PAGE TWELVE Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch *7(l GRAM) i OR NAAIT ROCKY MOUNT hi New York list week some 1300 gurau, pad nearly $70,000 in payments on NA ACP Life Memberships .it a sloo - couple dinner for those who would pay in full or part on SSOO member ship in NAACP. Heading the list of out;" •.inline, citizens from all walks of Site vv. re Gov. Avoreil Hm'iirar of New York. Duke Ellington. famous bandleader; Branch Rickey, Sr„ "ho started .tockie Robinson. fir mer Brooklyn Dodger b: ecbul! star —first Negro to play in the "big league" and numerous other not ables. These leaders called for in creased support, of th- National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People with the result that 400 new Life Memberships were added. Robinson, who is NAACP Free dom Fund campaign chairman, raid: "No one is u-aiiy side as long as anyone is in danger hf dis criminatory treatment” such as was accorded Nat "King" Cole and Willie Mays. (Colo was almost mob bed while making a concert ap pearance in his native Alabama and Mays was at first denied the right to purchase a house in a "white’’ residential section of San Francisco recently.) NAACP scrolls w ere present ed to I.llington ami Rickey for loyalty to NAACP and the ad vancement of race relations El lington responded by saying. "Tell all the people you know that they should become mem bers of the N \A( P” Rickey declared: It is not ( ilr to ex pect one tenth of the popula tion to carry the burden of a great nation.! 1 on 'em which properly belongs to the other ISS million Vrnerieans." Rick ey added: “If ever there was a time to come to the aid of the NAACP, ii is now" Gov. Harnraan, in noting the ‘'vi cious attack" being made on the NAACP” in many states' said: “ft is just as important that the civil rights of a fine organization Iv protected in its legitimate ac tivities: as the civil rights of an individual" "More than ever", the Governor said, "the NAACP de serves the encouragement and sup port of aO citizens who believe in the fundamental printspies of our Constitution and the BUI of Rights " ASHEVILLE WHIPS v ROCKY VlOf NT IN ASHEVILLE, tlm Stephens- T.i f high schooi football squad, ions, won the triple-A state Champ ionship Thanksgiving Day by de feating the Booker Washington Lions of Rocky Mount, eastern triple-A champs. The score was 26- 6 before an integrated crowd of enthusiastic fans. WILSON ( LAN GATHERS Presbyterian Elder J. T. Wilson. Sr., of Spnrtenburg. S. C . accom Gsldsboro lews By HENRY C. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO The Golds boro Interdenominational Minis terial Alliance held its annual Thanksgiving Day Service Thurs day morning at. 11 a.m.. at Sr. James AME Zion Church. Rev. Emmanuel Anderson, pas tor of St. John AME Zion Church on Charles St. was the speaker. Music was by J. D. Wright, or ganist at Antioch Baptist Church. »*. the pipe organ. $25.50 was raised to bo turned over to the Oxford Orphanage, Oxford. N. C. Presiding Elder. A. E. Hudson »f the Washington District, of the AME Zion Church, is president pf the group and Dr. E B. Lipsey, is pastor of St. James AME Zion Church, the host church.' Everett “Bear” Raiford, 601 Parker St., was discharged from Wayne Memorial Hospital after being confined there for a week Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Barnes announce the engagement of their daughter. Peggie, to John H. Har ris, Jr., ol Washington, D. C, Mrs. Daisy Pearsall of Wash ington, D. C, and formally of this city was in town last week. Everett Raiford, 601 Parker Street, is a patient at Wayne Memorial Hospital. ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TARBORO ST. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Telephone 2-2191 JACOUIN’Sa Willi fesi ROYALS !flMjig«g| »1 PINT Igml luMsca ramjsaTi j <! blitliao fSOM 6«jUW - 8f? f*OOc j! CHARI*S IACQUIN el Ci«. Inc.,, Pi panied by Mrs. Wilson and their two daughters, Misses Harold and Shirley, gathered at ibe home of Rev and .Mrs, James H. <Melva> Costcn, 312 Park Avenue. Rocky Mount. N. C.. for their turkey Day ! family reunion. They were joined ! by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright j and daughter Oi.i! of Fountain Tun. | S. C. A iso Marine Sgt. J. T Wil j son. Jr., of Cheiry Point and Miss I Elnorn Brooks of Dee Coe. The clan hopes to gather at father Wil son's home Christmas in Saprtan burg. Word frmo Mrs. Georgia Dunn, 31143 East 142 Street, Cleveland, Ohio, indicates that h< r husband. Roscoe C. Dunn, a native of Tar boro .is improving during a long period of hospitalization and would I appreciate a line frm his friends. | A World War 1 veteran, Dunn has i lived in Cleveland for years but visits Tarheelia annually. Joseph Battle, 62 Downing St, Broklyn. N. Y.. was a visitor to his brother C. M. Battle and other rela tives last week. Ho reports his brother .Tolly Battle also in B ouk i lyn as doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Mary Har rison > Walker of Tarboro and Ply mouth returned to liver Philadel phia home 072:1 N. 23rd St..} fol lowing a Thanksgiving visit to re latives here at the home of John L. Harrison. Rt. 3. Tarboro. MRS. MOANING BULLARD Funeral rites were scheduled Sunday for Mrs. Moaning Sims | Bullock, wife of Benson Bul lard and mother of Grover Hannon, Jr., Mrs. Bullard pass j cd after a stage of tllncs hail S confined her to a local hospi- I tab The riles were conducted from the Mt. Pisgah Presby terian Church of which the de ceased was a member, with the Rev. ,1. H. Costcn pastor, de livering the eulogy. Mrs. Bullard, along with her first husband, the late Grover Hannon. Sr., opened the first, race bc.v'ty establishment of note in this city, j She was operating it at the time jof her death Other relatives in clude a brother. Clyde Sims: two '•isters. Mrs. Thomas Stith and Mrs. Smith Robert Williams 60 was toner al ’ Led from Sr Marks AME Church j following his death from an auto i accident in Wilson last week. Rear j ,T. N. Vin.xom officiitr-d. Twin C>un j tv Elk lodge and temple was in I charge of ceremony, j Mrs. John:,is R, Wilson and niece. | Miss Jackie Morris. 107 Povve St., i Cheraw. S. 0.. visited friends at | Bricks, Enfield and in Virginia ov j er the Turkey Day holiday. Mrs. Marion Wads Bullock and j brother, Horace Wade, Jr . drove | down from Annapolis. Md. .to j spend the holiday with their pur* j ents. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wads, f Sr. j Miss Hazel SUns, 814 Canal CL, ! Miss Vivian Vinson, 213 S. Georg ia Ave., and Mrs. Alberta Tate I all left last week for Manhasset, I n. Y ,- where they will spend Die | winter. , Sgt and Mrs. William Jackson |of Bright Stret: announce the j birth of a 7 ib. baby girl, Nov ! ember If! at Wayne Memorial | Hospital. The Jacksons have one j other child, a two year old daugh ! ter. Mrs. Mary M. Holman, 601 i Parker Street and nrst grade | teacher at- School Street School, | returned to her class room Tues day after being ill over the week end and out of school Monday. Dona Carol Lockhart, daugh- I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lock | hart, 303 Dail Street, celebrated her Bth birthday with a party at , which 25 of her little friends were I entertained. ! The student council of the West i Elm Street Junior High School, j sponsored by Mrs. V. F. Sutton j held its installation services Thursday. After a song and the scripture reading by Chaplain George McDaniels Jr., Betty Sav age sang a solo. Linda Powell, a tenth grade student at the Sen ior High School installed the of- HARRiNGTONS CASH GROCERY Holiday Fruits Candy - Nuts Beer - Notions 1023 So, Washington St, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Fayetteville St. Baptist Church By MRS. R. W. JIJDKINS Luther Hunter as superintendon Our Church School opened at ... , , ft:3o. under the direction of Mr. ,ocal cll:bs we,e atso stalled. CONCORD NEWS By MRS. MARION AV. BOYD CONCORD The junior Rod Cross of Logon School has organ ized for the 11)57-56 term. Officers arc Walter Heilig, president; Bu ford Washington, vice president; Frances Ann Rankin, Secretary: Elizabeth JEdwards, assistant sec retary; Blanche Thompson, treas urer; Earl Huger, reporter; Blanche Thompson, Project Committee Chairman; Barbara Jean Ferby, Program Committee Chairman; and Siater Williams, Social Committee Chairman. On Thanksgiving eve the mem bers of the Junior Red Cross de livered twenty-eight baskets to local families or individuals. WOMEN’S CIVIC CLUB During this week the members of the Civic Club have been con* taciing other local organizations in an ' attempt to give a program "America on Parade”, late in Feb ruary. Each club or organization that participates will select a con testant for Miss America or Un de Sam. Th<- winners will reign during the indoor parade which climaxes the contest. Persons in the Parade will represent charac u-ts in United States History and each of the States. A reader tells about each person or placerepre sented as each parader is in the Louisburg Happenings By MRS. ALVIN WILLIAMS CHURCH ACTIVITIES LOUISBURG Services at the Mitchell Chapel Church began Sunday morning at 10:a.m.. with Church School. BTU services and regular preaching at 6:a.m. with the. president. Mr. David Long, in charge of BTU. After BTU service a most powerful sermon was preached by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Brodie Mitchell Chapel Church Club No. 6 met at Ihe Home of Mr. and Mrs. King Foster, Tuesday night No-, cm bet 26 with the chairman in charge of the meeting. After the fleers. Doris McMillan served as . mistress of ceremonies. Nu Alpha Chapters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity will observe j National Acheivement Week with j a program at First- African Bap- i list Church Sunday. December 8. j at 3:00 p.m Attorney Samuel S. Mitchell of j Raleigh. N. G\, and a Omega | brother, will be the guest speaker,! Music will be furnished by Miss i Ruth Fennell, 1957 Sixth District j Talent Hunt winner and the j Goldsboro Civic singers under the direction of N. A. Stitt. J. Hy Wooten is Art-a representative and will preside J. C. Hayes is Basileus of the Nu Alpha Chap ter. The Schoolmaster Club, repre senting principals in Wayne and adjoining counties met Tuesday evening at Dillard High School. Prof, C. B Stewart of Adkin High School, Kinston was elected pres ident. J. A. Corney of Pikeville Training School, vice president; Stephen Carraway of Wooding ton High, Lenior County, Secretary; and W. M. Reinhardt of Central High, corresponding secretary. Little Miss Ruth Artis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Artis, 301 S, Leslie Street, celebrated tier sixth birthday with a party at Mrs, Richardson's Kindergarten. Thirty-eight guest were present and were served refreshments of ice cream., cookies and candy. Mrs. Artis was assisted by Mrs. Rich ardson and Mrs. Watson. The Negro Recreational Advis ory Council met Thursday at the Community Center for its regu lar meeting. Director L T. Dortch gave reports on the progress of the adult program and committee reports were heard, Folowing the meeting a dutch vfiner roast was enjoyed at the home of Mr. asd Mrs, Levi Hamilton. Luther Galloway of New York, was a visitor at Dillard High School last week, Galloway, an outstanding student at the school, was graduated in 1937. Another recent graduate who visited tire school was Lawyer Swinson of Norfolk, Va. Willie Best, of the New Hope Community, is visiting his chil dren in New York during the Thanksgiving holidays, Mrs. Mamie Simmons and Mrs. Mamie Isler were guest speakers at a “Book Week" program giv en at Dillard High School Jaslj week under the auspices of the I Library Club. Mrs, Dons L.! Blown, sponsor. Rev. R. M. Coley, chaplain at I the State Hospital, was the guest] sepaker at a Thanksgiving prog ram sponsored by the Dillard Ht- Y Club under the direction of G. W. Brown, industrial arts teach er at Dillard. Other deaths in the area In clude Mrs. Mlttie Hamilton, Rt. 1, Fremont; Ed Davis, Truck Lane; Mi’s. Sarah Edwards, Crawford St., and Mis, Katie Ingram. 307 E Elm St. Mrs. Annie B. Coley and fami ly, 410 Canal Street visited friends and relatives in High Point, N. C„ Simdsjy. Dr E. B, Ltpsey, pastor of St. James AME Zion Church was re turned to Ills pulpit by the Cape Fear conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion church. The annual confab was held in Southport, N. C. Sunday begun hia third year at the West- Elm Street Church. School Street School FT A held its regular meeting Sunday in the school’s cafeteria. The local unit held It* regular meeting at East End Gymloriurnl THE CAROLINIAN spotlight. All proceeds wit! go into the fund to support the Community Nursery. There will be prizes for ! Ihe contestants. PERSONALS Nathaniel Morgan visited his j mother Mrs. Catherine Best of Ma | ban Street during the Thanksgiving holidays. He is now completing the last semester of his study toward the master’s Degree in Science at New York University, while work ing as a laboratory technician searching for causes of cancer and tumors. AME ZION CONFERENCE The 47th annual meeting of the West Central North Carolina Con ference of Ihe AME Zion Church was held at the Bethel AME Zion Church near Kannapolis from No vember 20th through December Ist. Appointments read at the clos ing session brought few changes in pastorates of local churches. Re turning to their churches are Rev. O. B. Smith, Gilmore's Chapel; Rev, Joshua Romeo, Bell’s Mission and Zion Wesley; Rev. A. C Win field, Feids’ Chapel and Cedar- Grove! Rev. Houston Johnson, Eb enezer and Brown Hill: Rev, A. E. Nixon, Pleasant Grove; and Rev. J. M. McCall, Rock Hill. Lo cal changes are Rev. Willie Mc- Daniel replacing Rev. O. G. Gaines at Parker’s Chapel and Finey Grove. Rev. S. R. Lomax will come to Price Memorial while Rev. George Kendal! will go to Wacies boro; and Rev. Webb comes to Zion Hill as Rev, M. F. Boulware goes to Badin. business period and the lesson for the month was. diseased tiie hos tess served refreshments, The next meeting will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur William:. Wednesday night, Nov. 27. Sun day School and BTU Conference was held at the Mitchell Chapel i Baptist Church. PERSONALS Ivliss Alberta Jean Jones, a stu dent at North Carolina College was home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simpson and little daughter, of South Caro j lina, were the Thanksgiving week I end guests of Mrs. Simpson's par | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Foster. in the interest of American Edit j cation Week. The theme was "As Educated j Peope Move Freedom Forward ’. j Several Topics concerning edu ! cation were discussed by different I people. The West Elm Street Jun j tor High School presented a chor ] al reading of the 67 Psalm. The • School Street School choral group 1 also presented special music. Mrs. ]C. P. House, president of the ! body, presented prizes to Mrs, Loree Durham and Mrs. J. N. Sykes, who held lucky tickets. The prizes were donated by Heilig and Meyers and Hub Department l Store. Misses Hened and Thelma Co- I ley. daughters of Mr. and Mrs.! James M. Coley, Sr., 627 Griffin j Street, celebrated their 15 birth day Noy. 11th, with a party giv en by their parents. They were served hot dogs, hot coca, tuna fish sandwiches, peanuts, cookies and candy. Games were played and there was dancing. Guest included Geraldine Mit chell. Albert Ford, Jannie Dani els, Hilda Howell, Ernestine How ell. Charles Foye, Russell Mitchell, Clifton Humphery, Franklin Tay lor, Thomas Lawson, Clifton Hatch, Earl Smith, Vera Bias well and Don all Blue. Harrison Best of Chicago, 111., was a recent visitor in the city. Best, who was an outstanding student at Dillard High School in the early forties, is a police officer in Chicago. Mias Martha Irene Howell of Brooklyn, N. Y„ is spending a few days with her parents on Alabama Ave., Miss Howell a 1956 graduate of Dillard High School works In the day and attends Brooklyn College in the evenings. William Hines, 720 Canal St., has returned to the city after at tending the funeral of his broth er James Eugene Hines who died there recently. Rev. Pulmmer D. Jacobs of In dianapolis, Ind, was a recent guest of his sister. Mrs. Della Fin nalyson, 605 Slaughter Street while in the area Rev. Jacob-* was guest speaker at the Congre gational Church in Dudley Sun day morning, Mrs. Essie Bowden, 808 Canal Street, died at Wayne Memorial Hospital Saturday night Funeral services v-er.e held | Wednesday afternoon from First j African Baptist Church with the pastor Rev. M W. Morgan offi ciating Tier survivors are: one son, James Bowden; one daughter Mrs. Jessie Kornegay; her moth er, Mrs. Maggie Stroud: one sis ter, Mrs. Jessie Knight; two brothers, Ralph Stokes and Ja cob Stokes of Buffalo, N, Y. In ternment was in Lightner ceme tery. Mirs Jean Gaither a member of ! <he Pikeville Jr. High faculty vis ited with her co-worker, Miss M. L. Hostkm in Laurinburg during Thanksgiving season. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Siler, of the Dillard Hi-Sehool faculty visited with Mrs. Siler’s parents also their two children, Monte and Lowell in Snow Hill, N. C. Thanksgiving season. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Lcsesene vis ited with Mrs, Lesesene’s relatives in Mr. Olive, N. C. Thanksgiving Mrs. Pauline W. Curtis visited Mrs. Pauline- W .Curtis visited friends In Mi. Olive Thanksgiving season, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Graham visit- I ed with Mrs. Graham’s mother and relatives in Winston-Salem, N. C. I Thanksgiving season. land Mrs. Lula Bass in charge of the beginners and primary depart ments. A large number was present at the 11:00 a.t t. service. Senior choir was in charge of the music. In vocation by our pastor, Rev. .7 W. Jones. The first hymn, "Amazing Grace", was followed with pray er by Rev. Pretty. The guest speak er was the Rev. George Tharring ton, who delivered a beautiful ser mon from the 10th chapter of St, Luke. Invitational hymn v.-as lead by Mrs. Ruth Johnson "The Old Shin of Zion". At 7:00 p.m.. communion service ' was conducted by our paslor Rev. ] Jones. He spoke on the subject, j "The Seven Seals.” Thanksgiving service was uplift ‘»g- The speaker was Rev- Aaron Johnson of Shaw University, who spoke on “Thanksgiving" A iare; i number was present and enjoy, j | the sermon. PERSONALS ] Cpl. Oiis Wall and family arc- tn Ibe city visiting their parents. Mr i and Mrs. Lynn Johnson of 505 Free- | man Street. C pi. Wall is getting : ready to go to Germany. His wife j and sen will join him in the son: ;: 1 ! Rhamkatte j RHAMKATTE ~ The s, rvj.-es „r j Sl John AME Church began Sun day Dec. 1, at. 12:30 a.m., with the i pastor, Rev. E. E. WorthyW i paslor. Rev. Worthy is bock fro.-i conference to begin a New Y, with the members and friends re' ! Si John AME Church . The Rev. Sister Cetta McNeil va guest speaker Sunday evening re 3:p.m., at Providence Holy Church for prayer band No. 2 for the bene fit of the building fund. Lorenza Kearney, son of Mr, ami j Mrs. Otha Kearney .is home from i i overseas. He is with his wife and : son. who are living in the home of , liis wife’s mother and father. Mr | and Mi’s. Hilton Letts have moved i mto their new home. They veil: j hav '- open house in the n-’ar to j lure. Method Hews By MISS DORA I) STROUD CHURCHES CHRISTIAN TA BERN A (LI METHOD Rev. Harvcv ] wood filled his pulpit at "the ’ | Christian Tabernacle Church Sun- j ; day morning. He always brio ! 8«od messages to his hem -re .m.i j all woo hear him are bemuiUod by i : his words of w ixdom. j tiis wile. Mrs. Cura Hayv.ood • works faithfully in all ph. r ,. s <y i the church. O AK CITY BAPTIST The second Sunday m each i month is observed as young i pics day at Oak City Baptist i Chinch. The assistant pastor to • Rev. Trotter, sepaks on these Sun- ! days. The young folks choir fur- ' toshes music for the service ST. JAMES AME Regular services are held (: ,-h i third Sunday with Di. R. \v. vv,s i ner, the paslor, in charge. Your ’ presence is requested at Ur- ! services. PRAYER SERVICES Monday night at 7 o’clock pmv er service is held at St. Jam - .- 1 AME Church and each Wednesday night, at the Christian Church Rev. Mrs. Mary Frazier has charge of the Monday night sew • ice and Mrs. Susan Wilcox has the Wednesday night service Alt ;>',■■■• invited to attend these services CLUB WORK The Ladies Willing Workers Club sponsored the Thanksgiving sen - ice Thursday morning. Mira Vir fbnia Lee Smalls rendered a love ly reading on Thanks. The Club i sisters sang beautifully for the ; service. Mrs Frazier had charge of the scripture and prayer. Mrs. S" san Wilcox was chief speaker. She gave a grand account of ;> origin of Thanksgiving Dry. Wc enjoyed! it thoroughly, Mrs. Mary I. h j ris was mistress of ceremonies. The i indies distributed nice boxes of \ Thanksgiving cheer to all the sick j in and around this vicinitv ;<j we j i as other places. The group helps any where there ■ ifi need for help as far as they arc i able. More ladies shoud join m i and help carry on this worthwhile ! work. .The club celebrates all members birthday in their homes. The Dec meeting was held Wednesday night. Dec. 4. at the home of Mrs. Lau ra Manuel, at that time her birth day was celebrated. The Annual ! Christmas party will he held on Dec. llth at the home of Mrs Sarah Smith. Each club member will bring a gift for the meric th, v : drew and also a gift for the guest they bring. MISSIONARY circle The Missionary Circle ~f Sf. ; James Church wilt meet with Mrs Cora Haywood Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Please be present members and friends, The circle will finish plans to; Christmas in the way of planning ' for Rifts for the sick and used ! ones at Christmas Time. SICK Our sick are about the same as i last. week. Visit them and help i lighten their hearts and minds HOME FOR THU HOLIDAYS Miss Elizabeth Eunice Wilder and Mr. James McFadden. Jr., spent the Thanksgiving holiday hen* j with their parents. They both arc ! students at A and T College at j Greensboro. W> were greatly thrilled Sunday to ride through the Rhamkatte community. Such lovely homes as our friends have their are just wonderful to behold. 'Hie couple that won the "Dream Home” due- ! ing the Fair v ill live in that sec- ] lion They have moved their home I and it. is also rendy for o-’cunan- j cy. May they spend many happy | days in it. There are many other | nice homes and we really receiv ed a lift of good spirits by ju3t looking al them. t Washington Junior High School Happenings Editors: Joseph Gordon, Charles English, Delores I,li ras, Fannie Rand, Norman Dol by "THANKSGIVING AT GRANDMOTHERS” PRESENTED Participants in Mrs. Sewell’s third grade who presented the play "Thanksgiving at Grandmothers" were: Betlie Harp, Vernon Robin son, Glenda Hood, Brenda Morgan. Wendell Doavcr. Jimmie Coleman," Janies Watson, Phillip Noble, Jo seph Thomas, Jessie Netties, Caro lyn Cox, Bernice Cooke, Barbara Whi'i head Don-; Massey. Joyce Peterson, Olivia Greogorv and Per cy Smith. SECOND GRADERS WIN HU E RIBBON Mrs. G. Bethea s second grade boys and girls are proud to have j won a blue ribbon in the Book Week Poster Contest "the theme ! lor the class was “Making Friends Through Bonks.” Cong, at- ; ; illations to those pupils. BERNICE PATTERSON "M S DEM OF MONTH" Congratulations to little Miss j Bernice Patterson, who has been chosen "Student of The Month" from G. Coburns’ seventh grade. This i nevgetie and enthusiastic young lady exemplifies traits of j good character and scholarship j CONGRATULATIONS MISS CO*. Washington School v e-in s to j ! congratulate Eunice Coe. daughter j i of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coe of 714 i Frink High School lews BRINK HIGH HONOR ROI L LA GRANGE - SECOND GRADE - Dorothy Sauls, Mar garet Barnes, John P, Powell, Bil ly R. Dawson, Willard R, Steph ens, James Waters, Richat d Swain. Ava J. Best, Jimmy Copies, Gertie Dawson, William Dudley, Alice F. Edward, James Gardner, Hilda Herring, Rhonda Hood Mary A. Jones, Dennis Kon:e:;ay. Rosanna Outlaw. James Taylor. Shirley Waters and Patrice C. White, THIRD GRADE - Olivia Wa ters, Emma Cotton, Toney Rouse, Flora Aldridge. Ora Best. Lihdu C. Blackman, Francis Brown, Ju lius Dawson, Glenda Dudley, Frankie Ellis, Hheryl Graham, Walter Gordon. Freddie R. Hart, Surah Hood. Lillian D. Johnson, Edward E. Joyner Lizzie Miles, Deann Perry. Roosevelt Randolph. Kathy Shaw, Dorothea Taylor, Ida Waters and Clementine Wil liams. FOURTH GRADE -- Bobby R. Dawson. John W Dawson, John W. Hood, Charles Joyner Fridciie Rhoe, Ava Johnson, Laura King, Curottie Miller, Brenda Mosley, Alice Sykes, Judy Waters, Rose j Brown, Helen Bryant. Annie Bur- j ney, Ronnie Cox, Dora Mae Wa-i tors. Shirley Wilkins and Beatrice Wooten Verna B. ,-laye, Henry Lewis FIFTH GRADE - Blanche A. j Davis, Loretta Best, Mamie Gary, Holly Springs Mews HOLLY SPRINGS - The Holly Springs PTA held it’s regular meeting on Tuesday night, Nov. !9.‘ The topic for discussion was "Our Obliga'ions to Y aim The home was represented by Mrs. He-yie Utley; the school by Mr. Le roy Burton. Sr.; community by Mr William Aikins; and the Church by Rev. W. J. Albright. Members of the faculty held their : regular meeting on Tuesday. Nov. | 19. at 4:00 pm. The group in going ahead splendidly with their ‘'ln- Service Training Program.” and j the Evaluation program, which of- ; fcrs a challenge to work harder j toward a better school, for our boys ! and girls. The fourth grade dm s is taking j an imaginary trip mound the 1 world. Since we are running away j from lessons., and are in no parti- 1 culm - hurry, we have decided to j go by steamship. New York has j an excellent harbor, so we board- ! KINSTON NEWS . By MISS V. K. DUNN Tel. idol) KINSTON - Morning w.: hip service was held here on Thanks giving Day at 7:00 a.m., from the St. James AME Church on- East St. with Rev. L. Sanders of War renlon as guest speaker. At 11-(H) a.m., worship service was held at the Antioch Free Will Baptist Church with Rev. P. A. Hodges oi Baltimore, Md.. as guest speaker. At 7:30 in the evening on ThtiW day a large crowd worshipped at the First Baptist Church on East St. where Rev. V. O, the parlor delivered the message. The Young People's ’ Service League of the St. August inc’-: Epis copal Church held jtu Youth Day Program at the Church Sunday i! S pan. Father Bank:; spoke to th< young people. Officers of the Young Peoples League are lYendent Marsha Lak er, Secretary and Treasurer. Sadie M. Layton: Sponsors are Mrs. Mit chell. Mi.-i- Allen. Mrs. Carrie Turks and father Banks, Quarterly. Services will b. held at the St. James Chutch on East St. on the second Sunday in Dee. Rev, J A. Humphrey is the pastor. The public is ciVdifllly invited to attend. The North Carolina Annual Con ference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Chutch convened at the St. Augustus AMR Zion Church here last week. Tuesday through Sunday service A testimonial was held on Wed nesday night in observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Min istry, of the RL. Reverend Hamp ton Thomas Me dford, presiding Bishop of the Fifth Episcopal Dis trict of the AME Zion Church and WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 7,19 r >7 S. State Street, who won the Voice «*f Democracy communication eli mination contest held Saturday. Praise also is extended to hot ad vise;-. OLE CAFETERIA STAFF Pupils and p nchois enjoyed their ap pe tizing Th an k sgivin g din ne r which consisted of roust tu. key, gravy, ambrosia, slringtvan.s. eeiery .-••tick .hot rolls, margarine, rice (Jessing, cranberry sauce and milk. They wish to thank Mrs, E. Wyite coworkers who are Mr». D. Wilkin j. Mrs. E«sie Mae Whitaker, Mrs. Lucinda Wiggins and Miss Alice Baker for their wonderful services prepared so nicely and prellily. PRINCIPAL GIVES ASSISTANCE J W. Eaton, Principal of this school, pleasantly and heartily, greeted all classes in the cafeteria. One could readily see the approval and happy look on his face to see I so’ many pupils enjoy and give thanks to the wonderful Thanksgiv ing feast GLASS 7-2 MAKES TRIP On November Hi, the members of grade 7-2 took an exciting trip t.o j the Rail-, h - Durham e >;u-V Station. When pupils arrived there, Mr. Hardy showed them the dif ferent thormomtu-rs and rain gauges. He also took them into the office and there the group was shown the different divisions of ac tivities. i Clarice Hood, Linda Johnson, i Ethel Miles, Carolyn Rouse. Ha,/.- -j el Suggs. Ernestine Washington, • i Peggy Williams. James Aldridge, : Curtis Cotton, Rue D. Graham i Carlton Hood. SIXTH GRADE Penma : Suggs, Julia Tate, Jeffery A. Wa . | ters Evelyn Simmons, Hilda . ’ Grace Wooten, Bertha Dawson, Melvin Dixi.m, Thomasene Revi.s. Thelma »V hitfield, Johnnie L. Davis, Paul R. Be.-! Melvin O. | Best, John 11, Best and William i Wooten. SEVENTH GRADE lrvin; , Joyner, Edna P. Hutchins. Cl oral ; dine Jones, Paul King. Linda F. Williams, R,,!ph Women. Dons i Best, Mable Best and Isaac Lane ! Jr- ELEVENTH GRADE - Doris ■M. Dawson, Doris M. Fdwa rds. Key Frances Sutton.- Llyod Regi nald Campbell. Lewis Lee Davis , Lillie B. Edmondson, Edna E. I Hill Mary A. Holmes, Emma L. Nobles, Luvernia Pollock, Evelyn G. Vh:;\v, Uegeuia M. William•, | Clarence M. Best, James E. Best, | Clyde E. Joyner and Thomas I Mave. | TWELFTH GRADE -■ Hubbert i Carrawav, Evelyn J. Darden, i Shirley Dawson, Leah J. Harris, Ruby Joyner, Hubert King, Lau i ra King, Eamestine Moye, Vivi | an Parker, Martha Shepard, Ann I Waters, Bessie Williams and Thomas Wooten. ■ c.d the steamship there. The thirty* i eight members have been riding ! several days now, somewhat tired m - - . top _ : j America. Wo hope everyone iiv- I ir.g in these- hot, wet lands for a i I while ami will not got homesick, j because we have five mere coni;-: J nerds to. .visit. i The rtudenta of the eight grok ; i class have been very bury during I j the month of November. They hove i ner-n able to make many o' jeds , such as airplanes, heads, animals, | j and dishcii flu ring their art period. ; i The first term paper of the year ! ! was completed on November 157th. 1 ! and each student selected his sub- : i iof t. Spelling, sentence structure. - | library work, end development of! j paragraphs were emphasized, i The students have planned a i post Thanksgiving social to ob ! tain money to help defray experts i es on their eduactional tour m the ! spring. | his wife. Mrs. S. J Medford, Fpis* 1 copal Missionary Supervisor. Mrs. S. F.. Clarke served ns mis • tress of ceremonies for the impre-s --i sive service. Guest speaker was I Bishop S. G. Fpotlswood, pieildir.g | Bishop of tile 7th Episcopal Dm- 1 { trict. Highlighting the activities of the j evening were the presentation of j I Anniversary gifts to Bishop and J ! Mrs. Medford. ! A “Floating Buffet'’ culminated ! the testimonial. Mrs. Vivian C. Frazier was h<>: j ! less on a recent Saturday evening j ! to the members of ih< Lcs Bonnes | Amies Club rt her home on Quin* rrly St. During the business sef* ! sion Christmas sisters were chosen | and plan were made tor n New Years party. • i Three progressions <>f pinochle ! vvn-c played with Mis. A. it. ILne., ns high sc-oior and she received a pink boudoir lamp. Mrs. Lucy Jar man uh second high scorer was ! presented n unique Ponthei Plant -1 lor. Consolation pi izc. a card game, I war awarded Mrs. Janet Cogdelt. Amur Iran Botitity Roses dwoiat- I ed the Frazier home. The hostess j served her guest, luscious barbecu | rd chicken, tow d ruled, hot roils, j | coffee and condtmente. I Others present were Miss Alva i Chaplin and Kesdinnu* Cora Jones * L. A. Powell, Terry, Mfir- I jorie Bohannon, Aliena. Becton, j Helen Banns. L, S Kill, and Hes j ter fi. Smith. i The Winston-Salem Teachers Co)- i ! lege Alumni Club met on Monday | night with Mrs. Clementine Chap j man at her home on Reed St. Pres, of the local Chapter George Light- Durinj? the business session plans j were made for the local chapter’s ! Christinas Ca> ty, to be 1 eld at the home of Airs. Doris Murphy December 16. After the business session light refreshments were served. Tho.-e in attendance 'vote Misses Fannie Edwards and Hall if Gary. Also Mesdames M. (I. Williams, Any n da .Smith. M Bohannon, R. G. Til lery and A R. Hire-. The S.O.H.S. Club members re i Kventiy with Mrs. M N. Li-d-. 0. The chib’s Christmas Aetivhi; s were planned and included u; riy for members and a teen a;; tea dance for city and county fresh men who will be home for the holi days. Three progressions of IP i fge "•tie played and high scorer eras Mrs. Louise Islcr and Mis Kath ryn Allen. Attending were Misses Verna M. ■tones, Anna M. Kaye and M r dames Helen JsJer. Helena Mayo Ar.oc G. Moore Clementine Cnao ma,"., Alyce Hubbard and A. It. Hines. Mrs. James Banks was guest of the evening. KINSTON BRIDGE (T CP Mrs. Esther W. Tyson was hos tess recently to the Kinston Bridge j Club at her home on 304 East North Street. Mrs. Mary G. Williams, club president, presided over the leng thy busimSecretary V, M. Pay ion gave a report of the Planning C< -mmittee. Mesdames Margaret Fisher, Sara L. Flanagan and Miss Anna M. Raye were appointed to formulate plans for the Scholar ship Fund. Following the business session, two progressions of Bridge were played. Mrs. A. G. Moore scored hi-h for first prize, runner op was Mrs. M. N. Leit. o. Consolation Tro phy went to Mrs, V. C. Miller. Guests for the evening included Mesdames Iva B Harper, Callie At- Knye and Miss Kathryn L, Allen. A full course Turkey Dinner i with all if? trimmings was pre i pared by Mrs. Ruth Murphy. Club Members plnaying wore Mi shames E. E. Berry. M. G. Fish ei, S. L. Flanagan, M N. Leitao, V. 1 C Miller, L. T*. Mitchell. A. G. M<«« „ t v. M. Payton, and Miss A. ; M. Raye. ! Ms. Cheney Locks of Thompson | St, left Thursday tor N, V. where she is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Gladys Robinson and her sisters ! Mrs. Viola Harper and Laurena I Patterson. Mr William H Ba ■'•••■ o' E I,«•:•- 1 oir Ave„ is home from the Veterans I Hospital, Durham, N. C., for a two i week period. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrm, i their children Valerie and 1 ton and Mrs. Harris’ mother - M t Lassiter were visitors here la:: r urciay. The Harris' former.' * Kinston, now reside in (■ ■ > j N. C. i The Lenoir County -I C j held their annual Asa ! Program recently in th- J j Sampson Sc liool As | Council office rs in: ail: si i Pres. —Doris Isl« r: V. F.v hurt Coward; Sec.--J ; mmi: Asst. Sec. Wdh. - 'i ■ Treas.— Ruby MeLawb j Leader, Martha Maine;; Itcp-r i George Payton. Shop Wake Fores'. BONUS MONEY j STORES! j KEITH’S SUPER MARKET Fresh Meats, Fancy Groceries Sea Foods A Specialty • PHONES 2691 - 2061 vVAKE FOREST. N. C. : nawHwwK-- ;»:.»v<wwtiaimiWß»ii«» Oi alter Oak. BOURBON msb |(f itoHR I; f ' - »ot/e.(W } 0 i I YEARS t v ,v/- ?ti • i co«k| iTy ****£? }\ V, nir s4!° $ 2 65 STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY • 88 PSOOF MHIIHINRI DISTILLING GORPORAiION ffIIIABiIPHIA, KNNtirUINM HTIIIMBHI WITI.II IHHWHM

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