WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 1957 NAACP Urges To Federaliz Arkansas Troops __ ______ e MARKS NATIONAL TET EVISION WEEK Magazine model &*orr!e l« Russell marks Sa.tinnal Television Wwk by pusinc hap pily with 9 brand new TV yet. after discard ins an obsolete sot in the i-jftebaskek, Thr-nip of \ Television Week is replacement of out-of-date set' with up-fn-tho-mlnute. Dim sfvled models that will cirnride mnrp Vintn -of pleasant trlrr tewing. Obviously Mr--- Russell is putting the slogan. "Be A New TV Family," into speedy operation. ‘ 21 Members Present As AKAs Stage First Meet Os Season Th 6 * members of the Alphs Thet-a i O.oie?* Chapter of Alpha Kappa Scroritv had the first rj y&fi tiv.s of the fiscal v£.®? at the home of Soror Phyllis Ba si leu ? one Sorors tvst® present. Soror* egrb nihef as tor the summer recer-A and *?y chajifi'ed the*r cisces. vc*tf± ?XtSOd SofOT tfpn« 1.9^0 received her master s d* 1 - from North Carolina Col in June Sorors showsrod Sc rot Cut chin trho left r-facontly for At- ■zzKn&rff.rsii&TJTrsß! y~r Welcome ■ ► Faculty And i Students Os j SHAW UNIVERSITY And SAINT ‘ AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE We Are Happy To II tvc You In Raleigh. Visit Us For The Best In Styles Use Our Convenient Budget or Lay-a-way j "Th* Little Shop A found the Corner' Wilmington at Hargett L . I lanta oniverSchool of So ! r i ( 3 | gar vice. There was 3 hu?trier-? meeting, i presided over by Soror Nfsnn The j various standing committees were I named Sorors Janice Robertson and j Fannie Latham, co-chairmen of the | Debutante BaU gave optimistic re | ports on the Ball sh« close of the business 1 sion Soror Mann the hostess, serv*- j ed n delicious dessert course Hog prices expected to .sbOW some iVPTVrie-. t at niol' c hOSS * are maihof^H '^ jn * gai * an,ai:;i * , ” g sßß«g^iu t 1 I&TA Wu Beta Sorority I JEST loc., Raleigh j j : • iwwnw • ih» Fa^?ww?rw»'»'..j9i<T^u''fj».<BWJ'w^g«ggpaMM CONGRATULATIONS TO , SOROR HELEN ALSTON Soror Ellen Alston has returned j from the r,ntt Carey Convention in Orange, Now Jersey, where she served a- chairman of Executive nr.arri of the Women's Division She was honored b.v s he women on Friday night end given, a sizeable no iqr honors received a* (shau- University She received the Doctor of TjftAx, % Degree in Tun® '.She also amended the Women’s I ronvenrion auxiliary ot the N«- ; tional Par'ist* of America Ine. at • T.-murvilfp Ky.. on the campus of ■ th' American Baptist Theological j Scvn’ogrTr gs,- »<*rved this bodv of j jn non in attendance from th* to Saint Augustine's College To Offer Eight Evening Classes i M i st Augustine’s Collcg® will offer ! evening and Saturday courses dur* ing the Fall semester for the bene !f 11 of in-service teachers adults i | and other persons residing in com- j routine distance of the college CfMifscs to h® offered are public speaking, psychology *f j exceptions! children, arts and j handicrafts, basic science arid mathematjrs. typing for begin ners. adolescent psychology, educational psychology, and in ai WELCOMED TO SAINT AUGUSTINE’S Mrs. Seleiah Clark, right, freshmen residence ball dfrecdrewi, greeted Miss Patricia ! Fields of CnlwmMa., S- C, and hundreds nf other freshmen ymms women to the campus of coeducational Saint Augustine's College here lw'rk If you plan to u?° the same to- j bacco plant bed from year to year , • i - important that grass b# con trolled the year-round. Don't, lower the quality of your • tobacco by steaming it. ton much j ' Oak BOURBON pf 1 t/s cu»f «»♦ $4lO $265 STMKNI StWJfCOK WHISKY * K MB* C6MRNEMTAL ISISHU.IHS C9BOMIBN PHiIMWIA, PfHNSYIVANI* ■Jt ' I states as chairman of iho National ■ I ! Conference of America. Congratu- j ; lations Dr. Alston;! WEI,COME SOROR MILLIE VFVSFV Welcome to our city Soror Mil- l he Veaaey. Omicron 7,eta welcomes ; back to its fold, Soror VeasfV of ' Newport Norvs Virginia. Soror Veasev is now associated with St ; i Augustine's College and is serving as secretary to President J. A | ! Bov>r IUBABITH CAKNADE OFF TO COLLEGE j Elizabeth Carnage, a Zstailte. fe | now matriculating at Howard Uni j versify in Washington, D C She : j is the daughter of Soror Vary .-a-- of East Martin Street *.«dnctfnn sn neychr.l < -Ag« With a sufficient demand, other courses will be offered, according ' jto dean P f? Robinson Classes | will meet once a week for three 1 hours for three semester hours cre | dit Persons may register or Ser , ! t,ember 25, 1057 from 6'3H p m to ' | 8:30 p m in room 202 of the Hunter • ■ Building Por further infromat.ion call Dr. i \ Prpjpi] Robinson at TEmple 4-026! ; Registration Work In Va. RICHMOND, Va. (AND) [ John M Brooks of this eitv as | sumed the position of assistant to the executive secretary of tbs Vir gitiia State NAACP on Sept 1, it was announced here this week by W. Lester Banks, the executive secretary. Bank® §e>d that Brooks will be !s charge of the Virginia NAACP political action program. ‘'Under hie direction," Banks stated, "the NAACP* registration and voting program will be accelerated iliioughoui Virginia,’’ Employment of Brooks by fch* Virginia unit is in line with the Association'* campaign to increase registration and voting among Ne grors throughout the South. Mr. Brooks has served for the past year as executive secretary of the Richmond Crusade for Voters, a non-partisan political organisa tion. A aoH brut, should be the flrrt step in getting ready tc seed pss (lire* And wFmowrttiauttdl things work togethe; f*x good to them that low God «»» <*Riv mans ft, 3ft. > Wbssn wo truly Jm«c (So <&, heart mod «oui, we pot wj ooteptehe tr»*sfc ki Him, ,k>y ouety surrender our will to His. And, a* He in all-good and naught but. good—all that comes to m wiM he good, in | abundaneo, , THE CAROLINIAN PASSES BAR F \ m Llslifm Berry, f’)vo gfadt!«?Jp es N^tJb i .froiiftj-i fyOf).B£R, Ihll'hßSHi Dfi sl et fn.it NCC sbiitMil the gif air fs<i,r f a a tti ir» 'B ?. I rig'll r* 3 • /•PTitVv. fr«Hjf t 0 n.viirift *>t WlJirslngteiH, f» a! r «o an XF : O itfwvxrrj I' r>!verity L <\ w Broiler pt o due on? cep look for a slight drop in prlc«? thil month '•- V eae • , / CULTURES * STRAIGHTENS Ray Roblnsun drugstores a«d cor noetic ■r ARS H * * * ♦**#.***¥¥ J CUR OWN I : BABY WEEK SALE; ■* CALLING Alt BABIES, TOTS AND TODDLERS * * TO CHARLES DRESS UP BABY AT LOW PRICES. * * OFT THE BEST FOR LESS AT CHARLES, BABY * * WIU. LOVE YOU FOR ST. * » DIAPERS 6(« 88': I PANTIES 5 for 88* * : FLANNEL SHIRTS 88' \ I : Receiving BLANKETS... 49' l | j Warm ESTRON QUILTS. 2.98 * * 5.98-6.98 SNOW SUITS. 4.98 * ;| * x<f~s, '* : \ e ‘j >.av j ; ; • \?J ‘M • I H ; ' : \ * ■ * <s«<J GWs' Terfdloo' 3 P«. n ; TODDLERS' LEGGING 3 l JACKETS SETS J j J fp* 5 ,j 4 WcrWv ly pcwH. o* pmri ic*. flatv s 4 n#l PoMtd eolett 5 THHi * A A ■A f Ar * A A * ***iik*4? I OPEN FRIDAY anil MONDAY NIGHTS TILL !l P. LL |Board Wants Attorney General To Halt “Opsn Defiance’ ’ By Faubus NKW YORK ■ ANP) The NAAFI’ ho- asked Prcddont Risen- i bower t.n take over command of ! the N.it'onoi Guard in Arkansas and 'to instruct the u.s. Attorney Genera! forthwith to proceed with the ncecssnr.y legal action to halt the open dr-t'iancc of constituted authority hi' the Governor of Ark ansas.' Tue rarp'e 1 set forth in a telegram dispatched to the Presi dent ov,~-r the signature of Dr. ('hinnins H Tobias, chairman of th* '-.e; ipt icp'g national Board of Dire-, tors The meeting or Bept Q was the fust of the Board *ine* last June in Detroit Die full text of the ; Hre ko B*.e President follows; "In view of the flontinttins oor rritntionat cri-i" in Arkansas with th» outbreak of violence precipi- ! i laird by Governor Faubus' rash ! I actio 1 in ordering state troops to | j prevent implemenattion of a fed j era] court order, the hoard of di- ! i rectors of the National Aissociation ■ for the Advancement of Colored | People urges you to take immediate I steps to federalize the A.rkaiuas ; | National Guard bringing it under i tm Hallers # Countv lill jfe Jl fait ST R aig h r 1 bourbon , 100 PROOF 1 BOTTLED IN-BOND , 4®«. 2 *? m. a NAllf t ceMtPOtATIQH. P Mil *r*E t B H 1 * * * ggTg^»r^n'K'ra»g^.'*OM*«y?:aff»^*aJ.Tr‘jr;g;giaiaece-t*^ WOMIN-'S-MISSIS% TtINS & ©IRUT | T-?< * SLIPS l.j \/ i L'T's'y *o We 9"d *«ueh. £o''fo r ';ed brood § c*a*h Go'&i and bk» s*yl«s Beautiful eye!#* | *' trim *op and bottom White, Stjs* .32*44 ft-14; $1 oa W,TM m MISSIS ' cotton m i ™*BIOUSISI. ' ( \ E'j'hify’ rigN "ivy league' bii*e>wh'**« oM sqva*9y | Vjfylfts. Sento'lred cotton br'oadclo*F > Wh,*e ttosteb. || darV-t Kalian W'pe* Sire* 32 *e 3B 0 i LADIES' SMART TALI '? Handbags * | a j ii. ' *6w box, eooA sffop sJyl&s* to 6 ckjs**c ; ceK <2**cl pc*df* Block, bc- : o«r *'&d. * * l MISSIS' & WOMEN'S ?. M | : § Miltimiry |.J * t wuy. y v CBif v«|ve« L*o*» <« the «euiss* BoH shep.4* eete - !- t y /* C Pillbove*. ihglls, levels, bon"e < *. half hon. cW We * \ Av». f flC e style* FeetHe*. b»aid. rh<neita"e, va>! *r i r*'®d. 4 ' • * TAILORED RAYON MARQUES6TTI I II fCURTAIMS ' 4 1 I |nl Special value. 64 inches ■•• ids to the .78 4 |I j [ 11[ J j inches long Washable durable fnish Soft iv®rr cel or. * l -*£*LJ Headed tops ready to hanq. I mms, N,w ■“ " Y 0“ n £_,: l Hlf ABRICS 36 • v F*».'*sn, \ Bi,dae‘ ipe.cia!. ss’-v and save fabric* %■ fe Ne>.'«*« Fall ro‘o« \ %^«ipßwr%'sr’ r ~. -.-.... .. -a PAGE THREE your direct coßmand as consmapd* er-m-chief of the artned forces of the Unii«=-»T State? Further the board urges you to instruct the United State- Attorney Genera I forthwith *o proceed wth the ne ces-arv te??t action to halt the otoff!? dftfisncf. o? constituted -iu * ihority b v ik r ro*. cii ArkJis*

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