PAGE TEN RALEIGH PERSONALS - CLUBS . CHURCHES ig|j§f /A/X't«ii 7 Jillfi .U '/■ -■-■-•■ ■'- •' - ' >l<:, r*mna*n omiwurtnwMMS iimwwwhw >hwm> , Ttr VISITING SICK j ANNOUNCEMENTS MMWWMYWMUWim USD—■»—iriWItHWHIWTiMHU »wni— * Kins. BASKERVTLLE RETURNS . Mrs. .Estella Baskerville of South VJfSt Street has returned to her home after visiting her daughter 'tn Baltimore, Md. She reports hav ing a very enjoyable stay. BIRTHDAY CLUB SESSION The Birthday Club held its otfrothly meeting at the home of Mrs Thelma Holloway, 2211 Fver eiie Avenue, recently —Members enjoyed an eve ning of fun after the business session. All members joined in the celebration of Mr*, Maud* J’tiillip's birthday. Mr*. Phillips vts presented a gift from the 1 club and a delicious birthday dinner was served by the bo*- autonwJCSlMt^i $|L at monthly payments to fit your needs, arranged | ; and conveniently. And when you v*c*»j-i ft g|ii'■hMnmiww ■)utim.uu wnui Li.m—i mi ■ '.iw«n. wjww»wmiwupiuiwwiiir T , flP . ltr n irTT ,'p,, iflriiMMfMHWfntwiirinwi»'Tin , ti‘ , i mu■triMi l ß' , wriiirniiirinrw.i > TOaca-n»w»^ merle of Raleigh, now living in i Cincinnati, Ohio, was a visitor here reoentiy a* the house guest of Mr. and Mrs L W Llgon, E. Le noir Street Mr. Mitchell was for mwir connected with the Ra leigh Recreational Department and Saint Augustine's College FORMER RALEIGH COED WEDS Miss Jacqueline Ann Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mitchell, Sr„ of Cincinnati, Ohio, was married recently to Nor man Maoon in the Ohio city Miss Mitchell t* a graduate of Washing ton High School end St. Augus tine's College her*. The couple is now making their home at 3583 Van Antwerp Pise*. Apartment M Cincinnati. Clwf *ofht h(4d wwtear better than randy soils. Farmers are advised not to dig their sweet potatoes too early. IsohumentT Kteo* is§S—-MashSe-Gerasii4* Ysr? Js rates. •gents her*. 11 »wy OirwAt * WARNER MEMOR US 3919 BUtebore, Kaltlffa, N.C. (Across Umilnand—Treat of Method) ewrweţ NOTED SINGER VISITED BACKSTAGE IN DURHAM BY RALEIGHTTES When noted Ameri-j can soprano EUabelle Davis electrified an opening concert audience at North Carolina College last j week, she was pleasantly surprised after her program to receive visits from several friends of long- j standing from Raleigh. Left to right: E. Reginald Swain Mrs. Drine Hayes, Miss lHa belle Davis, and Mrs. Louise Graves Flagg. STEVENS ASSIGNED TO M* PEL ATE DIVISION —Governor Arcreii Harrnturn (left) of Ne» York, stands beside Supreme Court Justice Harold Stevens of Manhattan at the Governor's j Weekly Church Roundup By Mrs. May L. Broadie LILLY of the valley bap tist CHURCH Sunday morning t worship Service: Church School at ! Mko’clock. Supl , Mr Joseph Wil- i liams Sr., Morning Worship at 11:- 30. The Senior Choir was in charge of music, under the direction of ; Mr. Willie Henderson. The mes- i sage was delivered by Rev. Sis- ' lur Hayes from the 12th Chapter of Hebrew ST. PAUL AME CHURCH— ; Church School opened at 9:45 a.m., ] with Mrs Hattie Mitchell presid- t ing, Miss Elsie Scott was pianist in the absence of Mrs. Geneva < Brown, At the close of the study period, Mr. J. C Washington gave ! a review of the “high spots in the j lesson. The morning service followed j with the choristers in charge of the music. Mrs. Wortham waS at the organ in the absence of Mr. R. M. Toole. The pastor, the Rev, L. S. Perm, used as his text, James 5-20. “Lot Him Know, that He Which Converteth the Sinner from the Error of His Way Shall Save a Soul from Death, and Shall Hide a Multitude of Sins. Subject: “The Christian Life Saver”. The Alien Christian League meeting under the leadership of Mrs. Aiiriie Logan wns held at fi p.ttv, with Misses Patricia An drew’s and Doris Bean leading the topic for discussion. The Ri-v. Robert L. Shirley pas tor of Davie Street Presbyterian Church, his choir and congrega tion, worshipped with us at the evening service. The minister took . hij- text from Luke 9-24. “For who sover will save his life shall lone it: but whosever will lose his life, for may sake, the same shall save it.” The message was most inspiring. TUPPF.R MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Church School open ed »i 9:45 o’clock. Morning wor n-tip as 11: o’clock, with the Sen ior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. M. R. Bonne, in charge. The pastor. Rev. M. R. Boone, first delivered at short message to the children, before the regular sermon, which was taken from the Book of St. Mark. I J)Pf HOTEL H Member of N. n. A. i J Clean. Comfortable Rooms i II Muss Lucille Griswold. Prop. ' | | 228 E. CaLartus Si. ftMeigh Phone TE 3-8509 I 1 1 , I THE CAROLINIAN residence October Bth., alter an ; nounring that Stevens has beer, apnointed to fill the vivam created by the expiration of tin term of Presiding Justice David Peek on December lilst. U. The Sunday evening sc ve» v.. - conducted by the R<-\ l.c.aiha Dcbnam, his Choir and '.’on::: tion of B:-th'chnin Church MARTIN ST. BAPTIST CHURCH -Sunday Mornng worship: OhunT School >it 8:45, Supt Miss j.- - phine Hunter presided ii Woman’s Day. Morning worship at 11: o'clock Woman's Choi u - wa in charge of music, undci tin dt rection of Miss Ada Janu";ui I ■ pastor. Rev P 11. John:e,.i, it.;., ered the sermon. WU.SON 1 F.MPT.K METHODIST CHURCH Sunday m.-riurw, v ship service: Church Sch -o', at. 5:45. Supt.. Miss Nnni<» Mo ; ■ cek. Gov Hardman made known his intention to name Jus tice Bernard Botein to succeed Peck. The Governor's New York ( itv residence is at li> East Bist t. (Untied Press Photo). Flag-: introduced the speaker. Di Cr;;Cy Davis, who pi eached 4 very s;< ■ iiu d • j'tre Insurance adequate on i or home? tYas it bought to oyer your home ten years ago or five years ago when the value was half what il is now l The value of your home 1? worth fii-otcfting. Let ( avenes* In -ranee Agency give you full proieetion on your home and j furnishings. CALL 3-3563 BIT ORE YOU SUFFER UN NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3563 KOT CAVENESS, Jr ROY CAVENESS, Sr. ! prTntTn o ! 0 COMMERCIAL « SOCIAL i Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt Service Phone TE 4-5558 —THE CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 518 E, Martin Street Raleigh, N. C. S I: OCEAN FRESHSEAFQQD 1 (Ask for Wat son" s Fryers ji || At Your Favorite Store I 'm"""" " " m,n,B •w-TWinn | WATSON* S 1 Seafood & Poultry Company, !nc. " 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept. 4.: Cameron Village Rock Quarry Road f j | j Raleigh, N. C. jj|| | UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY • GROCERV STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY FULL LINE OF HAUL IN 2 GROCERIES LOCAL AND LONG y„„ r DISTANCE “ Pa donate Courteous Prompt ‘.ppreciated Efficient —o— ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 3. Dawson Street • Tarboro Si Martin Stiswit* DIAL TE 2 -9478- TE 2-9212 ;f Finance or Borrow I I On Your Car | | Through Th« 1 :; Dill. .1 Motor Finance Co. g r 126 E, Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 - dering mush and Mrs, L. Haywood ! Branch nl tn» organ. Invocation and scripture lesson I wa- by the pastor. Rev. J. W. j .fortes, Pravei by Rev James Me- I Fndden of B; itimore, Md. | IwlfitterWell CAUL \\ vy'FJ! ro. n c j I’horte TV; MfiTt Brvt 112* INSURE YOUR HOME against sirs. I Consult - YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS j FIRE INSURANCE CO j] Durham, N. C. 1 \ COMPLETE Summer CHANGE o\ er m • on. changed j ft GREASING 'fa ft RADIATOR DR..INED Anti-Freese Applied ft Hashing ft Polishing | Dunn s Esso Service 50‘? S. Blood worth St. PHONE TV 'I-040*5 EYE GLASSES I J onf:orMionat)]« Qmljtj 5 Prudent Pnces < 1 l ffldassuiau's | OPTICIANS, (««. ;; X * Bid?.* \\ ;l Everything For . . . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING * vm BSB * MILL WORK * ATHEYS PAINTS * BUILDING MATERIALS * BUS3WJN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 BUILDERS CORF. 217-219 N. Dawson St. RALEIGH. N C. ►