Holt Denied; Parents Undecided On Anneal Move Lee Calhoun To Wed On TV Show . ■ - .. . ' 20 ■ " « ' OLCJME 16 RALEIGH, N C irwrt -at AfTfUlfT 10 i *s- * * Sand Pile Caves hv \ Ig? ggg fgf |g}| hjgS WSHBp 'gMKiwF figg £3f Iwßfflfiawj WWMHp flßflw jH| V : 'S3? Olympian Kay lose 1 ills Status NEW VOKK—The producer of the • Br'de and Groom" television 'how plans to "take lecal action" •'■ :T." the Amateur Athletic Tin ion unless Olympic champion Lee <1 :’houn of Gary. Ind. is per rn : 1 d to appear on ‘ln- Frida.,'s Ti’ • tp|, ',t o, -.ml to Ran i - -rig,. r« : rretapy ficasui' ! r <>f Aat Producer fohn Red i.v u -i; tu- u "un!e»>A you -nolifr ~.. i;vr ,n ox 'M ■ ' ?.) i cachet Is Cited; Bias Charges fly GREENSBORO- Jack M, Da vis-Jr a former radio announcer and member of the Spiritual As sembly of the Baha’is of Green.-- bevo. at. a. meeting with the Guil ford County School Board last Saturday, risked the hoard's on* lerinn for hiring teachers as re gards their religious beliefs. Htr, quesHon iva.s brought to bear open an incident in which it is alleged that Miss Elah Cowart:, •i former fourth grade teacher of Rankin School, lost her job after having issued invitations to mem bers of the school faculty asking them to meet at. her home for in formal discussions on the Baha’i Faith Mis* Cowart is also a mem ber of (he Baha’i Faifh. which teaches the oneness of man kind and that all religions are one. The religion began in Persia during the second half of the lasi century when its if OVTcni m ov r,\r;F -•< ‘Camel City’ To Host NC Baptist Women Next Week WINSTON-SALEM —The 73rd Amnia! Session of the Woman's Baptist Home and Foreign Mis sionary convention, of North Car*- ollra will meet August- 1.3-16 ;n W m.-ton-r Salem at toe New Bethel Baptist Church. Dr, Jerry Dray ton. pastor. Mrs. M. A. Horne is the president of the convention s.i'.d Mrs C, N Hayes Is president of the host circle. Mrs Elizabeth Maddox Huntley »nl be cuest speaker Wednesday’ August 14 at 8:00 p.m. Mrs ffuntley was born in Geor gia. the daughter of a minister. Nab Six Men In Flogging GREENVILLE, S C -mm e white men Tuesday faced conspir acy charges in connection with the ' f uly 21 beating of a 58-year old Negro m Greenville County. Arerst of the. three Monday brought to six the number of persons charged during the three werk-, since Claude CTu eii was brutally beaten while earing for the seven children of a white neighbor. Charges were filed Mondnv (gainst James C. Boling, 28. Jack Bentley, 24, and B. F Davis, 57. Each w-as charged with ccmsjjtr- j «?.cv to commit assault and battery with intent to 1:111. All three men were released un do” SI,OOO bond. ot three men charged, last. Bat-' tirchy, one. A Marshall ter £O, remained in iai! Two other:, were- freed under bond, - e.i* ' IfjlwwliPi t gsjpwl >~t "LwL'S ? | RM'l F TOT F BBS—An uni "i dentilied t»«n ager is hustled :"a off to a waiting police van after T i rnvinc gangs of youths sinned Mft; ' motorists on Chicago’s far South Es; r/diowirig a rice riot iti pjr<- : 4 battled Calumet Bark. Thirty *. person' were hospitalized, and gCfy one girl was accidental!' shot - by cop whose motorcycle was . i burned by the mob. I New spress ..sc Bhoto :. Hold Harnett Farmer For Mu rder In Ten ant’s Death I,ELLINGTON A Harm M, County farmer told officers Suu . day that he shot and killed ore -of hir. tenant’s late Saturday night _ | after going to the tenant's house 1 f to investigate n ‘disturbance." Harnett County Sheriff C R. AToore said C'arlle (CR> Cotton, 50. told him he had shot James McLaurcn, the Ne gro tenant, when McLaurcn advanced on him with a knife Cotton said he went to McLattr ens house, about. 300 yards from! | bis own to investigate. /a “disiurb ; ance” which he said McLauren i and his wife were having. i McLaurcn, shot five times in I the chest and side, was rushed to > a Raleigh hospital where he died. I 'The incident occurred in the 1 She is author of "What Ye Sow". ;; She is a noted corn potter, having 1 received national recognition as a composer m 1651 when a bill was! i introduced m the United states! Congress, jointly hv the House of > ! Representatives and Senate, to | make. the. son::. "Behold Thy Mo-: - J thcr." of which she is composer. The National Mother's Day song. She has done graduate work in j the field of Religious Education ;;i 1 i Union Theological Seminary. New York, and she has studied at the 1 same institution in its school of ! sacred music. Site is highly talented in dra- ! (CON UNV KU ON I’AI.I-, J> I tuffTm-mrarer-- - ':* ’ 1 r McH'i. M i ■ MRS FU/.AHKT3 Wf'>Tf.ST , . N C. HapMst sp*?h*>- Christian Light. Community in the i western part, of Harnett- County. I Cotton is under $5,800 bond! | awaiting the outcome of an in quest. Kasper Takes Refuge In A Field Alter Being Chased Out Os Park j State News j Brief WAKE MINISTER IS SPEAKER j ASHEVILLE—The Rev. George ; S Stokes, Sr., of Middlesex, was! the main speaker at the First; Lazaret' Baptist Church hers.; Rev, Otis Dunn, pastor, Sunday, j Rev. Stocks, who was accompan ied here by his son, George, Jr., ;a. Shaw University student, re turned to Middlesex Monday. He I is pastor of the following church es: Frondship Baptist, Wake For est: Riley Kill Baptist, Wendell: \ ! Wake Baptist Grove, Garner, j Pleasant Grove. Wendell. Both he j and Mrs. Stokes are teachers in Nash County. FACES RAPE CHARGE GOLDSBORO—EarI Cox, 18, 1 of the Rosewood area, is lie ing held without bond in the Wayne County jail on a charge of attempting to rape a white 8-ycar-okl girl of the same community. Sheriff Jesse ICONTINUED on page ») S. C. Leader Says Boycott Will Continue ROCK HILL. R C. Leaders of! a Negro boycott of city buses here agreed Monday night to try to! make the boycott 100 per cent es-; fe.ctive Some J7R Negroes attended a: meeting to discuss the boycott tecwfmttEn os page zj Worker Suffocates Beneath Sand Pile - CHARLESTON, S C A f,n ,veav-old man was buried olive here Saturday when a sand oile ; at. a cement manufacturing plant ' caved in under him The Charleston police squad and volunteer rescue workers due for two hours in a, ain attempt to save James Jersey Turner, Police said Turner, n main tenance man at the S«dke Reedy Aliy Company, had climbed to the top of the lift fool-high mound »« break up a cavltv in Ihe mound which prevented a conveyor hell from operating' properly 3 College Professors Refuse To Resign Jobs COLUMBIA. S r —Allen Uni versity President Fiank R, Veal Monday confirmed reports that! three professors at the Negro col-! lege have rejected a request that j they- resign. The executive board and board ] : of control ol the boaid of trustees; met at 11 n.m Tuesday for a | 1 hearing to decide if the three should be fired, Veal said. He identified the professors as Ur. John G. Rideout, chair man of (lie Division of Hu- j mnnities; Dr. F.dwio Hoffman. .NASHVILLE, Tenn. Police Sunday chased segregationist; John Kasper and his followers j out of a city park here as they i attempted to hold an antl-inte-j gration rally Kasper, the Washington, T), C White Citizens Council leader, immediately moved t» a field outside the city limits and started the meeting. A parade of segregationist spent I several hours criticizing the C. S. Supreme Court. Tennex- i see Gov. Frank Clement, Nash- i ville Mayor Ben West, the ■lewis . religion and the press. ! Robed Klanamen handed oui : (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Happy Khmer New Year. WINS TOP ELK AWARD , Mrs. Annie Black well, 135 Cam- j 'ho' Street this city. 2nd from left, is shown receiving a cheek from local Exalted Ruler Ai phonao Vane# eoverinr all ex- ! f Bobus i |+t Mojpj i i But when the victim punctured >! tine, hole, he fell into the cavity j , j and sand immediately began to ; swallow hirn up. Rescue workers said they ruan • aged at one time to get, a rope s around Turner’s hand, but the i sand continued to cave in and fi nally covered the victim. Thr rescue squad continued (« dig for Turner after the Negro disappeared into the sand. With the aid of a huge crane borrowed from a nearby contractor they finally recov ered Turner's body two hour* later but be had suffocated. Turner had worked for the ce ment plant for? 5 years. chairman of the Division of Teacher Education: and Dr. Forrest Oran Wiggins, a i grn professor Hoffman mil Rideout are white. Veal .said the three were asked ! to resign, effective, July 15. be j i cause It would be better for t university and Its program.' Th letter was written June 15. Veal said the political activities j i of the three hod no bearing on | (CONTINUED ON PA«B 2> ODDS-ENDS f By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ARK WE »Vs U’ARI.K?: Many vailed answers have been made: to the questions Southern whites! always ask concerning outside in • j fluence when Negroes seek any! relief from unjust ami intolerance situations. It seems as though Southerners feel that Negroes here are wholly incapable of realizing fCONTINUED ON PAGE 21 pettses to the National Elks lion j venlion to be held this month in Philadelphia., Pa. Mrs. Black- j well, who sold 177 ticket* to a ; special dance last week, lopped nearly 100 contestants from sec* I «. * JSSIa km&,' r i wii \ p ip*Jt ;:; m•• bpvi, '•’ § . > *- ” , M t** itr* Cjp*r I# 1 --" jp f, V ATTORNEY ¥ J . ; t. , . votrd ji*r b>; •’gruJmn ,/oe Holt, Jr. Denied Right To Study nr STAFF WRITI P There 11 be no infcgirtijon in the Raleigh Public School.-, this year, j This was decided by action of the: School Board Tue.sda• when an application filed by .Joseph Ht ; ram Holt’s parents w-is defeated : by a vote ot 5 to 1 ' The lone dissenting vote came• | rtffli the lone Negro member oi .e board. Attorney Fred J. Car nage, a member for eight year'. | who said, “We ought to have some | concrete reason for denying tlv j application other than, race." Parents Cndccided On \ppc:!l , Mr. and Mrs. Holt. Sr of 1013 ! | Obcrlin Road, were undecided! > Tuesday night as to whether they 1 would ask the Board to reconsider i its action and admit their 14-yen oid son to ail-white Needham B. Broughton High School. located j a short distance from his Oberlin! home. This was the only applica tion filed by a Negro for transfer i to a white school in the city. “In the interest of the pub llr and in the interest of the hoy, denial was made” .ie (CONTINUUM ON ('VIE 2) White Pastor Happy With Congregation In Pulpit Exchange CHARLOTTE —"Real spiritual. ; warmth” has been found by n j i white Canadian minister among ; j a Negro congregation here. The Rev. Wilson Bridge, who (CONTLNIiKP on r \r-i ’) j mi cities in sales. Others in : photo, left to right, are Joe I. : ; Walker Henderson Mrs. Elaine Robinson, Ullfncton. second 1 i place; and S*t William Free man. llliine* on (Slafl photo I by Cbas. R .tones! - , I IMPRISONED FOR SLAIN , MONTHS—Thrse arc four of the five children of eelf-klyled Bap tist minister. Kelley t lehnscn. He had kcnl them imprisoned in ihe basement of bis bouse in Baltimore for a period of seven months. Their mother died in Greensboro's White PTA Will Accept Integration GREENSBORO A parent teacher association official of a; Greensboro white school to which several Negroes have born assign -} • ed said the PTA group "seems will-! mi: in go along’’ with the into-! gration move. The receni decision by Ihe Greensboro Board nf I- dura - i Mon to transfer live Negro sMi denls M* previously all-white Gillespie Park School camr under discussion ala special ! mi'daij Afonrla.v night of the Gilir pu- Bark School PT.A "Gcnur.tn.v, the body serins wiii-j ucj to g i alone with the move.’’ | i said Dt Witt Skinner. PTA chair-! mars “AVr explained the law in Ihe group and then we had a question period," ftp said. "No on.- even suggested that we v«te In close the school under the I nca! Option Plan.” "We lust talked about the wisest! thing to do,” he added However, the school board rie- * | I CONTENT MO ON PACT ft STRIKES PREGNANT WIFE RALEIGH —Melvin Johnson, 18,} of the 1300 block of South East i Street was arrested for hitting! j his wife. Mrs. Alice Johnson, at 1 | their home Sunday. Johnson, who) i i.s charged with engaging in an! affray allegedly struck his preg-j I nam wife. Hr was scheduled to be tried in the Domestic. Relations} Crmri.. Bond wns apt at SI,OOO I Bonus Money Month Ends; Winners To Be Announced Weil, the fourth month of the big Bonus Money Program, spon sored by The CAROLINIAN end ed at midnight Wednesday of this week.. Persons partiiepating must | have their purchase slips or re-1 ccipis in the office. 518 E. Martini I Street, by norm Monday, August! 12 ■Winners will bp announced In next, week's edition There were five weeks for par i t.ieipation in this month's pro ! gram. From all indication, if up pears that ai record number of families will submit entries during Ibis period. Are you among the number? If not. read Ihe rules in ibis edition and begin, right now, to *ave I your purchase slips from nier- 7 his Week’s Advertisers The merchants listed below arc CAROLINIAN Semis Money Stores. PAGEZ , Tip fnp Pood .dime f Knrl l.itrhrnan Town A- Country Tire Ncr i, e PAGE :i Mother A Daughter Store* ■lack * .till Children's Simp S. M, Young Hardware Gom man's PAGE & Jludsonnelk Company PAGE 6 Ambassador Theatre Raleigh Funeral Home Mr, Elvis Rand Raleigh Seafood tompam Burt's Garage CH-mlla's Beauty College Kramer - Jesveier* t.surge a, isles Insuyonre Agency Famous Bakery Harris Wholesale, Ine. PAGE 7 A A P Food Stores Town K Country Furniture in. Carolina Power & t ight Company Tire Distributors tne. First-CHUonx Bank .V Trn.i Compans - (u-ei.t Davis PAGE S CTvcll* Beautv College Burt's Garage Famous Tinkers' Kramer's Jewelers George A. Poles Insurance Sgen. > PAGE 1 <> H. Clothing Comparr sure tit Seat Cover Cents! tfird - Dopjrmieat, SMore Electrical Wholesalers, Int. 1955. They are Heft to right*, Kellin and Kelly, who are. twins, Romaine, 5; and Frances, 6. the father was failed for ne gleet, August Ist, and the kids are under the rare of the Wel fare Department. No* shown is Jeremiah. 2. fUNITED PRESS PHOTO) | NAACPMan I Blasts Va. s Sen. Byrd j RICHMOND, Va,—An official ; of the NAACP has charged U. S’ j Sen Harry F Byrd (D.-Va.i wth i misquoting him on the. floor of j the. Senate in a statement that ! Tn Virginia there hap. been no j interference: whatever with respect: i to t lie. right of Negroes to vote” j Bearer H Banks, executive sec i rotary of the Virginia Conference jof the Negro organization, sent ! Senator Byrd a telegram to this effect Monday night He said ; Byrd made the alleged misquote ! on August 2 during floor debate ! on the civil rights bill. Although interference with ths 1 right of Negroes to vote has not. | in Alabama, yet registrars in ’.he lions at violence which have been demonstrated in Mississippi and in Alabama yet registrars in the black belt counties of Virginia do effectively discourage registrar’ I lion by Negro citizens through | several techniques.” Banka said i He added that these ”tec-hoi* | dues- ‘ include, “finding it diffi* (CONTTNMED ON PARE O chants advertising m the The CAROLINIAN. $l3O is given monthly, divided | between the ten Raleigh families i spending the largest amount of ! money with our advertisers tr. ar ! cerdance with Boney Money rule*, j The money is divided as follows: j first award, SSO; second award, $25: third award. sls. fourth award, sin. and six awards of $S each. Awards Will Differ Next. Period The first week of the fifth pe riod of Bonus Money participa tion will begin Thursday. August 15, and still close at midnight, Wednesday. September 11 Beginning with the fifth period the award will be $25, first. sls, second. $lO. third and forty $2 awards will He given , PAGE 13 Betts Ga ;> Williams 1 Garas* Natlon.il Art shop si Augustine's foil*!>- Riverside Inn PAGE 13 Ed scare's Shoe ytorr italcisn Merchant-- Hure.su 1»- PAGE 16 The Hood System lattunrlil Bank Mechanics A Farmers Bank ; PAGE IS Acme Realty rnmpuiv Cameron Village, lnr union Supply company i Heads Mixed Concrete Compaii j PAGE 17 i Raleigh Savings A Loin Association j Dunn's Esso Service ; First Federal Savings A' Loan Ars'ti PAGE IX Iu in City Radio * Appliance Co Mudson-lleik cotnpanj ■Stephens supply Co Varlna Wholesale Builders Suppl- Tom Ashworth's Tire Service Iloilo well's Cash Grocery j Wake Insurance Agency ; eraser Motor Company [ Dick Fryer 1 Edwsrfl's Pharmarv PAGE 20 The Hood System Ituiuvfrtsl Bank Hunt General Tire Coni pun' h L Quinn Furniture Comparr. N. c Products Acme Realty Compact*. Gem Watch Shoo Tire Tiles i service

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