PAGE EIGHT Person County Hi School Has Undergone Many Changes . CLASSROOM SCENE Thirty-Two Year History Os School Recalls Change ROXBORO - During its thir ty-two year history, Person Coun ty High School has undergone many changes in both location and size. In 1925, under the name of Person County Training School, it had its beginning in a four room frame structure 'Olive Hill School) located six and over one half miles west of Roxboro. At this time the principal acted as the only full-time high school teacher of the few students in that department. The enrollment, in the school year 1928-1929 hart increased to forty-five, and there was one parttime teacher, and f-our fulltime teachers. in the fall of 1929, Person County Training School was moved temporarily Into an other building (Cedar Grove Academy) is Roxboro. In Jan uary 1930, it was moved into its permanent quarters-a new sixteen-room structure on South Main Circle, As Persona County Training School, the school consisted of grades from one to twelve. When the school was moved to its pres ent location, and the name was changed to Person County High School, no elementary grades were included The present building. In 1950, contained nine classrooms, two laboratorifts-scienee, and home economics, a library and an au ditorium. Since that time eight classrooms, a spacious gymnasi um. and shower rooms have been added. The faculty has been in creased from one full-time high F>o*en semen la now available for artificial breeding in North Carolina. For God hath not given no the spirit of fear, bat of power and of love and of a sottad mind.—(Timothy 1,7.) When we trust in God com pletely, we are freed from the fear and foarfal imaginings which are born of htnnan weakness. We become strong and cooragwßw m the mdeaee and the exercise of the ROSE’S 5-10-25 STORE Inc. Roxboro Christmas Shopping Center USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN! i school teacher including the | principal in 1925, to twenty-one JL SEVEN i SEVEN STAR I 01/ili I -m- | I ******* I m 90 PROOf H * jr V MB ** wianw meat* c*s«w |SEj Li PINT A BLENDED WHISKEY. % PROOF straight whiskies in this product are 6 TEARS OR MORE OLD 3714% STRAIGHT WHISKEY. 52HR NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN . , . GOGDEHKAM S WORTS, PEORIA. ILLINOIS, Congratulations Board Os Education Faculty Students Patrons Johnson Cotton Company Os Roxboro CASH IF YOU HAVE ITj CREDIT IF YOU NEED ITS Blfairar wVffnfSwXPTfwfFm * fe RMMUHn4M«MUUMHMMniMnaHnR 2 WASH tt SP£fDSf^^^S^^ffl 2 SPIN SPUDS! tM^SPW • 90% man* *ay*«l*y Dten & X / many eNiar aufamatk* . *%>, '• Wafar-Sovcr far «mall l«a«D ■' CtftJJjiF V '.'*««* wa»h wo far tu glva you daenar aiolKnd AVAILMIM hi wMa ar any as Hw f fhxt G-I MU-er Maftl i e«lor» y SHE IT TQDAVf Berry’s General Electric Dealer Televisions Sales & Service ROXBORO including the princapal in 1951. The enrollment has increased from forty-five in 1928-1929 to 655 in 1957. The number of rooms has in creased from four and an au ditorium for eleven grades in 1925. to seventeen classrooms, i two laboratory, a library, show er rooms, and a gymnasium for four high school grades. ® >r »»»«• IS THE DEADLINE YOU MUST HAVE LIABILITY INSURANCE ——e of accident, day or night, in any part of the U.S.A. you’ll be able to quickly ineate one of the country wide claim of fices with which you are Insured. You’ll receive the swift, capable service that you'd expect. That’s why we write your policies with such companies. It Is WHOM You * Are Insured With £ That Really Counts! SEE US TODAY! Carver Agency ' * W. GORDON CARVER 123 W. Main St. H. L. COOLEY Roxboro, N C. JAMES HAMLEY We Are Proud To Have Made The Additions To The Person County Training Sciiooi GEORGE W. KANE CONSTRUCTION CO. ROXBORO DURHAM THE CAROLINIAN . _ NEW GYM AND NEW CLASSROOM BUILDING •Tit* only men who need liquor to do their best work j are bartenders 1” We Roof Everywhere And Are Pleased To Have Put The Roof On The Buildings At The PERSON COUNTY TRAINING SCHOOL We Specialize In COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Budd-Plper Roofing Co. 4 Roofs Os Quality 1 ' 115 W, Chapel Hill St. Durham WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 195