INTEGRATION EFFORTS INTENSIFIED IN DIXIE the caro;inan 12c In N. C. VOLUME 16 3 Kids Set SIOO,OOO Wayne Fire 4* 4* 4» ir 4 4 s 4 «. §| §ajA||l§? .- \*o. .;***p-< Jjß r , s jgjj '4ps£ £&■s& 4$5?V*W osSj?Bw y'i'r :5£ .'.£•* UK'; - ‘ . .;•••«?.&*.. gjl ■ s£*<> '®. iy% %(j£ &z% &jip '-vf< sjjfc ¥& W& vKfy?«Sr 3w, fpu .'f/ : ;;M 'f- ?-, &« jaw ©:a.v«S * SB§ EflL jsj6 ssk«J§K SU&. iOf ?u. ; .. ivT 'w ’,%J, ••w«o>. ; *>- 3§|£ Knife Wound Takes Life Os Jeff Abrams A trample of three weeks' du ration ended abruptly Sunday aft- f r r.:>on when Mrs. Katherine A:, -m.-. -ii, allegedly plunged a kn A In the left cheat nf per hus band. .mff Abrams. 27. \t. a hearing held in City Court Monday morning Judge Albert Drub found probable cause and bound Mr Abrams, of 5 Bladen S'.-cet, nve-r to the September hr-: of Superior Court. She V'.v-d preliminary hearing and ho bond war allowed at that time. A hr? ni« was reportedly sialuied Sunday afternoon af tu slipping bis wife while she v. is cleaning fish, i .e woman told police officers t , she swung her arm in a back-! ' d position with the fish-clean-; i x~ knife clutched in her fist, but! st'TrrifasUy maintained that she; did not mean to fatally injure! him. Didn’t Believe He Was Dead When informed by officers Joe Winters and John Raker that her spouse was dead. 'His. Abrams, cried, "no. no, no. no.” 'Let me call the hospital,” she sobbed. However Baker and Winters finally succeeded is convincing her that Abrams fCOvrsKVEn OK PAr.r S) Bus Riding Case Quickly Dismissed By Judge In La. J, JL Whitehead, Ex-CIAA Official then In Virginia LA WHENCE VILLE, Vp. One of the nation's best known, college executives died here Saturday nj-ht of «• heart attack lust, ter. months before his scheduled re tlxctawt. after 61 years of serv at hi- alma maur, St. Paul’s College He was John Lyman Whitehead, 64. >lr. Whitehead bad b*«m (COVTtNOTD ON PA OB e> JvEW ANGI E ON THE KLAN—A robed member of the Ku Klux Klan appear to be. marching ground a strangely-formed symbol of the «r sf'-r in 3 traditional cross-burning r«.Hv at Statesville, N, C Tire un Iskely ef.feet !s the result of t double exposure in vhich the nhotog )aubsnapped the. cross is one. picture, then tilted his camera 90 degree*, to get a matching *bot of the Klanemen. I —* Sr " 20 PAGES RALEIGH, N. C, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 195? w i ’ -' iU. ■ fIFK ABRAMS » , , in ebusf Efforts In Integration Intensified ! With rnadt of Dixie's public schools scheduled to open next | month, leaders on both sides of ! t-he (horny integration battle in i tensified their efforts Saturday I to settle the argument of wheth er the doors will swing open on I segregated or mixed classrooms I in a number of Southern cities. ! While the segregationists in the | “Deep South” states of Georgia, Alabama, .Mississippi and South • (CON-TlNl>eo on- r \r, V. *) I SHREVEPORT, La. A city judge Monday dismissed charges against a woman accused of .rid ! ins in the white section of a city j bus to prevent her attorney from : making a “mountain out of a mole hill" in a test case. The woman, Mrs. Frances Sullivan, admitted violating a law which requires bus driv ers to segregate passengers by rare but Judge O Itandel! Wbitmeyer freed her when her attorney announced he in tended to challenge the eon stitufionally of the law. j Whitmeyer said he did not want : in see a prolonged bus integration • (COKTrNtiF.T* UN pa or ?t Warehouse Destroyed; 3 Children Held | GOLDSBORO--Three children.; i\ whose ages range from 5 to 7. ! : admitted kindlin'; a fire August ; li 13 which destroyed the Victory 1 II Warehouse here and caused a loss I j| of more than SIOO,OOO in tobacco ; i; and facilities. V piece of cardboard and two rents worth of matches was used to start the blaze, of ficers reported. The warehouse was destroyed just three days More the tobacco auction sea son was to start. Approximate ly fifty persons were left, with out work and Goldsboro was left with but four auction buildings. The names of the children were withheld because of their ages. ' 1 The mother of the children call- : ed pom Monday and explained 1 that she had just extinguished a fire which had been set at the! residence of a South Goldsboro family After brief questionin'?. ; the children admitted .setting this j fire and were taken to the ruins ■’ of the warehouse fire. following the warehouse fire, officers went to (he home of the youngsters, a ho.v and fwn girls, to cheek on a report that their mother had kept their, locked in a rloset, but no one was arrested. A. hearing date for the children | has not been set. but it is heliev • ed lbai they will face a Juvenile 1 Court judge soon. j i State News -in ! Briaf MAN GITS MANSLAUGHTER TKRM OREENVILLE— James Hoggard, 17, of Pactolus. was sentenced to a 3-a year sentence in Superior Court: on charges of manslaughter Friday. Hocgard allegedly stabbed Joe Louis Ward to death at, a ,:uke joint after the two were, en gaged m an argument over Ward S stepping on the shoes of a girl 1 companion who was with Hog ! «nrd. Originally charged with first degree murder, Solicitor Robert Rouse accented » lesser charge, - * . *H Her \r surriiKKs ri\n* SOUTHERN PINES Mr and Mrs. Martin 1,. White moved info h modest ranch type home in a while neigh borhood on the outskirts of this (own two years ago amidst i protests and threats. Today • everything Is peaceful and quiet there. When the Whites first moved iri there were neighborhood meetings, talks of building the elderly couple from New York a home in a Negro section ami threatening telephone calls The Whites came tick with a counter offer of setting the home for (CON’TTN’ITI? ON PAGE »> Arrival Os First ■ | Negroes Observed ■JAMESTOWN, Va -The arrival nf tho first 20 Negroes in North America war, celebrated here Sat urday by the National Freedom j Day Association and the National ! Memorial to the Pt ogress of the \ Colored Race in America. The first Negroes landed in Au gust 161.?), probably at Hampton, I Va., a part of the Jamestown col- ! ony, from aboard a Dutch man of ! war which had picked them up 1 , in the West Indies and brought j i them to Virginia. "I* was ned a slave catrn” i according to Charles E Hatch, • CCONTSKOtn ON PAGE 8) NUMBER 4« I •. 7 --.’Vf?' - WRITES BOOK John Rod man X, ark ins. Consultant on Ne gro Work with the State Board »f Public Welfare, haefTO* propor*y of Sh« CsABfHJNTA?* All tallying is final whop th» n*e'#s of the Bonus Mono* Mitun sr* *«- nonneed in The f'A»OIP»IAN, and no responsibility t* serepfed bv this new#- i paper beyond that point No reeeipt# from banks wfM b* ronstdseed, »*oept pavmsnt m t**+*ut*9 The third week of Bonus Mon participhiiori for th* month b#- gan Th'.irxdnv. August SO end tdr-s, ! i s at midnight. Wodnesdoy, Ae-p --tomber 4. Thu current month wilt j c-oni« to a close st midnight, Wed ! nesday, Sepiomber 11. Beglntung with th* ITHh pss ■ rind the award* will ha $26, firxt: SIS, *ect>nd: $lO. third and forty $2 awards -will he given to participants in order nf their standing Are vow participating *n tbn This V/eek’s Advertisers Thu merchant# listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. * PAGE 1 Varln# Wfcolesale BttiMew towptr Hudson Relk Company nick Payer Crusar Motor Compaijy HoliOW*U> Cash Grocery PAGE 3 Charles Store G. s Tucker Brother* Furniture. no, Mr. Joseph Winter* Mr. El ‘-K Rand PAGE a Mr. < . Kcrl latch man Jludron-nelb Company Mr Elvis Rand ! Stephenson's Appliance Company jPAGE 6 | George A. Iseley Insurance Company | Raleigh seafood Company { First-Citizens Bank Tnut Cotnpawy j Famous Bakery i Kramer's Jewelry i Clvcll* Beauty College Ambassador Theatre ! Town 3; Country Tire SerMU» ; Burt's Garage - PAGE ? ! Tire Distributors, toe. ! A &' P. Super Market. ‘ Will la tat' Garage Mr. George D*vl* J&i fc >^y 15c Elsewhere , Eisenfwwer Sends Elks A Messsge PHIJjADELPHIA—On the eve of i thn opening of the 58th grand I lodge convention of the Improved ; Benevolent Protective Order of | Elks of the World. Grand Exalted ; j Ruler Dr. Robert H. Johnson rr j ceived the following message from i President. Eisenhower. ! “White House To the delegate* attending ihe fifty-eighth Grand Lodge convention of the IBI’OEVV. I ' send greeting*. Guided hy the high princi ples of your organisation and united in & tested fellowship of loyalty, your membership makes a splendid contribution -> the- national community. Wii. Midi a heritage, you continue to grow in strength and service. Rest wishes for a memorable convention. (yigoetL Dwight O. Eisenhower." OK PACK SI pr«'gw(Mn'l , »f not *>b#rt tods*. Peed the rule* on th* front pag* of fht* edition snd begin now k b« « winner, forty thro* person* eon earn extra upending money earh month. Ther* J* mo limit to th* number of time* one family ran b« * win ner. Each tlm* money spent with our ftdver+isers warrant your being -named, you can *ol!ert Bonus Money eh-ck* PAMS « Bloodwnrrfe St Tocritt Horn# Bcfter Well Company C*venes* Inmuii Aga«ey’j Esso Service Cirollm Builder* Corp. Watson’# Seafood it Poultry Co ftw Umstead Trgjssfer Co & Food Store OfUoo Motor FlD*nce Cowpam Ridgeway’* Opticians Prp»l-Crl* Bottling Co., of Raleigh Wsror; Memorials Deluxe Hotel PAGE S Coen-CJower Pcntlic Comp**? Stephenson’# Used Car* PAGE 12 Carolina Power * Ught Company R E. Quinn Furniture Company Hunt General Tire Company The Hood System tndnatrla! Bsnlc Gem Watch Shop National Art Shop N. C Products : Acme Realty Company 1 S. M- Young Hardware Company PAGE 20 t Wholesale Electric Company Famous Bakery Tip Top Food Store Sureflt Seat Cover Center Ponte. 3, Raleigh. is shown ''fine: pulled from ♦*» fogthei about f :S9. T**s body was f?w>«••,. h K - -<<*ue >on-ia 4 ;j| p~, »v , Four families Receive Threats Over Phone BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Pour Nc-j gro families, including thin who : signed a 'public school integra tion petition, said this week they have received ' threatening" tele f phone calls. One couple. Raymond and ! Alice Parker, said they re • reived several "vile and ugly" I telephone rails which “threat ened” violence if they did riot leave town and withdraw their names from ihr petition They have no chillren and did not sign the petition the Park--:; said, and believe they were threat i ennd by error. OD3S-ENDS[ t By ROBERT G, SHEPARD S .* TWO YEARS LONG ENOUC- ' The proposal advanced by a City Council member that the terms nf members of the Raleigh City Council be extended from the present two years to a, terra of tour years does not appear to i have much merit. Raleigh's coun cil members ere not. elected be cause of their experience m city government or anv other type of ' government. They aie elected because the i electorate, thinks they arc wonder 1 workers who know ail nf the an j swers. Tlie fact that the pnv of j these councilmen is a mere pit | lance, a token salary so to speak, ! should be sufficient proof that ! the voters realize they are not . getting a group of experts to sit ; around the council table. A well ! paid and capably-trained city ' manager is hired here to run the j | government of this city, The council members are sup- ; ! posed to be policy makers. Any j j group of citizens composed of j I stable and intelligent persons,, suf- j | , I ficientlv mature and experienced ; | in the bu mess of making a. living, j 1 i ! consecrated to the ideals of Chri- ! | tianity and dedicated to the bet-, • torment of mankind, is cape ole , ' j of doing & good job as the policy - I - j making group for this city Serv- ! ing on the Raleigh City Council ! is mofp a. civic duty than a re -1 sporuubility. Been use it in a duty. | elections should be held often Oy i ery two years' in order that move ; citizens ran make their eontribu-: tion to the city. If two years are long enough , for a member of the IT. S. Hon **; of Representatives to serve, with out having to offer for reflection, there cannot be any reason why members of the Raleigh City Council should be elected for terms longer than two years. * * « "25 NOTHIN": We have no j Idea what 25 nothin amounts to ] in corn of the realm. But .Joe j louis 1 trite remark when he was ! accused of receiving $2,500 for (CONTINUED ON PAC.K ?> Records Show Man | Received A Trial ! I ; j COLUMBIA, 5 c—Stat* peril- j j * tentfary records show a. man who j | claim;, he whs sentenced to life 1 i for murder in South Carolina j I without a, trial was tried last year j in. Beaufort County. James Jefferson escaped from the state penitentiary prison farm at Boykin lost. May and whs re- j captured in New York State, He is fighting extradition and j told New York authorities he j never had a trial in South Caro- 1 ilna. but was sentenced to life by a sheriff. Commitment papers on Jeffer son at. the penitentiary show he was tried in General Sessions j Court at Beaufort with Circuit j Judge James W Brailsford Jr., of Orangeburg presiding and was found guilty of murder with rec ommendation of mercy. Such a verdict makes a life sentence mandatory- Papers sign ed by the Beaufort clerk of court committing Jefferson to the peni tentiary were dated June 29. 1955 1 Raymond and Zola Parker did sign tho petition but. Parker said he has “withdrawn’’ hip name be cause “I didn't understand what ! was Signing " William anc! Josephine ! odd said they received similar threat ening telephone calls before they ”withdrew” their names from the petition. The Rev F. L. Shut-llcswortb and his wife said they also re ceived telephone threat;? Shu*- tier-worth heads the Society for Human Rights, formed after tu National Assn, for the Advance men*, of Colored People was out lawed in Alabama. 21 Charlotte Parent', Get School Restraining Order CHARLOTTE A court order i was obtained here Monday by a . group of white parents seeking to block integration of city schools. The order directs the school board to show cause Thutr- : day why it should not br restrain - ed from admitting four Negro children to “white” schools. -fudge Hugh B. Campbell, Superior Coi.irl jiisi'i'e, «-d the order, whii h is return able Thursday at 2 be fore Superior Court .Judge J. W:ll Ph'ss. Jr. of Marion I? issued, the restraining order would delay integration here un Seven Nabbed Here In Big Liquor Crackdown Raleigh police officers were kept busy last weekend raiding several homes where illegal whiskey was found. The roundup began Thursday j night when four persons were charged with illegal possession ot. ‘ non-tax paid whiskey John Henry Rufus I-tyals and his wife. Mrs. Lucille Ryals. -12.: both of the 580 block of East Dm- tc : Street, wc.i • nabbed with one quart, of "white lightning “ They weic, found innocent, of (he char ges in City Court Friday. Following an arrest- for public i drunkenness, Beular ft Atkinson, ■ll. was found to he in possession I RELAX IN NEW HOME—William M.v«m and his svife Mrs Daisy Myers. reltx in the living room of their new home in Levtttowa, Pa. Last Wednc riav night was th** firs* nisht since their arrival ia the formerly ftll-white community that there had not been a protest mob around their home. Jury Says Deaf Mate Mast Die na m villi: n. c. —a deaf mot.* w;-.p sentenced to die in the .•as rha inner Fndov for the knife .->!?!yinof a white 4•" wear-old Bailey housewife, '1 hr nil-', reached the ver dict lair- in the r> •. h* in the firs! decree mnrdci trial of Johnnie. P. 'Anight Jr 23, who was charter! u.lh killing Airs, Mrr.-i Manning Knight visibly flinched when an Interpreter relayed the sentence The c • ■ appointed defiers sa (resTiM fjl ON PAGE h til t.he i' e could be heard at a ; jury trial The twenty-one plaintiffs, who said they are. "‘parents of while pupils dub enrolled in Central and Harding High School," indicated they be* lievrd a .-jury (rial could not i lr erhednled prior to Septem ber 4. opening date for local schools. Attorney for the school board, Brock Barkley. ■■ c; felt, the pi; ini ;;fs hod no legal footing on •.vtiicii to act. out be added the r• .' 1 ur!! i-rvu'.! 1 . -i 't_ r.ny order from the noun. .of non-tax paid spin if also. He : wns spirited off to a. jail cell, i Thf next, parson arrested was ; Clco Hines. ftO, of 100 block of Stronach Alky, who way charged i with illegal possession Bond for all four was sat at S3®, The next night • Friday > offi* errs invaded three homes where as many arrests were made. Pdi.v. Kvnnn O'Ne.rl 15 11 St. Augustine’; Avenue, ”’as reported ly nabbed with six quarts of white •s hisimv around 10 p.m. Her bond i was set at S2OO Arrested on the