!= - s;r , IT(OWS 3 SOMETHIKG TO B?jY, HOST, SELL OS EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION & I£sA* .ZlwSw „ Advert isirj —£ou> Cosf Advertising —- 1 ° U ••• 01 ‘ E TEm P' e 4 ' 5558 / FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ~. DIAL TEmpte 44558 ANNifbttCh C/ROS Os- THAN'iS !N MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOM'-: APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT. ■ rt n Mbs Lores Hal!, .. i«.aicsgn niauve, “Miss UNCF” SALIS'iT. i’Y—Miss Lorre Hall, j • lh<* daughter of Mr. and Mr?. Sam i''-4 -tall, !E)S 1-2 New Bern Ave i L'h igh. was lc.’on.tiy crown- ; rci M :(Luted L.-giu Cohcgf? Fui-i.i i t th* firsi nriniv.l "i' Mr> ir n,.r- 1 : - Asorcd by tin' Hro-Alumni Club j of )Viii‘.;?t.ortc Cal t- c Miss Hall is majoring in Bn si- ■ T'.ss find is secretary of the sop homore clans She IS ISO :i ~ .. - -yi Busin-s fe.duyvr.jon Clr.h. | Club ..id thi Fiv-A'uni- 1 ’ - . .n:. ( 1 1, i i . JVI is- ■ . 1 1 i , , o’- 1 : I -■ -. -1 , Blue mold has been a threat to tobacco piantbfds everv year Since IMI2. l ire \t ( e? -1 stales eroduc -ci a ■ b'-i., 20 per cent of the tuition's cotton last yt t|t —V- ——-y- anmwt\tmmm»rn m '**■<»»<*»oi.; *«»»»& aajßawra** . x~» •*, *£*»■.* * ■ MLJ»»av>- vjOoj V v I>• j ~\ j 11 £!ll cl CjrOOd C ■:■ * I I Like The Ones They Sell At Sancle^A H i %»* ■ ■ - \ i V'"" PWfiri V-OO e ~> X- V ...» : ' EXTRA SPECIAL FOR MOIIpAY .. . $1 j 7 MOD FT Q u' J i. v/ i x_4 - ’ |§l| '56 2 ~ Dr -P *»»» !•■ V ® * m 11 v„• ! Ks % FORD 4-Dr. ooun:rv sed.-.n n •• •• v , tU} matte. power &«*;:.k bk.utiluf' h'k and matc.tiiag mti-Uor, one nwnei 4 K£ 2-Dr. he-.'-. ~ - dK* .. ' - % i modfi < SB? ’TC FORD F«>u. '!• vp £ en;m rniin Vrl . \A# •;;;»■ ?12g:> S| *h} , . T .).» h * ,-tA ' 1 ' •* ll’i’ J . ;V, : j | *?F I _ A4MOOKU - s #3 - - - jm \J2Jjf •) S '"’ , • • v ‘ “• c££i“° . -.-m:, ' i ’34!? ■ «*• * * Rm “ c ‘*” a f ” bloc fin*h wiu> White tw. cW„ *’ *’ ■.. W » 1 *3! ' I ‘ u " Wllh Wil!Tf? tf »> cl ' un v "" > m ’ m M °i fp : ! W ’53 ‘ li ~, ""‘ e "■■■ ’■"' s ,h ' eKU& cm - i ‘ ■ '* ■ til ,i 3 : A v ?. OI A r 2 L t ‘- v D " ' | n?iH blue anirfh. ci«an •■* ‘A» MANY OTHER MODELS FROM SIOO UP I : Via <: - § « T| F IHiTAD • r BbJ Ct £1 Cl '-W I & ro | Lv, i V®|^V \' v 1 orner l-’erson -f s 7on/? < J NC D ] 'CSS* f ; j i 'hLi»iibJ:isZ. DuriAg the v/ar I v. rote a l\ of - fivy students jn the .service a itow- | !sy -eftcr about oe.ee a month .in • C.’der to coo -. ;ve . . 1 u ;; - | ; - ntv'Jic* . Thought I v. oyhj t» y ! ) l-'i. ’. v *; .- j . . ! ; [;• c.-y ooiir ||K \f\. . . T\ j produced on f&j&iy** Ihat rou'o freje j • lUd • wit U 'f’US I b-' r. ;*i - o.v i * i : that grew las! year art.-.f otsiiK’-' r-r, I • v nod two yonrs o :d piii-l firm* to prune j an«i ri.uji.iif iiiui uiuscudiiie ■' her chi have been neitlect* | in* . . You sbouli! have re- I n.-cii ,- 1 the old hearing' canes ( yum red yaspberrj’ plant ■- : .' : i r they t*ci' r| in t 57. - yc-a c-di hit to do this, s ,e»« not new and get r. ■■ 1 y foe vour 1358 crop. ... *<•-'; h your ‘.'ravch.-rry plants j v lid pi i/ medics. . . .1! yon • ■ p'.'-isibn: to set sow new j, is eat, he Jo* i anyUinr j i-- * i v c sob is 1 ; ■; ■' •• • • • .)••• • a..,-i fii i; the ! ■• •-••• ■ . . Depth ol ; yi.rfi'.t'n i.: v ;'v ir. ■ ort v--i \*- "4 - ’l . ,1 .. ... f. , j, .. t . ovrv n lot'jfi fv'.'tfMTrj. r { , • i s i Abbey 'jf** w-s i ror rorgf Kole NE W VOFK - >Lr ->r Abb;.\v Ll?i- \ cn’r. vv-.ni in rrtski'rnce j tbn* vvrcfk with restives nf I v S;>\T)ue» tji(i.{ovvyn U> a rule j in the iVnrv and r W.*.; movi- mat j I hi- ahpi ;n May. \v r *th 'Oiarotdv D-ar-''iridic havrvr ? i Ju i : 4 the icad roic m the i ! -•*; * iAUiah rinVryj.-. o h- i.s nr. j r^ A ' * *.• r l •'■'T'jb*» i•• 1 -i j { to . * : i&i y i** >2O '• -1 HI ! * ! ror.'-.-'-t h '■*' •*".} Kj"t Shu • >•- 1 attid V' widcs* rva ? th.-c ; l *). Sh-a a-; makinv j f r.:;3 OQpini' t.y phi.fiS t?*C j 1 ' ! ' ■ ■ ■ V,- 1 ,, -a ro.-.i 1 v ■■ ■ ■ ■■ iff icir« . cat a Bns. 1 . . ' - , - ' P”“**»'**«*«•<•»-• -i e)».'insir>-i—.->mvwv»i^va iji. » • . newsman v»:r, out of papci or tak ing nous. The mother obiiced by asking her u;cling ou’-ichi. *r to c-t th*- nice i.-mn so:t:c paper. She im mtdieteiy catno back with Porct’s toilet tissue ” MO ISSUE. Hi ll (Mini. no f WORRY: : * V->U e:u» MW.WWW. ——— '* ‘ 1 f, ... I. I rl |BM ml t« llillill.l ,L „ij e:la eta Sorority I j irvgvrj'* f J j. fiie.» Ra!eigh f/!)CH.t Ncy.' So: or I3n i,* i c.ics bus act rptcvi 1)0 /.tin 1 --. ,i- T’. M ;L ' g. f . • i i ! *# : ; > ;•,r i ?M*k, i- : : i iHfc i ! OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT WEEK. POSTER More thao 4 ?C0 4 000Ctib Scout l -. ’ Boy Scout«, leaders throughout the riouon? wil! observe Bov Scovi VVeok, ’ February 7 to 13, ir*v'—■ —rrf--- -rMMiwrnKriiiumfi n_i *» V“Tt W *» *r 'h' T #** w “e* iro. it v 1 AMO u S BAKER x ; Q P j? r* I A I tj X Jl/j a /■ j, jLi» 8 / 1 Pllfl Rl II 1 II ff* T 8 L t Ifi ll Is fr I h- 1 i 9ta Km Isl SI si icji ®m w: 4m % \ I SI ¥ C B §. M f 8 | I* 14 1 ii M £• I Filled With Fresh Grated l* v mon Custard i / ! PRICE | Notice Our Window Display for Your Valentine Parties I’! »07 55. WILMINGTON ST. TLmple - 2 8."5.14 ( Let vonr life, he doesnt'. well cm!/ tc hed an dear!) in rise, helps «<» much to ease life's tide. A LETTER RkITUM TO THE CORNER THAN*. YOU! '-Detroit. Thank you l • • * ►:*-»!»!• Mayor Enloe, your I welcome letter to Rev, Martin Lu ■ iHer Kittjt. indeed wss jnspinns;. hr j vil ii.' c h.ippy lo know of Raleigh | opt) ve) otnc 1- him co.ne Feb- j ■ liny ■:). . . . The r.fiatie duu c . inip ur-sniio Mr. Joe Winters. I k HAMK YOU. . . j'ho lovely lass ! ; V; lTioi i;i OoMsboro, for we were ; ; hvr and you <> mded me back lo ! lie- c'i )\-Si-OLO. . . Death has' ! such weird illoKmns — “Six-round i 1 unloadin'.: of ammunition by the : ; s».'iio:» : roacliei lo his love the lihva- i n m at p '•< tune, 'j '.vo v/ondcrful : | h\ff. tfc ts could hav-- brought hap- ! , mrv s to many On -cuffed out. i .Hu tc i , i a*, ,-d —GOINO. GONE, r : REAL GONE! ' ’ - 50 ~ I tvC »0 Li lib ;»L‘ to J, Lpot t OOiOY | Carol Hunt ::: rapidly improving at. I:. i Agrc - iiL- p.Cil ; Sf/icr back from i i.cic i K; licit .? p.'ii;*-?. Ai'Uahsus, vhi-i-t? • she aUcnch-d Botrd ..*1 O.H-ctors - Mc cuiiy National Baptist Cor.vc-n --ti«o n? IJ. S A.. Ira:. ; hw of 4 \he Eoy ‘Louis’ j ! n cooperation with other or» '.aju/' io>v. leadership hi prtur*>ie I trafte ssiety in March'. April, ! JA 1 pu-.dov * safety m June, jJ*.cy. *pd ; 4and home j j siiuGiy m v.cptcmhor, October, » RXS and Wife, BETTY L PARRIS, State College Answers QUESTION: Does it pay iy luivt j a family milk cow? ANSWER: Dairy specialists have i figured that a family miik cor. ran ■ save many families on thou* milk | bill. If five people in r..■ •,v drink the recommended amount of j milk—a quart each per day - tin y j pay out about $336 a year for ntiik. 1 Since it costs only around a year to feed family cow produ cing 2 1-2 gallon.- of milk per ■ day, this family would save nD >ut QUESTION: What would cause a cow to nibble at hark •n trees and fence past-, and it dirt ANSWER: Could is.- tit.-: . aren't gfU'ns," enough >o*, • • their diet. Research lias -v >v.-n that cows receiving no sii;»p >- mental salt begin c.-.rupr ■ anil oSlkt ''umisuai" eim-f, apparently hr an vit< mot to get needed sal!, QUEST!ON. Slior.id 1 t-o, trees? ANSWO: ! ’ clalidts say that heavy catling Lack : of trees removes limbs on which : the leaves grow, destroys the na tural shape e>T the irce, ruakes '' tree more compact (v.-h-m theyYt ■ may cause the tree t-> decay rid : usually already too compacti. dtsefige to set in, or-h .-s (’a* .cn ‘>ri ‘ is Kepi covered with spec LI tore 1 point. Foil is an ideal time to o y.v-d.-n , contour slrip crops. ■ ; Y COOKiM3 i|; HINTS ! •• I *% . ' v - / j //Carnation Hwie Sew ..-h, 1 . ty and her staff X( -7 r ur ~ £*■* ' & L>ke to sc ve ' * - dr sort after heavy V ' *•"— ’i holiday ' meals V Try Carnation Roso; « Scott CmßFeivy Freeze. I'■■■.'>•{ dr-nd ing Carnation livapOTaL 1 MV.'c mixes perfectly'with the ols.w- i ant tartress of eranbem.'ii f-w a refreshing dewrt. And O' ~-i-berry berry Frecre is eiiey <-n the Christinas budget, t - • it's made with Ocwr-n».--n - i-,t •milk that whips Nice s.; v, ; when friends “dr-,-" : the holidays. CARNATION CRAHBSRRY V. (Makes about. 2 qu -1 cop undiluted CARNA. EVAPORATED MILK 2 tablespoons lemon juic 1 Vj cops diced morshmt. 2 cups I! pound car.} v. cranberiy sauce 1 cop well-drained t, cn,. crushed pineapple % teaspoon salt Chili Carnation in rein- ! i ” tray until soft rr; •..» around edges cf tray ( Vs -■> ir.in uujs). Whip very stiff (aLwit J minute). Add lemon juice. Whip v«rj; stiff 1 1 nriinut- s .< r*. Combine tnarShmftUmvf, eruei . ••• ties, pineapple and scut. SOM in to whipped CamaU t PI a* <• in refrigerator tre vs. Freeze 2 to 3 hours or until torn. C-73S Printed InU.S A. Legal Metis 53 AIMISfeeiStUAIIUA S NO V • ?; j NORTH CAROLINA Having RuaPikd as Aa >• - v of tiic Estate *>f Jane* VV:V, ,! , >.;• v | reaseci, iale of Wa4tc Cri ' !;■ , i\*.\ - • having claims again*! the J •‘c ■ j bllid decease:! to exhibit -hv i - ; at 205 SmUhlieJd S-t, . J llaieigh, North Carolina. or- .- . K »,. > • • < ; the 9th day of Ja mi ary, l-M or c cv twill he v j fcNiatf will pi ease mane . .. ! ‘i'.us oth day of January, 1958 A rim in is 4 > ■ ■»iv 1 Jar*. I#, 25:' Feb. 3* 8 IS, 22. ’f#3 A 0M INISTHATOH'S NOTtO' f NOiITH CAROLINA i WAKK COUNTY ! Hav: jng mualifivd av Arinin•,;,>L.no» <•• : vraioltna, thia L to notify all pv oris j having claims against the Estate of , said deceased to exhibit them to ♦.;*■ ' ! undersigned at 1306 E. Jure. Sir.eet. ' ; Raleigh, North Carolina* on y : ! IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY SUSIE WASHINGTON and BESSIE WASHINGTON CAMPBELL LC Vs. LEO N f. LA NDa n d W> h . mT*Ov ’' ’) ; J. LAND. B H RICKS j*rcl 11 I PA THE CA3IOLINIAN VDT'K PS”HNCi, S VjrriQAY. I'LfUUJAR.Y 1, IMS ! Defendants 1 I Tee d. i.-tuliuits r-i H Rick* and R. IK. Ha era; anti v.-ite, Betty L. pari -.. | will take aMift; That ptiuitilli in the above entitled I j matter «uiv«h coftimfihued ixi the jfcu-1 p;?)* or Court ol’ Wake County, North j .Cyioiina, er* action on lit led as above. i m v. h‘th they seek ‘he cancellation \ | trom i< of cevtaln Deeds filed mi j the o :ic l «‘ or the Hot, >tcr of Deeds j of Wakf.: Countv. a;-* foliows, to wu*! jU) Deed dated Abril 10, 1»34. DatVi ■ Washington io H. & Kuri; and vjfe » I Betty J. I'm: is n'ocifdof in Bo ,k .‘.US, 1 I oaff- ’ 5»• Dee-d dated Mav 1. 11V14 1 ! R K. !■’■ ■- ami v.tfe i, J> U! j to B. Ji R-fkft r.'C!). l iii! n Hook I i t-w>:» (Jt Dot'd dated M•: 1- ?a. Tutu- I . in t„ e i>-ri v rl. - i j and .it «tc ti: o i-oid i»r«/jn-riv ’ H i:q\ S3:-, t/’ ■' ‘ •••-•?»»■ 'TV* - . .4 . * * u.u'f «.c ih-c initV. bs-ugnl; by iv.'an-;> ri*)ki vi thie. Jk.ads oi. ibivtt -, «4( '•'-o-lfp tiiStTS.-.; IHAV t';> j as-lrtc tupitg Nc o' Cf-i-i!. ,V,":UL: tmd Bi.i'il > pvcov ic’d. Tids *. ! h 6> ' d SA/J3 » ■V. ■ . , b .\A l ' «t Kj t - . . . . • . ; . ’V?: b : . : . i Kp... f-B .4 G.N QU.4C N„ ' , V*'«\o»b r .j- ii .‘v’.- c VvIiXlS U iltc ?Gijr; •. j Kr-.iU ¥S' r/li-.b WXL- j ! cAZJl'tei Y s Mi.d wife, ’ : ■ V:.IUJCy. t; ;i‘Hhh H- i; i' ; .AHK ** r DC - f ERVON -• r--d v.-b . b-ABi-K; BlKJEBlON; ' j ->5 ah’; /1 *f. ei:.o a e:. v< .•• „v ; <; olon? al ! ;h. u L F»■• :■■ s - I- ; n : j,ii i jea. AJ4O j Ab'lV Mii'ft. . j AND wAle- 1-AohA I A f ■ ;U. fiv.£C oVjd*?' ? -A'j-UtuO l,\d.; ■ dSjUI lot Doc rtet, Vilfe : ; . ’ . • V. '-Li _ l '.. / wiliT C 5« -% - -••••-•'• • • O: .a-t’’, (Vaosc bvbn..-; hjt-Mlciir s y . C-mdv,; • ; - . : .. .. i bi> i- t'-'i'v*' ’li \GX*VM iNi> 'Ji I h’< >-$$ %:■ -pH 4cm. jj| «*i ; •1 L <--!.• F•*>. ; I rup.s >r* bH S4O : £uKk h> ’b the - ihc 1 ! p.);C;DvAINvL lot No XL : i ii: to .*■: tco\j j ’ .net tii 'Ski*i ■iSiv't-i: thF.nce nturtsi ~ --..V. ;-:s Ilfgt. ow Oi ik>si. P:r«ct V- o'” -o ‘.it* l. 'GlNi'tiHC*. Le-tag K.t No. j in Kte««t ft> 12. ! r.< rt ;■ 1 MJtjSs oil c.stit Aidv «* EAVt 1 ‘ 0....- ,p PflWlot, < L «Ai- iJc- :dty«.'C ~. /W>. utk w»>v -aA'-AJVs;'.. i i :•! :■•- -i ti-MU'C IMi-’ iM 2 1«‘. i ' ! tht-nv. nari.t iftft fevt. *l'anw> wtot ; i j ;.to r«w» ill e 3 -:v street V.-covct' I ,>?*:.»=» f Struct li«.t leet j 1 to s !..'. a NO, &oy ttu: 3y*-* ii )»I| Tie..- iSM.iI. .-»l j J ■ n Ci 'i'-; V .po lit s•uttiajffljvi! lit i'i'- Kiviso. i: of -Veils for Wklut j* Oovint;-'. J Tm- 'sufes-sai'u fc./HW wi>! be <«••. i uirc.l to mi-’ttr f!f msit of Utii - ! ,i■' , , 0 •*.! Os C.i r.V.C -=»M- I). < 1 iiiv iincit a-.i pv».-J by I, w in. tiir- * ' ;ncr .'air ed bid. 2s»oh traav wut be »..du i Till' ‘Urtfc It-i id Torwa.-v. 155rS y. .!. ca.imacr I'dns-tnisffkww Jar-uory ii. :i». :-3. PVi»vuM y i. . .\i.rnrE to f;Keiny»R*» HnvitVi-: qUMiP-d n« d»n!U tour t-Je tOc mb »Vi« ■ norcviatin ■ srmtal or - symbol count ai, one word. i'. ni.ition marks arc NOT counted as words, 'flu i-nii.'um mimbet of word* in v aii v- la ...ids. You will 1 , ordering vrnu ad to run S or 12 issues * : Wni Ads o.iii bt Cclcphoned tlirungli W iinesdav tit# to Hi -V.M. ANNOUNCEMENT " cl ;i-Winter Revival begins Sec i ■ , ...1.:,. .j: Februaiy and will -a: u';i.! ;<>>• 10 days Guest jnio ■ . Riith Greene of Hun : "ft • ■ L t„ General Supt, : f Hum It S-hool of the Mt. Cal ii'" Cilurch of America. i- l .‘< i. lESTICS WANTET)" •■■■" .mV, for -.-mi, N'-Y.c. Agns • - k'-ia - so to $»3 CO ner 1 ri. vi- is ft.t-ence. trunsuor i o'.i, sif-ro in l-'or further <■' Ii C MityrheU, SOI Colfi bon N e„ Tele- G’M-iD' *;j7o, in memoriam" | t•- on- ilcai rnoli.er, Mrs. ■•'l ii Maras; - -■ a W -rini-'day morning, .Ta.ii • ■ .u dngel va me ' ail I • vkoned you !o ' ii--: -. n. 1 ■ oi ui phis papa. -oi a broken to v- ■ - rymg by living God. to rraa'i you - l-o iofcother wnth 5' i.-liii(iven. ' ’ •!. K STEWART " » SHARPER HOi.,:.iT BURNS. JU. - : IAL -SERVICES - WRITUiN- tot busy people S' 1 . Researeb, Manu ■liio put in sood Bng '■ BOUI.-v AriE, Saint College, Raleigh, S. C. ' TRUCK RENTALS = u- :vf..rr-CAM, TRUciuT, .•: '.H.KHS FOR RENT - ! •■■■-• o ■ -Dial TE 2.«988 , - I’E 3-OW4. i-.ii et used retrt aad furniture NOW. '- a .. . Dial TE VMM. !LDINO AND HOME VIENT SERVICES M t INUEK BLOCK CO.. I»c. . ai. om and Cm ■■■• Block*. N Cm :1 St.. Dial tX 2-Jl*. FOOD SPECIALS ;:>■ s v»i! «if AN (BILL 220 »»*t - "in . Bait .yii—Dial TE K-tWB*. Coo-.cr's Bar-B-Q HAK-6-Q attd Chicken • Our Specialty) Cis iiud Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. NURSERY ■o-i cries t/'KSKKg rayetteiuae M.ijhivay Pnone TE t-MN. A -u.vn -Kcm-ster it with / 0.-> • I'i'- * -yvi Hus space wilt coin you o.ti, Sic. Sm.RVICE STATIONS | > s.aso SiAI'ION—3I.2 S. Biood-I wSSL. Phone TE 2-WSd. U .. .at on- clascifted ads regulariylK -oi-. are many oargalm offered. B WATCH SERVICES OAYitISON'S WATCH SERVICfc.-HC X. Uuivott St,. Phone T£ 3-49!* I - . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT AliVOKf: Tils CLERK r No. 8«89 .NOTH S OF' SUMMONS '•'CM 'ii t AKOLiNA ", iKft CGCN'IV !#« n lis'i-'S ■- MO FAMMKHS BANK INIS'fRATGK Os THE ESTATE . ~ .sSiE ALSTON, P, titionei Vh. ' •- CUCISE ALSTON REID and ail JOHN Rfc'XO. JAMES : r ALSTON and wife UOROTIG * ftespondeni: T-; .i.- i'ii Reid and .lames Wesl t:y Ai • 'on, -uid jjf othei [jorsons having at m aid land op who claim ai ai.-t ,n :-y ip aimed Cyril <-■ Superior Coui» ■■l W.-iki* County on or befoie the iSlijH - F'cti, uftry, 1(68, find answer • .nui ;y the petition filed herein c§| petitioner wilt apply to the Comfl nil relief l lerai’i dotr.ooded M Tin .md land ''hieu will be sold :sfi s toil ows; 3a 3H. INNING at a -takfc at the H 00-tii'.' c i civ net* of 'Or, V. E. Tor* i tot arid nothing north- <») fS& torty lent tv.’lh Street laid ptt ...» H C.i.v Commissioner to tn* soutb- B • ' ci.' oc-r of Ms-*. C. It aoile- M thence running east H , c i two honured and ton tret %£ ’ ’ a " :l lot of Mrs. C. B lloUft M ; > the northwest comer at ab .Vloore's lot; thence south {«) ■ y mat iviin said line of Ben 115 ; mC-. iut: thence west (210) two Rif );'d and Itn f-.-et «n tiie south ■ Bei Moore’s and Dr. V I. fi lots to the BEGINNING. i.i.atininn fS-Ifl) tliro-" sixteenth bt H rare more or lea. Sec Book 113, ■ 860 and 643, Page 470. In th* S • Hi -I' 111 the Register of Deeds for 9 Wake County. North Carolina. H 'U r. illi da., of January, 1958. ■ A -sianl i >•! k of Superior Cour^Hj 7