PAGE EIGHT gjj' —'—y —f —~ r ~~" wi/.r.K t.piuimj SAIUJOJAI, JAJNUAKY 1 lysß HOg '4w l Ik imfri C mh IS , _ >*=» 9 9 * | ★ H VISITING BIRTHS 9 SICK and m ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHDAYS ip WASHINGTON, I). C, GUEST H| Mr. McKinley Ttaylor of Wash » Ington, D. C., spent the Christmas ■ holidays.with his sister, Miss Ruth pH Taylor, of S. Wilmington Street. TO RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL |§, Mrs. Lorein Hall of 22 Lln sgl coin Terrace has returned to H| her home after being 111 and ggu confined to Saint Agnes Uns eal pital for s everal days. Her Hll many' friends are glad to hear H the good news. The Willing Workers Club of St. j|l Paul AME Church held its Decem p9 her meeting at the ne\y home of H| their president, Mrs. Nellie Smith. B The members found out how much ||l talent they had among themselves I Miss Mattiwilda Dobbs, 1 Married To Swedish Joi I NEW YORK (ANP)—lnterna- B tionaliy famed soprano Mattiwilda H Dobbs entered into her second in- H terraeial marriage here last week. Pft She married white Swedish H Journalist Bengt Janzon in 1| Grace Congregational church, gH with an interracial team of ■ ministers presiding. They were |il the Rev. Herbert King, Negro, H and the Rev. J. T. Lundquist, White. ■ It was a second marriage to a |9 white newspaperman for the 32- I year-old Atlanta-born coiaratura 9 soprano, who recently became the Sk second Negro to sing with the Me- I tropolitan Opera Co. Her first mar- I riage was to Don Luiz Roderiquez 9 Garcia de la Pitdra, a Spanish I Journalist, in April 4, 1953, in ■ Genoa, Italy. Piedra is dead. 1 ’J&TA Zeta Phi Beta Sorority |. I-lESI Inc., Raleigh B ~ c —*irr~rrr —i —irmrrrmunmrini Tim |i; i 11 ■ In the true spirit of the Christ ■ mas Season ZETA ZEST wishes to U devote this week’s column to a I prayerful wish for peace and hap -9 pinoss for the staff of this news- I paper and readers everywhere. I We sincerely hope that some ■ thing that we have reported dur- B ing 1957 has, to some degree, fur- II filer inspired or prepared your •j hearts to enter into a real celebra | tion of the birth of the Christ i | Thanks to My CHRISTMAS ClUSr A^th year olter ytor. com * yovot o membyr. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK | RALEIGH - DURHAM Pepsi-Cola Bottling (Jo. Us Kak’ 3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL. TE 3-10/1 A """ ' ' by staging a Christmas program. BELATED WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Carl McNeill of 1212 E, Hargett .Street, an nounced Ihr marriage of their youngest daughter Miss Joyce McNeil!, to Mr. Adam T. Shaw. Jr., of Carthage. The wedding took plaee at the home of Dr. O. S. Bullock here on the ?7th of November. The bride is now residing wltbhcr parents as her husband is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C. Morrisvilie Christmas Social Fete MRS. Eula G. Borbee of Rte 1. Morrisvilie entertained about 3.5 She met her present husband last February in Stockholm when he arranged a news conference for her following a concert. Janzon, 44, is a roving columnist for a Stock holm newspaper. The daughter of John Wesley Dobbs, n railway mail clerk, Miss Dobbs has won acclaim as a con cert singer here in America, Eu rope, Australia and Central Ameri ca. The first native Atlantian ever to win a contract v. iih ine Met Co., she attended Spell man college and later studied on scholarships at. Mannes School of Music in New York, the University of Mexico, the Bcrshire Music Festival and in Paris. She made her debut with Metro- -pn ■ i A, child. Into every home the senti ment of ZETA ZEST may best be expressed in the following borrow - ed lines from an unknown author: God bless the master of this house. The mistress also, And ail the little children That round the table go, And all your kin and kinsmen That dwell both far and near: I wish you a Mc-rry Christmas And a Happy New Year, » BiSpf Jfc C • - CLUB NEWS and NOTES i. guests at her her home Thursday, Dec. 2(i, honoring her house guest, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, of Washing ton, D. C. The Christmas dinner consisted of turkey and all of the trimmings, and was served buffet style. Out-of-town guests enjoying the gala-fete were Mrs. Mag gie Johnson. Mrs. Eula Wil liams Wash. D. C.: Miss Ethei Greene, Mrs. Mary F. McClain, Brooklyn, X, Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Zackj Ellis, Mrs. Pearl Bell, Raleigh; and Mr. William Co | oke. Durham. , ! Everyone enjoyed tire food, and i 1 left with the Christmas spirit. , Soprano, urnalist 1 | politan at the opening of its cur ; I rent season last Oct. 29. - | ; Weekly Church Roundup By Mrs . May L. Broadie ! FIRST CONGREGATIONAL ; CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday (morning worship service: Church i School at 9:45. Supt., Mr. Sher ! man Lewis. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Combined choirs, juni or and senior had charge of the music, under the direction of Mr. Ernest Mas.senburg. A large au dience enjoyed the sermon by the 'pastor. Rev. Howard Cunningham, from the Book of Duet. 3rd chap ter and 32nd verse. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY C.M. E. CHURCH Morning worship: Church school at 9:45. Supt., Mrs. Della Ford. Morning worship at H o'clock. The senior choir had Dr. O. S. Bullock Officiates As IMiss Beatrice R. Martin Becomes Bride Os Igal E. Spraggins Here M'CB VI CJ M'li'li'n r.-f ! ! ,1 MRS. I. E. SPRAGGINS I ’HotA ■ |jfl6 ■'*&£&%JSVßtW' • .'■ '•• /StHE? 5 xSa&Ak *1 9 aw|.: : 'v- -c x WB| |K'’ Jg fit *« ' . ‘rlßffV u. MfJw 4hHh| JMMrfcw %<J \ '1. 4 HtSl gU M rerhyffgSci s&j&l. i z <K4yi TrVif«iw^ / ntf~i //■•[ j■SSflMsfcr■ ■JK I ,V & ■ y* "'... r' MAKES PRESENTATION— Among those present at the lltb Anniversary of the Sugar R,ay Robinson Case Celebration,. was famous New York Columnist and TV Panelist Miss Dorothy Kiigailen. who, along with Sug ar Ray, ami in the afcsense, due to illness of Mr. Hamilton Pos ner president of I. Posner Co., charge of music, under the dir*j . action of Miss Eettie J. Brodie. A j laiye congregation was well-pleas- Icd with the message from the guest minister, Rev. W„ N. Glad den of Columbia, S. C. LILY OF THE VALLEY BAP TIST CHURCH - Sunday morn- i ing worship: Church school at 10 o'cio:k. Supt., Mr. Joseph Wil ! Hants, Sr. Prayer service at 11 I o'clock. Everyone enjoyed a won- I derful spiritual feast. UNION BAPTIST CHURCH | Church school at.lo'3o. Worship | service at 12 o'clock noon. The I pastor. Rev. G. W. Mitchell, de -1 iivered a good sermon from the j MONUMENTS Since 1902—Marble-Granite Buy Direct! , . ' ~ ’ r=r===:r =^=is * O' /ARNERI M£MOR ALS I 3919 Hillsboro. Raleigh, N. C. j Across Railroad—trunt at Method) I WT Mull ■ THE CAROLINIAN - presented a gold Wrist Watch to charming Ramona Pasos as part of the fir3t prize winning as New York’s most beautiful girl in the Miss New Yorker Contest held recently. Miss Pa soa also won au ail-expense va cation to Hamilton. Bermuda. (Foto by Bill Keno.) ; Book of Isaiah, sth chapter, 10th ! to 13th verses. WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST CHURCH -- Sunday morn ing worship; Church school at 9:45. Supt., Miss Nannie Morgan. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. ( The senior choir was in charge of music, under the direction of Miss Nannie Morgan. Organist, Mr. Leon Haywood. A very sweet' ser mon was delivered by the pastor. Rev. C. 1.. Gldney, and everyone present enjoyed the services very much. OBERLIN BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday morning worship: Church School at 9:45. Supt., Mr, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Martin of Ra leigh, announces the marriage of her daughter, Beatrice Ruth, to Mr, Igal E, Spraggins of Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania, son of Mrs. Mary L. Childs of Pittsburgh. The ceremony was soleminized Sunday, December 22, at 9:30 a.m. in the bride's home, with Dr. O, S. Bullock, pastor of the First Bap tist Church, officiating. The bride •Utiiiictl the Eta . leigh public .schools and Is a graduate of Shaw University. aßleigli, where she Is now em ployed as assistant registrar. Before coming to Shaw Uni versity, she taught In the pub lic schools of Columbus and Warren Counties. The groom received the bache lor’s degree from Wilberforce U niversity, Wilberforce, Ohio and the master’s degree from the Uni versity of Pittsburgh. Ha is pre sently teaching sociology at Saint Augustine’s College, Raleigh Prior to employment at Saint Angus- , tine’s, he served In the United ■ States Armed Sendees, did social work in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and later taught at Prairie View A. and M, College, Prairie View, Texas. He is a member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. . 70% Grain Neutral Spiels \ Yes, We All Talk j By Marcus H. Boulware A BRICK The old expression of calling person a “brick” as a complimen originated in the ancient day when Sparta was a strong militar power. Once a distinguished citizen came to Sn.irta. which was sit uated on an open plain, and he was surprised to find that, unlike other large cities of those days, it had no wall to protect it. The visitor inquired of King Agesilaus about this remarkable fact. The king of Sparta pointed t his army and said, "There thou be hoidcst the walls of Sparta te thousand men ,and every man brick,” PAD The word "PAT)'’ is Welsh, ani it is a survival of the ancient Brit ish language. The beginning r, the Lord's Prayer in Welsh i “Em Dad.” COWBOY Did you know that the terr “cowboy” did not come to us fror the rangelands of the West, bu is instead a term that originate during the American Revolution? The name of cowboy was given t members of a band of Tories wh stole cattle from both the Englisl and the American sides. COP QUESTION: Please discuss th meaning of the word ‘‘cop” whicl we use to indicate a policeman.- T. N. B. ANSWER: The word “cop” 5 nr rtf up of the initials of the threi words, constable of police, Instea: of saying constable of police, thi expression was shortened to “cop. CHISELER The word “ehiscler” has be come so popular lately that it is well to look into its history. It Is not modern slang, for Ox ford professors used the word “Chisel" In the sense it is used today as early as 1821. and by 1835 it was In common usage in England. In an 1848 list of Americanisms, it is referred to as a Western word and there is an illusion to chiseling the people of California out of a iot of money. The Oxford dictionary define: the term “to chisel” as to cheat o: to chouse. The word “chouse” i: supposed to have come from tin swindling of Turkish and Persia! Walter Curtis. Morning worshi] at 11 o’clock. The junior choi was in charge of music, under th direction of Mr. Gaston Pulie 3 Organist. Mr. Edward Haywood A very spiritual message wa delivered by the pastor, Dr. Grad; Davis, from the Book of St. Jobs 3rd chapter, 16th verse. TUPPER MEMORIAL CHURCI —Regular service at 11 o’clocl wajs opened as usual with a de ‘votional service, under the di rection of Miss Virginia Neal. During the absence of our min ! ister. Rev, M R. Boone, we an I pleased to say that Rev, T. V Carter has served us quite ade' quately in his place. | Ha preached a soul-stirring ser mon from the 15th chapter 0: ! Luke and the 24th verse. A beau- I tlftil story of the Prodigal Soi I was related and an importam point was brought out that love i< the greatest thing in life, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - Sunday morning worship service, Church school at 9:30. Supt„ Mr W. H. Taylor, Sr. Morning wor ship at 11 o’clock. The Men’s Chorus had charge of music, un der the direction of minister oi music, Mrs. E.M.M. Kelly. A large congregation enjoyed a very sweet and uplifting sermcr by the guest minister. Rev. Mr Fleming, from the Bock of Joel 2nd chapter , 29th verse. I cTIiuXIfiIIOTEL Member of N. H. A, Clean, Comfortable Rooms Miss Lucille Griswold. Prop. 220 E. Cabarrus St. Raleigh Phone TE 3-6800 WEEK P2NDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1958 merchants in London in 1809 by a a Turkish chouse or embassy inter t preter. s In the United Slates, we y cruising taxicab driver who think of a “chlseler" as a muscles in on trade which does not belong to him. Today a man may chisel for cigar ettes, drinks or small loans of Telephone TE 2-877 J Bloodworth Strekt » TOURIST HOME " Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio and Television 5 j 424 S. Bloodworth St. Raieigh a | i ’ t N I ** your Fire Insurance adequate o 1 oa your borne? Was it bought , i ; to cover your home ten years aj j a So ot five years ago when the 1 value was half what it ia now/ j The value of your home is j worth protecting. Let Caveness e I Insurance Agency give you full i protection on your home and furnishings. v CALL 3-3563 BEFORE YOU SUFFER U\ 1 NECESSARY FIRE LOSS. : CAVENESS ! Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial TE 3-3563 HOY CAVENESS. Jr. ROY CAVENESS. Sr PRINTINO! ’ # COMMERCIAL « SOCIAL r e Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt + Service Phone TE 4 5558 1 ——THE—— 1 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 518 E. Marlin Street Raleigh, N. C. 11 ' ■ “ - ; OCEAN FRESH SEAFOOD] I A or Watson’s f ryers || |j At Your Favorite Store I 1 | WATSON’S I I oeafooi & Poultry Company, Inc. S 230 Cameron Street Wholesale Dept. 1 Cameron Village Rock Quarry C/.ond 3 I Raleigh, N. C. $ UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY f* GROCERY STORE L,G ” T t ND HEAVY full ITnToT tIA. ULL »vj F'DArr'D rrc 1-OCAI, AND LONG DISTANCE Your p «>fronage Courteous Prompt Appreciated Efficient —a— ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street f Far boro & Martin Street* DIAL TE 2-9478 TE 2-9212 | Finance or Corrow 7 | On Your Car I Thr.A Pih The ] DHL a Motor Finance Co. I 126 E. Davie Street Phone TE 3-3231 >»«#'%wt3a^n{w%t3B.isieerjL^,.^^B«saKßKiiiKxsai«ii^«HKnsßrßaS I money which lie never repays. HEADERS For my free di cussion pamphlet, Isond two stamps and a self-ad dressed envelope. Write Marcus H. Boulware, St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh, N. C For A Better We!! CAJUL ' V. VI y CO. RAI riC.H, N C. Phone TE 2-4875 Rn* 1128 INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO Durham, N. C. - COMPLETE Winter N V_ *O3 CHANGE- N & i* OVER Q Oil. CHANGED @ GREASING ® RADIATOR DR ONED Anti-Freeze Applied O Washing 9 Polishing Bunn’s Esso Service 502 S. liloodvorth St. PHONE TE 2-9498 * '^r j<3| jj £YE glasses J I/Rqnesiion.ible Quality Prudent Price* i I [|! dig sue ays 1 * OPTICIANS, Is*. X Professional Bldf.. KaUigfc 7 j! ~ Everythin# For . . • BUILDING REMODELING repairing • LUMBER • MILL WORK • AIHEY'S faints • BUILDING MATERIALS • KUSSWiN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF. 2 i 7-219 N. Dawson St. , RALEIGH, N. C.

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