn College, Alcorn, Ml*#., talk# with Benjamin Gibbons, of New York, president, of the Uni v-aceM Nationalist ’tfove* ; * “j i f s T "s i ~y' “p "j- Want No Part GREENSBORO —The anti-ime i gration Patriots of North Carolina i oynrpF.sPd His#‘OtDT'O.Vfll IftSf \ttozA? ! •of plans by segregationist. John' i Kasper to visit. North Carolina ; and "educate the people on ihr ] state’s Pupil Assignment Law." C. L*. Shaping .** Greensboro of* ' ficiai with the Patriots, said Kas- S per’s visit would “not serve any glod or useful purpose." I ‘‘A repetition here of h»s ac tivities in Tennessee will result :in great harm to the cause of | | segregation in North Carolina.." Shuping said After being convicted of conspiring to hinder integra tion of a Chilton. Tonn. high school. Kasper said he would like to educate North Carolin ians on the state's Pupil As signment I,aw so they can evert pressure to the fullest extent." Knoxville sources said the Washington, n. C segregation leader wants to organize White ! Citizens Councils in North Caro lina. Kasper said he began planning a visit to this state after learning of this week’s action by school boards in Charlotte. Winston-Sa lem and Greensboro in opening to 12 Negroes the doors *o pre viously a 11 -while schools Farm Wife Kills Sleepy Husband ELIZABETHTOWN - A fai.m wife told Bladen County office;;- ; she shot end killed her husband i with buckshot from his 12-gau-rr j shot-gun early Saturday as he lay 1 asleep in their home Officials charged Evalyita Brown with murder later to day In the death of her hi?* band, Jackson Brown, 12 She told Sheriff John B Vilen and Coroner Gordon Kinlaw that Brown had been drinking Friday night and chased her out nf the house. She hid out in the hushes in the vard. -die said, until he went to sleep. Then she went hack into the house and sat for about an hour: and a half before blasting him 1 i in the right side of his back as I he lay in bed. Their home is a | bout 20 miles from here in the council section of Bladen County. Officials set a hearing for Wed fCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) (CONTINUED ON FAG* 2i Rites Held For 6 Car Victims FAYETTEVILLE -■- Three fam- | lilies in this bust)mg Army-rest• • j j vfition city were sad this week as j ' -<ix Os their relatives were laid to 1 : rest in local cemeteries. The six were killed in one of fin- i worst wrecks involving a passeng- j er auto ever recorded in Virginia | AI! were killed instantly in an sc j ddent on U. S. 1, involving only I ment, toe., after appearing lasi week before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee in Washington. King urged Congre?- j tiotul support for legislation to i help Negroes migrate t» Liberia THE CAROLINIAN ■ 1 — 16 pages 12c In N.C. AE 16 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ! VOLUM A + + + + Hh + 4- ~f~ ~f * 4, y Elizabethtown Pair ELIZABETHTOWN Two Ne groes were held here Tuesday in connection with the robbery-beat ing of an elderly white widow. Officers said Palmer John son and Jake Richardson a few hours after Mrs. Acidic Smith, 10. Hi. 1. Elizabeth town. was knocked uncon scious and robbed of 5570 at her farm home. Bladen County Sheriff John V. S. B. Simmons , Founder Os Ft A, Dies In Greensboro GREENSBORO - Sidney B. Simmons, 83. assistant state su pervisor of vocational agricultural education in Negro schools of this state foi i.he past S 3 years, died here Tuesday, at the L. Richard son Memorial Hospital following an illness of two months Funeral arrangements were incomplete at press time. He was one of the founders of the New Farmers of Amrri ca. a national farm youth or gani/ation for Negro boys, which has more than 40,000 youths enrolled on the nation ai level and R.OOO in North Car olina Mr. Simmons was na tional treasurer of the or- — | < ONTINUKD ON PAGE 71 one car Sunday. Those dead are; Price Pur Tuskegee Whites Consider Arresting Town Boycotters The committee h considering a bill proposed by Senator Lunger i tlt-ND.) to aid nullified and eligible l!. S. citizens >n their ef forts to cnrtgrste to the Afilcan | nation (United .Press Photo) Allen said Johnson had admitted the robbery and had named Rich ardson as his accomplice. Officers recovered most of the loot. Allen said tire tracks at the Smith home led officers to John son’s home. Johnson's 8-year-old son identified a cap found at i.he scene of the robbery as one own ed by his father. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i R. If. SIMMONS cell, 33: his wife. Mrs. Bob i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2» MONTGOMERY Ala. A non; ! of field) In the Alabama Attorney! i General's office said last week j: that the state would uti» the same ‘ law it used to fight the Negro boy cott of Montgomery's segregated! buses to stop a similar boycott of white merchants In Tuskegee, Ala Attorney General Patterson * personally led several raids cd the association's headriuar of the Tuskegee Civic Associa tion in what he rolled tbc j firs! step of a drive to end litis "illcßal boycott," The Tuskegee Civic Association ! was formed six weeks ngo in re-! taliation lor a new state lawj which shrunk the Tusk ogre limits! in a manner that virtually exclud ed all Negro voters While association officials drnv j they are behind any "boycott,": Negroes generally have stopped 1 trading with white merchants In the predominantly-Negro central have been haid hit by the loss of trade Patterson and his min raid withe association’s headquar ters as well as a Negro print ing shop and seised ;» mem- j | bership list of the association, according to Patterson. Chief Assistant Attorney j j General MacDonald Grtlllou said "we. are evaluating evi dence uncovered so far , . . with a view toward taking le gal action." o*lll on said that charges will probably be drawn against the Civic Association and individual participants of the boycott, under i a 1921 state law which prohibits j boycotting. The Rev. Martin Luther tCONTINUE© ON PAGE 2> ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, !9Sf v . * A A A # j ' . ♦ f T.* \ | I « !* « ; U ■t, t. %: ' ‘ • f • -?fy> : tfy'F F'- ''’ ’ '•-.>> H- ' i ■ v...v**<vvi-.LM.- -- v . , t.- • . ..... ..v. v-A....... . ... - "QUEENS” OF THE AIR FORCE—These attractive coeds are “queens" of ibe several units of the Air Ferre ROTC, at AAT Children By Charlotte Officials CHARLOTTE: - - Led by Kelly t M Alexander of this city, twenty four of the 3S students who were : denied reassignment to ’ white" j schools last week have appealed ; the decision through their parents The appeals were received by I the schorl board Tuesday The? j j were delivered by special messen- ; j per The state's pupil assignment law , provides for appeal from a school | board decision. Under the law the i | appeal must be made within five j | days of the denial notice I Ivc Negro students were r.d mitted bv this city’s sehonl board last week They were transferred to previously at!- j white schools In a derision reached Tilly 54. Thirty-fire others wer* denied reassign roent. Alexander, head of the state ■ L.- .. - I».T A 4 m chapter of the N.AACP whose fourth grade son was one of those denied reassignment, said be and other parents were asking for a hearing on iht> applications “The Negro parents want to find out specifically and defin itely what, criteria and stan dards the board used tn admit (Inr some students and refus ing the requests of others ’’ Mr. Alexander concluded The ! parents think a hearing will ex plain the action of the board" 300 Gather At Enfield 1 o Honor IQO-Yr.-Old Citizen ENFIELD More than 300 rela tives and friends gathered at. the Plumbline Holiness Church in the Mayman community July 22 to pay tribute to the Christian life and community worth of the Fev. Joseph Silver. Sr., venerable re tired minister of the Holiness de nomination who was one hundred <loo> years old on that day. With the many excellent commentaries on hi* Hie be ing given by fellow-minister* and laymen alike, the Rev. Frank L. Bullock, pastor of neighboring Daniels Chapel Baptist Church (home of the Silver elan), termed the birth day testimonials a. “live fun eral" being preached while the nearly blind centenarian twho is faithfully attended by his third wife, Mrs. Martha C. Silver! could hear the compli ments and utter sn occasional “Thank God ”. “12 BOYS AND TWO OXEN" Having beer. , r the ministry NUMBER 44 1 College. All decked out in ihe>r summer uniforms (hey are from left to richt: Evelyn Basket*. Henderson, "Miss ROTC”; Bar Notices received by the parents, be said gavf no explanation why Filial Week Os Bonus Money Month Begins; Rules Listed •w 7 - Ptirchare slips oi receipts must reuse f-om merchants advertising tr. Th* CAROUNIAN the week the advertisement appears Any person or family at the >ani* address is e'lgtble to use the total pur chases made from the home. Only one name should be used in submitting entry. No purchase of over 530 ft from anv one merrnant during a week can he counted. There is a ceiling ot S.W.OC per week for grocery purchase'. All entries must be in the office of The CAROLINIAN Monday noon follow ing the expiration date of the rurre nt bonus money period. Entries must, be separated by the week and enclosed in an envelope wiih the name and address of the entrant lti the event of the* same amount of purchases by more than one entry, the award win be divided. All entries must bear (he name of the .tore from which purr ha c *> ay made All entries must abide b*’ the rule? or same win he disqualified if only on» variance is observed tVeeklv purchase totals should be shmvn on each packer and fetal placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the period s entry along with nam* cud ad rites; Bonus money earner* will he announced in the Issue following the closin; of each period. All entries remain the. property of The CAROLINIAN. All tallying 1; final when the names of the ft cm - - Alone* earner* are an- I nourrerd in The CAROLINIAN sod no rf*pc,n;*h(jiM. w arreofed h* Otis news paper beyond that point. No receipt*, from bank? wilt be considered, except payment* or? morff .*. * ? The fifth and last week m the c-urrent month for Bonus Money participation began Thursday, August 1. and will close at. mid night, Wednesday. August 7. Person*! taking part in the promotion are urged to sub more than fifty years "Father Sil i ver", *s maw devotedly riddi-c;., 1 j (CONTINt’F.n ON PAOr ?> I ■“ i State News riaf MAY FATHER OWN CRAN'D ■ CHILD RALEIGH Wade Hampton McCray, 33. of 33 Lee Street, was charged with the crime of incest here. Monday night after allegedly having rexual relations with his 1.1-year-old daughter, detectives (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11' p H)hus i i Elsewhere* bars Nelson. Winston-Salem "Miss Air Force"; Catherine Til lery, Tillery; Joan Holloway. Hillsboro and FJaine Noel. Ro*- horo. the students wore not aysteneo v ihc "white" schools. mit their receipts or purchase slips at th" offices of The CAROLINIAN, 513 F Mir»!u Street, no later than Mondai August 13. fCONTINUED ON f‘A G I" n I This Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonur Money Stores. PAGE ?. Tip Top Food fitor 1- * , Town 4* Country Tire Servile : C Karl Utchman i Mr. George Divii (Keel Ectste) Boss' Jeweler* !PAGE i j Firestone stores : Raleigh Sating* t Loan Association ; Tire Distributors, Inc j The < < oca-Col.i Bottling ( o | Goodman’* Ladle* Shoo :PAGE 5 : Southern Furniture Company j Nation*) Art. shop j Hudson-Belk Company 'Washington Terrace Ap ; > | Mr. Elvis Hand ; Williams' Garage | Edward’s Shoe Store | Ralaigh Funeral Home PAGE 7 Carolina Bulck Company PAGE 8 Civt'lla Beauty Culler* Burt’s Garage Famous Bakery Kramer's Jewelers George A Kcley In•:ir*iM:e Agency Electrt" Whole-r'ert 1w Ambassador Theatre ; Harris Wholesalers, fno iPAGE 8 i a M. Young Hardware to l At. P Super Markets ■ ! Restful Pine* Mn*e! ■ S'TCv'. - SHOOTS PREGNANT WOM |AN IN STOMACH Leroy t'f j ley of this city. -vho has he*!? i fhareerl with shooting .loan a | Quiller. 16, of East Davie St i ir the stomach. U being held t» 11 i»i! wPheut nririlcge of Non 6 The younj woman, who is ex pecting' a bah" *n 4 months is in j»fion- •< jgf Affiles i I 1600 Hssr W® 5i ® a IttClfiS ii! GULFPORT. Mi-- _ Exemit!'-* Secretary Roy Wilkins of the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People Sun day lashed out. agaihst Mississippi Negro leaders who accepted mcn j ey from pro-segregation groups- in isl s state Wilkins appeared her? i despite an alleged warning b- the | governor to stay out " Wilkins, addressing an over* S floy crowd of 600 st Mi se-thsl B - Ist Chur’ n. pointed to nev s -1 paper articles listing th* expenses of the State Sovereignty Commis sion winch included check;, for travel and advertising to editor Percey Greene of the Jackson Ad vocate and the Rev H. H Humes j of Greenville. I Wilkin;-, noted that the commis ’ sion spent $50,000 of if-- $250,000 | appropriation to maintain segre gation of the races in the state and said that Humes and Greene ‘ “were cjuick to get their hand- a the till " 'fOVTtMT.h on (-•w;i Ti Trucker, Hit By Train, !s ■f - f “ Reouperating GALAX, VA. A? - " r ;.r- d i Winston-Salem man has. startsd the long road back to recovery* in a hospital here aft,or losing both of his lees because he lumped in to the path of a speeding ’freight ; train. ! Hospital attendants said -James F Tm no. lo,' * a great deal of" ! blood after having ore let sever'*. and another amputated but hs i was expected to pull through. Turner Hr!? ns; on fhs h?,ck of .*» Winston*sj-!*n roofing rfjtjir»aH\ tiw«• v -r *1 r.** j «# appjsjrf.H that th 6 fftJwk ; mir It ♦ StfUrk hT th? * n H " t'lipb.M l .? h? n 3 crossi'n?. Hf from th*. trunk jnd n f> tfi? ti'gffira OH? 1?? vas imniftdiaf?!y. ? other amputated j shorf later. j He was still receiving Blood j transfusions at the hospital fi"* hours after the- accident, Tmvr 4' Country Furtlltilf* Co ft.Uetgh Seafond Company Fivif-Cttirens Hank a- Trait Comp in' PAGE 10 1 Blondwnrth S’ Tourtit Horn* I Heater Wrl! Company • ivency- Insurance Agency J Dunn s Ktso Service ■'{ Carolina Builder* Corp IW.l* son's Seafood i Poultry Co me (fmstead Tnnsfer Co A Food Star' Dillon Motor Hnanrr Company Ridgeway’* Opticians Pepsi-Colk Buttling Co. ol Rslcljh Warner Memorials I Deluxe Hotel PAGE n j Srott.’j Tourist Home Tom'> Tire Service | V.rrlna Wholesale Bi dders Supply i Apex Cleaning Company ; I Baer A- Son*. Inc. ; Hollow *ll* Cjrh Fond Stare Make Insurance Agenc Cniser Motor Co. Dirk Fryes Shoe Ser'dre Edvard'* pharmacy PAGE IS Gem Watch Shop I Tile Hood System In dustmi Bank ! Runt. General Tice Company - ft. t Quinn Furni'n**. Company Acme Realty Company 'W” <T| 4 Prb-lltJ-fstf * lira Sales * kerrle#

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