PAGE SIX U. S. Police Lieutenant To Re-Organize Entire Force In Republic Os Liberia Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry NOVELLA BEAUTY OOLUXit FuJ) Course in Beauty Culiurp and Clashes in Personality and Cha'to. For Information Write: Mrs. Christiana J. Pitts President too FAST MARTIN STREET Raleigh, N C. County and City Tax Department TAX NOTICE LIST VOI R 1958 RALEIGH TOWNSHIP AND CITY OF RALEIGH TAXES BEGINNING JANUARY 2ND MONDAY THRU FRIDAY—B:3O A M. TO 5:15 F.M. At East Davie St. Across Street From City Hall, Next to Advance Store * All other townships will he listed with the list taker in your respective township. List your real estate, aH personal property including eutomobiirs and dogs. Ail male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years of age required to list poll tsy. The law requires that taxes be listed in the month of January. A penalty of 10% will be added for failure to list. List now and avoid this penalty. NOWELLS JANUARY SALS WITH REDUCTIONS ON SUITS TOPCOATS SPORT COATS SLAX UeWCU §Ww Ww w n ATUT\tr rn Mtfgp v i i unu v^u* 317 Fayetteville St- CAMERON VILLAGE LOUISVILLE, Ky. Formal ac ceptance of an offer made by the government of the Republic of Li beria to re-organize its national po lice force was consummated last week by A. Wilson Edwards, Lieu tenant of Police of this city. The appointment was made through the efforts of Liberian Ambassador to the United States George Padmore and vice-president Tolbert of that West African republic, respective ly, to secure a police office of Lieu tenant Edwards' calibre. Edwards’ leave of absence from the Louisville Police De partment for one year was granted December 23. His re puted salary in the Liberian post is from 8 to 10 thousand dollars per year, plus all ex penses. The lieutenant and his SEE... ELVIS RAND THE TAILOR —at— S N A K I! N IU R (i « E. Martin St.. Raleigh SEIRERLING Tires & Recapping * Tubeless Specialist* ONE DAY'S SERVICE Town & Country TIRE SERVICE 118 S. Dawson St. TE 3-5701 RALEIGH, N. C. wife, Rose Lila, will sail from New York City for Monrovia, eapitol city of the republic, February I, 1938. Edwards is a veteran of 22 years’ service with the local police force. He has served in both the Second District and the detective bureau. His present assignment is as chief of the Special Services Bureau which was organized primarily for the purpose of tracking down hard lo-find persons named in warrants and summonses. Edwards, who resides at 1023 South Western Parkway, was re commended for the consulting po sition by Washington, D. C., police officials. He had the endorsement of the State Department. In a statement about the appoint ment, W, G. Matton, Safety Di rector of Louisville, said: "The se lection of Lieutenant Edwards for this post is a compliment to our department.” The Republic of Liberia, having numerous ties with the United States was founded by freed A merican slaves under a movement supported by the U, S Govern ment. The Liberian government, headed by William V. S. Tubman, has a constitution similar to that of the United States. Made Enviable Record Born in Frankfort, Ky., in 1903. Edwards is the youngest of 3 ehll | dren He received his early educa j tion in Louisville and Youngstown, ! Ohio. He later studied at La Salle i Business College and the Interna tional Correspondence School of Chicago. Hr has taken F. 8.1. courses in police detection. Lieutenant Ed- I wards is also the rirst and only Negro graduate of the Southern Police Institute of the University of Louisville. The Institute is a grad uate school for police officers of commanding rank. Lieutenant Edwards joined the Louisville rolire Depart ment Nov. i. 1534. After serving two years as a patrolman, he was promoted to the rank of detective. In the examination for police sergeant In 1943. Ed wards was number i on the eli gible list with a rating of 92.23. Handsome, neatly groomed at all times, soft spoken and unusually gentle in demeanor, Edwards ! would hardly be recognized as an j i officer of the iaw when seen iri | “street clothes.” However, police records show that two medals for expert marksmanship, mastery of the art of self-defense, plus numer ous citations from the Police de partment for his detection of mast er criminals, leading to ultimate convictions, are proof of the lieu tenant's efficiency Edwards has figured in solving many notorious crimes in and ou' of Kentucky. Pastures are your cheapest source of livestock feed. The grants supplement $33,000 ! in scholarships the service origin - | ally helped the students to obtain 1 from their colleges. Fr-r^— -T-- - -..- ■ . --- - - fl - wßßsm m / I MBML ) 1 IIHBp wL llg|pp / jllKp t J9BOF > I * #8 W IS2S222SSSE.*' * * v w s cf' pHi|Syßs I ASSIST WITH BANQUET — Meredith College staff mem bers assisting with the annual Christmas banquet recently pictured here arc, left to right. Thomas Burred, Harry Duns ton„ Willie Morgan, Ben Mor gan and Leroy Stewart. Os these men, Dunston has senior ity at the college, having been with its staff f or 28 years. ME A T SPECIA LS! • Fresh or Smoked SAUSAGE « COUNTRY HAMS • PORK CHOPS « STEAKS @ FRYERS 0 NECK BONES 0 Sundry Groceries Sundays! Open From 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. J. W. Watkins SOUTH END MKT. 816 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Dial TE 4-9750 STEAK budget ms Hina- Boar IIIj. ! ramu mi,,, thfHiy, idicnml M ' ; US. Choice Qualify jBL “• I V « Ov CHUCK, ROAST RIB BOAST BUDGET «fc 5 NATW#- JA m I WMOGW a«m . < NATUR- AM BEEF LA- t|*slC $ TENDER*®. t BEST W- jr TENDER LA BACON 35 pm op WHirt mmx Mg|!|> TIfi&UE 2 49 Redgats Pork & Beans 6 * ib - can * 49= i f . mn( v nwjoi •£. jßf . i Glcnwsod Village—lllW. Morg an St- Northside Shopping Center—Cameron Village %. * THE CAROLINIAN BEEF VALUES! -- MHEIESS ROVW Economical Mew* PvM R«# TOP QUALITY KRAFT RECAPPING SAVES °% f eW !r