Willie Utley, 23, Bound Over] In Ccath Os Samuel Clay, 70 F,Y STMT WRITER The alleged killer of an aged man at* tempting to protect his son from a gang of “Burma Road” (500 block of Davie Street) men Saturday night, was bound over to Su perior Court Monday morning, following a preliminary hearing in City Court. Willie Utley, 23, who calls Joe Louis Park home, is accusH of heating 70-year-old Samuel Clay of 536 E. Davie Street n.i death during a “knock-down-drag-out" battle in which some fiv« a six persons were involved. WILLIE UTLEY . , . accused of murder 'sl-tr MAN, 70. IS HCKEB TO DEATH ON STREET EDWARD CLAY . . . Involved in figM FBI Agents Investigate S. C, Letter spartanburg’s. c.—The. fbi this week began investigating a threatening letter received by Sev enth District Solicitor J. Allen Bright in retaliation to statement f CON TIN l'm ON PAGE iv> Third Week Os Church Bonus Money Program Now Underway Rallying around their churches. , members arc making their Christ- j mas shopping spending count in a i large « ay during the second month 1 of the Church Bonus Money Pro- j gram. i Church Bonus Money Rules All purchase slips or receipt* nici-cntcd to your cnurch must come from iitoip,- advertising in the CAROLINIAN fach week carries a date, in the Bonus Money period Purchases eligible rsu.-t come from the store during the week the art" appears. No purchase slips representing s business should be submitted All receipt must come from uidis tduai purchaser. All churches m Raleigh and Wake Countv are eligible Ah purchase slips must bear the name of lhe store from which the pur chase ••■as mad* Ail purchase she- should be submitted in the name of the rhurcb. and td ru'd be in the office of the CAROLINIAN the Monday following close of Bonus period In order that smaller churches may have an equal opportunity to share ;it the Bonus Money the following -emulation 13 expedient No church group w 1 be awarded lit Bonus Money consecutively. i,e should a church receive i Bonus Money after the first period it would hate to well until the third Bonus period to be. presented lit sv-’a d again However, thir does no* rot .1 |bat second and third awards cannot be. sought, consecutively Consnqucnti.i ever” church group has th- opportunity jr. secure an award every period. Vb purchase of over WO from any one merchant. ijiirttig * week ran hr counted There Is * celllnE of *35 per pctsnn » w eek tor grocery purchase*. to the even' of tli* aaroe amount of purchases hy more than ono entri. thr sward will he dhidert. Weekly purchase totals should he. shown on each packet and toiji placed on the outside of the envelope carrying the period * entry along with name amt address. Bonus money earners will be announced in the Issue foiiowtns the rlosing of ea'h reriud AM entrte' irnmin the property of The CAROLINIAN Alt tallying is llnal Mh'-n the names of the Bonus Mopev earners ate an. pounced in Thi ( AROi INIAN. and no responsibility Is accepted by this iiev-. pem i hriond that point No tcreipts troi.i hanks witi he < onrpdeied. esteep* payment on mnilgar*--.. This Week *s Advertisers The merchants listed below are CAROLINIAN Bonus Money Stores. I'A'S? 2 < trier > (nr Vi■ top.-Pharr g«* s Store Stephens Appliance I 0. I**o F. 1 Charles Store Electrical Wholssalar*. Inc Ru'elgh Funeral Home PAGE 3 Hudson Hetk Companv Jewel Box PAGE * IValker Martin trie MelUs-Levlite Furniture fn. PAGE J Carolina Bui'k « 0. hiicefit b»at Cot fi' tenter Seeder* Motor < 0 Famous Bakery R. E Qttlnn Furniture Company PAGE * Mr. C. Kart l.tirhhi*B Colonial Store:. fjmri Watch Shop Zenith Dealer Burnett * Sods Shop 8 M. Voung Hardware Company First-Citizen* Bank & trust * ompstt’ PAGE 8 Air. Elvis Rat’d A * p Super Markert.- Caroline. Power A Llaht Co. I Edward Clay, 40, son of Tv 'dead -man, was found not guilty i of engaging in the affray Monday He reported that he was on hvi ! way home Saturday night when ne ! was ‘jumped" by several men. He said he called to his father so • help and the elderly man came ’ to the aid of his son. | Utley is suspected of beating i the man to death with his hand. ] and fists and by kicking him in ] the back of his head after he had ] fallen to the ground, i The father was found dying in i the street in the 500 block of F ’ Davie Street shortly after the fight ended The accused Killer is no stranger to law enforcement officers having a police rec ord of ten arrests since 1957. many suspended sentences j and at least one prison sen ten ce. Two men were given six-month ; terms for engaging in the affray. 1 They are James Calvin Giles, of 107 Idlewild Avenue and Le? Wyatt, King. 21, 1125 S. State 1 Street. Willie Peterson of 412 Watson I Street, was the main witness at the hearing Monday and describ ed the Saturday night battle. Utley was identified by Peter son as the man who kicked Clay as he lay on the ground. “I was attracted to the scene by the yelling and all those people in the street." Peterson answered when asked how he happened to be in the vicinity when the Incident occurred. The elderly Clay, according to physicians who examined hD I I body, died from a hemorrhage which resulted from a clotting of the brain. (COKTOUIBB ON’ r.u.f ') State’s Masons 'l®# . 88th Annual CHARLOTTE The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ma- I sous of North Carolina opened ; their 88th annual meeting here Tuesday at noon. The Lodge of ! Sorrow memorial services were j held Monday night. Mwl Worshipful Grand Master G. D. Carnes of Wil mington presided.' Cnder The third week of the program will begin December IS The third at midnight December IR. The third month will end at midnight on ,i..n (CONTINUEIJ ON PAGE ?) 1 W Wat kin* Greca*. (.Bella Beauty College N. C Product* PAGE 1* Woodworth St lo'Jibt Home ! Healer Well Company ! Gavene** insurance Agency j Peprl-Cols Bottling Co of Relalgh • Carolina Builders Corp I BIUOO * Seafood A Poultry 1 0 in* I Unv.u.iad Transfer Co. A Food Stun IJlllon Motor fir,anew Cnmpanv j Gunn's Esso Seri ire ! Ridgeway ’» Optician* Warner Memorials ' Orluxe Hotel PAGE II ; Mittl s of Raleigh (McLeod A Wat ion to il.ei'ls Sporting Goods so Mrlpgs Hardware Com pan' ; PAGE 12 J Keith Super Mamet PAGE IS Acme Realty Company The Homl Svstcm industrial Bank y ! Wossr Jewelets I Tip Top Food Store if not General T're Company Ambair.ador Iheatr* I Towe A * ountrv Tire Bervii'« f B'ohiis fit N. C. Klan Seeks Help From Va. Members ~f + + + + \ + 4* f ”1 + I Free Deputy In Student's Death - | Ulan Asks Virginians To Aid JC i DANVILLE, Va. - The North ; Carolina Ku Kin;-. Klan Plans to j solicit help from thioughout Vir ginia in keeping Negroes out. of | North Carolina white schools, a Klan spokesman said here. “We're not here to help you | but to seek, your help, because in North Carolina we have Negroes going to white schools,'’ the spok esman told a Klan rally and cross burning here Saturday night. Identifying himself as the u mjikjr> I < arne>’ administration during the past ten years, the Grand Lodge has experienced phe nomenal growth in all de partments and in all sections of the state. Right Worshipful Gl and Sec-; ret ary C. W. Lawrence of Green-' ! boro was closely associated with' Carnes during the convention, j A significant highlight of the 1 calendar of events of the Grand j Lodge during the current year was tire dedication of the statue of the late Past Grand Master James j : E. Shepard o-n the campu- of; North Carolina College Durham. | The contributions of the Grand Lodge to Oxford Or phanage during th.t Carnes j administration have shown i great increases. The support j I of this institution is one of j Ihe major objectives of the I’rinee Hall craft in this state Gifts for this cause alone dur ing the past decade have been approximately $ 100,000. Other Grand Lodge officers ; include. Clark S, Brown of Wis : -;ton-Salem Deputy Grand Mas- 1 i ter; Dr. H M. Couch . Washing- i ton. Grand Treasurer; Dr. J. H Pittman. Burlington, Grand Lee-. turn ■ F. P. Alexander. Charlotte, 1 Grand Senior Warden; Soloman 1 (rONTTMTD TACiE, in Fayettevilie Street Church’s Pastor Still Leading Contest With ".600 voles, the Reverend ■I W Jones, pastoi of Fayetteville ' Street Baptist Church here is r-p --1 idly widening the gap between himself ;.nd Up. nearcat competitor 1 > he moves 1410 voter- out in front "f Rev. Cunningham in the Caro linian Minister's Popularity Con -1 tort., acertbding to totals in the sec* ‘ mid listing period ending nn Do ! eember 9. Rev How *id Cunningham. | D 'sior of t ii-si ("ongregMional ! I Christian f hurrh, is stilt in sec ond place with f>no votes. Rev Newsboy's Money 1 Stolen; Citizens Reimburse Youth 1 GREENVILLE, 8 C. - - A 13- ! year-old white newspaper earner | ! iuc. received $18.50 a. a gift from i Negro customers on Ills paper route *o replace $lB dollars Ink-1 cn at. knife point from the paper! hov by a Negro youth who escap-1 ed on a. bicycle Monday, Horace Butler, who directed the I 1 collection to rrpla. the money! ! stolen from David Langley, said I j hr "Got angry** win* hinls will receive SIOO.OO tone hundred). Listings will be made j! each week. Send in your COUPONS so that your pastor will get j his weekly rating. Alt COUPONS mufd reaeh THF C'AHOIfNIAN «i infer »ban |j Tur-dav nf each week. Address THE CAROLINIAN. M 8 F. Mar lin Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. 4 i edl, but all of the non white colleges and universities in the southern region were accreri | ited by the SACSS under xcp Council Os Churches Meets; Negroes Assume Major Roles ST. LOUIS (AND—With leader* jof the major Negro church de nominations among the more than 1,000 delegates attending, the Na tional Council of Churches in the USA. representing 30 Protestant and Orthodox denominations with combined memberships of 37, 500,- 1)00, held its triennial general as sembly here last week. The six-day Council session ess a colorful one, featuring addresses by 29 prominent rhurch leader*, inelri'ling the Rev Martin Luther King, Jr„ leader of the Montgomery. Ale. hut boycott, and Dr. Linton 1 Pope of Yale University, both l apt* lljiiinc* front the prc viously ali white association'* (CONTINVIin ON PAGE Si of whonj (moke on rare re!a --i tinny in the United State*. frONTENUKW on r • c;y \X) State News IN Brief DECOK.VriOV CONTEST PLANNED I RALEIGH Ti<* Raleigh i Chapter of the Quett.es (wives of j Otnega, mm* Is sponsoring in first anrmii Christmas Decora i tion Contest. Outdoor exhibits or i exhibits that are visible from the j outside, will be judged on' the bar,- I is of beauty, originality and ad.~ I herence to one theme, either thr i Nativity or the modern version i of Christmas. Five prizes will hr j (roxrtM fn on pagr is) ! Discovers Six j Bodies In Auto Following Wreck iNDtAJSrOLA, Miss. 'Hi* bod les of six Negroes wer« discovered Monday in an automobile which hr,d swerved off n hisivvay into ! a rain-swollen ravine A otmf* t ion *r sighted rWyWfrll imN * i**) ai r Jury Says , White Cop j Not Guilty ; Ry ,f. B. Barren WILLI AMSTON A Martin County jury of twelve white moo brought in a verdict of "not guilty" at 6:55 Tuesday night in the triui of State versus P.-iiius Holiday, a self-deposed deputy sheriff, o i t trial for second d( gr-'e murder m I connection with the September 7th | fatal shooting of A. and T Colic;!’ | student Jom oh .fames CIOS'- while j sheriff 9 officers anight an alleged | would-he suitor of roily Roberson, j (CONTINI I P ON PALE ?) Os Bishops Sets Confab KRY WKST, Fla,—The Rev. A. ; K. Hooper, Presiding Elder of the ! AME Zion Church's Miami District. | announced here this week that the • I't.iH session of the Board of Bi- ! .hops " ill convene here January j fi.ll The meeting will bring to the ; city ai! of the bishops of the d> • nomination and .-ill the general of fictfts. fr'ONTINf’M) r»N nAM ’> GOSS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ASSER.A M E I 1 do not ank that thou .shall front , the fray, And drive the waning to. man i from my sight I only ask, O Lord, by night, by day, i .Strength for the fight. Anonymous | (i oMSNiirn on pac