ol'jway Sisters Married On I iaae Day In Wayne Ceremonies GOLDSBORO— The marriages of i •he two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John W, Holloway W'ere solemniz ed here Sunday afternoon, Dec. 22. Johnnie Eleanor became the bride of (ficnc Andre Bass, son oi Mrs. F,stella Bass of Golds boro, In a single-ring ceremony -f tile Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 2:15 p.m. Father Kenneth Parker officiated. Nora Elizabeth became the bride of James Junius Scales, Sr., of Winston-Salem, in a sin gle-ring ceremony at the Great er St. James AMEJS Church at 3.15 p.m, with the Rev. E. B. Lipsey officiating. The altars of both churches wore decorated with lighted candles nrd ! tall baskets of white chrysanthe mums, gladioli and fern, Pews had same flora] decoration tied with white satin streamers. For their weddings, the hrides I wore identical formal gowns made j along princes? lines with V-necks, : made of bridal satin, with acces sories, Bridal veil? consisted of •scalloped tiaras of the same ma terial as the gowns Bach bride wore a single strang of pearls and earned a colonial bouquet of white carnations and gaza chrysanthe mums. The mother of the bride* worn j * pastel blue lace dress with white cloves and hat. Her corsage was made of white carnations. The mother of one groom, Mrs. Bass, wore a slate blue crepe dress with red corsage Mrs. Scales, mother of the other groom, wore a beige dTIToT SUPPLY CO. ! RALEIGH - DURHAM j ROCKY MOUNT GOLDSBORO Tel. TE 2-7771 j J. GREAT ] ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, BURSITIS, NEURALGIA THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE WHAT IS IT? Formula 7-Formula 7-Formula 7 ' The Greatest Advancemenf J iSISi * n Years ] ISlf|||p \ crearo ’otion linimeot with LANOLIN for »h» refief «t Pain $ «f Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neerni*. Bursitis, Neural*-.* stiff new 3 || muscular soreness, j Sold On An Unconditional I Money-Back Guarantee | N “ B,at» ?•■ • * ••*'• v n»n ■■iiisphh' irnnn—imai— ...m-- •> • II Sold by druggists throughout the South. „ if:-. ' - ‘ Ji. lak - e this ad to your druggist or m Aw mail direct to Carolina Products $125 and Distributors and get $2.00 bol- ™ ** tie for $1.25 Postpaid, PO!if Pni * No Order shipped COD on this special offer. Druggist Contact your Wholesale Drug Co.—or order direct. Physicians samples on "Request. Address all briers to Carolina Products & Distributors WHOLESALE DRUGS. P. O. Box 9 Kinston, N. C. i lace dress with matching gloves, a pink hat and c corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Bass graduated from Eliza beth City Teachers College and teaches at the Johnson County Training School, Smithfield. Mr. Bass graduated from Morgan State College, received the M.A. degree from Hunter College, and complet ed PhD. requirements at N.Y.U. Presently he is employed nr clini cal psychologist at the State Hos pital at Goldsboro. Mrs. Scales is a graduate of Win ston-Salem Teachers College. Mr. Scales attended the same college, served four years in the Air Force, and was recently discharged. The couple will reside in Winston-Sa lem, Wedding processional? included: fn;rld Peacock, flower girl; MR AND MRS. GENE BASS AND i MR. AND MRS. JAMES SCALES Ronnie Richardson, ring -bear er; Mrs. Bestha Jolly of Golds boro, matron of honor; Misses R. Warren and Barbara John son were maids of honor; Ros tov Williams, Jr., and Theodore Newsome, Thomas L. Bryant, Ennis Allen and William H, Bass were groomsmen. A reception was held in the cafe teria of Dillard High School with Mesdames Grace Reid Ernestine Wooten, and Miss Marie Stitt as hostesses. The. wedding guest list included persons from Goldsboro Smithfield, Kinston, Euenton, Kerr, Winston- Salem, Hickory, Thomasville Wil son. Mt. Olive and La Grange, in North Carolina; Washington, D. C., Baltimore. Md„ Philadelphia Pa, Newaik N. J. ‘ . . . ¥.2 I State College Hints BED LINENS—FIat and fitted sheets are available in muslin oi percale m the same price range. 1 itted or contour sheets save bed making time, eliminate rumpled beds and so make for comfortable sleeping Also, less ironing may be required since they fit so snugly on the mattress. There are bottom sheets with all four corners boxed; top sheets with only two corners boxed. Fitted sheets are saijforized and are made to fit many mattress sizes. Proper fit is important so before shop ping check up on the size needed. Check chart for sizes in flat and fitted sheets. Muslin sheets are widely j used for everyday household 1 service. The Initial cost of the | percales is higher therefore ! they are considered the luxury j sheets. But they are not. They | are lighter in weight than the ; muslins, so the cost of main i tenance is less when laundered Irommerciaity since charges are based on weight. Mi * * ?* j For home laundry, wet sheets I 1 are heavy and difficult to handle so their light weight is a conven ience and saving of effort the shopper will want to consider. fe til RISE PAINTER George T. Smith, an interrior decorator and painter, shown at his home, turned out to be the mysterious stranger who walked into the Harrison Elementary School. Washing ton, D. and proceeded to paint the place, all on his own. lie said he got the idea as iie was driving hr the school one day and decided it needed a paint job. (UNITED PRESS PHOTO'. j Mrs. Hopsey Kearney, Hospital j Instructor, Speaks To Juniors Emphasizing that students should j plan their high school courses so I they can meet the prerequisites for I a nursing education program of j studies, Mrs. Hopsey R.. Kearney, i clinical instructor at St. Agnes Hospital, urged SO high school jun | iors and seniors, end the 1957 Debs, ! to consider pursuing a career in i nursing when she spoke at a vo | national guidance clinic at the | Chavis Heights Recreation Center, j on January 6 The clinic was sponsored by the I Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Al j pha Kappa Alpha Sorority of Ra leigh. I The speaker called attention to j opportunities in the various fields j of nursing, including hospital ad i ministration and public health j nursing. Mrs. Kearney is a graduate of | the Kate Bitting Reynolds Hospi tal School of Nursing. Winston- Salem, N. C. She received the B.S. degree in nursing education from the Catholic University of Ameri ca, Washington. D C. Since grad uation, she has served in several positions as director of nurses and nursing education. Sorors present, were Mesdames j Nation s Leaders Join In j Denouncing Attacks On ‘Mixed" Highlander School MONTE AGUE,' Tenn. (AMP* The efforts of segregationists to pin a subversive tag on the Highland ers Folk School here ran afoul last week when several prominent: na tional leaders joined in denouncing attacks made on the school. Among those who raised their voices in protest of efforts to damage the reputation of the scho ol were Mrs. Franklin D. Roo*e- ' velt Dr. Reinhoid Niebuhr widely acclaimed Protestant theologian, Msgr. John O’Grady, National Con ference of Catholic Charities, and Lloyd K, Garrison, former Dean of the University of Wisconsin Law school. SIGN STATEMENT PRAIS ING SCHOOL They affixed their signature to a statement by Myles Horton, di rector of the school. Who refuted the charge made by a Georgia Edu cation Commission, headed by Gov. Marvin Griffin, that the Highland er School is a ''Communist-train ing school” to promote “Methods and tactics for precipitating racial disturbancees.” AN INSTITUTION FOR STUDY Located on a mountain plateau midway between Nashville and Chattanooga, Highlander forms a sort of retreat for those wishing to reflect upon and discuss problems of community and state. It is an institution for adult education “to | study and discuss challenging soc **& mo MRS. Secretly sacked hr mom than two months., famed entertainer. Sammy Davis, Jr. and dancer horary While eujprfeod the show world when they ware manried recently. The romance was kept secret while Lorcry was iurring a previous Mexican marriage anmiled. ft is the first marnerg* far Dari*, now appearing in las Vegas. {Newsprae# Photoju MRS. HOPSEY KEARNEY , , . speaks to juniors P Mann, S V Perry, L V L.v j (ham. J. W. Robertson. V K. New- ; <•11. G. Turn *r, and Minnie Wil liams, iat, educational and economic pro blems.. . SEMINARS. WORKSHOPS FRUITFUL The work of the school has been praised by several educators and j. civic leaders, among them Cortez j I M. Puryear, president of the Win- j! ■tn-Salem N C, NAACP. Puryear, i| who attended workshops and serm- ! i nars at. Highlander, reported that | he accomplished the following in j his own community as a result of ; school: (1) A new coliseum was opened on a desegregated basis. (2) The baseball park was desegregated. <3> The stadium seating is now de segregated. <4> The golf course is now open to all. 15> White and col ored signs have been removed from water fountains in public places. (6i Tiie decision of the Winston- j Salem school board to desegregate in 1937 without court order. i (®, ■mou. “Lots of men could support j a wife if they dwlnH have to j feed her vanity.” PEACHIiI YELLOW CLING mmm Halves or Sliced IONA Jm | 'mmSl CLERK’S SPECIAL! lona Brand Cut Style GREEN BEANS & 10& M ANAGER’S SPECIAL! Fancy A&P Fruit COCKTAIL 2sr 43c COME m , ff§\t YOU'LL SEE SAVE! MANAGER S SPECIAL! Sultana Brand ' Strawberry Preserves-59c CLERK’S SPECIAL! Ann Page Condensed Tomato Soup 4 '-■ 39« EQUAL TO THE BEST—-Yet Costs You Less! A&P’s dexola Oil • 33= £ Bl c EQUAL TO THE BEST—Yet Costs You Less! A&P’s dexo Shortening a 81c SUN NY FI ELI) IN %-Lh. Prints Creamery Butter ~ 70c FANCY FROZEN A&P Green Beans 2 - 33 c .ti« i in - n t t , TW - T nwrrrcMtnnTiMuniiio wnnmmtmrurw)rnnwuwrw nmiximr—mt DONUTS THE CAR Week F.ndms Saturd “Get Tough At Central:” Thurgood SYRACUSE, N. Y. lANP)—Atty. Thurgood Marshall, NAACP chief counsel, in an address to students ar. Syracuse University here Thurs day said that school officials in Little Rock should “get tough with the hard core of about 40 or 50 white students who are still caus ing trouble.” ‘‘These toughs are still pushing our kids around,'’ he said 'They’re spitting on them and cursing them.” IOLINIAN 9 Jay, January 25, 1958 IRONING BOARDS Are you buyia* an ironing board? A vital consideration is its height— which may mean the difference between comfort and drudgery. Most new ones are easily adjustable, and buy a standard size ironing board if you possibly can. If you don’t have the dollars now, the extra ones. SEIBERLING Tires & Recapping: • Tubeless Specialists ONE DAYS SERVICE Town & Country TIRE SERVICE HX 8, Dawson St. TE 3-5701 RALEIGH, N. C. 9