SITUATIONS & m HELP WANTED #s&* —’"»»»■ —-mnrmm i»iwifci'iwiwwM»’ WWW r*nmrwxtrmir~jmi nrmnt hMamv'«M*MKi.'ll|| t Harrison Library's Book Review Hi Plans Meet The Book Review Club of the Richard B. Harrison Public Libia ry will h ave Us monthly book rc \ievv Sunday, February I), in the library at 4 o m Rabbi Abe VV, Selioen, a newcomer to this city, is n graduate of City College of New York, Columbia University an Yavne Hebrew Theological Semin ary. He has a distinguished back* t round in psychology and theolo* Chicago Confab: Fund-Raiser To Address UNCF Alumni Conference NEW YORK Paul U Younger, i vice-president and treasurer, Marts I and Lundy, Inc., will deliver the j urineipal address at the forthcom- i ilig United Negro Coliege Fund a lumni conference. The two-day conference sponsored by the Na tional Council of UNCF Alumni, viH take place on Saturday and Sunday. Feb. 8-9. in Chicago, at the Sheraton Hotel. Mr. Younger will speak at the Saturday evening banquet, A spe cialist in fund raising for colleges, he directed thd recent UNCF cap slat funds campaign. This appeal raised :? 17,500,000. • • * * During the course of the five year cj m liaise, Mr. Younger P'-rsonally visited many of the 1 M'F college He ' —————— FAMOUS BAKERY SPECIAL Chocolate Fudge Log Roil 43s Fresh Coconut Layer Cakes Delicious Cinnamon Buns 38s doz, I Glazed Donuts 40s doz. Fresh Buttered Biscuits 21c doz. I NOTICK OCR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR YOUR VALENTINE PARTIES FAMOUS BAKERY 107 S. WILMINGTON ST. PHONES TEraple 2-8333 • 2-8334 —. . . _ i——wnimimaniiMaaiamt.wi. * first quality sheets and cases •fcoitt twin 73X1051" AX V% '■.•...«% \ • Tu'i si • bottom fit fpi ? xjxvk $2.49 .2 sor _$4.88 • I,on « double 81x108'’ XT ■■■■'' * Double bottom |\ » *2gg# n=ri lt>lHll>Ml.:'!.}” * lor i. sublet 81xln«- «l 7ft • Double bottom fif'd *+ 1,4 ' r %] m 2 for $3,50 \> f/.*. o?*'* uo Matching- Pillowcnstw ,0 * OoA.> 41c—2 for Bgr - &f'DOING : third tloot • —of Raleigh SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE PERSONAL „,./fc!,A |T|l ,-S, CLEANING & HAULING Low Cost Advert hi. .7 — —Low Cost Advertising — •'OR WHAT H AVE YOU ... DIAL TEmpie 4-5558 j FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS ! gy. Before coining to Raleigh the j Rabbi worked at the Juvenile Center. I‘omplon, Lakes, New Jer sey, and served in the Juvenile Court there In connection wtjh his work in psychology, he has been employed in Bellevue and other hospital- in New York City The public is urged to attend this ie | public is urged to attend this re j view. I became intimately acquaint’d with the special problems faring these schools. At the eoniii-ence be will ol’ter piae tieal suggestions on how to in crease alumni support * » * • Mr. Younger was formerly assis tant to the president and director of admissions at Allegheny College, Meadviile, Pa. Dr. Willa B. Player, president. Bennett College, will make the conference keynote speech Dr. I" D. Patterson, IJNCF president and founder, and V/ J. Trent, Jr., exec utive director, also will speak. The National Council of UNCF Alumni represents 160,000 gradu ates of the 33 member college-. ' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS sfsfsfs CAROLINIAN NEWS CAitRI MRS HOLD MEETING. a RT . —.Nrvtscarric-rs from The l -VUO I.IN’AN held a business meeting and party at Roberts Recrea tion Center l ist Frida'-. "he at ! •Hi 1 , Li-J STRING OR CULSTI? V of the Releigh Pub ‘ a Schools pr.-sniT'd a concert sfsfs I j YMCA PRESENTS ARTIST In observance of National VII CA WEEK, rise Bloodworth y^MMEERLY^TkcI j I ★ Vl ' \ -MACIST 1 • 11NE DRUGS 1 * ••Ui:v s j Cerxral Drug Store I | 601 r. U.WiJ-: i'.T PHONE TE 2-8084 BE | SE4I ■ II3IEV. H Wat, w* . •, the morning Session opened with remarks by James F. Cummings. President of the local draran guild, and by an address of Welcome by the President of the college, Dr, Rudolph Jones. • * 6 * The morning session was de voted primarily to 3 discussion of the stage while performing, stage setting and stage proper lies-. Following the discussion, demonstrations v\ wit forward. Baylor is the director. One of the: highlights of the one -hiy session was the presentation of the comedy in three act* ''Yes. My Darling Daughter", staged at. the evening session by the Ira AI • ’ dge Dramatic Guild at JohnsoVi C Siniib University of which Mary Legal Notices IN THE SUPERIOR 10181' NOTII'K NORTH CAROLINA 'UAHS CUJF.Y SUSIE vV, iNGTQN and BESSIE : WASHINGTON cAitmOLL. Plaintiff; Vs. ; LEON L UNO and Wile, MILDRED! 1 ! LAND, B S. RICKS and f: ii. PAR-i HIS and Wile, BETTY I, PARRIS, j Defendants j The Uetwndantr B. H. Ricks. and R ■K Parris and wife. Belt- L. Parris, j will take notice: That plaintiff' in the above entitled : matter nave commenced in the Sit iv• nor Court of Wake County, North : Carolina, an action entitled as above. l in which they seek the cancellation 'hill record of certain Deeds tiled ill! the office of the Register of Deeds' id Wake Count', as follows, to wit: . il). Deed dated April A!', 1834. David j ; Washington to R. E. Pai-ris and wife 1 ! Betty t_. Parris, recorded in Book 1 328. j page 253: (2.» Deed dated May 1, 1934. i R. E. Parris and wife Butty U Parris. |to R. It Ricks recorded in Boole 102 k pane 594: (:>i Deed dated March 19, i 1941. E. H Hicks, unmarried, to Leon > L. Land, recorded in Book 1626, page I '..51; iJ) Deed dated September 1. 1951. ! Leon L. Land and W ife, Mildred J. (Land, to Hal V. Worth, recorded in Book 1149. pace 571: (5) Deed dated i February 4, 953. Hal V Worth and | wife to Wake Forest Building Supply ! i Company, Inc. recorded in Buck lift, , pay.o 92. That title to the property tic- I scribed in raid is vtr •« in plaintiffs, j | ami that the said property is moiei i particularly described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at Mrs. GattJtng'* corner in tiie northern line of i New Bern Street continued; runs j thence northward at right angles | to sart lint and with Mrs. Gatling's line 2311* . feet to Phil Williams: I Leutheast e< t ice: thence with his line v stwara !I3> feel to a stake in George B. Moore's line: thence Southward parallel wltn the first line 23PVa feet to tiie said northern line of Now Be n Street continued; thence eastward with *h.ii line 93< t feet to the BEGINNING, contain ing about one-half uc.e and being j part of the land bought i„y Kamo P Battle and W. R Cox at the I sale of the lands of John O itoake, deceased. See Deed recorded m 800 lM 2. Pace 483, WAKE COUN TY REGISTRY. Then > , excepted from the lot , above described such portion there of lying along its southern border as is now included within lha right-of-way of the North Carolina State Highway * Public Works Commission appropriated in the -. (instruction of the view highway No b*. which highway now ex - I tends along New Born Avenue and refer to the description above as cw Bern Street extended, j.iui the aforesaid Deeds constitute a cioud upon plaintiff's title to said real estate That detondnnta will further take notice that they are requited to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of tins t'fiurt v. ithin 30 days after the 13th pay of ■'cbiuary, 1958, and answer or demur to the Complaint filed in said action, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said Complaint. This 12th da.v of January. 1558. J. RUSSELL NIPPER. Clerk of Superior Court TAYLOI & MITCHELL, Counsel for Plaintiffs. Jan. 18, 25; Feb. J, 8. 1958. Jjj HOUSES FOR RENT CLASSIFIED RATES Number of Issuer *n MARCUS BOULWAMS, Saint : Augustine's College, Raleigh, Hi C. AUTO & TRUCK~RENTAJLS IVARE-U-DKIVK-IT—Cars" TRUCK*. AMI! TRAILERS FOR RENT iOl N McDowell St—Dial TE 4.30-a -Night TE 3-0994. Get your money out of used refcrS uraton;, stoves and furniture WOW. . Use our oijisbiiied ads. Dial TK building” aniT~hq"me~ IMPROVEMENT SERVICES SIAM)Aim CINDER BLOCS CO., tee. Soliiv, Concrete and Cinder Blocks, -N McDowell St., Dial TE z-xim. FOG D~SPEC IALS ™~ lOV’S AMERICAN GIUIJL 3BO feat Martin St.. Raleigh—Dial TE 2-@m S. Cooper's Bar-B-Q ftAR-B-Q an 4 Chicken • Our Specialty) Pig and Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. NURSERY HWLKrs NURSERY r&yetWisto Highway. Phone Tt 2-tdW, : R&NTING A ROOM i I—Register it ante us al TK 4-55*8. Tbit space mill «a* you only Sic. ! ——■ , SERVICE STATIONS BUNN’S ESSO STATION—do: S. *)©s*T. worth St.. Phone TK 2-94$*, Consult our ciasbifiiitt ads tegularly; titer* me many bargains offered. j WATCH SERVICES lUVIPSONK WATCH SKRVICIS—UU *, | Hargett lit,, Phone TK i~W» ADMINIS THATRIX S NOTICE NOR ill CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Having qualified a> Aciimuutrwtrls of the Estate of Juntos WLliam*. de ceased, late or Wake County, Nurtt ; Carolina, this is to notify all person! ! having claims against the Estate ol | said deceased to exhibit them to th« ] undersigned at 205 Smithfield Street Raleigh, North Carolina, on or hefor* | the 9th day of January, 195(1, or thn I notice will be pleaded In bar of theli | recovery All persons indebted to tin | Eslau will please make tmmediafi i payment. This 9th day of January, IB9*. MISS HELEN VVTLLIAJAK. Administratrix ; 205 Smithfield Street Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 18. 25, Feb. 1. ii. 11 23. MM. A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE 4 | WORTH CAROLINA f :WAKE COUNTY n j Having qua lined a* Administrator el the Estate of Mrs. Lllliau Green Hun'S deceased, late of Wake County, Nofl| Carolina, this Is to notify all persml having claims against th« Estate ol said deceased to exhibit them to thl undersigned at 1303 E. .Tone* Streel Raleigh, Nortii Carolina, on or bt»ior| the 9th day of January. 1939, or thfl notice will be pleaded In bar ot theil recovery. All perao&s indebted to thl 1 late will please make immediatl payment. *s This (he 9th day of January, IW$. I t K. HUNT, SH Aihnmiitratof r 13U6 E. Jones Stieel N. C. I Jan. 18. Si. Feb, 1.«, 15. 3s. IWB. '* NO TICK TO CREDITORS Having qualified a*'administrator si the estate of Mattie I„ Rand, d*ceo