WEEK ENDING SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 1957 JA'IB PLEASANT r>«'^N Funeral services for .Tames- Flea !Jnf ,? k:o: r Hsr S es t Si . " no died at Saint Agnes Hospital toltv' l -ng s shovi illness, were bold Ft the Raleigh. Funeia! Home ' haprl Wednesday at 1: p m , The * !, * v Howard Cunningham, pastor t f the First Congregational Chris- Teir; Church officiated and burial foilowed in Mount Hope Cemetery Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Thiby Dunn; a stepdaughter, Mrs Estelle Bf.vce of Raleigh: his moth £l', Mrs. Eugenia Dunn of Raleigh: i-v'r sistfrs. Mrs. Millie D Veasov Mr< Dorothy D. Lundy, und Mr ? ,T ,o-y Moore, all of Raleigh and twe hrotheis, Eugene Dunn and McKeever Dunn of Raleigh nrR -. staggie n tvu ii\ m » .Funeral services for Mrs Maggie £> Wdiism? of H2d Coleman Street, who died Frida v in Knightdale "■ere held Tuesday at 1:00 p,m at ♦ r,ood Hope Rapti * Church. Knlehtdale Tie Re,- r r Totter, pastor, and the Rev. j w .Tones officiated and burial followed in the church cemetery. Surviving are four daughters Mrs Cora Watson. Mrs Corinna Dunn both of Knightdale, Mrs Maggie Brown of Baltimore, Md„ Mrs Anil’* Vail of Miami, Fla ; six sens Tssac Williams, Leonard Williams and Eppmvthus Wii liams. elf of Raleigh, McCauley Williams of Brooklyn. N. Y, Lee Williams and Lawrence Williams of Philadelphia; three brother- Liver Adams. White Plains. K V Fred Perry of New York and Ar tbur Perry of Zrbulon. -T; grand, child en and eight great-grandchil dren P-- -vr-y Rpot disease is kno-r-n t-o reduce tha overall yield of corn by as much as IS per ro-i 4 l«|i|!0 SPORTING ifclfid GOODS CO. HAS (y /? jjl wP r Scout Qn«-Qu«rt C«s«tg«n . A dusty trail. Time nut: for * rugged siumioum rantcen, ( -aptive cap, wcidH '.earns, OWf Inf Hsver»aek ' Here’s a gift that pack* s lot. , * r>f fun- Made’of water repel- 1 l lent canvas duck, it has rein- j&m&raAflr forced '.e«ms.adius table strap*. v| . Ridas h»gh and carries easily. No s? 3 ' Plui IQ%ki« St 4$ f |t(sgl Rtei*S P|e Uso Bugle $9.95 Cub Scout Radio $2.95 Compass ... ... $1 50 Official Radio . $11.95 Field Glasses .. . $2.95 ocr3Sin K,fs S ° r~ , .. leather Craft Kit $2.00 Fire Makinc Ret 7- ~ Scout Ring $125 $3,50 Camp Lantern $7 95 pi us in". Fed Tax Ren end Pencil Set *53.9 Cub Ring $1 to Pocket Light. 89 * r,rf ,nr Signal Set $3.95 H winter Ring ' $3.85 Ted. Tax Inc Tejr;.cope $t 9-> r , . , „ Overnight Tent . -1 ? >9 Tie R*f ks $1 .50 Sleeping Bags sll 95 Indian Headdress Set-. 59 up Knife Fork and Spoon Duffel Bags $0.05 Sets $1.85 Fed- Tax fur Hunting Knife With Boy Smut Axe $1,7 > Sheath $2..50 and $2.75 ... i.■ . , m ~,. Boy and Cub Scout Kit karson kits $7.25 VVatchf; slllOs VV;j|!rr ’ * u?> I D Bjar(dots $2.38 , rrl T »* U " f ed. Tax Inc * * * “ ~ MAIL ORDER BLANKS * - * * f „ i Lewis Sporting Goods Co. I 1H TV flacgcH SI Raleigh * • I cist Items * I 1 1 Please Add 3% Tax—Amount Enclosed % • 1 NAME | ' STREET , I * n j m : i lyiij- Don’t Suffocate Yourself Your heater needs some air too H M Ellis, m charge 0 { extens ion agricultural engineering for the N C Agricultural Extension Ser vice, says that « ventilated heater keeps the flame products separated from the heat circulated in the moisture free and safe HU _ Hallers §1 County i! Fair STRAIGHT &OURBON i*! rzTgl 100 proof & BOTTLED-IN-BOND C i l '^ sr *’ ov * ■* iperv ' s ' on E Tmiumr. I /ioo *%s o ■ * /s * f * !wr W. fi HAUEB CORPOBiTlftti. oNtUO.tloNfl, «* | On '—C IS THE PLACE TO BIIV THE BEST IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS For Every Member of the Family** 5 FAMOUS “SUNBEAM" MOTOROLA TV AND - APPLIANCES RADIO SETS fe WC3 Lastj#’ Waffle Irons A- Sandwich Tosstwr* Hi fr-i V \ , Large Mixers and Mixettea _ , _ A. **os Electric Percolators RfCord Deep Fat Fryers Table Radios y Electric Fry Pan,* Clock Radio* ' *- ati Egg Cookers Portable Radios ELECTRIC AND OLD STYLE CORN POPPERS—HAIR DRYERS—POP UP 7HAS l r - RS—-KNIFE SHARPENERS —JUNIOR MIXERS—COPPER ELECTRIC KETTLES—BLENDERS—HE A TING PADS- PERCOLATORS—MIR RO FRY PANS—PRESSURE COOKERS—BR.ASS DOOR KNOCKERS—BRASS MAIL BOXES PATfO BELLS WEAR EVER ALUMINUM—CARVING SETS—RFVFRF WARE—BOOKER PO< KK7 KNIVES AND SCISSORS— PORTABLE AND WALL TYPE ICE CRUSHERS—HUNTING KNIVES- insinN TACKLE -TAYLOR THER MOMETERS—BATHROOM SCALES—SWING AWA Y CAN OPENERS REMINGTON GUNS AND RIFLES NUT CRACKERS AND PICKS. aaeggj-vj!* ’-i—re 1 1? *■»! mj e»» r» •) ■ ■ - ■> CHARGE ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE - - -wrujr +.jr -***• -™_r 97* njr %.jr -*i.f»f . v ■*; r --,m* *Jr -* ''- v • ■*■ r-« iy » ' -v* * mtr * Vft * mf:f nr t'■ ■> 'IP **Of WT - l JfflHffltt|£iiWeq nn if>P arel j i CftAia fHtf> y f \ | | We Have Just The Gifts That Will Make i Sf - | His Christmas Merry & His Future Brighter l \ * robes \ ? Choose one of these Hart, Schaff* 1 f AJAMAS £ i nor & Marx Gifts, or Other Na- , ls n m« f » Mortally Known Brands. He wit! ijl'llK lb « J not only he happy at Christmas 2 V ,< neaUy dressed throughout • LEATHER GOODS ? | 1 • NECKWEAR £ it GIVE HIM A i DOBBS * NOVELTIES \ ' Mi nature Hat with one of our Gift INITIALED CUFF LINKS A f J Certificates $10.95 to S2O, TIE BAR SETS £ 9 fe ! McLeod & Watson Go. I h, jt*\ Odd Fellows Temple % fin CAROLmiAK a lucky day for Christinas shoppers The 13 Th “this is your lucky day” • hundreds of special purchases, priced special • special gift promotions in every department • special prices created for Friday the 13th only! FRIDAY THE 13th IS A LUCKY DAY FOR CHRIST MAS SHOPPERS AT EFIRD’S! COME, SAVE MONEY ON GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR GIFT UST! Come Early Friday For Best Selection! Efirti’ si ——of Raleigh and n hundred and one other item a . . , pUn THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF TOYS IN TOWN OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE EXCEPT SATURDAY T. H. BRIGGS ASB SONS, INC. 220 Fayetteville St Raleigh, N. C, Tov Henriqitftrte** /nr 59 5 earn FRIDAY MY UVAY PLAN (’ortvenienf «**y. i; S eiSTILLKRS, INC- |||| Whiskey a Blend *ft PPOfll' 70* SPAIN WIuT 3f * L SIM* ITS, SCHFNUY BISTItURS. > W C.. MANKFfIUT, MNTyftICY PAGE ELEVEN