WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1957 Call TE-4-5558 And Git 2 Your “Want Ads”.Wc Will Write It, Charge It And Let It WorkFor You Lawyer Says Ringling Brothers Discriminated Against Negroes DALLAS (ANP) Atty. V.' ficial, disclosed here last Wodnes- Simpson Tate, a local NAACP of- day that he hart been denied tic- YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT QUINN’S Freshen Up Your Home For Spring From Distinctive Furniture R. E. Quinn Furniture Co, 108 E. Martin St. Your Capital City Tel. TE 2-4471 Sure Fit...lias The Gift That’s Going Places Gifts From s f 85 u, ■ wwmM «' »H«»iir,wtiwnwinw(«mwiww» f wm HWMim.wwwmiiiii •>—iu ma wiiwi»Tywnwiw!ii awicve-rwaraw m&vxw r*urCT* SEAT COVER CEIIEH j fjSßsß&4 . You Get BiS©§f SATISFACTION ALWAYS With a “National Bonded Car” From Carolina Buick Co. —w mmmmmmm n »«Miw>nMw«nviaM “Your First Cost is Your Last Cost” + + + t + ++ + + + + ++ -f + ""'J BUICK 4 -Dr. Special. ’tA BUICK Itaadma. ter, 1 ’*“ « BUR K. iStiper ’-Dr Riv dynaflow, radio and Dr, radio and heater. 6- ,'* s in a, beautiful two tone heater, white wall tires, way seats power brakes, blue finish, radio and . tyo BTey. oxtra ! power steering, white wall • beater, power steerina • clsaa car. BARGAIN j tires, very nice vult< w.dl tiros, one BUICK Super 4 - Dr. j tar • o nor S hardtop, radio and heat- • er. Brilliant two tone *"/. BUICK 4-Dr. Riviera, *~ % <Z BUICK 4-Door Special finish, automatic trims- **’’ Styleline, paint, black and *' *’ while fini;;h, standard mission. 6 way power ; trammi.srkm, radio and x seat, iectric windows, white finish, radio and healer white wall tires air conditioning, real low heater, white a real J*i ui mileage, extra clean. wall tires 'TU, bair.-n . v •»'»".> Excellent Values In “Better Buy” Cars *S6 BUICK Roadmast «r. 2 | ’.t/j. FORD 4 Dr. Victoria I BUICK. &,.ocial Convert! Dr. Riviera, back and " fordomatic, radio and ,a ble. yellow ami black fin white finish, extra nice. heater, white wall tires. eh, automatic transmit• turquoise and while finish sion, radio and h-eUr *1795 .... $1295 '“■> CHEVROLET Convert!- j*“l CHEVROLET 2 - Dr. ' ble- powerglide, radio and J *'• clan, radio and hecu-r heater, tftl”. j powerg'ide white w. 11 clean V x tires, two tone i green MV,) CAROLINA BUICK COMPANY 431 Fayetteville St. Dial TE 3-4129 N. C. Dealer 1321 ] kets to the Ringling Brothers and • Bamnnt and Bailey circus, current ly playing at Memorial auditori um, unless he sat in a section re ' served for Negroes. Miss Walker To Wed In St. Aug.’s Chapel Sun. George R. Walker, 11. head coach at St. Augustine's College J has announced the engagement of J in >tsu*r. Mis;; Eioi.-e Saphioni*-. j "bilker. to Marion Jerome Inn- | monos Goldsboro. The wedding j •.ill take place December 15, ini he St. Augustine’s Chapel at 2:30 j Miss Walker, a senior at St ! Augustine's, majoring in physical i duration, hails from Robbins.J hhnois. She i;. president of the' MISS WALKFR in making the disclosure, Tate said that he planned a protest to the city council. Recounting the event, the attor ney said that a woman ticket sell er refused to let him buy three i tickets to the circus. "I have been denied the use of 1 the auditorium, of which I. as a j citixer. and taxpayer, am part own er. 1 think 1 have bV en wronged and I am rather unhappy about i it " Gamma Rho Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and repre sents her sorority on the Pan Hellenic Council. She i.s a member of the Cheer ing Squad, In ter-Dormitory Coun cil, Athletic Council and Big Sis ters Club. She has also partici pated in the college choir, on the student council, in the Cantebury Club, and in the Charm Club. Mr. Inmnon, a 1956 graduate of St. Augustine’s College, hails from Goldsboro. He i.s a member of the facolty at Armstrong High School in Foyetteville. Livestock feeding is one of the secrets to successful farming. HearYe! Hear Ye! These Are SPECIALS Priced By Santa Claus ’sl NASH Rambler—R&H Station Wagon $48500 ’SB FORD Custom V-8, Fordor - R&H, Turn Signals, White Wall Tires $149500 ’57 FORD Fairiane 500 Club Sedan, White Wall Tires Turn Signals R&.H $219500 ’53 PLYMOUTH Tudor—R&H, White Wall Tires $59500 ’52 Chevrolet Hard Top Powerglide, R&H $49500 ’SO FORD Custom V-8 Tudor - R&H $29500 SANDERS MOTOR COMPANY S, Blount St. N, C. Dealer 1553 THE CAROLINIAN COMI'LETES PRACTICAL NURSES TRAINING Mrs, I Clarine Freeman Fain was a | mong the twenty students to re j ccive graduate pins from The Practical Nurse School of Co- I lumbus and Franklin County, ; Columbus, Ohio, recently. This represents the, completion of a : twelve month training period to : become a practical nurse. Mrs. ; Franklin Is now affiliated with i Grant Hospital in Columbia, j She is the daughter of Mrs. Zu ! lar Freeman of this city. YOUTHFUL MINISTER AC CEPTS PASTORATE The Rev. Braxton Cooley of Raleigh l has been appointed by Bishop W. M. Clement, president of the .Southern District Convocation of the United Holy Church ot America, Inc. to serve as pastor of the St. Luke Church, Rose Hill, North Carolina for the con vocation year of 1958. The Rev. ! Cooiey is a graduate of the Washington High School, Ra leigh and is now’ attending the School of Religion at Shaw Uni versity. He is a former pastor of the Wail Town Gospe! Taberna cle Church, Durham and Bethel Tabernacle Church, Kenly, FAMOUS BAKERY Specials FRESH COCONUT CAKES j 150 CINNAMON Honey Dipped BUNS DONUTS 36c Dozers 40c Dozen mm u ji m See Us About Your WEDDING CAKES or RECEPTIOIN I PETITE FQURS While Making Your Wedding Plans. Notice Our Window Display for Your Christmas Partte• ' FAMOUS BAKERY 107 8. WILMINGTON ST. PHONES TKmple 2 8333 - 2-8834 Igreat lOAIC j BUM DID J BBiiiMI WHISKEY | Lega! Notices ADM INIBTRATORB* NOTH ( NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified as AdtuiriUt.. of the Estate of Mrs. Caine F.,.i.ir deceased, late of Wake County, Nov'n Carolina, thus is to notify all p, having claims against the Estate ..f said deceased to exhibit them to be undersigned at. 10*! Pettiyrew St •• , , Raleigh. North Carolina, on or before th* loth hay <>l December, 1359 or t notice will be pleaded m bar of tn : recovery. All persons indebted to B»tat* will please make j;r.e.-,edi;r.i payment *W» toth day of Deoembei, ..7 BAXTER KARRAR and CHARLES FAKHAR. Administrators F J, CAItNAGE, At f oi’i<-. December it, 21, 23, aai.ua,y 4. il AOMINISTBATRIX S NOTH F wake county NORTH CAROLINA Having qualified n« Admini-xr.v >: < of the Estate of Gladys }.;■■.n ceased, late of Wake County. t>: . >.n Carolina, this is to notify a!! pci having claims against lire V >i , eaid deceased to exhibit them 1 . , t . undersigned at Route 2, Bov 84. \: risvllle. North Carolina, on or 1 t the 10t.h day of December. lf.Vi. tnia notice will be pleaded m b; Iliesr recovery. Ait persotis u to the estate will please make m ate payment. This loth day of Dree mb r. 1057. MRS. PATSY BROWN BANIET Admin istratdx F. J CARNAGE. Abmnev Decwnber 14. 21, 28. .J.mnimy 4 M 19 ADMtNISTOATOR S NOTH E NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY The undersir tied. Eugene Ant- ,-v Solomon. Jr., having iin ililipj ,s Ad ministrator of the Estate ot Katnb >-r. Foster, deceased, res'dent of Wake County. North Carolina, on Nave--- i Kith. i{C7. this is to notify all uers-, ■ having claims against said E ete to resent them to the undei u. r. ' ot before the Bth day oft) 1958, or this notice wilt be pleaded u: ■ l>ar of their recovery. Ail o. debted to said Estate will pk-M.-r i!' immediate payment to the ur,d- , ; ed. This 6th Dav of Decetnh—• V'M. EUGENE ANTHONY SOI.OMOr. JR Administrator of the E late of Kathleen F •!. r, <•> • 12-12-19-26, I**7; iTa NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY IN THE SUPEROH COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTCT OF SUM MOVE MRS PEGGY PERRY \\ - 'on': r.s G-FRTON; AIRS. MARY F.nr * '! ’ CTIRTIS AND MRS CATHERINE Fa GERTON QUICK, Petilionms vs MECHANICS AND FARMERS B'V Guardian for MARTHA TEE K-' - . ! Imcontpatent: CARRIE Kt'Ll f.Y i FROGG and husband, WHITE FFO' J ETTA KEI.LEY Unmarried: IREN’- KELLEY WHITE and hu=hrt-d \YII - LIE WHITE;: JAMES K FI,LEV ami wife. MARY KELLEY: Si’TU FUGFXr- KET.LEY, Unmarried: MARGARET ED GERTON; COT,ONIAI, FD-'-’EiTON, V married: CLARK EDTEHTON n-d wife. MABLE EDGERTON- EU YARD FEKTERTON and wife FTA'T'K* “:'i- GFRTON ANNTE FRF.FM'N, V- ■ : JOSEPH KELLEY and wife. LAURA KELLEY. Resoondcnts To Edward Edcerton and wife. Fran ces Edgerton, and all other pp'=ou having an interest In said land their names and addresses being ttnknnv. •> to the Petitioners, you and each of voa will take notice that an action en titled above has been commenced In DRIVT SAFELY the Superior Court of Wake county in which the Petitioner? seek to soil the land herein described for the purpose of dividing the pit.cecds, it being un practical to divide said land, you will talre notice that you are required to appear at the office of the under signed Clerk of Superior Court of Wake County on or before the lath day of January, JUS7. and answer or demur to the Petition filed herein or the Petition!’ is v ill apply to the Court for the relief therein demanded. The .-: iid land V. r.ieu will be sold is described as follow:-: •first Tran: BEGINNING at a stoke ] on tire east side of hast Street, I.lc' ! feet south of tin intersection of : Branch and East St loot-\ runs thence in an easterly direction i.> . feet to a stake; the rce In a southerly direction 80 feet, to a stake; thence in a west erly direction 25!) feet to a stake in the east line of East Storet: tin nee in is northerly direction along the cast line of East Street 5C fee! to the BE ! GINNING, being lot No. 11. Block 12, ; according to a map of South Park j (formerlv Bledsoe property) duly re ; corded in the Hr-gis.rev of Deeds office jin Wake County, in Bools of Maps I iJB.i. Pune 73. ; Second Tract: BEGINNING at a stake | lit the cast lino of East Street, said ; a lake being 18 fort south of Branch ; Street; litthci c ".1 )3> fret to a statu . thence south 50 tout to a stake: thence |KO fe ■ to East Si- ■; thence north ] with the cist line of East Street 5c 'cct to to ■ BiH'INN'NO Being lot No. o I in Block No. 12. Til'id Xr.„t: BEGINNING at a stake lon I lie east side oJ S'. Street. 78 i left north of Hoke Street, runs th«ni» , rust It(i feet, thence no: Eli 150 feet, i hence west 140 feet to Esc! Street, ! thence south alone F .-t Street IOC I hurt to the BE...INNING, bain* lot-, | No 18 and 12 in f,: >ck No. 12, accord* ! trig to map of South Park recorded in i Book of 1860, r. V ;o. I This b'ir,:■ i,i» primcrty conveyed ito Louisa Sir;c .a by tire Harare j Real Estate and Trust Company, ct ’ ais. by dried dated February sc en -1 teenth, lull, and recorded in Book j 2+D, Ba n 112, in the office of ‘he ft D V ". ! Sut>cr?or Ct'ur l T. J. CAKaACiE Attorney j DC-C >l4-21-23, i A DMmiSTUA TOR’S NOT) 0 E H«v;ur. quaiii.’ocl a? A.! •■dii:-•» jtm • or U.v i-wtau.' \>£ S.illio B Soarborousrn. late of. County, North j ( this 3s to notify ail persons j having c>« • i . t tin <.• •• of ; 'ivi (joceass 4 ci to e>- vibit thoin to tl;fi I undersigned at 601 £a»t Lenoir Street, I Ka!t*ig.h. North CiuoMi '*, on or before : the 30th day of November, 1$$8; or • this notice v.nli no plctdcd in bar «>( i tneir rccirveiy. All persons Indebted to ; said estate wiii please make Jupmedi ate pay men*. The- ihc 22 ad day of November, 195• DR A. E. BOYKIN. Administrator ; or the Estate of Sallie B, Sea l-boroujjb, Doci-aspcl. Nov o ,; . Dec. 7, 14, 21, 12, i. 957; Jan. ! 1 1953, NOTICE ! NORTH CAROL.'N.\ j WAKE COUN 1V ! The umh.ivucd. having qualified | as the Executor of the Estate of Phil* i lip A, ire*. '.-r.. Deceased, law of Wake | County, tins is u» notify all person? j having claims ag.iinsi said Estate to i present them to the undersigned at ! turneys, at, the address below listed, on or before the doth day of Novem ■ I her, 1: sk. or this Not.ce will be plead* led in bar of recovery. All persons in ■ Ucbted to s.e. 1 E.s'aL: will also please ! make immed'dle pnyrmmt to said at- I trrrneys a! said add: css Tins if.tli d.c. T November. 1937, I PHILLIP ALSTON. JR. Executor i TAYLOR & MITCHELL, Attorneys I for Estate I 12a E. Hargett St . Raleigh. N. C ! Nov. 30; Lee 7, 14. 21, 12, 1387. Jan. ! 4. 1330. ; NOTICE OF SLRVI' H OF PROCESSS BY PC ul L'ATKJN STATE I ck NO!.'I 11 I AKOLINA V.'AKc. i'OUM V the ern t - is r on raleigh I THOMPSON -LYNCH CO , ' * *' VS DANIEL L. DAVE. Defendant To Oitnie! 1. Lave TAKE NOTICE T lAT ; A pleading hcckiph relief atjgjnct : u iias been tiled i.n Uto above en i -uied action The nature ni the rcilef being sought Ctaitn and Delivery on one Westing* e ... ' ! * ; tvniih the said d.-tmidm t has defaulted on die payaiidiu ou » vouoitioiiai .sales | contract entered into with the p*am . tiff dated August 2. 1936. y,.u are leriuu, <1 tu make deser..c i to sucii pleading not inter than J fit:- ! unry 27. USB, ami up ',, your failure to ; tlu so the party scrvi-'e it* frliost you wi 1 apply to the court for T;i • the h im.v of N o.' her, 1857. -s- ALBKiIT O. DOUil Judge pt Ctiv cun f Rnleigh Nuv. 28: Dee. 5. 12, 19, 19.77. NOTH K WAKE rOUNTY, Nußili CAROLINA Tue UKiUersigiivd, Imving qualified 'is i niindniiJrnU'tx o! the cfcta'e til i. B. ! «lewl> n, c.'cva'.ed. late of VV.i'se C min ; ty. this to notify all pcisunj) having I riiiiir.s ac.Uiial said c hile to present them to the lindevair.hcd on or iietarc 1 the 3th day of Now. her, ISSB or lids j notice will* he pleaded in bar of their : recovery. Ail pci tons indebted to Raid I estate win please m.iKc immediate 'payment to the uttijcistgited. ' ThU sth day of November. 1337- MiiS. ISABEL NIfVTON, Afiin.inf trail !! i f>< ace Terrace ! K*it'ij!li. N C. Nov. 3, 16, 22, jj; Dvr;. 1 li. 1337 NOTH I! OF sA! It IN THE EUBiLRIOU COURT NORTH < AKOUNA WAKE COUNTY F .1 CARNAGE. ADMINIS ! KATOR OF THE ESTATE OF NELLIE MAT j THEWS. Petitioner V s ADAM BETH6!A and u ife, MRS ADAM BETiL’iA ALf .Tj.O BETHEA and wile, MARC 'BETHEA; HAT JUh TAJE ami ! husband. JOHN TATE, IT. : qumdenls I Until" and by v,rtU!e of an order nt I the Ck r1: of Sttpci air Court of Wake County. NmTii Lireima. in that Spec ial Fn : o ihni! eiititled. F J. Cavnaqe, Aotulni-Ju.' k i i ii." K-J.iie ot N,Wile MaUh'.'Us Vs. Adam Boiitea and wife, Mrs. A'lMin Brihoa: A i 'i'il Bethea and wife, Mm v l.iCoeiv. Hattie Tate and husband, John Jute" the cum being N i Be'ti Special Proceeding Docket, the tutdeiat -.it d Comr.iissiohar will tm Ft,day *hc 27th ilay ol December, 19*87, at 12 !K- o'clock noon at hie Lust door jof tbs! Courthouse. Wake County, North Cai o,m;i, otter foi sale to the highest bi'idcr t"!' cash the licretn after dc’setibeti tri>:it of land; the same being Sociiod m Vrake County, North Caroiinw, in Ratotgh Te.. nshlp, and | nmie pa rt leu la ily described as fol lows 1 lir.GNNNG at » (take on Branch Street y.HI runs thrme south 200 feet; liienCV east 40 feet: thence north Is - * feet; thence west along Branch Street 4: feet to the BE GINNING; br'iig lot N" 6 In Block H, of ti.e plot of land made for the Raleigh Real Fstate and Trust Company, rogintemd in Book of Mips H’fO. tit Pare 76, in the Of* I fitc oi tin; Rt-yintcr of Deeds for ! Wakt County, i ••urenec is hereby tnacle to Book 283 a; Pago 67, in said Registry. Tin: successful bidder will be re quired lo make a deposit of ten t. 10%) per cent of the uuveh. r puce to 'allow good faith and the bid will (ay PAGE SEVEN CLiISSIFIEBS Number ot Issues and cost per word i ISSUES 1 4 g u Cost per word ic k it it i per line, per issue 10c ISc 7'He H-e Each word aborevtatitm, initial or symbol count as ono word Punctuation marks are NOT counted ; as words. The minimum number of word* in any want ad is 13 v/ords. You will save money by ordering your ad to run 3 or 12 issues. Weekly Want Ads may be telephoned through Wednesday up to Ift AM. I FEMALE HELP WANTED Women sew easy, ready-cut wrap-a round aprons home. Earn $26.16 dozen spare time. Write ACCURATE MFi.JR'h. Freeport, New York. SPECIAL SERVICES" SPEECHES WRITTEN for busy people 10-nunipfis J.6U). Research. Manu -''•■.■ipts >".■■*-ei aid put in ”,*od Eng -1 h MARCUS QOUL'.VAKE. Skint Auqu:.tiim's College, Raleigh. N. C. AUTO & TRUCK RENTALS WAKE-U-ORIVIC-IT—CARB, TRUCKS, At it’ rttAit.KRS FOR HUNT 31U N McDritvoU St Dial I'E 2-6892 Night TE 3-0994 J Get your money out of used refrl i /teratoid, stoves and furniture NOW. ! Use our classtiied ads. Dial TE 4-ttSI. ; BUILDING AND HOME | IMPROVEMENT SERVICES ; iSrvNDAKD ( I.NDf tt BLOCK CO, Inc. Solite. Concrete -md thnctei Blocks. N McDowell St., Dial TE 2-2168. Looking for a job. Let us htly you find one. Dial 45558. FOOD SPECIALS I _____ tOY’S AMERICAN GRHX 220 Bast Martin St., Raleigh Dial TK 2-9JW). Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAK B-U and Chicken * Our Specialty» I*i« and Chicken 109 B. DAVIE ST. NURSERY ! FOWLER’S NURSERY EayetteviUft IT: v.jy Phono IX. 2-OM*. * • : RENTING A ROOM!l—Register it with us at TE 4-5558. Tina space will coat i you only 52c. SERVICE STATIONS DUNN'S ESSO STATION—SO 2S. Blood worm St.. Phone TE 2-94 W. Consult our classified ads regularly, there are many baigams offered WATCH SERVICES I DAVIDSON S WATCH SERVICE—U 2k. Hargett St. Phone TE 3-4359 .■pen as provided by law for further j raised bill. this 26th day of November, 1957. F, J. CARNAGE, Commissioner I November a.. December 7, 14, 21. NOTH E OF SERVICE OF IMOI F.SS BY t-UHLiCAiION WAKE COUNTY, j NORTH i ’AKOUNA t V.KUAINA LOUISE SAUI.TER vs. 1 MOSES SAUI.TF.R. JR. TO MO ES SAULTER. JR Take noli.e mat a proceeding se*l n relief :>: •'!!nt you has been file! i ,n vie t. >.i on:, .■,! action, in the Sri - * periwr Court ot Waive County, Norm 1 Carol ma. T:l the nature of the relief being ism. it : a.-. * •! To secure an ab ••-luire ii,. .vi on the pait of ike j plaintiff ba 1 upon the grounds of two years continuous separation bt— twi n the plan.tiff and the defendant. You an required to make defense 1.0 inch plea line not later than Decent* hi r 2!!, 1 57. e ! upon your failure to |no ho, the parly seeking service »- i .:-i inu uhl imply to the Court for the relief sought. This ire- sth day of November. 1957. SARA ALLEN /■ hint Clerk-Superior Court W.'.-.c County. North Carolina, ARTHUR A. ARONSON Altorncv for Plaintiff. Nov. 9. 16. 23. 30; Dec. 7, 14. iBSf I PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSES ON MAN LY STREET RALEIGH. N. C. Lndt i and by virtue of authority duty Riven K Order of Court in Spee : eh Proceeding No 8672, Wake Superior I Court, i will offer tor rale and sell | o the highest bidder for rash two isrpsrete and distinct houses and lots, locate 1 in the City of Raleigh and on I Man:/ Street, at th. Courthouse Door in it ,i< ;.‘h. Wake County, North Caro lina. on Wednesday, December 18. 1957 at I2.ix'i Noon, and which properties arc fully described as follow:-; '!.- ret A- Ec-ing known as No 723 d.iii l.c St rei c in the City of Raleigh, •V i 1: Carolina, according to a blue in ml of N. W. West E.-tate, surveyed by n. G Ball. C. E, May 1828. and m I'jalcreJ in the office of. the Regis c: nt .Deeds for Wake County in Book of Maps 1928. page 53. No 723. BEGINNING at a Make on the Ki t side of Manly Street, said ,: ike being 181.1 feet Southerly from the Southeast corner of the interjec tion of West South and Manly Streets; • turn Ihencc in an Easterly direction rid about parallel with West South Moot 14 feet to a stake; thence in l Southerly direction 41.5 feet; runs ho it co in a Westerly direction and about parallel with W. South Street 118 loot to n stake on the East side of Manly Street; runs thence with ihe K isl aide «>f Manly Street In a North erly direction 415 feet to a stake, the point of Beginning. See Book 553, Pag* :,!' I?-- idi-i's Office of Wake County. T. net B- BEGINNING at a point in the Western line of Manly Street 119.41. feet North of the Northwestern inter icctlon of Manly and Cuba Streets; runs thence in a Northerly direction .•long the Western line of Manly Street 115 fi ot to the- Southeastern corner of Lot 21; thence 134 feet, in « West i i \v direction along the Southern line of Lot 21 to a stake, the Southwestern corner v! Lot. 21 arid Southeastern cor in'- of Lot 20. runs thence 40 feet m t Southerly direction along the ’•east ern line of Lot 22 to a stake, tb« Sou‘he""-tern comar of Lot 22 and Oja Northwe 'em corner of Lot 25, run* Ihencc 130.5 fret in an Easterly dl "vi on along the Northern line ot Lot 25 to ihe Western line of Manly Street, 'he point of Beginning and being Lot Sec Book of Maps 1911, Page M See Book 871, Page 568 and Book 301, Ti 344, Regisur's Office of Wak« County. These properties will be sold sep arate I ;'' and the .prospective bidder# will bid on the properties separately. The successful bidder wiii put up ten <lOl pei ci nt of his purchase pnea «t the day of sale. Tics 'till l day of November, !S»5! - 1 t W BUNN. Commissioner M< v, HI. 23 30: Dec. 7, li. |»t.

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