RALEIGH PERSONALS . CLUBS . CHURCHES 1 1 * VISITING SICK ANNOUNCEMENTS VACATIONING IN GREENS f BORO A rs. Ollie M. Sanders and son. bn Earl, are the house guests of | Oik' | BOURBON I wzm fef PHI 7 t lilF f. J\9 OLD I I^l i idßffcC I IBfek- II eo»y Ip?' TSsgtf |sb -»oj#h feLyglgl 4/s 4UAHT Si ST s4’iO $265 i STMISKI 80I«S0W WMSKT .8S WflCf I CIWIiNEhm Dismutis corpsmtmm I PHILADEIPHiA, ffWIYIM a '■*'_ ' «H» i’W*' jfou'll bn I '" " ' " ,I? L S «t mcinSlj psyaw«i» 6t y» h**! am,,**! ft quickly and convwuently, AM whan you vac-.'€. If tkm in yom new car, protect yo«r travel caah by m |S| carrying American Expreat TVa velew K ® Spendable ae ce»h everywhere. gefupd P M Chargee, only *&.■ » I Mechanics & Farmers Bank r. RALEIGH - DURHAM 1 SjjpsZ&iQ Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh 3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA -> TEL. TE 3-1071 mfiTteriiierrii»wiMiiMMii MMiiwin iiieeeMnudninn'er nwwwii nr WWW mwi—i wan n iiadraMxjwwMEifcwaw^w^r.ew^jiwewwwwwMwwnp, ★ | BIRTHS and BIRTHDAYS Mrs. Sanders’ sister, Mrs. Alice Henderson, Lutheran Street, Greensboro. The Sanders’ reside at 1107 S. Bloodworth Street, They ■4ll return to the city next week. HOLY CHURCH PLANS CONSE CRATION Sunday August 11, will be Con secration Day at. the Providence Holy Church. Corner of S. Blood worth St. and Bledsoe Ave. There will be Holy Communion following the morning sermon at the eleven o'clock service. The sermon will be given by the pastor. Dr. J. A. Forbes. At the evening service the pastor u. ill give an evangelistic I message* which will begin the spe cial week of consecration services. Sermons will be delivered by Rev, J. A. Forbes, Jr. The public is cor dially invited to attend. SPEND WEEK AT BEACH Mrs. M. H. Landis, Mrs. Dorothy Landis, of 307 W. Scuih St., and daughters, Helen Carol Landis and Joyce Glenn, spent a week at Vir ginia Beach. Va., recently. They were joined by Mrs. Ruth Glenn, who is suending the summer there. BUSES TO SEAVIEW The Manly Street Christian Church will sponsor an outing to Seaview Beach, Norfolk, Va, Sat urday. August 10. Buses will leave Raleigh Memorial Auditorium promptly at 6:a.rn. REVIVAL SERVICE PLANNED A revival service will begin Monday, August 12, at the Mount Sinia Holiness Church, 1719 Pender Street. It will be conducted by Bishop Hattie Harding of Durham. Bishop Maude M. Pope, pastor of the church, reports that the revival will last for 1 week. RETURNS FROM '‘GOTHAM" Mrs, Orine Ford, of 533 E, Eden ton St„ has returned home after spending her vacation in New York City. MRS. JEFFRIES VISITS Mrs. Orine Jeffries of 533 E. Ed enton St., is visiting her son and wife, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Jef fries, in New York City. ACCOMPANY RELATIVE HERE Mr, William Curtis and son,, Wil liam Jr., formerly of 1215 New Bern Ave., accompanied their mo ther and grandmother, Mrs. Ger trude Curtis, from Mt. Vernon, N. Y. io Raleigh. Mrs. Curtis has been i away for several months. ★ CLUB NEWS and NOTES VmiHHMVIiBUBMMHMIHVIBMWSOTnBRMMN VISITING IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Lula Hopkins of. 611 E. Ca barrus St. is visiting her sister in San Diego. California. MAJOR HAYWOOD, FAMILY RETURN Major Vernon V. Haywood, son of Mrs, Mary Haywood, and fam ily have arrived in the states af ter a five-year stay in Japan, They landed in Oakland, Calif, and will motor to Chicago and New York to visit relatives before coming i to North Caorlina. BACK TO NEW JERSEY Mrs. Mary H. Rand has returned to her home in Newark, New Jer sey after motoring to Raleigh to spend the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. John son, 1111 E Morgan Street. Mrs. Rand was accompanied by her son, Norfleet, and Mr. Joseph Jackson j of Montclair, N. J. LINCOLN COURT GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins and daughter, Patricia, of Spring field Gardens, L. 1., New York, were the recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert. E. Hayes, Sr., of Lincoln Court, MRS. MONROE VISITS Mrs. Bertha Monroe of New Rrchelle, New York, visited Mrs. James Higgs. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blount, Mrs. Carrie Laws and Mrs. Nannie Anchrum during her re cent visit to Raletigh. WILLIE GILLS TO RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gill of South Ozone Park, LI. I New York re cently visited Mrs. James Higgs, their aunt of 313 N. Tarbr.ro St. PROVIDENCE GROUP ATTENDS CONFAB A number of young people of Providence Holy Church, corner of South Blood worth St. and Bled soe Ave. attended a National Bi ble Church School and Y.P.H.A. j Convention of the United Holy Church, in New York City. July j 31 through August 4. Among the number of persons going to New York for the con vention were Rev James A. Forbes, pastor; Mrs. J. A. Forbes; Rev. J. A. Forbes, Jr.; Clarence Young, superintendent of the Bi ble Church School; Miss Lillian Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ray; Mrs. Magdaiine Upchurch, Mrs. Wills Williams and others. The purpose of this meeting was to exchange ideas for the better , understanding of youth work end ; to further organise for evangelisa t tion of unsaved youth. Roth farmers and ginner* are required to keep accurate records of purchases and sales of cotton. { Thw. mM MKm j forgive iftenu for ttwf know not wtet they dfe****"* £9t Lnfaa 33.au Do jaw* ®wßsr ftuft ft Isasst fc | yosar heart to forgrtwe anpone ? Do jkm sometimes find it hard ; even to for g toe yourself? ~. 1 On Hb« Gross, Ciartofc Jfewas | asked God. to forgwe thorn I who wore awMymg Him I for tbs Eternal God of 3tove *rtd Mearcy w® forgive and He hears m*m the mtnaitost j praye*. i Sine* IMS—MaiWe-GnanH* | stMt |KS| ! WARNER ! MEMORIALS i Ml Hillsboro, Roleltb, S. C (Across Railroad—front of Method! ' RETURN TO STATES FROM IRAQ Samuel E. Russell, as sistant professor of printing in the department of printing, school of engineering and me chanic arts, Florida A and M University, Tallahassee, has re Judge Rules “Sweet Daddy Grace”! Can’t Have Water, Seims! Truck DETROIT, Mich.—(ANP)-Court i action on the cat:.plaint of several persons here against Sweet Daddy- Grace last week resulted in an Ordinance Magistrate refusing to j allow ihe leligious leader to use | water for an outdoor baptism and ; a sound truck for a “crusade.” Magistrate John D. Watts up held a complaint of Mrs. Mel ba. Campbell, a principal wit ness, against Daddy Grace and ordered the spiritualist leader » ... -■ - - ■ r gMMt . <•&&’}s /■”; %.4-i - ■ 'fe s jSl' !w aKS* %Kimi&sMt: 2 i ' > L_ . »' Mp '4 . ; •jfcfib. : 1 jjSta&s* •, »vM& W: *’' y I iK. T"' : \•v. ’ WSSmSS^Wk lslMBS81»3Bi fl% fSHte'* >** Isift BBMfrj£k> f? WnqlillC¥ ti SK ,^BK^;^i.^- r «'ilwvS^'^ w ffi^^ t VwiM™?-s > Hm i> ~~ - v - «. '^ 1 ‘" »*•■*& 1 V -jM»y 8j '*, jMStf. --■''■••■ :'~Hm''*; ■*: •"■'iMßfc; J*p, r 4 *Jf#lP*» : * % 15, EXPERT FLOWER GROW- i ERS—Mr. and Mrs. S. T. j Thompson are shown standing amid their large flower garden on the front lawn at 808 E. WeekTyThurch RoTnduiTi j By Mrs, May L. Broadie |1 “Deal God, w* come to Tht-s be cause w# would know Thee. We want to ba with Thee. to talk to Thee, to listen to Thy voice. In Thy presence we feel truly alive. Grant us this day that we may know Thee better, through Christ, Thy Son." Union Baptist Church: Sunday morning worship services: Church School opened at 10:30. Morning worship at 12 o’clock noon. A very uplifting message was delivered by the pastor, Rev. George Mit chell. Everyone enjoyed this ser mon. Wilson Temple Methodist Church | —Sunday morning worship: Church | School at 9:45. The superintendent, ! Miss Nannie Morgan, presided. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. The senior choir had charge of music, under the* direction of Miss Nannie I Morgan. Organist. Mr. Leon Hay- I wood. The pastor. Rev, C. L. Gid , ney, preached a wonderful sermon ! from the Book of Ist Samuel, 3rd chapter, ist verse, “Wanted: A Prophet." Oberlin Baptist Church —Sunday morning worship: Church School at 9:45. Supt, Mr. Edward Curtis. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The senior choir wm in charge of rr u j sic, directed by Mr. Alvin Blount. I Mr. Haywood, organist, j The impressive sermon was de ! ML'JXb HOTEL Member of N. H. A, j Clean, Comfortable Room* I Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop ! £2C K. Cabarrus St. Raleigh j Phono TE 3-fiRM! THE CAROLINIAN ] turned to his post following a : ten-month tour as a specialist j in technical education and gra phic arts in Baghdad, Iran. He I was assistant director of the Baghdad Institute which was i founded and organized by Bratl- ! to do his baptizing in other ways by revoking Graces li cense to use a fire hose and hydrant for mass outdoor bap tisni. In another move the Magistrate j hydrant for mass outdoor baptism ! revoked Sweet Daddy's sound I truck permit and ordered Grace's services to be held inside the con verted theatre here he purchased. The religious leaders repre sentative, Elder Claude WMk erson, told the court that "we ! Martin Street. The Thompsons i are especially proud of their Monthly Roses and Petunias, which number among their vast variety of types, some of which livered by Rev. J. F. Haywood from the Book of St. Malt... 7th chap ter, i 7th verse; subject; "Jesus came to give life.” Martin St. Baptist Church: Sun day morning worship Church School at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. The senior choir was in charge of music, directed by Mis* Minnie Min:? The pastor, Rev. P. H. Johnson, delivered a very sweet message from the Book of Acts. 18th chapter. Ist verse. Subj.-ct: “I must, by all means, keep this feast.” First Congregational Christian Church: Sunday morntnc worship —Church School at 9:45. Supt, Mr. Sherman Lewis was in charge. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. The senior choir wns in charge of mu sic, under the direction of Mr. Er nest Massenburg. The pastor Rev. IT. Cunningham, delivered a wonderful message, It was Holy Communion day and ev eryone enjoyed the service. Lilly of the Valley Sunday morning worship service: Church School at 10:00 o’clock. Supt, Jo seph Williams. Sr, was in charge. Morning worship at i) o’clock. The senior choir had charge of music, under the direction of Mr. Willie Henderson, The pastor, Rev. J. H, Graham, brought a very neautfu! and spir itual sermon from the Book of St. i Luke, 2nd chapter, 48-49 verses First Baptist Church: Sunday i morning worship—Church School j at 8:30. Supt, Mr. W. H. Teylor, Sr, wa* in charge A very large num | ber was present. Morning worship ] at 11 o’clock. The senior choir was I in charge of music, under the rti ! section of Mrs. ML T. James Min ley University ot Peoria, 111., ; under contract with the Inter national Cooperation Agency | (ICAI. Russel! first served with ! (he Bradley team during a two- j rear period, 1953-55. (A and M | staff photo by C. J. Smith, 1111 j I do not come to disturb, but to make people happy and full of joy". Wiikerson made the statements after. Mrs. I Camphel. told the magistrate, j ! the only thing we neighbors want is for Sweet Daddy and his people to go into the place I quietly and close the door.” j About a dozen other people told the court that a sound truck fol j lowed by a band marched through j the area during Sweet Daddy’s i ‘ crusade *' i bloom year-round. Thompson, (better known as The Sandman' | has lived at the above address ' since 1916. ister of music, Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly, j f Soloist, Mrs. P. L. Higgs, Process- j ? ional, "God of Our Fathers," j I Scripture reading by Rev. J. D, * Roberts, 52nd chapter of Isaiah be- j j ginning at the 13th verse and the j J entire 53rd chapter. Prayer by Bro. j T A. A, Cooke. 1 A beautiful sermon was deliv- < ered by Rev. J. D. Roberts from i the Book of Isaiah Subject' “Our Suffering Savior." He made it very plain and everyone enjoyed his discourse. After morning worship Miss Sheldon McNeil became the bride 1 of Mr. Isaac Winfield. The church was beautifully decorated. The vows worn heard by Rev I D. Roberts. Organist, Mrs. E. M. M Kelly. PERSONALS Mrs. Thelma Maloney of East Hargett Street has returned home after visiting her grandchildren in Bridgeport, Conn. She reports a very happy vacation. Mr. and Mrs Claude Evans. Jr. j | "■A ho ret is it person, who i often keeps yon from being jj ! lonely, ami at the same time f males you wish you were!” * • i «t of New York City have returned i home, after visiting his mother, ! ' ' | Mrs Louise Evans of 21 Chavis ! Way. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mayes and chil dren of Arlington, Va. are spending their mid-summer vacation in our city. They are the house guests of Mrs. Mayes' sister. Miss Christcen Jeffries. Mr. Davis Fields of California is the house guest, of his parents-in law, M>\ and Mrr J. A. Highc, Granville Terrace* They motored to Oxford Tuesday where they visit ed Mrs. Highe’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Hall. The Raleigh Union Society clos ed its 60th annual convention on Tuesday, July 30. Telephone TE 2-8777 Bloodworth Street TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and feievision 421 S. Blond worth St. Raleigh i Is your Fire Insurance adequate on your home? Was it bought to cover your home ten years ago or five years ago when the j value was half what it i* now? ! The value of, your homo is i worth protecting. Let Careness Insurance Agency give yon full protection on your home and furnishings CALI, 3-3563 | BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN- ? NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. i CAVENESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3363 i KOY CAVENESS, Jr ROY CAVENESS, Sr. (PRINTING » COMMERCIAL © SOCIAL I Consult Us lor Reasonable Estimate* ■ Prompt ■A' Service Phone TE 4-5558 ——THE i CAROLINIAN | Pl/BUSHiNG COMPANY i 518 £. Martin Street Seleigh, N. C. II OCEAN FREShSaFOOD I * ,-smm (Ask For Watson’s Fryers fl fl At Y our Favorite Store j WATSON’S | Seafood & Poultry Company, ine. ; I 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept. Cameron Village Rock Quarry Road t Raleigh, N, C. |j| UMSTEAD’S - TRANSFER COMPANY GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY FUU. LINE OF ~ HAULING GROCERIES ' ' Vcur P»*ro»»*« Courteous - Prompt Appreciated Efficient *—«— ED. UM STEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street ® Tarhoro & Martin Streets DIAL TE 2-9478-- TE 2-9212 I Finance or Borrow j | On Your Car J 3 ? Through This | Dillon Motor Finance Co. | I 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 ■ WEEK ENDING SAT., AUGUST 10, 105? The Kaio.fett Community Ckii> will hold its 12th anniversary c -h - bration Sunday August 11, at o’clock p.m For A Better Weil CALL ' > VvFH.CO. RALEIGH. N. C Phone TE 2-4675 Rnx 1118 | INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. !l ! yi T\ S, COMPLETE Summer CHANGE '•UANA AVER In OIL CHANGED « GREASING & RADIATOR DRAINED Anti-Freeze Applied H Washing «t Polishing Dunn’s Esso Service 502 S. Bloodwortb St PHONE TE 2-94H6 jumper Irappp | I NyE GLASSES I 4 'o»ijnes'Uooauie Quality i I! Prudent Price* l " l I fjlcSgeiuays | OPTICIANS, is*. ©ldfw. i ! Everything For « . • BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING I * UJMBEB » MILLWORK * ATKEY S PAINTS * BUILDING MATERIALS • BUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 BUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson St. j RALEIGH, N. C.