PAGE EIGHTEEN Goldsboro Nows By M. M HOLMAN' GOLDSBORO - M: - r\,. ir . lea* Sanders and Joyce Dunn of Kinston were guests of Maht! T. j Hardy on School Street lccontiv j , Antioch Baptist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools held picnics at Chavis Park in Raleigh •■<■. cntly. Roscoe Williams Sr is nipcrinton dent of the Antioch Sutuiu' S. In,• ; E R. Bostic Jr head-. t!v Pms- . byterian Church Sch,„,| Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Borden and daughter. M->*th > in New York Mr. and Mrs. LI- ’ son. Jeff, srd Ve r i i C'r. have re Hinted t ■ ■. ■ New York Mrs Ruth M R* ■ **h> ter, Marian t > ... ■ i vacation m Bi ■ 1 >k. >■ * ■■ 's >v York City Miss Jacquelsia J *-hr 11 Mr Rpscoe William? " ’ ri marriage Sunday J*. • • - Mt Lebanoi Metb " ■' Elizabeth Ctf' North Om.-, They left immedi :'i : r ■ the reception o not - ■ -o New Y'ork and C' = • The new Mr; V- till •w; - tb>- dsughter of M: Arthur Johnson of £•. ‘ 1 '• N. C end :? a r, teacher at. Dilia? 4 !! :.l- Mr. Williams i>- t) < or " M Mrs Roscoe William- e.f r. b: and is currently employed n Du ham. K C Both r < t i • . - duetes Miss Barbara J< ■*- H< A-C Robert E, Martin Pitts- i burgh. Pa were unm" -n Sunday July vary Baptist Chu :*■■ the daughter of .•• ,!• Johnson of Guld-'ro’y -•- tin is the son of M: >t.,d - roe L Martin P r-er :h F-; and is stationed at -' r v: son A.F B Tb>* ■ their home at Lincoln H-- - Miss Margie P ' ■- n. daughter of Mi and M Koi-rrt Swinso.i of Gold ■ Jr James. Collin P Mr. and Mrs Barron ■■■' C :*■•■ n Ga. w-er« married > ■ home of the offiemiw Elder T H Tsylc: 60S Lin St Miss Vers WUlian*.* '■ > ed t position to < k oi school staff at Erkntw v Items is = '57 g. .id* r Carolina CnUr •.- ■■/■? of Mr and Mi - J : V Middle Strei ' Ira Lee Ham. ■"■d" **>: " press room departmciv cal paper for the \ ■ left recently to bee or.*.- r ; -i. man for the Journal 1 tde • Norfolk. Theodore .V, been employed m *rSc,- vacant by Mi Hare YOU ARE WELCOMi 'T j SCOTT’S TOURIST HOME Also . , . Case All Kinds of Drink-; o Sandwichr-s A* Dnr i HALF BLOCK i ROM ;*,) ? | bT AT ION Fnquay Sprines, S. C Tom Ashworth’s 1 ire Service • T ‘IF RECAPPIN-, P DKdTRIBU TOP OF GULF OIL, PROV>i. ; Phone i>2*> ' uquav-Varina New and T T -ed Tu- SAVE UP TO hQ% On Building Materials It Will Pay You To Come To Varina For . . . • Building Materials • A pplis •*.» • Home T- Farm N< erf SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! VARINA Wholesale Builders Supply "Tour Building Material huppr Market" Varina, N. C. Pbon- 345 "’*’“?'*?**"*'** '""" " " • ~r— r— l-rrr-r r n wiwiijiiiwiii.i , ■■. i [ STEPHENS SUPPLY m. | Vatina, N. C. Hardware. Dept Ph. 2b —Building Supply Dept. Ph. 589 • ANYTHING TO BUILD WITH Frigidaire Appliances Lawn Mower SPECIAL Only $69,95 2:r e r r - ■ , h f. clinton motor BEST BUY !N THE CAROLINAS ewob!*fcawMMaH3es-^i*r-3*snKassiifc! .»-.s»rxnm\r»!»airr« i E2*»rs. a ——wy** l - Mrs. Hattie Debose of East Vine Street lef- recently to visit her I son who u- visiting relatives in Brooklyn. N. W, Mr and Mrs. John Leo Coley. Sr. and Miss Cynthia 1:1. Smith are visiting A2-c John Le ■ Coley who is in the hos pital at Lackland APB Rouse. Ber tha 1. no and Angeline Hardy are vk-iting ihi-ii- grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Murray in Richmond. Va. Dr. and Mrs H F. Coficld and (li.ivihte:. Tr.iUtiio. have returned from ”isiting relatives in Phila. Mr and Mrs T. !. Parks have moved into their new home on Li'Mie S’ !-•, l The -old Talks home <*n Georgia Avenue will he occupied : by Prof and Mrs. Crowder of ! Gi'oc-nvi’le. Mi Crowder is the J new print ip; I of Greenleef School. J. b Middleton of Chicago. 111. ! is visitin*; his mother on South j G< orre Street. Miss Hollis Fred- | , a k h|t i'i-eer:j 1 v for Baltimore. | Air! to att- r.d the wedding of a | former classmate at Palmer Mem- j ot'ial Institute. Mrs Anno* finnans Ml S Vir ginia S'reet is visiting Iter daugh ter arid husb -nd. Dr. and Mr? J. j E Pittman of Rocky Mount. N C Kirbv H* mi hot* of 400 A^ T Pine Street is r'.rployed for the sutn iv,-; ■ n Gr°eley. Pa Mr Harniimn ! is a n't ember of the faculty at a i school in Four Oaks. N. C. The sum ral - f Mrs Annie P. j I’zzcll o f 900 East Elm Street was ! held a; Woods Baptist Church ! Burial took place in the Old Mill [ Cemetery M-.s Uzzell was the | dti'iahtt'i of she late Thomas and | ■■'..■-trait P; ire of Seven Springs N . Ic. She received her education in S 1 the schools of St von Springs and j ! Show i ( *n>vprsit-y. Raleigh, and for! - years taught in the Wayne , 1 Mrs Uzzell is survived by her i 1 husband, Randolph Uzzell three j | .or:;:, Ervin and Lysender of , Goldsboro and Odell' Uzzell of j i Fayetteville. N C a ste-pdaugh- } hi. Mrs Helen Sutton of Goldsboro j *y-o grandchildren a sister. Mrs.! V- not-!' Richardson of Buffalo. N | -a broth'-r. Isadore Price of Se- j -ten Spring?. N. C.; three daugh- i ,r-i s-in-law. ?et era! niece?, neph- j r., v ■:. other relative? and friends. I KPt* ruqsiay ¥arina o rHRINTfVA ali; It I FUQUAY Sundaj. July '2B. | ■ vas pajloral day at the Roger's i i Chape! Methodist Church and at j ! ip, ‘ St. Augusta F W Baptist | t"C .111 r;; A "roup wi; in at- ‘ tendance but there j? still room for , , itiinv more. Sunday afmrnoon. July *2B. the | R, ■.- pnee Rogers preached at the | Ritgei-',’ Chanei Church The Saint; MatthewV choir renderd the music, i Stinrl i* August 4 at 2:30 o'clock : tV*-lire*. D .v service was held at ' i . S , . t Sorir.r M thodist Churrtl. Ml - Ale -,:e Trice and Mr. Jo- ! Tt-ph Burt 11 represented Hie First j Pupil-:! Church of Furpiay at the . W.-ii • C* un y Sunday School Con -■ • i n’i -n, which w-**? hold at the ' pi,-.-- ■;t Glow Baptist Church in \v, iirii-P; . ptly The Sunday ses l,'j >■-”■■ tided by Mr. and ; Mi ? i.orov Burton and family. Mrs. | Ti rr. Mi*s Annie M Walker j ~ :i Mi and Mrs. Ro.v C. Street. M; Ci nlon Brown of Richmond j \*„ •• ih- weekend guest of Mr. j (• M . Close; Bakc-r. Mrs. Vida- j 1 i Morton and brother. Mr. ; Brooks Utley of Newark. N J. ] .*,:•<- hi i - visiting their mother. Mrs j Fianres U'lrv of Railroad St. Mr. t-.vid Mr.-. Ozoli Hick? and family | .-,* Phii.idelphia are visiting the Ira i Mi, Leah W’tison of N Wes! St. ;; >n Philadelphia. Pa. \i: .ivi Mr June Lewis motored , V. ,-mnrton. D C and PhiladeL ... * < ib, weekend. Miss Ar .•, -.t., l. is-’ter of Lawrence St. is j it ve*-v ill it Duke Hospital. Mrs j Louis ** Caecar is improving. n« 1 • member our sick in ! •■, ir pray*Visit and send cards jnd flowers to them A reminder —please send your , , w- ip IJ7 N. West St . rail 3M-J i v n,io i r-..'h Monday or give it to . f r><- C \ROI JNIAN new? boy Tho- i -v-meucMr*-'** v. TOJ.(WiMBBPtMi x~ v" w»^'t«wi*'w |T wiww' ; Twin City Radio a n ri Appliance Company H’F yl'U., - U K BERVK F. fi ! Home ApnlUn<*es, Svlvanla onrt /enith Television i PH 198-W H OI AV SPRINGS Sliop For The WHOLE FAMILY Hudson-Bclk COMP A N Y FUQUAY SPRINGS ,® Qu-tlity Merchandise * At Lowest Prices News For And About ! ’ | The People Os Charlotte | BT BILL JOHNSON WHAT MOST CHARLOTTEANS ARE TALKING ABOUT: CHARLOTTE-Marvin O. Grigs- I by, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grigs by of St. Paul St., has won a schol arship of $1325 and a one-year leave of absence from his job in the Engineering Department at the Douglas Aircraft Guided Missile Plant. The first Charlotte Division err>- ’ ploye to receive a full-time Doug- \ las Scholarship. Grigsby will leave , in mid-September for Michigan University where lie will study Aeronautical In sneering. lie will work towards bis Masters’ degree in Industrial Engineering ami a Jt.S, and Misters* degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Grigsby graduated from West j Virginia State College in 1952 with I , a BS. degree in Industrial Engin- : eering I'HE MERRYMAKERS Lloyd and Bessie Sigler of 1500 Russell St. and Robert and. Irene j Lee of S McDowell S' am enjoy ing themselves in a foursome at Atlantic Beach this 1 mek He is t the Northwest Junior High Math. ; teacher. The Rev. U*. T. Tailor ha? been given extended If.avp of absence from South Tryon St. Presbyterian Church for du ties in Hie Armed Forres. He nas in ardent worker among th" delinquent hoys in *he eitv j Mr and Mrs. John Connor oi ; j Detroit. Mich are visiting relatives j i and friends in the city While in j ! town, they will live with Mr. and : Mrs. Edvard Brown at 112? White | I Street. Edith Simmon; and her children j i have returned home from a vtsi* ; | with her sister. Mrs. Virgina Story, j | ln Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Simmons I I also spent ?on*f time in Lincoln - 1 ! ton. Ga., with Mr and Mrs, Pay j mond McCord. Another visitor in our fair eity ; from Cleveland it- Mr?. Mary ! Grady, who is visiting with her I uncle. Mr. Guss Scott a' 1020 ; Spring S1 slrs. Ethel P-itterson of Mr < nrmirk, S C. is goinc to h?'*e j hig week end this week, what «ith three families from the Queen City pointing In for a v ort sta* 1 ' Mrs. Patterson s mo ther Airs. Lula Brown, is. of roursr. the most important jjnovi in the group which will consist of the families of Mr and Mr?. Timothy Freeman and Mr. and .Mrs. Luther Grier They will leave Charlotte Sat urday morning Another couple who hurried ; : away from the hot rjt.y las; week i I end in the. general direction of A'- ■ | lor,tic Beach were Mr. and Mrs. ; Willie Ovr and M 'ltd Mr? Lli ; ther Carter. They will be one foi i one week Mrs. Lillie McDowell and bo son. Julius, were weekend visitors? ; to Washington. D. C. last wet k 1 They visited with Mrs. McDowell s ! sister-in-law while in D C i Ernest and Vidalia Thompson of j Henryton. Md, are vsiting Mr Ju lius Bell at 721 Baldwin Av< this week. A graduate nurse. Midalia is. a staff employee at the Henryton Hospital. She is the former Vidalia Beil of 721 Boldin Ave j Another of Mr. Belt's daughters j Mrs. Doris Bel! Ransom of Wash j ingtort. D. C has boon a visitor here, this summer. Doris ts a grad- I uate of the Good Samaritan Hospi | (al Sc hool of Nursing. Barbara Purdy, the lovely teen-ager echo worked for the CAROLINIAN last summer, will reltirn to Morris-Brown College in Atlanta, Ga. a? a so phomore in September She is majoring in music Mrs. Luctelle Brown of 1813 Vin ton SI., is enjoying several days with relatives and friends at Fort Lawn. S. C. Rev Norman Hieklin i? conduc | ting a revival meeting at. Mount | Gilliam Baptist Church in New | berry, S. C this week The Willing Workers Club of Mount Carmel Baptist Church who j are sponsoring a fish fry at. the i , nome of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drake- j | ford in Beatty Ford Fid Saturday ; afternoon between the hour of 4 j and 10 . Home delivery services , will b welcomed, they said The Fullback Club, according to j ; Alexander Dyk'>s, the vice nresi- j : bent, will cut their summer vara- i i ticn short with a meeting at the ; ! Excelsior Club Monday night, ! Dave Sasso is President of the ! : Club. John Brooks, the "singing postman", is leaving for points north on nr about the Iflib "Tank” and his charming wife. Delia, will begin their vaca tion with a tr<k to Cleveland, Ohio, from there they will motor to New York City for a round of baseball games, le gitimate theaters and "soir*» night life.” A trip to Pitts burgh is on the docket before they return home. Johns son, J. W. Jr. recently j | proved an outstanding student at j ! the Westminster Fellowship Camp j I m Winston-Salem. During the ! winter months, J, W. is a better- i • then-average* student at the Saint j t Ftnmu Military Academy in Ruck ! j Castle, Va | Jonsie Be Ik. talented daughter of j ALLAN MIMS, j INC. FORD SAL.CS AND SERVICE 225 TARBORO ST. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C Teiephon* 2-2191 Mr and Mrs Wiitiam Belk of York , Rd.. won the James F. Wertz Ora- . tzrical Contest at. Stanley, N. C. j last week. Rev Wertz is pastor at j St Paul Baptist. Church Speaking of St. Paul, they will j have their annual picnic on Labor I Day this year. The site will be j chosen at a later date The Mount Carmel Baptist Church has chosen Shelby fur thcii picnic which wilt be held on the 15th. The celebrated game of gull received a rude setback here last week. Matter of fact, it may not recover from the dis grace R all started when Joe White. ■ ; Orr-n McCullough and I decided to j -Lay nine holes. The gruesome j ihreesome started e.,rjy enough but | the mn played a mean trick on us 1 , j lagans "SIT STEADY IN THE potr t ROCKY MOUNT There is j i verse that. "If you can keep your j | head when all around you are ; ! losing theirs ’ then you'll sue- j I need whatever the odds Another i ! phrase which was common with :■ j people of s half-century ago when, j i a> a lad. I used to cross the Beat- i I ties Ford if the Catawba river j j near my native Mooresville was' ! I "Sit steady in the boat." Both of these admonitions art* a- ' | nropo of tb time and conditions a* j j hand. In any critical situation, be ; it crossing a river when the water j 1 was high in a small canoe, on a for- ! j ry guided only by oars, or fording ! j it it in a buggy drawn by a trusty mule, tbs man at the helm had to , have courage, ability end know ; ledge of the situation *o take his j charges safely over. When the I women would become pnt-n-kv. a? I they often would, he had to warn ! them to >it «t>u less tev rocked j Ibe boat o. disturbed the animal i drawn vehicle The write! recalls I instances when Father H.'.’rrc-n [ would lc‘ faithful Dinah 'the mule ; which was a part of the family I even before nc married* 'have the ! tines' because shf knew the fold' ! and would carry us ? ,fe!y out. "BE NO DISMAYED Thus, tt is with our ,*n it right? ; fight Those amor..; u? we .?r re~- ! ponsibihty P ts to cudc ou: per,, pi?- a.- we strive to throw off the bondc-e of ,r.fe: ini Am--, lean cit i renship sinus nu.ißt not b<= ri;?- Dunn News Bi MBS. M F CROWE DUNN - The Free Will Church | Sunday School went to Chavis | Park in Raleigh last Wednesday 1 on thcii annua) picnic A week of Revival Ssrrvires ; were held at Mingo Hill Church ; and St. John;- Bsiptisi Church A' I Mingo Hill the services wore con j ducted by Rev. Crum. The Revival Services at St. | John were conducted by Rev C Taylor of Siler City Each night Rev. Taylor preached a strong ef fective sermon. His subjects for each night were: Monday—“ What Wilt. Thou Have Me Do,” Tuesday— Deliverance. 'The God that we | have is able to deliver us.' Wed i nesday—‘When God Rises Up." ! Thursday— What. Will IDo When j He Conies,” Friday—"Go Out In* j to The World and Use What You , Have.” Music was furnished by j Mrs. C B. Cnrlrington. Mrs O. S. Payton and Miss Jean Bvrdsol. j Devotional Service.: were conduc* | tod by the Mission Group, Men's i Improvement Group. Senior Choir, i Ushers and Juniors. There were j six candidates for baptism. j I At. Trinity A. M. F Church the | | Presiding Elder, J. W Hatch held 1 j the quarterly Conference on Fri- i | day and Sunday The Sampson Chapel Male Choi- J ! us rendered a program at the Mlf* | i stortary Church Sunday night On the sick list is Mrs. Hattie i i Brewington and Rev Herring, i Mrs. Lillie Brewington Martin : and Rev. John K Brewington of 1 New York, also Mrs Corrine Jones \ of New York aie here to see their | mother Mrs. Hattie Brewington. With summer vacations always ! j coming due we find many visitors j ! visitng our town. Mrs Thelma Me- j j Call of Boston. Mass, is visiting ! j hot father Mr Manning Warren | | and sister Miss Verdi Warren Mrs Beatrice Berry is down j i fiom Chester Pa. Mr and Mrs. Ulysses .tamos and I mn Bruce .Eton (antes of New i York City are visit in gtheir par- j cuts. Mi. and Mrs Harry Batter* | | white Mrs James is the former ! I Mis.; Frances T,. Satin white Mr. and Mrs Harry Holmer ot j j Washington, D. C., are visiting! | their sister Mrs Metro Chance ! | and other rolatvcs and friends. Mr Hnrrv Sattcrwhile. Jr i? j spending the week-end in New j j York. i It's so nice to sec Raymond Cod* j ring ton back home after summer I studios at Howard University Al ! ro Mary Louise Spence has ie* turned from a trip to Pennsylva nia. | Mrs. Mabel Mcßaven is back on ! the job after visiting friends it, j Ihe Capital City. Mrs. Ad.i McNeil and grand j | daughter Iris are visiting Mis. Me- i j Neil)'- daughter in New York Miss Phyllis Forte of Smith- j j field is visiting Ann McLean | DUNN On Sunday. July 2B j the Mingo Hiil Church had its ! Home Mission Program and Can* THE CAROLINIAN! i It went down before we finished, j We must have played well enough, i however for we were a tproaching i 73 strokes when we drove the last. ! balls out of bound on No 5. We j name away with a fixed opinion, j The course is too tong and the days | are too short for us to complete | the round. j Our weekly sink list included | Mr. Henry Cooper of !.30f) Beatty ; Ford Rd. and Mrs. Lula Kirkpat i rick of 450 Lloyd St They are faithful members at Mount Car mel Baptist Church, . Mis Mattie White of 705 Car- I mel St. is patient at tile Good | Samaritan Hospital. And Mis Eth ;oi Alexander is mending at the ] Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Alexander i lives at 1104 Oaklnvvn Ave. Mr. William S. Maddox of 1210 Springs St. is in Met ry Hospital,, i hirbed by those who are timid. 9- j fraid. unconcerned and-or too 1-a --j zy *o stand up snd he counted a? ; real men and women in this fvee- I rfom fient We must not become j "dismayed whatever betide' and i keep praying, working and ftght- I ing with alt our resources to win ! while we have old Jm Crow 'on i j the ropes'. HEADS OR TAILS. WE WIN 1 This ‘nghts-fight’ has reached j ! the point where that whatever i j happens is to the eternal advan j tage of the Negro race in his fight j for complete freedom We just ! can't lose unless we lose faith in ' | our God and ourselves j Whatever the opposition does j i wlli finally mitigate against their ! efforts to keep its down High is on ; our side and we only have to re ' m„in on God s side and work. Re ' member that "faith without works 1 is dead", as the scripture reads. So ; w- MUST w ork and not leave jt ; ah to God to do. as so many lazy j nt-op!? often say God has given us ! some tasks to perform while He doe? his work Remember the poo pic who died because they were j toe lar.y to only look and live a? ' the Master directed thorn? Let us 1 not. be found 'wanting' in this ros ■ poet. Here ;n Tarheelia. NAACP has , broken down every door to an tn i tegrated educational (public) ■ school system and we only reed to | have ’hr public to follow through nr, the gain? we’ve elreadv mad? dieliaht March Rev, Robert Wil liams preached the mission ser mon, Mrs Artis, president of home mission of Pleasant Grove, gave an interesting talk on "Let, Your Light Shine,”. After the pro gram refreshments were served The following young people re presented St John Baptist Sun day School at the Sunday School Convention in Jonesboro, N. C—• Ronald Smith, Thomas Brewington Jt , Willard Wooten Jr., Faye Byrd sol. Audrey Feterkin. The meet ing was held at the New Zion Baptist Church. Mrs. C) S Payton is president of the Convention. The United Order of Tents held a one-day meeting on Friday, at the Dunn Chapel Church. Mrs. C. C. Long is the leader. On Tuesday. July Idth the ITh i -Star, Jurisdiction of N C met j with the Golden Rule Chapter 14 o' Dunn at Harnett. High School. On the same date the Annual Dis trict Meeting of the 18th district Free and Accepted Masons Juris diction of North Carolina compris ing Harnett Hoke and Cumberland . Counties, was held The Mission Group of St John's I Church held its annual Candle j light service and procession Sun dry night After a very impressive I pageant all candles were lighted i and the march led by Rev. and j j Mrs. McDaniel proceeded to the j church lawn, forming a circle and singing many beautiful songs Mr and Mrs William Ashby and children of New York are visiting Mrs. Ashby's parents. Mr. and Mrs John Goodman. Mrs. Ashby is j ihe former Lmcy Mae Goodman. Mrs Edward Brewington re* j turned to New York Her children, j Gwendolyn and John aecompan ! tod hei. | Mrs Pauline Benny and dough ■ ters Gloria and Angela of Bnlti ; more Ml visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs William Bell. Mrs Bonnie Blackman H vkrtt* ins hi t sister in New York. Mrs McAllister i« visit- J mg in New York. Also to New Shop Apex Bonus Money Stores Phone EL 4-5251 Blanket Special* 2 -Weeks July 15th j Through July 27th Pick Ur» ar-ri Delivery Service APEX CLEANING COMPANY APEX. N, C it Make* Us Happy To .Serve You! .zsxfiKasmuataKKrM^ Rambling In Chatham GOLDSTON —— PITTSBORO S!L£R CiTY By D. W„ ■ P. O. Bos 55 -—— Goidsirm, Worth Cara!*#* GOLDSTON Hello folks. Hope you *rß feeling fine. Another week has gone by and its time to go to press. Wh.nt.’s the happenings? Well, well let me see; would you like to know jjjst who was in and out of the little swelled town over the week-end? Picture Miss Ju dith Cheek of Greensboro spend ing a few days visiting her cousin. Miss Elia Martin Goins, at Siler City, The Ole' time friend Mack" j Tyson came driving into Goldstnn 1 the other day with a cai loaded with teenage children calling him ‘Dad. - ’ Yes it has been a long time since “Mack" was here, He left Goldston about 17 years ago. T understand why he didn't know many of his own relatives. Ho didn't go too far from home, but just got married and settled down j in {"charleston, West Va The ; hoys arc Mack. Jr and Denis, the I daughter is Miss Maxine Tyson | Mr. and Mrs Eommi» Dowdy are ! being visited by their son. Mr i Hor old Dowdy of Bronx, iv Y He ! is accompanied by his cousin. Wit- i Siam Dowdy, who is visiting ns j parent*. Mr. and Mrs MarKenVy I Dowdy. Mr. Obe Lee price has returned j In tiller City from Virginia where he reportedly played with the \ Pamsenr Rams Baseball team BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Afwaters I are the proud parents of a new j son. Mrs Atwater is the former j Miss Alin* Thompson, daughter ! of Mrs. Jewel Thompson, of Gold- | Sinn. j Mr. Hough Marsh of Portsmouth, j | Va . and son Robert, spent a few I | days visiting the Marshes in | Goldston and Bonier last week I Mrs Alice Horton and Mr Cletis |. | Efland Hews EFLAND Miss Louise TV® of | Efland Is now home from Anna- I polls. Md. after working at. the | Crownsville State Mental Institute j She. is a graduate of the Kate Bit. ) ting Reynolds School of Nursing. She completed her training Sep tember 7. 1956 She plans to con tinue her service to humanity *t the Alamance. County Hospital in Burlington The conference branch Mission i arv Society of the Western N C. Conference will hold its annual two-day meeting on t.he Efland Circuit July 31 through August 1. The pastor Rev S. G Thompkins, and President of the Gaines Chap el A M. E. Church Missionary So ciety Mrs Martha Morrow are ex pecting a large delegation from throughout the Western N. C A, M. E. Conference For a complete j story and pictures of the confer ! once activities read next week's ! issue of the CAROLINIAN. ' The Gaines Chape! AME I Church’s Sunday School expects ito go to Chavis Park in Raleigh I August 10, Mr. R L Morrow B.S. ■ Sup!, announced Two busses will | meet on the church grounds at 0:30 a.m to carry all persons who would like to go Mrs Delia Corbett., resident of Efland. recently visited her son in Brooklyn. N V. Mrs. Alice Carr McAdoo teach in* at the Efland Checks School. | has returned home from New York I City, where she hr? been doing | further study at N Y U. for seven j weeks. She expects to resume her j duties ai the school in September. ! York for his vacation went Mr , William Thompson, to visit his ! son. Miss M. G Smith spent the i weekend in Coats as guest of Miss ! R. Rowland. j Mr and M»s* Jam (, s Williams jof Philadelphia and Mrs Rowerta ' Patterson and daughter of Cam den. N J. visited their parents, Mr and Mrs C J. Williams. Mr Robert Booker had as his guests his mother Mrs Alberts j Booker and sister Mrs. Grace Wfl | liams of Washington. D C Miss Thelma Covington of N V I visited her parents i Miss Hazel Howard has returned | to Durham after visiting her par { ent-s. j Dr and Mrs C B Codrington ! motored to Washington. D. C to j get. their son, Raymond Harry fiat ! terwhite Jr. accompanied them. Mrs Mabel Me Raven is spending a few days in Raleigh Mrs. Lynn Smith surprised Mr Smith with a birthday party on Friday night Guests there to wish him happy birthday were Mrs Caliie Massey, Mr and Mrs. Caesar Brewington, Miss Ruth Smith and guest, Mr and Mrs. Louis Sanders, Miss Helen Young. Mr. Junior Wood, Mr, John W. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith, Mr. arid Mrs. John L. McDougal. Mr. and Mrs 8 Rhoades. Mr and Mi's W. Daflord and Mi arid Mrs Gradv MrWovW Mrs. Ruth C»«4e has returned from Nfv Jersey | Queen City Cleaners || All Work Guaranteed 5& ONF-DAY SERVICE Itunn North Carolina BR IjseF ! & SONS, INC. Dry Goods, Men’s & Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Millinery & Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear FURNITURE * APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT 101 Clinton Ave. 220 - 222 Emu- Broad Street DUNN, N. C. Horton of New yYork City recent ly visited relatives in Goldston and Gulf CONCORD NEWS ; Bv Mrs. Marion W. Rn\d Dial State 2-2588 Nursery fund Drive CONCORD—At its July meeting one urgent problem of the Com- j munity Council for Social and Economic Progress in Cabarrus! County was tire need to take care i of a grocery bill and other need-; j i of the Community Nursery which ! the. Council sponsors TV Coun i ril voted to carry on a commit -1 nity wide campaign soliciting ; funds Mrs L S Blue was ! trained chairman of this drive ! Door to floor canvassing was start* ] ed on July 24 with many volnti-! | teer workers. Both cash dona-1 ! tions and pledges were taken At ! j the first report session on Thurs* | day. August 1. the following per ; sons made cash reports totaling more than half the unpaid groc | ery bill: Mrs. Eunice Caldwell, : Mrs Mamie Knox, Mrs Dora! j Smoot, Mrs Fred Peeler, Mrs. I Christine Mobley, Mbs Mary Wal lace, Mrs. Yvonne Steele. Mrs.! I Eliza Staton. Mrs. L S Blue, and 1 I Mrs. Marion W. Boyd. Each of these ladies and Mrs; i Mary Douglass reported pledges \ ! which when collected will pay the j j total bill with some funds left to i ! give something to the ladies who J *so faithfully cared for the chil dren in the Nursery daily from : September through May. The Nursery is really a service | of fined to working mothers of pre ; school children regardless of abil ity to pay fees. The Nursery has | been closed during the summer months but will open the first week in September. Waves of Zion Anniversary The Waves of Zion Chorus of | the Rock Hill A. M. E. Zion i Church celebrated their ninth an ! niversary with a program at the j church on Sunday July 28 at I 7:00 pm. Four visiting choruses j rendered music: Towel City and Moral Memorial Choruses from Kannapolis, Henderson Grove from Salisbury, and Gospel Lights of Concord Individuals taking part in the program were Rev. J. M. McCall, the pastor, Mr. Walter Walker. Miss Helen Caldwell, and Mrs. Sarah Cannon Weaks Mrs. Weaks presented gifts from the Waves of Zion to their president. Mr. Leon Barnette, manager, Mr. Willie Gills; secretary. Mrs. Ida Mae Nance, treasurer, Mrs. Syl vester Steele; bus drlevr, Mr. Wal ter Walker; and Rev. J. M. Mc- Call. Offering was taken up by Mi John Stovall and Mr. Joe Massey. The Waves of Zion pur chased their bus several years ! ago. Personals 1 Mr Henr y Caldwell, a native of Concord now living in Stamford. Conn., visited relatives and friends friends here for a week during July. He was house guest of his sister, Mrs. Emma Thomas, on S. Crowell Street He also spent a weekend with his niece, Mrs. Frances Waddell, in Albemarle On Thursday, during his visit. Mr, Caldwell was honored with a picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs Eugene Johnson in the Harrisburg community. Many relatives and friends enjoyed the : outing also Cassandra and Marnlte Shu ‘ ford, daughters of Mrs. E. M Shu j ford on Broad Street, are visiting ! their grandparents in Hickory, Pine Park Notes By MRS. PAULINE HUMPHREY PINE PARK Ts rra barmy to i begin our column again after a i lone absence Olir new? I? based on vour fu hire events—snintual social, per sonal and current. The new. is 'iisl copied in a form and then passed to the rennrfer to hr- passed on and reeopied in ink You will j recicve i paper every other week j end Your next turner will be here I Saturd-"'. August ?4. On Wednesday .Tulv 1 " T was , chosen as Pine Park N-v« Re. i porter bv F .( Chadwick After j brief In'ormation v as given. I ae reofed the position ' am the fourth rinrsoe that has fi'i -d thj.c i firm since the |a|e 4<v« Up to thi i point there ha? h.-rn tvo Mr* and j two Misses. 1 live in thi? t om i nomlt'* near the Bantist Church ! and Pine Park t am a member of t'-e A. M F, Church, which is lo cated about thirty miles west of our Community on Htohwav I am a graduate of Oeorgelov n H"*h •School and Florida A **nd M Col lege At nrerent 1 am she *ccr»ta rv of Th° Women's Comnmnitv i Club", which onerates in the Park, j Tl’e club pews will appear in ‘ next column The school news will | hr out then, also J m»e are new connected with th« | Notional Citizens Council for h«f. j !, ter schools, located in Maw r orv* | ritv and the National Education I Association of Washington. P. C j ! We have pteptv of program? to j ! offer the public: for the betterment cf r*ur schools. The program* '-’'ill cover all kinds of organizations Please read all the new.?, pvnv i time, your paper is delivered Bv ! ! so doing you ran keep up with ‘he j 1 eotiing excepts. 1 WEEK ENDING SAT.. AUGUST 10, 1957 Mr. and Mrs P. G. Bynum and (umiiy enjoyed a trip to Atlantic Beach. Mr. Zack Header, is a patient of the Memorial Hospital m Chapel Hill, The Roberts Chapel Sunday School group chartered a bus and went to the North Park in Bur lington last Sunday. Si. Matthews Hy AIRS. MARIE M. RIDDICK Sunday school opened at 9:30 *. in It was well-attended Sunday i \* - r. communion day and ‘he altar j was beautifully decorated with i white mixed summer flowers. ! Morning worship began a? 11:09 | o'clock with No 1 choir in charge and Mis* FUs Mae Giles at the organ The senior ushers were in charge. The processional «*as sung than 'he firs' hymn, No. 192. O God Our help in ages pas'.' A fervent prayer was offered by Bro Bober* ; Dunmor? Second hymn: • Jesus ; paid it all.' Missionary offering | wap lifted A special missionary prayer was offered by Rev. ft Upshaw, pastor Rev Upshaw chose his text, from Ist Pete.; 2nd chap ter. ■»lst Vf* “Because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that ye should follow i his steps." His Theme- The wav j Home or In the Steps of Jesus ’ i Rev Upshaw preached a powerful ! sermon enumerating the suffering and the sacrifice Jesus made when he died on the cross To lead the j ?v;,y home, we must ha'-» abiding j grace, to be willing to proclaim. I i know my Redeemer hvi=ih befor..*. | ten thousand if need be. to grow | in grace and knowledge, to have | that forgiving spin*. *o be willing to walk the last mile for Jesus." The church is pleading for ones ■ who will pink or swim but will j si ill he willing to trust in God j Almighty If we cannot forgive our brothers | trespasses, how can v ? expect him to forgive us ours* We must foi- I low him to Nazareth in perever i ance. and patience Think of his I suffering for us, his forbearance At the end of this sermon the ; choir sang. “God leads his dear j children alone " The spirit was pre ■ j valent and the communion was ’! well received with exultation Ma : | ny visitors and friends wcr« pre • ; sent. Wc were very glad to have i Mr Samuel Thomas of New York ; j City, one of the stewards of 'he j church, visiting with us Come to 1 | visit us and hear our pastor. I —————— Shop Wake Forest BONUS MONEY :: STORES! ; EDWARDS PHARMACY M Prescriptions fOR PROMPT SERVICE !j Phone EX 5-3248 WAKE FOREST NORTH CAROLINA !■ *ll,ll’ , ITWMII.* * I Announcing . . . TUS OPENING Or mm mu SHOE SERVICE “W* Ft* ’*BS R.tfh** i | C!oe White At Am Wake Forest,, N. C. BOX 433 „m. W nnrrmw.i"n 1 1952 C ADILLAC Coupe DeVille Light Blue, N»w point. Good Tires I BEST BUT OF THE MONTH j Cruser Motor COMPANY Wake Forest I NORTH CAROLINA j W■■■uniw. —“MHWO. ..av»rre»oß»ni-..i.!'? « uin.nnjumTwarn Wake Insurance Agency Mr:>. Donald Guilty 207 S White Street WAKE FOREST. N. C DIAL EX S-3SOO Mutual Insurance Saves! f—w»mw 1 w * nma 'jikjbiwp-- wz?x.Tr*anm HOLLOWELL’S CASH FOOD STORE | "Good Tilingr to Eat" TO.N ROOSEVELT .AVENUE Wake Forest j NORTH CAROLINA

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