8 THE CAROLINIAN WEEK EWING, MTI'RIVVY. ITJuRUART J, 19*8 \Family Os Five Escapes Bombing In White Area prude Bomb iipcks borne Bf Negroes ■ '■TuL?A - lANP) - The equili t:f -i N( gro fan'll' of five, of a house in a predom ■toan'lv " hde neighborhood in sSSporth Tii'-o to two months, was H§jj J F*G*t h* 0 ■ si vo'k when a crude exploded in I heir front victims of she bombing were and Mrs. Johnny Gamble and ipihsi' th ■ child'.-" Pescv }4 ; BBr • •'*’ r ' no in.iune? P«;t.-v, how- H9‘- Vr ' .-i the he: oital is and later rv-loaesd H i httt it was the wot k of tftrop ws; evident when several lo- radio stations reported that an Hrn't'' 'tied person h d telephoned ' ' r Tic cour'• sheriff's of iiSirfl a'M. . d . ,■ all f:o i a® he ' ' ■ '.iid S*fa '• r • > «• ported |i rs ■ Ihe ■: ! I and | Sfflnrok- •• 1 • i- - in g|h- t • . H Fi.?h Pro/ lift Recital |,4f St. Aug. f'e.tet 4 iiru-'me s f ntlegr •nil - -, r <> rcevt Pt ...... At-conate Professor of Fisk Unit ersity in Hen Hi-' on Friels; F' January U. Ht 8:0 0 P M Tayio; Hal! on the j ■ Her h the lun,! of V *>; - ■ audiences pn - He-.:' r: d '!.■•; - arriann Sh-" ■ •' UP' 9| V' . (; * , ,-.p,-,- , c U ■ K ||| “L • f < v< 'ei.u ■ GO ‘ o i RPTII s 1 Mi\| 1 save'rua' ! ggffi I !mi or Sf«;! 1 I WEAIIVFn STRIP I I tor n. j I Frit and Weather I STRIP I iftc - IT' Roll T Storm I Jt.e for ■ (A r . r :'|pw \\ in^ows I ■/' c-' 31P x 72” 1 Plastic IWE All IPJ 5 STRIP I 6-2 cto 51.05 gill, le.P. YOUNG I Hardware 1 130 E. Martin St. f Dial TEmple 2-7121 j 1/ Why do most people 1 I *@ do business V ./ W*fh C! <*'"' , T! I 'T^‘>* , C' f ' ! ' / C* 1 '/ a commercial Mfmk bank offers checking \ account set-vices plus... /;•:• £2L*J|\ savings accounts, loans /;*y c & v ery kind, money orders, safe deposit boxes,.,in short, the works. • ]! Sove yourself by ning to c bank whore every fmanciol service is ; available under one roof. ONE £Atl DOES fT A11....AT A BANK! FIRST-CITIZENS BANK |' AMD TRUST COMPANY &Bffiggi|jj3g3[ - 1 ■* ' ’ jbbk ■BaH.atz (liMHr >p tif^H I w\ I l jlp I ''('O' ii i) FROM J.MI. Deputies YYarrrn Sprouce. rear left. r3 c - i-im~mw ■■■nil....„ --- i -■ Paul Robeson Accepts Bid To Give England Concert GORDON, England •-- (ANP) Baritone singer Feiij Robeson, be set with pas.-port woes because of enthusiastically hailed the plans of the steering committee for the $250,000 00 drive on behslf of Christian educaton, f'haraetcrired hy harmony rarnr.-.tness of purposes, and a spirit of keen interest, this meeting was prophetic of far reaching results toward the realiratiop of the < unpaign goal, arid in furtherance of the bis polifn/i opinion*, particularly j concerning communism, last week I accepted an imitation to make a | concert tour of Britain and appear ! or, commercial television there The announcement vms made r-. ; Robeson's London agent. Harold j Davidson, who said the famed r-mc ; er was confident he •• ould h* abb i to get a passport in lim* for the ! tour .scheduled tn Apnj Robeson, n-bo has often criticis • ed American relations v ith Soviet : Russia, lost his passport seven 1 years ago, when the ts S State F)e- I partment lifter) •». because of h-,.- I political opinions Robeson recently filed a new ap peal for a possport Fhillipa Scuyler, | Pianist, Plays In Lagos* Nigeria j LAGOS. Nigeria ~ f Wilmington, director of inihtir relations, and author Buy These Items •p Get Them FREE! j AA wJfoA wiEr MAYONNAISE -59 c gg-irTFIEE I GBS FOOD ess FREE I ' VvF B * V ONI JAR, GET ANOTHER PRESS SKTLAWD mm# , r . ' , ' APFIE JUICE -29 c *&&. FREE RU'Y TWO 4-ROLL PAT7KAGCS TWSHP, €«T NAPKINS PR£CL-~SOiT-N.T TOH..KT CUP j|c J 9 4 |€ f i^SFT € M ***■ JS*& and c*t N.roirvr VV|||l|« i ~ 113d lil« . . • * m ws j *•** ' ~ KINS fRc-s. I V Value! * | #jl#l #'l# * BUY ONE CAN. GET ANOTHER CAN PMEIS ~ 9ANRA OWUX, MJrWMtL WMKmJW tt ■ * 3 SWMiitl I 0« FREE —. BUY BIiTIERSCOTCH, GET ORANGE RING CtKMKfIBS FWHR-MUinr’W COOEIES - 29« M&* FREE c * BU f£’ i stev ON* JAR. GET ONE JAR PW3K —MD ANTE FAWfOUS FRENCH DRENSfNG * * S&tK " ' IB9C BBESSH6 -59 c as™ FREE I ,^s=^, P-l!Y TWO CANS OF SUCCOTASH, GST fcß**G«*ND6 PftftH SIWRHW. DE4 KTOUS ‘ ~ ******** SUSSOTASH 2 -49 c arc FREE --J*. RCV MARGARINE, GET BISCUITS pjtEßj NMfINM QH-AFfTY IMPBRIAJ m m , liij' UVUTF vvt? ggr REGui.AK yififtfi IjIMA Meams frlnHbAlUtt .a 0 - W rr~r.rMte 3 €9* ie»roe,f^»Muiuiia,waMMwmaßaiaßmawainß»mßjg»CT»^-«»^^-- wm:m - 301; _. --»»—««««, PHICT ™ dT r ~ j© iP.P,.*r:- tIUAd 1 “ .|/‘ —. 4Sp COFFEE STEAK M If? | CIUIHH STQAES I 35e SOUP rnirirm =_ j 196 FREE ; Ifiuibimo 1 . s m 6! I \ W4TH YO4A 1 TURCHASKS OF K OR MORE JT ffW W nillNfe **=* P® f AT ™ THUKS, PTH. AND SAT. ■8 Ww SS&Jam Wim. ffl fflp PLOMDA m J LlMff; ? tamprm m* ewknw. Cwyom mm aood after ;jjp MB KB} isl: *lf |S * g-rw f Nslwrday of rttis week, February 1, 19$*. Good nnh it lo«-»| -fR hHHBMMmI JhßJh iflyft ■■ IIIIW j[ CtteaM stwws at iwdnm o/ » Negro people. Among the articles featured in this year’s issue are a scries of ten original drawings depict mg “Great Negro Scientists"; an original crossword puzzle based on the theme of Negro History; “What’s Your Negro History Quotient?”, containing question* ami answers on Nr grn history and current events; brief sUelehe* on 25 “Negroes of the Y'ear”; and m article dition. IViper blades that streak are a threat to safety.” « « • V Commenting on the use of “log j: lamps,” the commissioner said such S lamps should he used sparingly j They should no* hr used in lieu of • headlights unless absolutely ncces- I s.iiy in ease of nun, snow or fog— I N.C. PRODUCTS PERHING ROAD RALEIGH PHONR 4-2557 OLIVE STREET KINSTON PHONE 2514 A Jf. on “\egro History in Hip f'lir riinlum All Yr,u' Round ' The is, up also ' contains a full page of histor iu.'ii material rang ing from the earliest days of Araei • ica to the pucsent on the Negro pciiplr a l!atth lot' the I>aljot and Ihor figlil to win "Tiv' Bight lo Knowledge Better Buys Better Terms On Better Jewelry