PAGE FOUR Li-viriC" n. r - • ' : tied bousing d-'-Vi'iopuxv 'nil- s cud uli <><: Fhiladelp! ia ; 1 tional he d-s ’A l on Myers, h , derin live there with his frjmiiv -"is •-i 1 ■ -his foi merj I they do not •.«» mt 'is - , ■ A’ ;h •, hr - CO’ S' tb r V -St . i ' : ■ ' I ' ; I 'IS si that hotii Hv ; 1 s■; - - ■ ■ - ' 's this nos i - ■ i ■ ' bsm:, hove, ape ■si \< A” s'' 1 : fliotine ' si ' T ,rjs IN f ■ : ■ '' i 'srs each cf !h«m th v r • • • 1 ’ 1 ' concepts:'’ of ■ ' a tragri nsps" t of •' • ’ 1 ■ that projects an a nuvy -a '= 1 ■ <'• : v ' ,fv ' the nro: < % ff.ak'fiC lav rres' ■ lew this sssumpt'OS, If the group'.m ! " ■' !h '" entry o f 3 Nemo , ,iy f-. ■■ • confine their ooi ir s • i bsl pro re; t.-. y, in. : would e nr r ’sns ■ s * der t l ' v ha: s s’ fesf-ed. A--sun’me ' , - ' ' ' protest a fit;-, s ;t is nstu' al to *' ing -s'Vd * * to very system of gov: t no • ■' • ■ ’ > and up port By resort!ru’ to- r 55?; i f UDOH P- ; ? double law he :■■■ •'r ■ : ; ’’’ * prive Myers of s ci/'f he e l l- s- s, r' i 1 ! to destroy -■•■■■■■' ov i \‘ country There * exception so designation should h. v ' • v ■ :N .’ ( ' r Cr mm' in; r ■ inspired. The! A ; v nothing hett’T ”■ in ' on fall of this commv ' *• ‘ is a wide opm ’ • : ‘ [ ' "iti tn ?' ’ • : ■i * ! '■ stonr-s of hoe? tv. >n ■ 1 ! ’ 1 " ’ * TTiust be so - 5 ■ ■ '■ 1 '■ ••‘ ■ o to further Iv-itond < This COUntr bH . s. ' a* 1 ffrtise a z -'i ■■ p ; ! *"" j’ ' : employed and * ’un - > f; 1: it is* not very 1l; o o- ■ 1 * ; ' s = ■ to their d- > ?n : *• however -th a t the ; ' " ' 4 ; ‘ ; • r • b-s ■ true tion of sh - i m 1 ■ • <. . u-o cratio EOvetniTie: : . selves Were the rm-mr. rr 'O .:->rv : a•- > : - gal assumption-.. ‘’ • ■' r in T . ‘ would be :-*■ ’ on A-fV r:c i ,-ir* ead. truth is that vrd- ■ - •' f .rviW town. Pa, * i - *• • * : ' hreshr rnot’va’fd r-v - ir. ■ftorsnee and punr n;.*?> ? tOM np.. and bill; Ti g ■■ ■ i r ■r* in this country 5 d *•' : r * avail themselves of 1; vileces A racial flare u- m--'- - ' mi* : 1 For a tone. 1 . <'!• a difficult t- soc ! • ■ ' : ■ ! that they - ‘ ll *> : 1 hut by ■ to i 'Ovu f ' r-tr.y »- ■" « , method r -f >• *-• ■ thereby ma! in:'. h< ! ■ ! •J n j t' i. i ' vote 1 h,•• t?• t >■< -* 1 *:-■ ■ ■ -■ : becau -e ■ t a- ' ! ' ' hm-; which nnii’in.-r! nos • : v- ’--of'- if hi? grand-v ’1 v.* I ■■ * " * tri isqv. The-, r- ■ *'• ■' - ' ' ■' di--'t (hr literacy too v.-v-. *i ■ ■■■ -- -•-- ■ !r > * t/* * i scdcTv to pi The fecc-nt No h (" >:•■' • 1 ’ A "*m fcly. realising that ' Co'lld not pOr.J : U'diTai courts, mod if-.* 1 ' - " ex tent of alloy, 11!', p- i - u dis qualified to vv by ■ f ' - . - - ease to the elcv, 0 p-miry tsr to remain in force A ' ' h-nnhty of this liler-acv by the Ne> There troy be valid -ur *-a . Kolb foi and. against th>- wi-nmn o- taih< ‘ <■<*• for this type of text Mum -a a !' >• fr r- moved from North C aroiii’n ’ ’ 1!i '' a pro spective voter b< abb r.> i,; r* 1 and write The privilege of '-o: a *m" f" bedrock of the Aftiet-icun systfi * of doi.r.* r»*v the present and the futurr Ken *. *! aspirations of this nation nenend * por 1 ' " ' nnd int*h gent use of the ballot ; *v Ur* Am- •-m P the breachcr- the law-breakers h-o- made in Hie walls of democracy ,;t», Before per-aon can vote wiarlv and in trllsccntly hr- must be informed not only a aii ihr candidates who ere offering them* for various posit-ion 1 ; end offices, but •ilso about the issues, conditions end circutn - : .riffrrtinp Hus country as well as the t- f of the world There possibly was a time before this nation grew so large end before there were so many diverse and completing i ron fronting the voter on both the local .-Hid national levels, when he could sM e fairly vH rr.qsp of conditions through conversation listening to others No one ran truthfullv :,-)v that things have not changed and no one f.m truthfully say that there is not a need now for a prospective voter to be able to both read and study events as well as the background and the platforms of parties and candidates 1 for*- he can cast an effective and intelligent vote. Wr are 100 percent in favor of a literacy test for voters but we are in favor of this test for all voters. We fee! that the reasons we have given for our belief in the need for a test to prove a person’s fitness to vote should apply equally and unequivoealy to all. If the Supreme Court sustains this test, as a pre-requisite for voting vyt shall expect: it to rule out any and all ex erptions and to declare firmly that no person ran be allowed to register in this state who cannot pass a fair and reasonable literary test. If the purpose of the pending suit is to get n ruling that any test that applies to one group of ritirens must apply m like manner to ad citizens we feel that action u well, well ground eel, “Moderation” WOtf' MAKING f r , WfiftPERfUL : IN THIS OSli BAY By C. A. Chick. Sr. •Pack Ta School '• At this sea .ion of the m-m many peoples’ minds are turn ed toward school. Before long the traditional school hells wdl beam to ring. And, even though schoo’s of ail levels be gin. their fall session at about the same time of the year, no doubt the freshmen arc more excited over the approach ins school season than any other group. It. is they who are mak ing the greatest transition up the educational ladder. They are transferring from ' school" to higher "education.” Thus, this column Is directed tn pro* speettve students in general, but. more specifically to fresh men In the first place. I hope you have selected the college you will attend on the basis of what you expect to be your life's work and what the college has .to offer toward helping you to become prepared for your chos en life's work 1 hone you did not select your college on the basis that your relative;- and or friends have attended r, v arc presently attending that sol IT HAPPEBEB HI MEW YORK BY GLADYS P. GRAHAM For AST PAKISTAN SOCIAL 'WORKLB Begum Tahira Agha of West Fab -• .n a State Department, guest, was placed under the wing of the distinguished inter nationalist Marion Fletcher Croson for her requested tour in see the women of Harlem in action, A member of legist.-,t.ure and a social worker. Mrs, Agha on her firs* trip to America was duly impressed with the con ferences she held with the se lect group at. the Harlem YWCA The visitor was receiv ed by Mrs Arnold Hedgeman assistant to Mayor Wanner and A tty. Whitehead Whaley, city officials, in their downtown of fices. COMMUNITY HALL OF fame unveiled Mrs Alma John, star of her own "Homemakers Club" radio show, heard daily over Station WWRL recently instituted a “Community Hall of Fame," <0 honor citizens for their out standing service to the com munity. In cooperation with WWPL and Sachs Quality Stores cer tificates of recognition are be ing presented at, the Sachs- Quality 121st Street. Auditorium on the show CONFERENCES CALI, FARTICIPANTS A. series of conferences and fraternity and'other activities are. celling the alert from New York to all points. Dr W, E. Howard, who flew into New York as guest of Professor Le- Roy Clinton files to Los An Along The Colonial Front DULLES-AID IIITEt T m CHAOS LONDON, England (ANP>-~ Dulles has been called many names by his own countrymen and by the rest of the world: "The World 5 Mort Misguided Missile." is one of lots own countrymen 3 choice in a seme he ha* been a missile He has hit targets 'And. incidental!, 1 ' done snore harm to his own fide than the enemy when he did) and h° has been undoubt edly misguided. THE CAROLINIAN lege i hope vou did not select your college on the basis of its popularity in a.thief ics. And, I most, certainly hope that it was nnt. selected on the basis of an offer of a scholarship. To r>- peat. I hope you hove selected your college solely on the basis of what ft has to offer yon in proparinc. for your life's, won; In the 2nd place, I sincere!-.' hope you will not "maim" m "minors”. There are many "ex tras" in our colleges And in.- fortunately, many st-udeni-s nia ior in the extras—-maiorinK :n minors. May this wnier sug gest, that you be too wisp to do the foregoing. Certainly there are many reasons why an indi vidual attends college, hut highest sw the. hsi of th’ l -" reason*, is the desire on the part of the individual to in crease his productive capacity and thus bis e-um ug r-oviacity. Then, It follows that an indi vidual taking the time to at tend college should major vn those thtpjrs which will enable him to Increase hi? productive canactiy and thus increase his income m his life's work. e'er- for the Alpha Phi Alpha meeting in his capacity as a delegate from Gamma. Mu Lambda of Florida ' where lie i? on faculty of AA:M Unit v- KUiet Waters war? amo on those getting pas yon,-, in order in hr present at the opening o! the Berlin Conference Halt on Sept- 19 Members of the Benjamin Franklin Foundation and a group of distinguished private citizen;; slated t,o go wore feted here at fhc St K p m * hotel R dpi t W< it ' Chairman ot (.tie Benjamin Franktin Foundstion VI RIGA IN ’I HI NEWS The Episcopal Churchmen for South -Africa have indicm cd that, Father Michael Scott, Father Trevor Huddleston, Al an Pa ton. Professor Z K. M ■ thews, and Bishop Reeves, well known for their courageous op position to the oppressive laws of the South African govern ment, are among churchmen of South Africa facing perse cution. The Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa have called for prayers for those of the Anglican Church and the peo ple of South Africa. Liberian students are thrill* ed with the recent Education,! 1 Convocation held in Washing ton under the direction of Dr, Ernest Yancey at the Liberian Embassy. Miss Luvenit Ash, recent graduate of Franklin College m Indiana, will be among dele gates to the Lott Carey Conven BY A t. S?tGGINS As one prominent, Indian ye* id some time ago, "the Commun ists do not need to recruit sup porters, they have Mr. John Foster Dulles to do that for them " Air. 'Dulles has the one fa ml defect that can destroy the work of leadbig disp’omatiMs seeking to "Lie abroad for the benefit of their country ’ and bring about world cooperation. That defect is a total inability to understand his opponents. w the .lom-se;." in ccllece. r>>;r :v, strcnrdinr; to vour fin ancial ability and accords ft# to your taste Select your courses of study in keeping with your plans for your life’s work. En gaue in estras so proportion to your time and finances to r.ip ■ pnri. extra activities. In the fourth place, when you shall have entered college, rin not conclude, a. :■<> many young people in college do. that, m ii'-- Het 1,0 be "flip Lill e' yon must, of a necessity, be lrreligiof®. As you advance up the educa tion",! ladder be sure to hold on 10 your religious faith. In the words of the Good Book “ . . , hold that fast which thou hast, that no ma:n take thy crown." The foregoing, of course, no thing like completes the list of suggestion.' that could be made to one about, to enter upon the serious business of preparing for a life's work. However, space will not permit a longer list. Moreover, it is believed that the foregoing list will -ijvvp s; s POOft • T'-fn-tr point to one entering college for the first time, tion winch meets in Orange. New Jen-cy. THE HINTERLAND publica tion of the Holy Cross Mission in West Park (25c a year) New York lias presented an infer* account, in Its August is mjl' on the Mission environs. < OLI I< i| APE! H ATTONS SEEN IXH Bl IMG The number of persons seek ing admission to college is ex pn t.rd to double by 1970. The need foi qualified teachers will hi coin the country’s most cru crii educational problem ac cording to the Second Report of the President's Committee on Education Beyond the High •School submitted to the Presi dent by Drvereux C, Josephs, chairman. Allergy care held largely ne glected according to a. new pamphlet ALLERGY: A STORY OF MiI,LIONS a Public Af fair# <22 East iHß Street, New York! Commit tee booklet which costs a mere 25c- for alert read ers. The same organization has published CELL EXAMINA TION; NEW HOPE IN CAN CER. YOUTH FLYING TO CHRISTIAN MEET Some 213 youthful represen tatives will pai t.iicpate in the Young Christian Workers Movement convening tn Rome The movement was founded to combat !axness of religion Si mone young workers and to bring them back to Rome Catholicism, h,’- never been able to under stand his friends and potential allies? , His hatred of Communists Is a disease —a phobia—and he should -efc psychiatric treat ment for it a? it. affects bis vision, his judgement and his plan?. It also affects his coun try's relations with allies. in n. n Mr. Dulles is re garded as either a joke or a hamhanded stirrer up of trou ble In Europe ho is regarded a* a very Immature diplomat WEEK END IMG SATURDAY AUGUST 31, .1957 BY REV. FRANK CLARENCE LOWERY For AFP* SETTING THE HEART RIGHT WITH GOD 1. A watch in particular alone with the clock are very delicate Instruments, made on the same principle, by the genius of man each having different dispo sitions and temperaments. 2. Preparation had to go be fore to enter in this once tight ly locked door ... it was too mysterious to blunder in, the touch hart to be light and in struments thin, only a trained mind could enter if so great, an invention should eventually appear. 3. That day did come, and now is, when on wall in pocket and nr. wrir-’t tjrls invention to man has become indispensable and tn yearly sales perhaps tops the list i But strange Indeed one could find, that m a clock and watch store if one should wind and set each Instrument at the same time, they would not at, a certain hour register tbs s.ime time, sortie would be a bp&d and others behind c Tilts perhaps would be due to the mechanism atmosphere or sortie other delicate cause . . just like some peor'le fall to regard alike tbs importance and power of God's eternal laws Here, bv the same token. God has made us all of one blood and creation, but man with his Will sometimes runs behind or ahead, and his heart the main spring with his. Creator, must be staid on Him or null set out of kilter 7 The Psalmist recognizing this incontrovertible truth ex claimed 'Thy word have I had in nv, heart that I might nor sin. against Thee", it was from Letters To The Editor To The Editor: Today Is is a crime !n South Africa, for black and white to talk together tn a public meet ing,, study in the yarn® school, live m the same neighborhood, or Ms in th* same restaurant, movie or hotel lobby, it is high treason lo attempt to alter this system in am - way. even by democratic means. Any man. woman or child, black or white, who advocates democracy bused nn equality l o1 rights may be branded, according to a South African ia.w, a communist or a traitor, Million,; of South Africans understandably find these con ditions intolerable. Recently, persona- -black and white—who have been outspoken in their denunciation of the govern• merit's racial policy were ar rested and charged with trea son. Among them were such outstanding persona as Z K. Matthews. Henry Luce, Visiting Professor at. Union Theological Seminary in 1952-53. who is widely known in the United State.- Ts moderate men aie suppressed, there is little chance for democratic evolu tion in South Africa We have been urged bv Bis hop Ambrose. Reeves of Johan nesburg Alan Paton, F*r Trev or Huddleston and others to establish, a, defense fund here to he used in two ways, first* to help provide those under ar rest with the best possible legal defense. Second, to help meet the critical needs faced try their families More then §150,000 is needed from the United S' area and Canada, alone The American Committe on Africa is uniquely equipped to deal with this appeal and has accepted the task of establish ing a special South Africa De fense Fund, Because 1 believe Iho crisis m South Africa to be so dangerous and the situation there so obnoxious to all peo ple of good will, I have accept ed the Co-chairmanship of this Defense Fund together with the. Very Reverend James a Fike The tragic, urgency of this situation demands our immedi ate attention. There is much more at, stake than the guilt, or innocence of Uifi persons in South Africa.' we are witness ing a test of enormously impor tant values r,o the free nation? of the world For what, better distinguishes democracy from tyranny than the right of frr* men to seek change constitu te ho knows no language but hie own disregards the age -old courtesies of diplomatic duell ing and is about as tactful as an oldttme Western bully try ing to run his town The net result of all his wan derings over the world is that today there is more fear, dis trust, lack of confidence, en mity and bitterness in the world than there was in the pro Dulles era. Chaos reigiw end there is no hope of accord or coopera tion while the Dulles fingers continue to stir up strife and suspicion, One Australian Member of Parliament found it necessary to administer a rebuke to the American Ambassador to Au stratia, for trying to lecture Australians about what they should do about, china, The U S Ambassador was merely echoing his boss' words. Au stralia is very bitter about the Philippines faxing her goods while leaving en open door for America. And she ha? now sighed a very good trade agree ment with Japan arid will cer tainly try to get into th? big gest market, en earth—the SOP million people of China What Dulles and most other this source he definitely *»ali*- ed, that, all good must come, and sin despised. n. This is that mysterious heart tick, for which man to be really successful must make a definite pick is recon ciliation with God's- dynamic source of Infinite Power that sets men’s little finite Watch to nnlng from hour to hour. 9. Is it any wonder that th# Sainted song writer Robert Lowry should lose himself in thoughts as he wrote I need Thee ever; hour, stay Thou near by. temptations lose their! power when Thou art nigh— t need Thee, n. T need Then—- T v j-v hour 1 need Thee —O bless me now my Savior, I come to Thee 10 if men everywhere could only see that n connection like this would set them fr©» not! only in their thinking that 1? ad? them astray, but, % revita* It ration of the Adamic curse fh.M would rat. his troubled hear* to besting i na new heavenly course 11 Men's has His must ib Hght- with Gild or th# world around them will begin to* look odd they will goon, lose con fidence In each other and drtfi ion far apart to call each othei brother ■ ’ i ? Finally a choice must b« mad* and a contract - signed, a men will forever move abcu halt and blind- but let- us lister to that dear soul who in- pass tng marked away for all mar. kind to have peace and content ment “''em'' passing day-—hen him “O happy day tha fixed my choice on Thee ay Savior and my God - Well ma: this glowing heart rejoice, act tell its raptures all abroad." tionaUy" I urge all- American to help by sending a gsnerou contribution to the South As nra Defense Fund, 4 West 40-ti Street, New York 13. NevuYoyil Let us not. fail those rrJF 3outl Africa, who stand in the frorJ lines m this struggle -• Sincerely, ■> JOHN GUNTHER Co-Chairman. South I Africa Defense fund I NOTE to th# name of del sneeracy and iujtlf* The CAB OtfM tv urge# it? readers t -upport it'e South Africa Be fpiiftp Fund Tb® sponsoris committer includes such pro mirn-nt name? as HORACE MANN BOND Pres.. Lincoln UnU RUFUS CLEMENT Pres.. Atlanta UnJ* REV HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK Castor Emeritus, Rivet«tde Church. N.Y.C FESTER B GRANGER Exec. Dir , Urban League BEN.IAM.IN E MAYS Pres. Morehouse CoQegs F P PATTERSON r-tt . Fhelps-Stoke# Feint a PHILIP RANDOLPH • ri-n Inf ! Brotherhood t sleeping Car Porter-*. VICTOR REUTHF.R a In Cl Affairs United Automobile Workers MRS, ELEANOR ROOSEVELT. Hyde Park, N Y HOWARD THURMAN Hran of *hc Chape!, Boston University ; #>e ftihla By faith we understand that the world was created by the wo*d of God, «* that what is | seen was made out of things, I which do not appear.—(He brews 11, 3.) We have never K se*si* elec tricity, or the ’‘waves” which carry radio and TV sounds and images. Yet we have, faith in them, for we know that Eh HU’ are, and that they don't just happen. Truly, how can anyone then doubt for * moment that God is? Americans forget is that t influence of China on Asia a: throughout the Pacific and 1 dian Oceans' basins is infi itely greater than the inil ence of U S.A. or any Europe nation was or can ever ! Chlm La a spiritually and a rurally adult, nation. U.B.A. the most, immature of all r tions peopled by a. major! of Europeans and she e-anr! therefore hope to lead eitii Europeans or Asians no mat! hn-v many nuclear weapons i dollars she may have to speil Both Asians and Europeal need capital but they rear-1 spirit la! and cultural valul which are at their highest Asia and Europe and at th lowest in U.S 4. In any « fJ.S.A cannot hope- to ra one hundredth part of the es ital r.o urgently needed by. t people?, of the Pacific VIM . dian Oceans’ basing * And the Soviet-? may not ha as many nuclear weapons U.S.A. but enough to desta most of Europe North. Asner and to completely block in! plies of food and ran- ma. | ml? to hoth those autaas. All this is known to all t people Mr. Dulles tide's to is press—why does he not cc cede that knowledge? . J